We're loving how much attention indie games are getting lately. The E3 Wholesome Direct included almost 30 different indies coming to Switch, and the "Indie" tag on Nintendo Life is full of lovely games that are coming soon.
In similar celebration of the diversity and talent in indie games, Moski of the Stars — co-founder and artist of game studio Whales and Games — drew a massive image of 175 different games, Where's Wally-style.
So, let's cut to the chase: how many games do you recognise?

[source twitter.com]
Comments 58
Great artwork. I think my favorite part is Madeline trying her bast to navigate Tricky Towers.
saw three of my favorite four- cuphead, undertale, and shovle knight. i do not see everhood.
Sans, bendy, Skullgirls, fall guys,cuphead, Issac,hades, A hat in time, snaxx don't starv, shovle knight, Among us, octo dad, hallow knight, henry Stickmin, it was called dig world or something, Friday night funkin, Tricky tower's celeste, Those black and white games by dogeroll, necro dancer, There is just way to many for me to name them all, I know there games but I just don't feel like typing them so I would say I know 94 or 97 percent of the people here.
On And DDLC is here to.
Not much as I do not play many inside games. Stuff like Shovel Knight, Hollow Knight, Cuphead etc. are my go to indies.
I know maybe 15 of these games, but they are excellent games.
Not as many as I thought I would but still a good chunk, like maybe a third or something. That's actually a pretty cool picture. Considering that Zagreus is feeling pretty good it has to be located in the Greek underworld aswell I suppose
I clocked somewhere around 30, then @Klyoctopus mentioned Madeline on the Tricky Towers, and then I found another 5 or so.
Putting Henry Stickman next to West of Loathing is hilarious.
@Screen IKR.
I know 71 of these characters games. Couldn't remember the names of others.
Monika is by far my favorite addition
Shovel Knight, Bugsnax, Guacamelee, Super Meat Boy, Bear and Breakfast, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Undertale, Cuphead, Don't Starve, Fall Guys, Hades, Castle Crashers, Spelunky, Fez, Lethal League, Celeste, Tricky Towers, Octodad, Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, World of Goo, West of Loathing, Henry Stickmin, Untitled Goose Game, Doki Doki Literature Club, Hello Neighbor, Hat in Time, DownWell, Little Misfortune, BitTrip Runner, Ultimate Chicken Horse, WanderSong, Among Us, A Short Hike, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Night in the Woods, Alien Hominid, Human Fall Flat, Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!, Cave Story, SteamWorld Dig, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Friday Night Funkin', BattleBlock Theatre, OverCooked!, VVVVVV, Horace, Getting Over It, Hollow Knight, Gato Roboto, Snake Pass
I'll update this if I find more, I'm gonna take a break haha
Man I love indies. So many fun games and unique ideas. I'm glad we've had the indie boom in recent years; some of my favorite games have come out of it.
(reminder to all smash fans to play rivals of aether!)
All of them. Trust me.
I recognise more of them than I thought I would. Was trying to find the Messenger, but I cannot seem to find them.
Can’t see Horace but great artwork!
@Taekw0ndud Top left (walking up the people monster). I don't see Shantae anywhere in there though... Still an amazing piece!
That is a heck of a lot of indie love right there, goodness graceous.
@PBandSmelly yeah, Flash games were the breeding ground for a LOT of modern indies!!
@Jackpaza0508 I didn't want to say all of them cuz I'm lazy LOL but you did.
@Snatcher Heck, that isn't even all of them!
Love the picture. Thought I would recognize more characters than I actually do.
Two of my (underrated) favorites are there: Pony Island and Off! NIIICE
Did I miss Narita Boy or is he in here?
I see Ittle Dew, Spelunky and Cadence. That's all I need.
I love this art work! I recognized may be 20 or more, then slowly went back and found more. What a great tribute!
Hey T.A.B.S and Shovel Knight! You don’t see those a lot.
@EarthboundBenjy I have always hesitated to buy Ittle Dew 2, why do you like the game?
A Short Hike is a beautiful game. You can beat it in one sitting but it’s very relaxing to play. Great music too.
Great piece, I love these compilation images. Here's one I did a few years back dedicated to video game ninjas,
I know probably about 60 to 75% of them. This is an amazing piece of art. SUPER HAPPY to see Mae and Bea from Night in the Woods and Claire from A Short Hike in there. I would have also have liked to see some Shantae, Dead Cells, Rogue Legacy, Freedom Planet, Cat Quest, Kunai, Plants vs Zombies, Joe Danger, Splosion Man, Grow Home, Firewatch, Lonely Mountains, Limbo, Donut County, Gunvolt, etc...but I guess you can't have em all.
Honestly indies are able to go toe to toe with triple a games nowadays. Hollow knight is in my opinion the best 2d Metroidvania (including super Metroid itself) Spelunky is just brilliant and undertale is a wonderful experience Stardew valley exceeds harvest moon in every way besides simplicity if you want that but it's really just better. I prefer it to animal crossing any day and I've been playing that way since I was little so even with nostalgia I prefer stardew. Cuphead is too unique to compare to anything tbh but just play it you'll regret not playing it forever lol I've played many more but those are just some of my favorites!
Caesar from Wargroove AKA Good boy. This makes me happy.
I was able to recognize these:
Binding of Issac
Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight
Tower Fall
Cave Story
Untitle Goose Game
Super Meat Boy
Ittle Dew
A Hat in Time
It's missing Ivy the Kiwi, Scott Pilgrim, Paperboy, Rodea the Sky Soldier, LostWinds, Celeste, Where's Waldo, Mighty No. 9, Mighty Switch Force, Oceanhorn, Shaolin vs. Wutang, Mega Man X Street Fighter, Dead Cell, Freedom Planet, Shantae, Shenmue 3, Yooka-Laylee, Angry Birds, Axiom Verge, Finnigan Fox, Sonic Mania, Blossom Tales, A Boy and his Blob, Trine, Stardew Valley, Bubsy, and Goat Simulation though.
For a moment I was expecting to see a protagonist (or more) from Slay the Spire, but found Neow (below Tricky Towers) instead.
Also didn't expect to find Owl at all (from Ring of Pain), next to Castle Crashers. I thought Ring of Pain just wasn't that popular to be on there. Great roguelike though.
Edit: Or I could be looking at Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's) instead. I dunno, both look similar.
i counted 54 i recognized but idk how much is average
Cool to see Downwell there.
To name a couple not on @Jackpaza0508 ‘s list, the giant bear is from Pit People I believe, and Hyper Light Drift is standing on his paw. Also one of the skeletons in the hole is from “60 Seconds”. Carrion monster by the pizza.
Va11halla, death from Manuel Samuel, Pony Island and Super Hot are all in a clump near the top right. Moonlighter, Runbow, Dust: An Elysian Tail and Flinthook are in a bunch near the centre. Lovers in Dangerous Space Time. Skull girls. A cookie clicker game of some kind? Is there one just called Cookie Clicker? Not a Hero. Slender man. Hot Line Miami. Chroma Squad. Bastion and Transistor with a Slime Rancher reference. Gang Beasts. Machinarium. Horace. Snake Pass. Minit. Very small Donut Country ref with the Castle Crashers knight. Binding of Isaac. Escapists. I think that might be the Knights of Pen and Paper DM by Papyrus? Transformice (forgot the name, had to look it up). Death and Taxes guy with Sans (Hey Undertale, why does your mum let you have Two references?). They Bleed Pixels. Limbo. Friday Night Funkin’. Goat Simulator (by Untitled Goose Game). Wait, oh! There’s McPixel, with the nuke! FTL. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. Helltaker. One Shot. Stick it to the Man. Duck Game. 2064: Read Only Memories. Papers Please country emblem on wall.
Is that the kid from Little Inferno about to throw toys on the fire? Super Hexagon in the Lovers Ship, on a monitor. Stealth Bas- er, Inc: a clone in the dark. Oh a super subtle reference to Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist, with a tiger warning sign. Passpartout: The Starving Artist, thought I recognised it, but kept thinking the hand was a beak and thinking it must be something else.
Was Spelunker in the list already?
Does anyone recognise either of the fairies? One by Transistor, the other by the nuke?
But yeah, too many to mention.
Kinda wish there was reference to the work of the guy behind Iconclast (unless that’s the character from Noitu Love 2 by the Goose?) or the work of the guy behind Cosmic Star Heroine, but I’ve yet to spot any. But we can’t have everything.
This made my week
I see 15 games. I didn't think I'd recognize more than a couple. Thanks for the puzzle KateGray!
I like that the Knights and Bikes characters are looking at each other from afar. Would've really liked to see Shade the little guy from The Longing in here.
Really nice to see so many Newgrounds classics represented! And cool to see Uboa from Yume Nikki, AKA the font of all my nightmares.
@Cosmo_Joe What's wrong dude? Seems like you have been triggered...
No Leah from Crosscode or hyper light drifter from Hyper Light Drifter, my favourite indies! Unless I missed them. Very cool though...
@SolBlazer Hyper Light Drifter is there, look at the giant bear’s paw.
@Cosmo_Joe Were the heck did that come from?
@nessisonett They included some new ones as well which is nice.
Ittle Dew 2 is basically an indie take on Zelda: A Link Between Worlds.
You have a large overworld with distinct areas, and you can do the dungeons in any order you choose.
The puzzles are interesting, and your items can be used for both puzzle-solving and combat. And most notably, your items can be used together - for example your can use the ice ring to freeze your dynamite to delay its explosion. Every item has some interaction with each other like this.
The combat is tight and fun - you get a dodge roll that makes you briefly invulnerable, and the boss fights will put your dodging skills to work.
The game is very replayable, as the dungeons are designed to be beaten in multiple ways - as you may not necessarily have certain items. Playing the game with a different dungeon order can make the experience feel fresh and interesting.
The game has a ton of bonus secrets, including some extra-hard bonus dungeons.
And there are some secrets that go even deeper too - like cryptic hidden messages that can lead you to a super-SUPER-secret area if you figure it out...
Ittle Dew 2 is an indie masterpiece in my mind. It's a pretty meaty adventure, it's obviously had a lot of thought put into designing it, and it's a ton of fun to play.
Guacamelee, Cuphead, Shovel Knight, and Meatboy were the only ones I was able to recognize! Not really an indie officianado LOL
I only found 36 games I recognize, but reading the comments now I see I missed a few (Hyper Light Drifter! and I was looking for him so hard!).
There are so many fun games in there, but I was especially happy to see Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, the monster from Carrion, and Knight and Bikes represented. At first I found only Nessa from Knights and Bikes and was heartbroken, but then Demelza appeared to complete the dynamic duo!
Truly a fun and heartwarming montage and reminder of what a treasure indie games are! I want to show it to my kiddos to see who they recognize.
I have 2 questions:
1) Where is the key to this drawing, identifying everyone?
2) (More importantly) Where can I purchase a print?? (with proceeds going to a worthy charity)
Edit: I see the artist upped a high-rez file of the image right on their page, linked in the article...
Celeste, stardew valley, doki doki, hollow knight, shoval knight, fez, world of goo, super meat boy, the binding of isaac, the legend of bumbo, undertale, cookie clicker, don't starve, terraria, stickmn, fall guys, untitled goose game, castle crashers, cuphead, tetris, night in the woods, enter the gungeon, among us, a hat in time, another edmund game that i forget his name (next to world of goo), spelunky, and some games i fogot their names.
Aw is stardew valley not included? Maybe I’m just not seeing it.
Edit: I found it! The jumino are chilling with the cat from Gato Roboto.
This is incredible! I love how indie games are inheriting the legacy and creativity of classic Nintendo games!
There's Ittle Dew !! <3
Can recognise quite a few, a bunch that I've never played as well, but there's a good 30-40% I'm unsure of.
Cuphead, Blinding of Issaac, Ultimate Chicken Horse, What the Golf (?), Octodad, Minit, Gish, World of Goo, Spelunky, Castle crashers, Shovel knight, Fex, Hotline Miami, Fall Guys, Don't Starve, Nuclear throne, SteamWorld Dig, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Forager, Prison Architect, Night in the Woods, Frog Fractions!!, A Hat in Time, Stealth Inc, Cookie Clicker, Threes, Ooblets, Bugsnax, My Friend Pedro, Hollow Knight, Gato Robot, Snake Pass, Stardew Valley, not a Hero, Guacamelee, Super Meat Boy, Overcooked, Cave Story, Enter the Gungeon, Passpartout, Art Sqool, Bit.Trip, Goat Simulator, Untitled Goose Game, Limbo, Speedrunners, Knighs & Bikes, Wandersong, West of Loathing, Holy Potatoes, Hatoful Boyfriend, Hades, Bastion, Transistor, Slime Rancher, Machinarium, Horace, Gang Beasts, Nidhogg, Hyper Light Drifter, Battleblock Theatre, VVVVVV, Carrion, Alien Hominid, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Among Us, A Short Hike, ticky Towers, Celeste, Flinthook, Downwell, Super Hot, Wargroove, Phogs, Stick it to the Man, Skullgirls, Hello Neighbour....Angry Birds?
@GregamanX Donut County and Limbo are definitely in there, keep looking
@EarthboundBenjy Thank you for that detailed reply! I really appreciate it! I played Blossom Tales and loved it, and I also loved Link between Worlds, so now I will purchase Ittle Dew 2!
Thanks again!
I found Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Thomas Was Alone and got super excited but then my eyes started bleeding so I had to stop before I could find any other games that I like.
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