Mario Kart Tour is in the middle of its Summertime Celebration, and has kicked off its Los Angeles Tour which will run until 27th/28th July. It doesn't offer an all-new track but rather 'a new route on Los Angeles Laps'; there's also a new kart and outfit to get after.

As you can see below there's the 'Pinch Hitter kart' which looks like the baseball hat table from Animal Crossing: New Horizons, albeit on wheels.

Mario can also get a helmet and a baseball uniform that's seemingly designed to be as non-committal as possible - the pinstripe design and colours don't quite match any current MLB uniform to avoid all those 'Mario is an X fan, booooo' comments. Well played, Nintendo.

Mario Kart Tour PLAY BALL
Image: Nintendo

Baseball loyalties aside, let us know if you're planning to jump into Mario Kart Tour over the next two weeks!