After months of ongoing rumours, Warhorse Studios yesterday confirmed it would in fact be bringing Kingdom Come: Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch.
While it's still believed to have been leaked ahead of schedule, apparently that's not exactly how the story goes. In the official press release, the Switch version is described as being a "happy mistake". A clerical error essentially showed there was interest in a Nintendo version, so the team decided to give it the greenlight.
Here's the story in full, courtesy of the Warhorse PR:

"Kingdom Come: Deliverance for Nintendo Switch was born out of a “happy mistake.” At the end of 2020, the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition was announced for the PlayStation 4 in Japan. Due to a clerical error, the game was also listed for the Nintendo Switch, which at that time was not in the plans. The ‘mistake’ was fixed right away, but the information spread. However, the overwhelming feedback was eye-opening and an integral part in decision making later. Saber Interactive, also a legacy studio of Koch Media, has proven on multiple occasions that they are the right partners for this endeavor to make the unthinkable thinkable, and were tasked with bringing Kingdom Come: Deliverance to the Nintendo Switch."
Warhorse PR Manager Tobias Stolz-Zwilling goes on to state how the worldwide interest in a Switch version made Warhorse "reconsider" its opportunities:
“It is amazing to see how much involvement and influence gamers worldwide can have on game development. The overwhelming feedback and fan reaction made us reconsider our opportunities and made us sit down with Sabre Interactive, who is the perfect candidate for this ambitious undertaking"
Saber Interactive has already proven itself as one of the top Switch port specialists. It also made the impossible possible with the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the Switch, so it's more than ready for the challenge of bringing the 2018 medieval open-world RPG to the hybrid system.
There's no release date for this game just yet, but when we hear something, we'll be sure to let you know.
Comments 31
Wow, that is interesting
I'm not buying this story. In the off chance it is true, it's at least refreshing to think that a dev took note of player demand and did something about it... looking at you, Atlus.
@Slowdive maybe it was launching in Japan and people there are like switch release switch release
Nintendo accidentally leaked the title so now it is coming to switch
@Chowdaire oh yeah. Persona 5 for Nintendo Switch.
Not only Saber ported Witcher 3, they also ported a decent version of Crysis Remastered
@anoyonmus @Chowdaire I'd be happy with SMT I & II on NSO, or in some other localized format... but yes, you are both right.
@Chowdaire Are y'all really still harping on about Atlus
Even when they give the Switch an exclusive game, which happens to be their first worldwide release after years of large gaps between Japan and US launches, and is also the latest in their flagship franchise, there's always those few people who will always bring the discussion back to a game they never even remotely promised whatsoever
I swear all this b*tching about THAT game is probably going to be the one thing that stops SMT V from making the main series popular
@COVIDberry SMT I and II are long overdue
Japan now basically has almost every main entry in the series playable on one console excluding Strange Journey, NINE and the two SMT IV games. The fact that NSO basically gets almost nothing noteworthy in North America while Japan got another version of SMT I and II is always going to bother me because having to rely on fan translations just aggravates me given this company's history
I know the real story: some developer accidentally clicked on compile and chose the Switch as target platform.
I'm no game developer clearly.
@Bl4ckb100d if only can be this simple T_T
Will it be on a cartridge, or is it digital release only?
We can gauge hiow long the Switch version will be in development for, from this statement lol. (Unless he is telling porkies.)
Saber's own game brands are great on Switch too, like snow runner.
If only more studios would have ported their PS4/XBO titles to Switch... 😔
Does anyone seriouys believe this?
The logistical planning for game releases are done in advance, so this story doesn't add up.
All the doubters here, and no one can provide a motive for the official press release to lie about this stuff. Except for the delusion of "appeasing fans" that our egos adore so much. Not that the phrasing doesn't inadvertently feed it by generously crediting the audiences' response to the fandom as well - never mind that the latter spent those days predicting the alleged port to run like a glorious PowerPoint file on Switch. Heck, many still do unless they can attach their Switch Pro conspiracy to the thing.😆
@EVIL-C that's always welcome, but if they don't, there's always next gen. There are hundreds of gems from Gen 7 and prior that still await their chance to shine portably (or sometimes for any port at all).
To be fair, why would they be surprised by that response? Outside of app store shovelware, is there any game for other platforms that the Switch base would just straight up reject?
I dunno, just seems to me like a 'water is wet' kind of thing.
I'm just glad the Switch is getting lots of games compared to the wii u.
@Slowdive i love that band they apparently working on a new album
There are 80 mio Switchs out there, how can't you see a Customer Base there?
Imagine reaching 5% of that Market, 1600000 Units....
I watched this part of the Koch Media presentation. I find it very strange that nothing was shown. Perhaps it will be part of the Switch+ reveal...
is there any game for other platforms that the Switch base would just straight up reject?
@SwitchVogel I've not personally played a second of the game in question, but I believe that people partial to Mr. Sakurai would react with great hostility to the appearance of PlayStation All Stars on the Switch...
Story seems a bit fishy, but if the game isn't coming out til late 2022/2023 then perhaps yeah would make sense. Either way sounds like they just trying to look good in the public eye. Much better job than certain other publishers (Your EAs, Activisions, Ubisofts etc).
I hope they release this game on cartridge, as I don't feel like buying a third SD card.
This game is so good
@SwitchVogel the Dark Souls franchise seems to get no love on Nintendo platforms.
The remaster we got didn't sell well and even the comments section indicated that the majority of Nintendo fans had no desire for those types of games.
Many people were asking FromSoft to make an exclusive game for Nintendo that wasn't so dark and unsettling.
Personally i love (or loved their games until they shoved that same formula they've been using down our necks on 6 games in 10 years).
But yeah in short there is, seems the Dark Souls franchise is one that seems Nintendo fans done care for.
@Azuris that's because the switch is way less powerful than other platforms. 80mio users does not mean it's suddenly easier to release games on underpowered hardware.
@TheFrenchiestFry I'll continue to complain so long as they continue to conduct surveys every year that don't amount to anything. Mind you, this isn't even a Switch issue as Atlus' stupidity bleeds over to other consoles too. This is the same company that ported persona 4 golden to steam... but not ps4. Yeah, because that makes sense.
@SwitchVogel Wii U/3DS/Wii ports judging by how every time one comes around, there's a bunch of "the Switch has no new games, just ports" comments
if the older SMT games were localized i would definitely prefer it most in a collection format (maybe with limited run physical like mana collection and the like) rather than a subscription service.
(wouldn't mind them on nso as long as there is a version in which you could buy/keep. )
maybe also including other megaten games from that era.
definitely a pipe dream but would be cool
Well, there was also a bit of interest on bringing this game to Switch back in 2018, but of course, it seemed even more impossible back then...
Anyway this is definitely a good reflection of how fans can influence decisions, if they are amazing
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