Publishing giant Take-Two Interactive Software has been a relatively eager supporter of Nintendo Switch, at least once the hardware became the hottest selling console on the market. One of its releases on the system was Borderlands Legendary Collection, which included the first two numbered games and The Pre-Sequel; that's three full games and plenty to get stuck into.
Borderlands 3, however, is a different beast; as the most recent entry in the series it'll naturally be the most challenging to port to the hybrid console. However, a PEGI rating for Borderlands 3: Director's Cut (hat-tip to Stealth40K for the spot), suggests an upcoming Switch version.
There are a couple of oddities with this, however. The name may suggest a complete edition of the game with all DLCs, but this is Gearbox and Borderlands, so it's actually just the second part of the game's second season pass. It adds a bunch of content and fixes for the existing versions, but that's it. You may also notice the oddity in the rating that says it's out today for Switch, which clearly isn't accurate; that could be an admin error with the ratings submission.
This could be an indication that some sort of edition of Borderlands 3 is heading to Switch in the future, and would no doubt be pushed by Nintendo itself as quite a big deal. Or it could be a slip of the mouse cursor when Gearbox was applying for an age rating on the DLC.
It certainly makes sense for Gearbox and Take Two to push the boat out and port Borderlands 3 to Switch, albeit that'll be a fair technical challenge. We'll just have to wait and see if it emerges.
Comments 22
And then, it's just the DLC releasing, and that's it. Not the game, just the second half of the game's season pass.
Maybe a cloud version is incoming?
Happiest day for me would be reading that Tomb raider (2013, 2015) and MGS Phantom pain coming to the Switch.
I bought The Handsome Collection the other day on sale and started playing 2 last night. I'm enjoying it but my aiming is shocking poor, it's all over the place. Those damn Psycho's are a nightmare to hit.
I was thinking about the possibility of 3 coming to Switch last night too.
Cloud games on Switch are just the PC versions being streamed, so if Borderlands 3 Cloud Edition was coming to Switch, it wouldn't be rated for Switch.
I'm just wanting another Tales from game. Double dipped for switch version Tales and no regrets.
This would make me so happy. Being way more indoors over the past year for obvious reasons had led to my partner and I bonding over BL 2, putting hundreds of hours into max leveling UVHM and only needing to farm raid bosses basically at this point (the OP system doesn't interest me too much). A day one purchase to keep us occupied for another year please
I don't much care about Borderlands because I don't want to support Randy Pitchfork.
I'm a big fan of Borderlands and Switch. I love the Legendary Edition on Switch and enjoy the gameplay of Borderlands 3.
That said, I can't see 3 coming to Switch unless it's a cloud version. My Xbox One S really struggled with the game and load times were painful. I got a Series X in part to make playing games like Borderlands 3 less painful to play. Series X runs it great, obviously, and I can't imagine going back to a system that takes multiple minutes to fast travel or even boot up. Unless somebody works magic, I can't see how any amount of scaling down of resolution would allow this to run in an acceptable manner on Switch. I hope someone proves me wrong though!
The first 3 games are better, but I'd buy it again for Switch.
Will probably run about as well as Borderlands 2 did on the Vita...
@Richnj I agree... I sunk hundreds of hours into BL2 and the Pre-Sequel, but BL3 just doesn't feel the same. I really can't figure out why I don't like it though.
I can't get excited for this after how awful they handle physical releases.
@wilforce the combat pacing in 3 is chaotic. The first 3 games had an ebb and flow to combat. In 3 everything is just trying to dodge roll to surround you. Next time you play 3 try using a sniper rifle and count how many times enemies dodge your shots.
@VoidofLight There's two season passes for Borderlands 3. I have the ultimate edition for the Xbox One when it came out, then I noticed sometime last year they made a second pass.
I guess we should wait until we hear something official from 2K. It's still pretty apparent 2K "hearts" the Switch.
Fantastic as I recently just finished Borderlands: The Legendary Collection last month so if this is true I'm ready for Borderlands 3.
@LaytonPuzzle27 why not? What did he do?
@NicolausCamp That was one of my biggest gaming disappointments ever. I tried to go back so many times after hearing people saying it wasn't THAT bad... but it is/was. The Switch version was an old dream come true!
@Little_Squee if words could make wishes come true! Nah but seriously I will agree with you to my dying breath
I just see them all as Bullet Spooge the FPS RPG I don’t understand why I’d give any of these games the time of day after the resurgence of traditional FPS.
@dewokkel Three words: Aliens: Colonial Marines.
@LaytonPuzzle27 ah, true
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