Metroid Dread looks to be the return to the series' 2D roots that fans have been waiting for for nigh on two decades. Metroid: Samus Returns on 3DS was excellent, but as a remake of Metroid II on Game Boy, it was a known quantity — this is an entirely new game, and we can't wait to get our hands on it.
The game is releasing on 8th October in physical and digital forms, of course, but there's also a Special Edition pack which comes with a variety of goodies, including a SteelBook case, five cards with box art from the previous games in the five-part 2D series (Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion being numbers 3 and 4 if you're not a follower of Samus' bountry hunting), and an art book featuring 190 pages covering those games.
Here's a look at everything included:

The two amiibo of Samus and an E.M.M.I. aren't included, unfortunately, so you'll have to pick those up separately.
Yes, yes, but how many arms and legs is this going to cost me? we hear you cry. Well, Best Buy has the Metroid Dread Special Edition available for $89.99 — the Standard edition is going for £49.99 / $59.99 when it launches on 8th October, so you're paying a $30 premium for those tasty extras above.
Like the look of these goodies? Let us know if you'll be paying a premium for this Special Edition Metroid Dread pack below.
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Comments 69
toss in either the original version of Metroid II or the remake as DLC, and Im sold.
Man, this is going to hurt my wallet. Expensive limited edition plus those gooooooooooooorgeous amiibo that I have no place to store.
@dustinprewitt : It makes no sense whatsoever to include a complete/separate game as DLC. It should be available on its own (if ever).
Best Buy already sold out. Amazon…. Not sure what’s up with Amazon. I snagged the special edition and amiibo from target a couple of minutes before they too went out of stock.
I want that special edition and the amiibo so bad, I will be PEEVED if scalpers ruin the chance for me. I can't wait for them to go on sale just so I can secure them.
I'm not usually one to splurge on deluxe editions, but I just may try to snatch this up. I'm already keeping my eyes on the amiibo set, so all in all, they're going to sap over a hundred dollars from me.
I've got no Breath of the Wild 2 merch to save up for, so I might as well.
I wish they would do another production run of the amiibos from Samus Returns...
@dartmonkey Do you know if this is getting a UK release?
Nice! Target got the preorders. Amiibo and the Special Edition.
It's already sold out, so no.
Feel this is somewhat lacking given the price difference between this and the standard editions. However, it is a really nice looking pack and I'm a sucker for nice things, so I guess I'll be eating those words and going for the special edition 😕
Metroid is one of my favorite franchises but 90 bucks is too steep for me.
I'm hoping to secure whatever is offered in the UK, but it looks like people are really struggling to secure pre-orders over in America.
@MS7000 Well not gonna happen. The Metroid amiibos from this are already sold out as well. So annoying.
$30 more for a few cards and a book? Not sure that’s a good deal.
@Don : Plus the Steelbook case, and I hear that they aren't cheap to make. Plus, the art book is 190 pages, so, the asking price doesn't seem quite so outrageous considering that such books are usually in that price range in isolation.
I just want that steelbook case. Yum
That Steelbook tho
@AgentGuapo I had been looking everywhere, most stores hadn't listed yet... Ran some errands, came back and they're all gone. This is bull. I know it's mostly scalpers which just makes the blow that much worse.
Wow. Already gone. F**k.
I hope I’m able to snag this along with the amiibos.
This looks great. Hope Europe gets something similar.
What a great Direct; Online Mario Party, Advance Wars Remake, Metroid 5.
Only letdown is Zelda isn't coming out this year.
That box art tho... it’s looks so boring
Good luck with that, not even a select few will get their hands on this relic once the scalpers get their grubby hands on this one
@dustinprewitt still have the original GB card of metriod II, has aged quite finely I must add.
I won’t be getting it, however, collectors be crazy and this will retain its value (and will be worth more).
That pseudo-3D art style of the game is rather bleh 😕 But I love the older 2D Metroids so I will buy the regular version... as soon as a new Switch is released.
For those looking on Amazon, wait for near lunch because thy usually re-open pre-orders later down the line after the first wave is taken.
I want this for sure. The game looks like fantastic, and I'll want to have the nicest edition of it. The steelbook and art book look great. Worth the money IMO.
Sold out everywhere, but I'm hopeful there will be more stock later.
wait, so which one was metroid 4?
metroid 2 return of samus
super metroid
metroid dread
Metroid Fusion.
thanks, i jumped right to the pictures and the article said it lol
Already preordered from EB Games along with the amiibo. 🙂
I've been on a work trip the whole day only to find out a new Metroid was announced and the special edition and amiibo are already sold out. Damn it.
Crap. I missed out on the amiibo and such for Samus Returns, too. Sold out everywhere, every time.
Some nice goodies there, but I'd definitely be paying a premium. Think I'll stick with the standard edition, even IF that steelbook is calling my name....
Don’t check eBay. You’ll be really upset. So many people got screwed on this. I hope they put more up for order.
really hope this get's restocked, gonna be pissed if i cant get it cause scalpers took em all the moment they released
Here's hoping that Metroid Dread sells really well and Sakamoto doesn't abandon the series.
Imma get that.
Sidenote: I hadn't thought about it till now, but my 3ds is an Ambassador certified system. It's the only current-ish way to play Metroid 1-4. And Samus Returns is a tasty jaunt.
Game looks lame... price is even lamer
@Don If the art book is good, that’s about the going price for something like that.
Does anyone know if they actually sold out of the CE and amiibo on Amazon USA? They never were in stock. Went from unavailable to temporarily out of stock in a page refresh.
Days like today make me wish eBay was never invented.
@Dang69 They never really went up on my end. I was so frustrated because of the darn scalpers.
Not really a Metroid guy but I'll be darned if this game doesn't look sick as heck and if I don't want that artbook...
@Pally356 I was even "pre searching" the Metroid Dread amiibo on sites during and after the Direct, Bestbuy, Target, Gamestop, Amazon and still missed them. Pretty bummed this is the first thing in awhile Nintendo has announced I've been really excited for.
Certainly considering the special edition. This is exciting to see a rumored game, believed dead, back from the grave.
@dustinprewitt toss in either the original version of Metroid II or the remake as DLC, and Im sold.
Sad/funny thing is by the time this article went up the thing was already sold out everywhere, so you might not have a chance to buy it either way.
You know. I checked GameStop and Amazon after the presentation, and this stuff wasn’t live yet. I go to work, where I have to drive and can’t play on my phone, and I work a big fat 12 hour shift. I clock out and check my phone. Yep. Sure enough. This nice, special edition and the amiibo are sold out. Metroid Dread, alright. Lol. If its anything like Samus Returns, it’ll be a masterpiece!
Not sure it will come to the uk as the monster hunter stories 2 collectors edition hasn’t!
Ooh, the Japanese version is a whole $10 more expensive than the version the rest of you people get to buy! Crap.
They should have included the amiibo really, I don’t think what’s on offer is worth $30 but I would have paid $40 more than normal game if the amiibo was in it.
@dustinprewitt TBH gimme Samus Returns: Definitive Edition on the Dread engine.
Ahhh, jeez. I just preordered my copy. That was expensive. I feel like it could have at least included some sort of soundtrack CD, as these things usually do. Oh well, on the plus side I'll probably completely forget about it so I'll get a nice surprise in the mail around October!
@dustinprewitt I wish they would just add GBA and game boy games for free with online like they did with NES and SNES
@KnightsTemplar hey, some of us are fans who have been waiting a long time for this, this series was my first ever game, and i will swear it will be my last
@PaulBizkit metroid fusion on the GBA is metroid 4, also, metroid zero mission on the GBA is pretty much just the OG metroid but with a 1.25 kind of thing
@Krysus metroid 1 and 3 are on switch, couldn't find 4 on my 3ds eshop
Im really wanting to get the deluxe edition thingy but i wont be able to find it... im probably just gonna get it from the e shop
It should come with an Amiibo for that price.
4 is Metroid Fusion. The old GBA title. It was only made available on 3ds via the original 3ds Ambassador Certificate as an apology from Nintendo for the rapid price decrease after the original launch.
@MetroidBoi13576 we all wish we had GBA on switch online... until they inevetibly load it up exclusively with shovelware from Jaleco, Natsume and Data East
I really love that artwork. I wish that was the box art for the main game too...
@Krysus oh, that makes sense, i use the nintendo 2DS XL
Its somewhat upsetting to me that i wont be able to order the special edition, and it will be worse when it is fully released, main thing that is cool in special edition (to me) is the steelbook and the concept art book
John can probably explain this better than I. But the Ambassador Certificate is part of your account for any early purchasers on the original 3ds. Mine was the ugly green-ish one. I upgraded much later.
The Ambassador deal is still, to this day, the single greatest thing I've ever seen any Game company do for it's own consumers. It was the only way to legitimately play any GBA games on the 3DS.
@Silly_G they did exactly that with the 3d world port, though ;P
@dustinprewitt You think GBA games online would be shovelware?
I bet Natsume "shovelware" on the GBA was probably still miles better than anything someone like THQ or TDK would've put out.
And Data East was pretty much dead by that era. I think they only released one game, and it's an RPG so it wouldn't available to the west.
@KingMike all that will matter is that GBA online will just be the Mario advance games (which are already available in their original superior form), maybe the two zelda games, one of the f-zeros, maybe a pokemon game, loads and loads of 3rd party shovelware, and absolutely positively NOT mother 3
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