The moment all you hunters have been waiting for has arrived! The free 2.0 update for Monster Hunter Rise on Nintendo Switch is now available to download.
This update adds the new monsters Chameleos, Kushala Daora and Teostra. There's also Apex Diablo and Ratholos and a bunch of other content you can find out more about in our previous post. All up, this update will require a total of 0.9 GB of free space. If this is your first time playing the game though, the required amount is 1.5 GB.
Capcom has also shared the full patch notes for version 2.0 on the official Monster Hunter Rise website. Here they are:
Monster Hunter Rise - Patch: Ver.2.0.0 (Released April 28, 2021)
- In order to use DLC and play online, you need to update Monster Hunter Rise to the latest version.
- - You can check which version you're on at the bottom right of the Title Screen.
- - Online gameplay requires a Nintendo Switch Online membership.
- If you do not have access to the Internet, you can play local multiplayer, as long as every player uses the same version of the software.
- - Please visit the Nintendo Support page for more information.
Available12 a.m. UTC on April 28, 2021
Required Space - About 0.9GB (only this update)
- - If this is your first time updating the game after purchasing it, the required space is about 1.5GB.
- - Please make sure you have enough empty space before you download the update.
Main Additions / Changes
Added story elements
- Your hunter rank cap will be raised when certain conditions are met.
- New monsters will start intruding on some quests.
Added elements after raising hunter rank cap
- New monsters will appear in Village and Hub quests.
- New monsters will appear in the Rampage.
- New quests, Arena quests, and requests will be available.
- New weapon trees, armor, items, and Petalaces will be available.
- New skills and Rampage Skills will be available.
- Armor upgrade level cap will be raised.
- New decorations will be available to forge at the Smithy.
- Layered armor will be available to forge at the Smithy.
- Palico and Palamute layered armor will be available to forge at the Buddy Smithy.
- Palico and Palamute level cap will be raised to level 50.
- Default level for Palico and Palamute hired from the Buddy Scout will be raised.
Added system elements
- New Guild Card awards will be available.
- You will be able to change your hunter's appearance from the Character Select menu using a Character Edit Voucher.
Note: Character Edit Vouchers can be purchased from Nintendo eShop. - New DLC can be purchased from Nintendo eShop.
Bug Fixes / Miscellaneous
- Fixed a bug preventing the player from moving the target reticle when guarding while holding down the Charged Piercing Shot or the Charged Thunder Shot of the cannon during a Rampage Quest.
- Fixed a bug when using "Melding—Wisp of Mystery" that resulted in the same Talismans being produced in the exact same order for some players.
- When the player receives a new Petalace or clothing for their Cohoot, the game autosaves. If the player force quits the game without saving after this autosave and then restarts the game, a bug would result in these items not having been obtained properly. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug that made the weapon icons and forging icons on the weapon trees look like they were flashing.
- Fixed a bug where the game would no longer respond to controls when calling back the Meowcenaries at the Housekeeper.
- If an Apex monster destroyed a Hunting Installation while the menu for this installation was still open, the menu would remain on screen for a few seconds before showing an error message. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where the game would no longer respond if the player got to the dialogue message for reaching HR2 while having a lot of trinkets placed on shelves and alcoves and having changed the hanging scrolls as well.
- Fixed a bug preventing some monster intro cutscenes from showing up in the Gallery if the player joined and completed an in-progress quest.
- Fixed a bug causing dropped materials to drop where Narwa crashes after defeating her in the "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" quest.
- Fixed a bug causing a monster to return to the area it came from after starting a fight with another monster after having been lured with a Stinkmink.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the red eye-con to stay on screen, preventing the player from using fast travel, if they used Wyvern Riding to move the monster to another area during Multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug causing Khezu to behave unnaturally after moving from the ceiling.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent quests to slay a Khezu from being completed if the player slays it in a specific location.
- Fixed a bug causing Rajang to keep using its breath attack.
- Fixed a bug that would cause monsters to get trapped when moving between certain areas in the Frost Islands.
- Fixed a bug causing an error when there's powder left on screen by the insect glaive's "Kinsect: Fire" when defeating a monster during the "Serpent God of Wind" or the "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" quest.
- Fixed a bug causing the camera to become unresponsive when binding a Tetranadon, due to online connection issues during Multiplayer.
- Fixed a bug preventing the "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" quest from being properly completed if the Quest Host disconnects during the cutscene after defeating Narwa.
- Fixed a bug causing some monsters to go beyond the final gate during Rampage Quests, preventing the player from hitting them.
- Fixed a bug causing unnatural screen vibration when comboing the gunlance's Overhead Smash into the Wyrmstake Cannon.
- Fixed a bug in the hit detection of the gunlance's Charged Aerial Shelling when using the Long shelling type.
- If the player tried to perform a Morphing Advance straight backward with the charge blade right after using Counter Peak Performance, the player would instead move straight forward. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to unintentionally perform a forward evade twice in a row if they evade with their weapon sheathed.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to react as if they got damaged when being hit by wind pressure while knockback is negated.
- Fixed a bug causing the lance's Cross Sweep to be cancelled immediately if the player performs it near a ledge and falls off.
- Fixed a bug causing the heavy bowgun's Wyvern Ammo to be shot in the wrong direction when it is fired without aiming during specific animations.
- Fixed a bug preventing the player from using the insect glaive's Jumping Advancing Slash and Strong Jumping Advancing Slash in succession.
- Fixed a bug causing some of the hammer's Silkbind attacks to be cancelled immediately if the player performs them while falling off a ledge.
- Fixed a bug preventing the light bowgun's Wyvernblast from being detonated on placeable weapons like ballistae and cannons.
- Fixed a bug causing the guard state to continue during the transition animation from the charge blade's guard reaction into the Amped Element Discharge.
- Fixed a bug preventing you from changing your attack angle with the hunting horn when comboing into a melody while you have a Magnificent Trio stored.
- Fixed a bug causing the part of the stamina gauge increased by the player's Petalace to decrease when entering and leaving the tent at camp after collecting a Prism Spiribird.
- Fixed a bug preventing Wyvern Ammo from hitting properly.
- Fixed a bug causing the heavy bowgun to be automatically sheathed during a Free Silkbind Glide after a certain amount of time, even while the glide was still going.
- Fixed a bug allowing the player to go out of bounds by performing certain actions in the Flooded Forest.
- Fixed a bug preventing the knockback-negating effect from activating when charging the charge blade's Sword: Condensed Element Slash.
- Fixed a bug preventing the insect glaive's Kinsect: Harvest Extract from activating if the X button is pressed at the wrong time, even while holding down the ZR button.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the player to disappear and become uncontrollable when they touched mud flung up by Almudron at the same time as a large monster.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to take more damage than intended when they are knocked off a high plateau by a monster roar during the "Serpent God of Wind" quest.
- Fixed incorrect boss icons displayed at the results screen of the "Arena 03" quest.
- Fixed incorrect completion time displayed upon completing a quest.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes have been made.
Have you downloaded this latest update for Monster Hunter Rise yet? Noticed anything else? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 31
Funny how Capcom is doing a non-convoluted way of transmog that Bungie can't be bothered to do
I'm a MH junkie currently. Between this, Pokemon Sword, Animal Crossing, and Story of Seasons, I won't need to see actual nature again. 😂
Sweet! Looking forward to the update! ^^
Sweet. Another full-priced open beta.
Downloaded and started. Wish I could just take on the new monsters in hub quests but that option apparently isn’t immediate. I’m kinda confused what to do next. I’d like to hunt that chameleon thingy…
P.s. I’m at HR 7 (or 8).
That's a really massive update. Even added layered armor crafting!
@eaglebob345 You're lucky Fire Emblem: Three Houses isn't on that list. That game could eat up hundreds of hours of your time and you'll just become a vegetable.
@Silly_G But it's a finished game with tons of polish and content...
Monster Hunter has always had a 'life-service' element to it, the developers seem adamant to keep the online community alive which is why they don't restrict these updates behind a paywall, then follow it up with a massive paid G-rank update to keep new players coming in.
@Entrr_username Apparently, there's the option to pay to edit your hunter? Not sure but if that's true, I don't approve.
Thank you!
@Entrr_username The beauty is that they've been doing this same system for years.
@Kalmaro Yeah, there's character tickets. However, you get one for free, and it's only to edit things like character gender, skin tone, and big facial features. Not hair or under garments, since those can be done whenever.
@Silly_G At least the game is enjoyable unlike Anthem and Avengers.
Not sure about the voucher it stands at the moment you can alter your appearance with no need to spend money on a voucher?
@samuraicop game has more content than 90% of games out there. Labelling it early access seems a bit strange. Were Hollow Knight or Breath of the Wild considered early access before their updates.
@Lord Basically the voucher lets you start from scratch again like were creating a new character. Stuff like hair changing, make up and stuff like that is still free and can be done as many times as you want but if you want to change sex, alter your face or change your race you need to use these vouchers, you get one voucher for free so if you want change that stuff you get one chance to do it for free.
Considering all the armour and stuff you get i doubt you will want to do this more then once or even at all, the stuff you would want to change maybe frequently like hair and make up is free so unless you decide you want to alter your face or change race i wouldn't worry about it.
@Silly_G Comments like these are interesting as it exposes the fact you haven't played it.
@WallyWest ok cool I understand now.
So basically it’s a charge to have a sex change.
@Northwind I came to the comments to say almost the same thing.
Such an incredibly specific bug - maybe it was a dev's family member who experienced it first?
BRAVO! Congratulations for winning a medal....
@Lord Yeah pretty much. I shell most likely never even touch the free voucher for this, i got my Hunter looking how i want her and the only things i would change from time to time is hair and make up and that's free and can be done as many times as you want.
@Silly_G your comment is silly just like your username.
MH Rise is one of the most polished games in recent memory. It’s actually a massive game which is getting even bigger with every FREE update.
@VoidofLight Personally, I don't think you should have to pay for stuff like that, unless it's voices that they added in later or something.
That's just me though.
@Kalmaro You can easily redo your hunters appaearance for free at any time. If you want to change you gender (and possibly your name too) it's a paid service, but you seem to get ONE free voucher.
@Scollurio I can't change my voice, that's the main thing I wanna change.
If we get a free vouchers, that's still sad since that's a feature you'd expect most games to have built in for free.
@Kalmaro Oh okay didn't know about that one. Well if I were a CAPCOM representative I'd say: "Aren't we great offering you the option to do so by a paid function instead of you being stuck with a terrible voice choice?"
But I'm not so I do get you.
@Varkster I initially made it through Three Houses after only beating both the Black Eagles and Church routes after around 80 hours. I started redoing the Church route and recruiting everyone. I ended up going on hiatus because I'm still bummed that the actual final boss is locked in the Golden Deer route, which is basically the Church route with Claude shoehorned into it, but I have no interest in the Golden Deer (or the Blue Lions). 😭 I will say that the Black Eagles route was the most disappointing because it ends abruptly and that storyline doesn't really have a resolution.
@Silly_G Seeing you say that reveals your ignorance and arm-chair-expertise in the context of one of the most polished and well-made games in a generation, third-party at that. Capcom's RE Engine is a tour de force, and it achieves some of the best action gameplay you can ever dream of on the Switch. In fact, it's so good that its quality blows the majority of action games out of the water on any platform.
What the game already offers is a solid 35-45+ hours of gameplay, which is far more than many other games can manage with the same production values and level of polish and attention to detail.
This is just more content, for free. Monster Hunter as a franchise always rolled out new title updates, just with less production value. And they're still doing the same amount of free content, with more production value. That just says something about the devs at their core. As a studio, the two Monster Hunter dev teams are an example to the industry.
Guys, I need help. I bought before launch but I don't get pre-order bonus. What can I do to receive them?
@Ulysses @WallyWest : Looks like I'm copping quite a bit of flak for a general remark.
My comment had nothing to do with the quality of the engine or the bonus content. I was really impressed with the demos and it's a worlds away from the dated engine used in the 3DS games (and in turn, Generations Ultimate). As I anticipate that bug fixes and new content will be added in the coming months (and/or years) I am in no hurry to buy the game in its current state (plus I've barely scratched the surface of the MH games that I do have in my possession), particularly as there is a precedent to issue "Ultimate" editions later on.
My comment was in respect to the rather long list of bugs that were fixed along with the update (a mere month after launch) and my recurring criticism regarding modern releases, namely the fact that publishers rush games to shelves because adhering to an arbitrary deadline takes precedence over actually completing the game first, and ironing out bugs (however playable the release build may be).
If all people got from my comment is that 'open beta = bad' then that only speaks of their myopia. There was a time when developers/publishers would strenuously test their games prior to launch. Nowadays, they charge full price and get their customers to do that for them, and that is what my comment was in reference to.
@eaglebob345 It's a shame you have no interest in Blue Lions and Golden Deer, after my playthrough of Black Eagles I was surprised to find how much effort was put into the other characters, Dimitri and Claude are infinitely interesting and their group arguably has more going for them than some of Edelgard's house.
Blue Lions has probably the most tragic story of the three and it's full of intricacies I honestly wasn't expecting from a Fire Emblem game.
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