We're only a day away from Bravely Default II's launch, but Square Enix isn't turning a complete blind eye to Octopath Traveler just yet. Its success paved the way for the latest Bravely Default entry and now, Square Enix has confirmed Octopath Traveler reached 2.5 million copies sold worldwide.
The announcement comes from the game's official Twitter account, which has otherwise promoted Bravely Default II lately. Including physical and digital sales, it's quite the milestone for a game launched in 2018, and Square Enix released some new art to commemorate this.
Octopath Traveler passed 2 million sales last March, so it's taken nearly a year to rack up another 500k sales. With Bravely Default II's imminent release, fans have likely picked up the older title in preparation.
Bringing us an old-school RPG experience, we gave Octopath Traveler a solid 9/10 stars in 2018, calling it "an absolute must buy". If you've not played it, you can still download the demo on the Switch eShop.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 52
nice cool octopath traveler
Looks to have outsold both Bravely games on 3DS combined.
@westman98 It already has long time ago, BD sold a little over 1mio copies and BS over 700k copies making it a 1.7mio copies. Octopath on the other side has already reached 2mio one year ago
Really hope BD2 is successful too so that we get more sequels in the future
Is it just Switch sales or counting PC as well? And if it counts both then would be neat to see how much on each.
That's a great achievement, the game definitely deserves it.
...now can they make a sequel? They can put Triangle Strategy on hold, I don't mind
Loved this game. The formula got a little stale in parts, but still loved it. I’m really excited for Triangle Strategy now!
Such a good jrpg!
Gonrats, it did not really live up to the expectations for various reasons, but it still was hardly bad.
Nonetheless I'm super excited for Triangle Strategy atm and from the demo it really is hard to believe it'd be anything less than stellar.
Got bored of Octopath as all my characters levels were so uneven and had to grind too much to get them up to available to kill the bosses, it was soul destroying. The story was going well but then gave up
Was kind of hoping for another £25 sale of the game after the Project Triangle Strategy announcement, I missed the last sale and personally can’t justify £50 for it.
@Bunkerneath That's exactly the reason I gave up.I put at least sixty hours into this game and absolutely loved it but I felt the level grinding was totally uneven from one character to the next.Some characters I finished their story with no issues and others I felt I was way underlevelled despite grinding for hours.Real Shame.
Despite this im real glad it has managed to sell so many and looking forward to Bravely Default 2.
@Bunkerneath If you feel like giving it another shot, try keeping two separate teams of four—an "A team" and a "B team", if you like. This was the groove I settled into, and it really made the adventure feel much more cohesive overall. The characters all level up more or less equally within that group, plus their more consistent interactions with each other in the pubs created a real sense of a unified story, like they were all actually invested in each other's quests. Playing it that way, I absolutely adored the game.
I love this game on my switch, Bought the day 1 collectors edition, however the price of this game on steam is ridiculous, I think it would have sold more if they had already given the game a fair price.
btw the soundtrack is superb one of the best squareenix has produced recently
They really hit the mark with the classic visual style and combining that with a few modern day elements, that really struck a chord with audiences. Well deserved.
@AlbertXi I always wanted to play it.. I still dont have, but I simply can't stop listening the soundtrack!! it's SOOOO freaking good!! Have you tried famiyjules versions of octopath traveler?
Octopath Traveler was fantastic - if it had a platinum trophy, I think I would have achieved it. That said, I’ve never understood the complaints about grinding - my biggest problem was avoiding overlevelling. I never ran from fights, but I had the minimise encounter perk on ALL the time, and I was still hammering bosses until the endgame.
That said, I was glad to have all my characters in the mid-40s by the time I hit the final boss. That was not an easy fight!
Bought it, played it, loved it.
I'm baffled that S-E hasn't done more with this "2.5D" artstyle since it came out. I'll be buying "Project Strategy whateveritsname" based on these visuals alone.
But damn, S-E has never been shy about remaking their older games, so I fail to see why they haven't already churned out both FFVI and Chrono Trigger remakes in this artstyle.
It’s a great game, even though a little grindy at times. I didn’t finish it because of that - but now I’m thinking of restarting the whole game, since the story was quite gripping.
Well deserved!
Looking forward to Bravely Default II and Project Triangle Strategy (hopefully with a new name).
LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. Literally just finished the last chapter 4 today. the music is timeless, the voice acting (minus H'aanit) is spot on and it's an actual JRPG with a SIMPLE story(s) to understand. can't say that about ANY FF games
::In Cyrus Voice:: "But of COURRSE!"
I hated the game from the start. None of the characters are really likeable, they all seem overly positive all the time.
Random encounters feel like they take forever and whaterver teamcomp I use, it always feels like it works well.
Story was really shallow and uninteresting.
Although I have to say the music and visuals were great.
Halfway through I picked up Xenoblade 2 and never even thought about booting Octopath back up.
Awesome! One of my favourite games on the Switch
If squarenix used this same engine to make a classic style Final Fantasy game, it could easily sell over 5 million copies.
Really enjoyed it, with the only slight exception being how the stories seemed to be wrapping up into a combined narrative but never did.
Although I heard there is some post-game content that does that? Either way, I felt such a thing should be part of the core experience not an optional extra.
@mariomaster96 those numbers are from years ago - you can assume they sold a few copies of Bravely Default in the past 7 years.
@rex_rex I had no idea who he was, but after looking I think is too metal for me hehehehe
@Bunkerneath same might go back and play on easy just to finish the story
@PapaPedro @Wazeddie22 @Bunkerneath
I also didn't do any grinding since I had a team A and team B. I did everyone's chapter 1. Then I did the rest of team A's chapters. After team A was finished, I switched to team B and did all of their chapters.
Such a great, amazing game. Music and art style were superb. Hoping for more games in this series from SE!
@sazza1231 Why don't you buy a used copy and sell it on again afterwards. I got a copy for less than £30.
I've been meaning to pick this up. Might get it when it's half off, again.
Really great game. The graphics were really cool in motion, but it’s the music that takes the crown for me. I listen to the soundtrack all the time.
Yeah. I enjoyed it. Was a good, solid RPG experience. Cool art concept
@MoonKnight7 me too! the boss music (pre-chapter 4) is my jam
Here’s hoping they make it to 3!
@AlbertXi hahaha!! cool that you went see by yourself!! still we agree that otcopath sound track is wonderful!! as always, my backlog is aroung 15 to 20 games.. but im on the fence if i should buy otcopath, bravely default 2 or dragon quest! i know with the time ill have them all.. it's just a matter of order! hehe
Wow I guess without brand recognition not many people care. 2.5 million worldwide means there's only around 1 million or so units sold here. Wonder if they count digital sales as well from all platforms including PC and Stadia. Now if only they also port it to Wii or Wii U maybe it'll help bump up that number a bit.
@rex_rex octopath is a backlog HURDLE. it'll add about three games to that there list.........with that said, STILL buy!
@SoManyHaveDied i'll!! I promise! hehehe
I have Octopath Traveler but still have yet to play it. Too many JRPGs already, and I've heard it can be a major timesink....That said, I've also heard it's amazing, and it definitely looks beautiful!
I have this game in my backlog. I want to play it all the way through. I've heard complaints that the 8 stories are separate and don't connect. Now, I'm hearing that there's a secret final boss that fixes that issue. I don't know anything past that, so I'm excited to see how it all ends.
Still working my way through this one - up to everyone's final chapters. Too many games keep coming along and bumping it down. I will finish it one day, though. One day OT, one day.
In other news, one person appears to have actually finished the game.
I think those reported figures for Bravely Default and Second were their cumulative sales ~5 months after their respective launches, not their lifetime sales.
But yeah, Octopath outsold those two games combined some time ago.
@westman98 BDs sales are based on July 2014 while the game released in Oct 2012 in Japan, Dec 2013 in Europe and Feb 2014 in NA so yeah, you are somewhat right
BSs sales are based on April 2017 while the game released in April 2015 in Japan, February 2016 in Europe and April 2016 in NA
So yeah, the sales numbers may be higher than 1.7mio but I don't know if they surpassed 2mio. I think SE would have mentioned it if the series passed 2mio sales
PS: I'm really glad BD2 releases simultaniously worldwide instead of having to wait over one year after the JP release ^^
Thats awesome but its still a broke mess combat wise.
Octopath Traveler and Project Triangle Strategy are practically the same... anyone see it?
I'm more excited for HD-2D Octopath Traveler / Triangle Strategy games than the Bravely series. I prefer the old-school approach to what BD2 has done with its graphics unfortunately.
Still don't understand all the hate this game gets. Some of the most beautiful art and music I have ever experienced in a video game. I love the multiple story arcs and the battle system too. One of my favorite Switch games.
@WreckitRyan its more of a love/hate for me. Battle system was fantastic, art n music top notch. I even enjoyed the stories but the overall game was just too neatly packaged, I could set my watch to how long each chapter would be. I lost that feeling of being 'swept away' since each chapter wrapped up so neatly, and that affected actual depth in characters. Dialogue got hokey at times as a result. I think it had the right pieces for being a potential classic, but got buried in its own concepts (if it was 6 or 7 characters would it had made a difference since they don't intertwine? Or 10?) and turned out to be just "pretty good" for me. Just me though
@CammyUnofficial Great take! I appreciate hearing your insight, that makes a lot of sense.
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