As part of the E3 2021 Nintendo Direct presentation, Nintendo has unveiled the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC character to join the game's substantial roster: Kazuya from the Tekken series.
The footage revealed that the character loves throwing other fighters off cliffs and showcased a short montage of gameplay footage featuring Kazuya's moves. Check out the trailer from the (Japanese) presentation above, and some gorgeous art from the official Tekken Twitter account below:
There's another Mr. Sakurai Presents video scheduled for broadcast on 28th June at 7am PT / 10am ET.

Excited for this new fighter? Let us know below.
Comments 116
The big four are finally united.
PG Sub-Zero and we’ll be complete!
@Robzilla I want Sub-Zero myself, but if a Mortal Kombat fighter did get into Smash, I have no doubt it will be Scorpion.
I had to laugh so hard when he threw Ganon off the Cliff... sooo friggin hard hahaha
Bruh he really tried to kill Kirby
After years of having to job to his son, Kazuya really moves up in the world. He finally kills his dad and avenges his mom, and now he's in Smash.
As soon as I saw the cliff I went "It's Heihachi". Turns out it was his son lol
Super stoked about this. Loved the fact they parodied the whole "throwing family members off cliffs" thing with the Smash characters lol
@somebread Tekken, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and…?
Couldn't care less. Was hoping for a Hunter from Monster Hunter (I know, completely out of the blue, but so is this chap).
Slightly mixed about this since Bamco hasn't put a Tekken (actual Tekken) game on the switch, but isolated it is a good pick.
Finally Namco got a second rep and they totally deserve it too for helping developed Super Smash Bros. with the 3DS, Wii U, and Switch entries.
@1031Gamer Virtua Fighter? Although that's via Assist Trophy and Mii costumes
EDIT: Now we can recreate Street Fighter X Tekken in Smash with the appropriate appearance of Mega Man and Pac-Man.
It would've been funny to see him killing the other characters from that game (Ryu, Ken, Mega Man and maybe Pac-Man)
I'm so happy these reveals aren't at all what the smash fanbase has been expecting. It just makes it so much better to me lol.
So we need Mortal Kombat character and here we go master game all of time.
I'm fine with this character. Not really excited, but Tekken is more worthy of having a smash rep than some of the other DLC characters.
Tekken is one of Namco-Bandai's biggest franchises, so it's nice that it makes an appearance in a Smash game they co-developed. The game already has Ryu, Ken, and Terry; so, of course, it'll also be a meeting of some of the biggest fighting game characters in video game history...
This is nice considering that Tekken X Street Fighter game is still M.I.A..
The madness of speculation continues. I hate all this.
Oh my god, we're finally getting Tekken music into Smash.
I only wish that we'd get the amount of tracks that SNK provided for Terry.
@YoshiAngemon You sound like those people that were hoping Eggman would be a playable fighter 😂
Nice to see a non Fire Emblem fighter added.
@TheFrenchiestFry Kirby casually floating away was the best!
Almost have a Capcom vs SNK vs Namco here. Awesome to have a Tekken rep.
@russell-marlow I was referring to those speculations over who will be the final fighter. I understand we didn't get a second Smash Trailer. I mean, are we doomed to wait until Fall?
Still hoping for the Doom Slayer, but who am I kidding? ☹️
I see why there is a Tekken character but he's not one I ever use so I'm not really excited, doesn't look like I'll be buying fighter Pass 2
@SalvorHardin Dude wake up, we now have proof that Kirby is the world's most powerful being!
Ganon getting chucked off a cliff was hilarious
Second namco rep right?
He looks neat. Never played taken but cool.
@Caryslan They could just give us a MK1 style Reptile and have a combo of thier move sets with obvious color swap for all MK ninjas
Our first always shirtless smasher.
Like I said, ALWAYS, not counting Shulk and Sephiroth.
@YoshiAngemon Meh, I'm glad at least we're getting a combo heavy fighting game character. I'm somehow expecting a Crash Bandicoot Mii costume reveal on 6/28.
I say that because one of the voice actors mentioned "Smash" nonchalantly in a social media video about an unrelated project, which makes me think he was not under NDA by Nintendo, so that leads me to believe that Crash won't be a playable fighter.
Sakurai making his own Tekkn X Street Fighter game
Big Tekken fan and didn't see this coming at all, yeah i'm very happy at this.
@carlos82 You're loss, dude. ¯(ツ)/¯
Torn between - well at least he doesn't have a sword - and - do we really need another of these fighting guys?
Not complaining that it's a guy, 98% of video game characters are male, more that it's a human. Was hoping for something a little more out there. Oh well, seems to have it's fan, so that's good.
And once more we have proof that the "leakers" and "insiders" are full of fecal matter. The only one who got this right had Kazuya on a long list of about forty or so characters. Not only did we get a Tekken character and not the usual perennials of Dante, Doom MC, Waluigi, Rayman, etc.; but we also have multiple announcements of games with a 2022 release window and not a single announcement of any new hardware for the Switch.
@w00dm4n That would be awesome, but fanboys would complain, especially fans of Reptile.
The best option would be to add Chameleon from Trilogy to rep all the male ninjas with his moveset
Only issue is, Chameleon is not a very well known fighter and people will just complain.
@russell-marlow no loss not buying characters I won't use
@rjejr Tekken needed full fighter representation in a crossover Fighting game that features both Street Fighter and KOF. Honestly kinda suprised that Virtua Fighter doesn't have full representation…
@shonenjump86 Project X Zone 3 is clearly just Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
I feel like I've been guessing a Tekken rep since Smash 4's DLC. Between Namco co-developing Smash 4/Ult., and Tekken being one of the big classic fighting games, this seemed like an inevitability (though I was more expecting Heihachi).
One more character to go, and it's a wonder if the concensus will feel like Bayo, Byleth, or Banjo in terms of the hype of the reveal.
@Ryu_Niiyama they literally are making the game. How is that not “justified”?
When I got the pass when Sephiroth was added I was hoping for another character that I would like gets added to justify buying it.
Seeing Kazuya got me as hype as I was when Terry got added as I am a huge Fighting game fan (second favourite genre after RPGs).
@BrintaPap You seem to be confused. I never said anything about anything being "justified". Please tag the person you meant to reply to.
Sooooooo, Tekken 7 on Switch? Or at least TTT2, that game is arguably better anyway.
Great choice of character! Looks like he's been implemented really well too. Hope he comes with a lot of music
@Caryslan Maybe they can make Spear, Ice Blast and Acid Spit the same move type but change depending on what color you pick.
@DTFaux I have a feeling that it might lead to Tabuu coming back as a playable character. I mean, it makes sense. Unless we're gonna get someone else. I probably think it would be Tabuu.
@judaspete TTT2? anohter Wii u port? i want Tekken 1-4 as a package
I personally was disappointed in this. I'm happy for everyone else who thinks this is cool, but I would have preferred a different character from a series that has a bigger presence on a Nintendo system.
They are still flogging Smash Bros.
They knew what they were doing when the first shot they showed was of Ganondorf!
Excited to have a fighting game character who doesn't look "Smashified." Ryu Ken and Terry all have normalish movesets, but this guy looks unique. I like it
@marandahir Well that does make sense. Guess I was just expecting something different. No character in particular, just something that said "video game" like Mario or Sonic or PacMan, not something that said "fighter". Guess I'll expect Virtua Fighter next time, thanks for the heads up.
Boring character IMO but happy for the fans
couldn't care less. Would have greatly preferred Jin.
Oke! Did not expect this! But a very welcome surprise!
Awesome. Sakurai you are a magic worker lol.
at this point im just riding the waves of smash and not caring who gets announced. i dont play traditional fighters so this is just another neat gaming icon getting in, so good for tekken fans
I like how people keep having to toss in the “at least fans are happy” caveat give me a break and grow a 🍐.
I half-expected Klonoa to make the roster.
Am disappoint.
@russell-marlow I hope there's Tekken 7 tracks included. Those are so good to listen to!
@YoshiAngemon Tabuu would be an interesting final character, but he was also pretty forgettable in terms of a [final] boss.
The only character I personally hope to expect is a Monster Hunter rep, but it would definitely be more fitting for the last character to be from a Nintendo IP.
@T317 I always thought if we got a Tekken rep it would be Jin since he can spawn wings "freely" and makes more sense to recovery moves. But tbh from all the Mishima family Kazuya is my favorite, LET'S GOOOO
@Luigivaldo I mean, he's great in Tekken. I'd just rather see Jin for all of the potential matchups that can occur in Ultimate.
Seeing him throw Captain Falcon off the cliff felt symbolic of Nintendo's attitude toward F-Zero.
@marandahir I guess you can say that. 😁
There are other Tekken fighters I would have preferred but it is great we have Tekken representation in Smash. I want a new mainline Tekken game on the Switch as well please!
Imagine the dream match ups we can have between the different fighting game characters in Smash!
@sketchturner He threw Ganondorf off the cliff right before Zelda announced its 35th Anniversary.
@sketchturner The fact that Captain Falcon is still the only F-Zero rep in Smash Bros. feels very wrong. They could had added Black Shadow or James McCloud to the roster. Samurai Goroth appeared as an assist trophy once but got left out of Ultimate for some reason.
Meh not that Interested in Smash but I was intrigued by which characters got thrown into volcano:
Captain Falcon, Pit, Marth and Someone from arms - could that be an Easter egg that we won't be seeing any new games from these franchises on Switch.
Ganon - could be an easter egg that he's not going to be in BotW2
Edit: Kirby coming back out could be a hint to a new game that's in early development !
Kazuya vs Ryu vs Terry is a dream come true
@Narrator1 Throwing the antagonist off the cliff is very different from throwing the protagonist off 😋
@Mr-Fuggles777 But Ganon is in BOTW2.
@Dr_Lugae has he actually been confirmed though? If its expanding into the sky surely they will need a new bad guy to spice it up.
Unexpected, but although this is definitely not who I would of picked, I think this is my favourite in season pass 2 (unless character 6 changes my mind). Kazuya looks genuinely fun to play based on the moveset. I should point out that I do not own or have played any tekken games outside of Tag Tourmament 2 for Wii U and Street Fighter x Tekken.
RIP any possibility of Kazuma Kiryu ever appearing in Smash (wasn't gonna happen anyway, can't really play Yakuza on Nintendo platforms).
Couldn't care less to be honest. Completely out of left field for me.
The new stage shown also looks intriguing as it appears to switch the fighting mechanics to a style closer to a traditional fighting game, Tekken specifically. I'll wait until the presentation to see Kazuya in action too
Speaking of Tekken, I hope Nintendo is at least interested on getting a recent game come to Switch.
His attacks look cool.but I def didn't ask for him nor do I want him over others...sad.
@YoshiAngemon It was widely and safely predicted that another Smash reveal would be at E3. If I had to guess, the last reveal will be at this year's Tokyo Games Show (September 30-October 3, 2021).
Yeah, I was like, Why is this man tossing people into lava? I also have no idea who he is, or what game he's from.
@Mr-Fuggles777 Hmm, I take it as the opposite
Yay, generic punch and kicking guy who generic-ly punches and kicks people. Thanks Nintendo. This was by far, the most colossally disappointing smash reveal I've ever experienced. I understand there are some fans of Tekken, but its the worst fighting game I've personally played, so this is literally a 0 out of 10 reveal for me. I don't even care for the next reveal anymore. I'm done and out.
I was surprised so many people didn’t recognise what fighting game Kazuya came from..
Tekken is one of the biggest competitive fighting games out. Up there with Street Fighter and MK imo
The inclusion of Sub-zero or scorpion would really top things off!
@GregamanX You lack context so of course you think it's generic. In the context of Smash, he has a silly 10 hit combo and a devil form. Give Sakurai some credit. He wouldn't have chosen him if he didn't feel like he could make him feel different enough to other 'generic' fighters.
@GrailUK I'm only saying he's generic to me. Nothing against fans of tekken, but that's how I feel on a personal level.
@GregamanX Fair dos, mate
Well deserved. Tekken is Bandai Namco's best-selling franchise (yes, even more than Pac-Man!) and while I'd prefer Jin I can't argue with this. Tekken music and mechanics in Smash are guaranteed to be great.
@GregamanX Harsh, but at least you played Tekken before so your opinion is fair and not ignorant.
@Robzilla @Caryslan I could be wrong but I don't think any character made from a company out of Japan has made it in, so I am not sure Sub-Zero would make the cut. My money would be on Goku or Naruto. Hello Kitty would be Epic (but not a gaming character).... Not that Goku or Naruto are gaming characters either, but they have been in games. Soul Caliber or Chun Li could be options??
@KirbysAdventure I'm sure we've all had a reveal that has crushed our soul in some way. We can't be happy with everything, and this was NOT my day (made even more crushing because any other 3rd party characters are most likely out of the running).
But yes, I have tried Tekken, and I can't get into it because it feels so stiff and plain to me. I'm more into more high energy, flashy fighters like Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter 4, Mortal Kombat 2, Power Stone, etc. Heck, I even like some that are a little more grounded like Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive 3, 4 and 5. But Tekken and Virtua Fighter are on the other end of the spectrum to me, and I really personally feel that they dont fit with Smash Bros' atmosphere and play style. It's kind of like comparing Gran Turismo to arcade racers. Or Halo/Borderlands to Call of Duty. Maybe simulation or technical-style fighters may be a way of putting Tekken, where I'm into more arcade-y fighters.
Ryu vs. Terry vs. Kazuya does seem like a historic matchup and a real treat for fighting game fans, so I'm happy for you guys.
I can't help feeling the 2nd fighter's pass is just too corporate for my tastes, though. I keep hoping for more eccentric fighters like Ice Climbers, Duck-on-Dog, etc, to be added. Banjo and Min-Min seem pretty novel, but I never played their games so I don't feel compelled to buy.
It would take regal Waluigi himself in the last slot to convince me to spend more on Smash at this point.
It makes perfect sense. Since this game is developed by Bandai Namco, Kazuya from the TEKKEN franchise is now the newest DLC fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. One more slot left... who's next?
@Ghost_of_Hasashi Samurai Goroh was among the first Assist Trophies debuted in Brawl and has always returned in each following game..
That is brilliant!! Made me laugh out loud.
Surely more likely suggesting that none of these franchises will be the final smash character.
My fav Tekken fighter! Now if only we had a Tekken on Switch….🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@SalvorHardin So in other words, you aren't happy so other people don't deserve to be happy? And not sure why you are using an emoji to say grow as pair of balls but that just tells me how immature you are. Privileged brat
Awwww, I never much cared for the Tekkens and would have loved to have a Virtua Fighter character, but I'm okay with this either way because I'll probably never get around to playing this game again.
@Rosona No one plays every game in the world, or is expected to have encyclopedic knowledge on every game. Or is your itty-bitty, stuck-up brain incapable of understanding that very obvious and simple fact?
No need to get offensive.
Your comment would work if it wasn't a character from a very important series in the history of gaming that still continues to this day. It isn't required to have encyclopedic knowledge to know that.
While I grant you, he isn't as popular as Link, he's still right up there as an iconic video game character.
@Rosona You were rude first. I responded in kind, by being rude back.
Nope, I simply questioned your age and where you have been.
I didn't call you small minded, I didn't explicitly call you stuck up, or suggest you have a small brain, where you have done both of the latter.
That's attacking the person not the surroundings.
@Rosona To be fair fighting games are kinda in their own bubble. And they have a much smaller footprint for appeal outside those that care. If one didn’t play a ton of fighting games there is no other way to be introduced to their characters (unless you count Bamco using Taiko no Tatsujin to leverage Tekken music).
A lot of people had no idea who Terry was either (which to snk heads like myself felt like sacrilege) so is it really surprising that Kazuya who screams “generic fighting game protag” might not be instantly recognized by some? Heck, Fighting games are my bread and butter but since I am not a Tekken player I honestly get him and his son mixed up. And I actually own every Tekken game (to play with friends) to date. Same with Hehachi and his dad(? Too many of em to keep track).
That is the magic of smash, it’s a history book for gaming and is often the first introduction many people have to some characters. Age or social awareness has nothing to do with it. Let’s all just enjoy that more people find out about these characters, shall we?
@Tempestryke Sorry for butting in.
Well said
Kazuya was a splendid inclusion. I understand why people are disappointed to have another fighting game character, it's because of how much we see non-fighters become fighters in this crossover. Also, I can't wait for the Sakurai presents not only for Kazuya, but having a chance to see Min Min, Steve, and maybe Sephiroth amiibo figures
Like father, like son. The only reason why Kazuya threw several people off cliffs is that he wants to take his anger out on random people because, in the Tekken series, he himself got thrown off a cliff by his own father(which is Heihachi) when he was just a boy. Kazuya just needs some therapy and friends.
Interesting fact: Kazuya is an antagonist in all Tekken games except for the first entry. This means that not only Kazuya is the first Tekken rep, but he is also the first villain to be represented before a protagonist in the Tekken series.
@Outspoken I didn’t know who Kazuya is until I saw the franchise he is from. I have heard of TEKKEN but not the characters from it. I am a bit mixed about Kazuya in smash since TEKKEN isn’t even on Switch
@anoyonmus fair enough, but Banjo Kazooie wasn’t on Switch, but they also included that franchise.
@Outspoken well now technically Banjo is coming to Switch via NSO online
@anoyonmus indeed, but it’s not here yet. So my point still stands🙂
@Outspoken but once it gets here my point is proven.
I love that we are getting into these friendly arguments, like actually
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