One of last year's highlights on the Nintendo Switch was Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - a Musou spin-off set 100 years before the main entry, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
In case you've forgotten, this June will see the release of the first wave of expansion content for the Age of Calamity. In an effort to drum up some excitement for next month's arrival, the game's Japanese Twitter account has shared a "first look" at the game's special purchase bonus.
As you can see in the Twitter post below, it's Link equipped with ancient armour and the ancient sword:

These items will be made available to players next week on 28th May, and the first wave of content is scheduled to arrive before the end of June.
This follows on from the game being re-rated in Australia back in March this year. Here's the full schedule:

Will you be revisiting Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity when Wave 1 of the Expansion Pass arrives? Tell us down below.
[source, via]
Comments 35
I just finished the base game and no, I won't be buying the expansion pass. Though I enjoyed the game, I think I've had enough. I hope others enjoy it!
Can't wait! I'll be preordering it
Can't get enough of this game. I don't mind the occasional chugging/frame drops that happen along with some other minor inconveniences. It is a game I can drop in and smash enemies for a few minutes at a time. Can't wait for the DLC to add new challenges!
I was hoping when they announced an expansion they'd actually bother to fix the framerate issues. As it currently is (and has been since launch week) the game runs so poorly it gives me motion sickness.
@3RedTriangles I don't even think Iwata sorcery could make the game run at a smooth clip. This is basically the BotW engine, an engine that even after numerous updates couldn't run certain areas at 30fps, with the number of enemies on screen multiplied by 100. I love the game, but hoping for a smooth 30fps is a pipe dream in this case.
I'm very excited for this, I think that Sooga is a given but I also hope that they include Kass or his master.
@3RedTriangles I'm slowly warming up to this game, but my practice of waiting for a "complete edition" seemed justified here... and then there are reports like yours, that make me wonder. This is the first game I've encountered for which I will be consciously awaiting a re-release on the next Nintendo machine.
Bit of a lame bonus after all this waiting if you ask me, but I'm glad they changed the design of the ancient armor. Am I the only one who thought it looked like it had a Hitler stache in BotW and the Smash Bros. Mii costume? This one looks much cooler and less awkward.
Seeing the weapon would have been more exciting
That screenshot alone hurts my eyes so much. Can't imagine playing through a whole game looking like that
It’s been months since I played this game but I had fun with it at the time so I’m happy to go back for more.
I want more detail on what the Expansion Pass actually includes. The “details” basically just says “more stuff” with no indication whatsoever of volume, content or quality.
No need to pre-order just for a silly costume and weapon that no doubt will require levelling up. I'll wait for wave 2 to hit as wave 1 seems a little lacklustre from the description.
What is character vignettes?
That is coming in wave 2
I really enjoy the base game, especially because of the Story parts! If there is no additional story content, I definitely won't buy the expansion pass! The BotW expansion pass was already too less for the money and it even included some story elements...
Performance-wise I actually wonder why people are complaining so much. I exclusively played PS5 games since the PS5 release and AoC is my first Switch Game since then. And I'm really enjoying it despite the frame rate drops. It's far away from unplayable and I didn't notice any bugs that could brand the game as "unfinished".
I'm holding off for now to see if it'll be worth it. That pre order bonus isn't enough to draw me in yet anyway.
@Yosher same here. After the BotW expansion pass I will never buy a pass day one that will take roughly half a year to publish everything. The game industry did too many poor jobs in the past with unfinished content and too less contest for the money, so I won't buy it until I saw at least some reviews...
Played the base game, loved it, but got stuck on a chapter near the end and never went back to it. Must close this one out. Highly recommend if you loved the world and characters of BOTW.
@mazzel I'll admit I very much enjoyed BotW DLC so I'd say that one isn't a bad example, personally. But other games have certainly had pretty bad DLC, and what's on the table here for this game, judging by what we know, isn't too significant yet, which is my main reasoning for not jumping in yet.
I , cant wait to play as master kohga again, and maybe...Sooga ? Please bring Sooga !!
I wonder why they never told us about it yet... strange and disappointing.
I Don't care about DLC all I want from Age of Calamity is Koei Techmo to FIX the frame rate Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity is just as broken as Cyberpunk 2077
I really need them to show off what's actually in the DLC - I already 100% completed the game and had a ton of fun with it, but for that same reason if its just some new characters and a handful of new quests there's not much point in me picking it up, since there won't be much for me to do with them.
It's strange they're being so tight-lipped on it, especially after the wealth of additional content the HW DLC packs offered.
The fact that this broken mess of a game where you run around and hit one button over and over while the animation seizures out is called a "highlight" of the last year shows how low we have gone. And now they want you to buy dlc??? The base game and whatever they add will never be worth even half the original cart price.
@Yosher Just to be clear, I enjoyed it very much, too! But it was just not worth the price tag and as far as I remember, it was also never on sale. I mean, I paid 20€ for it, which is one third of the games Original Price tag. Therefore my expectations were quite high...
I enjoyed the game, but my motivation to play pretty much dive bombed after finishing the story missions. Granted it might have been because I forced myself to slog through the game on Hard mode, but I felt a lot less compelled to invest dozens of hours unlocking every little thing like I did in the original Hyrule Warriors.
This game was the holiday game from Nintendo in 2020, preceded by Pikmin 3 port.
Nintendo has no shame
@3RedTriangles it's not that bad, I've seen much worse on the Switch.
This game was not what I had hoped it was (story-wise).
I pretty much only focused on the main quest line.
Granted, I am not a huge fan of the genre. It holds my attention long enough to get through the main game, but I couldn't care less about the rest of it.
It's safe to say, I won't be getting this Expansion Pass.
I 100%ed it in the week it came out, I'm really looking forward to the expansion pass!
Hard pass. Played it for the story.
Nintendo really needs to hire better artists. That armour is a joke.
My favourite Musou game to date. All the characters feel unique and fun to play as, and the focus on action is more of my jam. My one big gripe is the performance, because if this would be at least a locked 30, it would play great!
I cannot understand how anyone plays these games beyond a couple of hours tops, so monotonous.
I’m still playing AoC. It’s that game for me that I’ve been going back to in between my other games. Looking forward to the expansion.
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