Before Bethesda locked in a release date for DOOM Eternal, there were rumours the physical version had been axed.
Now that it has been confirmed this title will be a "digital-only" release, this leaves Switch owners with no option but to make some space on their systems if they want to play it. So how much room will this sequel actually require? In case you missed our interview with Panic Button about the game, the file size clocks in at 17.5GB.
So how does this compare to DOOM (2016)? The original game, according to Nintendo's official game page, was a little bit bigger - clocking in at 22.0GB. id Software's classic title DOOM II only requires 288MB of space.
Do you have 17.5GB of space ready to go for DOOM Eternal when it arrives on the Nintendo Switch next week? Would you rather a physical release? Share your thoughts down below.
Comments 91
Less than I thought it would be honestly
Holy Hell, that's a lot of demons.
A lot for a Switch game...but still impressive!
I don’t really see the problem if you invest in a larger micro sd card, not to mention the smaller file size compared to the Doom 2016 port which, as was stated, was 22 gbs
That's not too bad. Still not going to buy it for that price though unless there's a physical. Which there isn't.
@Gwynbleidd it could fit on the internal storage. Even so, I doubt anyone would offer a refund for that regardless of file size.
I have a 1TB MicroSD Card in my Switch, so, I have more than enough space. Space isn't a concern for me. Still, I'd prefer to have the game physically as opposed to digitally.
I've stopped caring about physical games. I find I play them less because they are less convenient. Remember we used to buy physical PC games? No one cares about a box anymore.
I have a 1TB card but only 47GB left. Waiting on the hopeful physical version.
@Jester151 I wouldn’t say “no one” cares just based on the comments here, but I do agree that digital form is growing every year.
Well that is somewhat disappointing. The PC version is like 40 to 50 GB. Hopefully some of the sacrifices in quality are not simply because they felt the need to fit it below the Switch available internal storage capacity.
There is no need for developers to do that because other eShop games state that they require a MicroSD card to download. L.A. Noire has a disclaimer that says the full game download is 29 GB and a MicroSD card with a minimum of 29 GB of free space is required to download the game.
@Lawnachaun where did you get the 1T sd card?
@Zach777 where did you get the sd card and for how much ?
17.5 GB shows off how ambitious this port really is. If there was a physical version of the game, that dreaded blue symbol of death will likely not appear.
@Jester151 see i can't imagine taking that stance, I have a 400 gb card and another 256, all my main games are physical, I own 26 physical games, stuff like BOTW, Odyssey, Doom 2016, Skyrim, Witcher 3, kart, Smash etc etc... all physical...
All my Indie games and a few big games that were on sale are digital...
my 256 is full and I have 200 left of my 400, how on earth do you go "just digital"... I mean I really just don't get it.
How you even manage to do it? Is there a 2TB card I don't know about?
I'm on my 2nd 1 terrabyte micro sd card, and this kind of stuff is the reason why. I'm fine with it being large, but this is almost the size of FF10/10-2, and that's kind of ridiculous.
@superderper this is my biggest issue to be honest.
It doesn't matter how fast your Internet connection actually is, there's a limit to how fast the Switch can download stuff and it seems to take a couple of hours just for 5 gigs, 17 would be a good 6-7 hour download.
I am fine with it. It's the full retail price I am not happy about...
I prefer physical copies.....but I will not deny myself this awesome looking game for switch just because it doesn't have one....and I'll support the developer who has been good to the switch library bringing AWESOME ports that truly show the power of the console like few others do. I WILL be picking this up!
@Seacor If they sacrifice anything, it's most likely the 4K resolution textures (maybe they're reusing some textures) and less or lower audio fidelity and/or channels. That stuff takes up a huge chunk of space and the current Switch models won't be able to use it all anyway. They could also be using lower detail models, fewer animations, and reworked physics and special effects to trim off a little more code.
My SD card is doomed!
My 1 TB SD card is ready.
...But starting to get a bit full. 😂
Considering that games on other platforms these days can push 75-100gb or more, I don't think there's much room to complain.
Really glad that it is almost here. Would have been even happier if we were allowed a physical release.
From the interview with the devs:
Is there a physical cartridge edition of DOOM Eternal on Nintendo Switch available?
Not at this time – DOOM Eternal for Nintendo Switch is available only as a digital download
I refer you to “not at this time”. It leaves the possibility there.
Amazon and it was on sale for $230.00
Just psyched to see that this game is still planned for Switch. Will be fun to see this juggernaut scaled for a portable.
@Jester151 I think people care about boxes for the sake of longevity. I can still pick up my old Sims 1 copies and install them on my computer. Meanwhile, there is no legal way for me to ever get my WiiWare games back.
I'm assuming they killed the physical release because of the high cost of switch game cards. Its disappointing that game card production is still a problem this far into the Switch's life.
I was super hyped for this game earlier in the year. I’ll probably hold off for a 50% off sale before picking it up. My backlog needs some attention but I am content. I still have PTSD from being a Day One Wii U owner and living through the drought.
Not too bad all things considered but still bummed out it's not getting a physical release. Though guessing it will eventually get one through Limited Run...and will be overpriced as usual.
@Razer you can always archive a game you haven't played in a long time..
to be honest, i prefer buying doom on steam. I made a mistake buying mk11 and having to download 30+ sucks.
Considering the ugly downgraded graphics I am surprised it even needs 17 gb. Most parts it doesn't even reach 720p.
@superderper shouldn’t take to long with today’s standard speed.
I waited for doom eternal so much to play it and add it to my switch collection. Now it is only digital I decided not to buy it.
@Chlocean I have my theory. Microsoft bought Bathesda .. and so ..
On the PC you can delete the Speak Pakages and save up 10 GB.
That and lesser Textures will save up much Space.
Also, that Game is insanely optimized with Compression and other Techniques, it is one of the best crafted Products i've seen for a while.
So, not that big, and therefore why the hell is it not on a cartridge??
@Jester151 millions of gamers care about actually owning their games myself included. Don't make pointless sweeping statements.
@Brummieendo90 Im with you mate.
@Jester151 Well PC's have much more in-built storage than the switch, and also, a lot of people, especially collectors like to own the games themselves and keep them forever, so yeah
@Jester151 ok so you have to redownload it when you want to play it again?
You realise how slow Switch downloads are though?
Okay so how about let's say in 8 years time, for whatever reason, you lose your Switch with all your digital games on there, Nintendo have discontinued the eShop
What do you do about your old games? Does losing your Switch mean you've lost your old games? And a lot of money too?
Because I could just buy another Switch from eBay and I'd still have most my games.
What would you do in that situation?
@Brummieendo90 it's not just the actual ownership which matters.
In particular with Nintendo systems, if you have a Wii U and it has tons of games downloaded, say through the VC, if you lose or break that Wiii U, you've lost allll those games too.
Will wait for a discount, I think.
Yeah my 512 card is not too far from full... waiting and hoping for that 1 TB card to come down in price
@Bunkerneath surely cost-cutting measures by the company – who know if it's something to do with the pandemic
@Razer Honestly I think most people won't give a ***** about their Switch in 8 years. They'll either not be playing games anymore or be playing on something else. Whenever the e-store comes down, maybe a decade from now, if some "retro" gamer is interested in the Switch (and they DON'T have some universal e-shop in place – because who are we kidding, it's Nintendo), then they'll have to either make a backup of their memory card with all the games on it, or hold on to their old ass switch for dear life.
But all in all, digital is way more convenient. Holding on to tens of cartridges is annoying and, I mean, I'm ok with losing the potential few dollars I could make back by wasting time selling each one individually (time is money) or bulk-selling them to a store like Gamestop for in-store credit. And if it means that much... I'd buy a Switch right before they discontinue them, transfer all saves and the memory card to it, and leave it locked up somewhere with all them sweet, convenient digital files.
I never clear up space ever.
When i run out of space, i just buy another SD card.
Problem solved. As a bonus. 100% is installed at all times.
Currently i have nearly 600.GB of download games on Switch.
Well Diablo 3 is 20Gbs after all updates and patches @__@
Had it preordered,cancelled it and bought the ps4 version for less than £15. Won't entertain getting it on Switch now unless there is a big discount. They dropped the ball not releasing it physical
@Razer Agree with the Switch download internet speed limit. I have a 100mbps connection - switch connected to router via cable and only get 40 or 48mbps every time (can't remember exact speed, at work) if I do the speed test that is built into the switch.
That's not too bad actually, thought it would be worse.
@Razer Wii U actually let's you put them on an external hard drive. I recently backed mine up as my drive is older than the Wii U. Treated it to a nice 900GB SSD, so while I understand what you are getting at with digital, if you are prepared, it isn't the issue.
Many physical games ship broken and barely playable, requiring day 1 patches, so if eshop ever does go the way you are implying, then most physical games won't be playable or run badly without the update. So in that respect Digital is actually better for games collection long term, as you can control were you put the data.
I'll buy it, but I'd prefer a physical
@Razer The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has a file size of over 31 GB on the Switch and the download took just 2 hours and I did it with a wireless connection. My internet is very unreliable btw. No game takes 6-7 hours unless you have the worst possible connection.
well it sure won't have high resolution textures
Just get it on pc, Xbox or PlayStation. It's not gonna be worth playing the downgraded version of it
I don't mind all digital as long as my games are stored on my account and not the console like wii/wii u. I never bought one game digital on those consoles for that reason alone.
I only have a 128gb card in my switch but own many games digital and at some point will buy a 1tb card and just download all my games, but that won't be for a while because I can't see the switch eshop closing anytime soon and I would imagine that Nintendo's next console will just be a beefed up switch with backwards compatibility.
I will say this though, will always go physical over digital given the choice because it give more control to the customer over the games they own, not to mention it kills the shops that employ people and reduces job opportunities. I see a lot of people that are ina hurry for this all digital future and I don't quite understand it myself because as I said, it takes control away from the customer, you cannot trade or lend a download and in the end all we are paying for with downloads is the ability to access the game we want to play.
I'm not saying I'm against digital but you can NEVER beat owning the physical product, anyone that says otherwise is just lying to themselves in my opinion.
Relatively speaking, that's incredibly small, considering Doom Eternal on my PC is over 50GB.
Since sooner or later physical games will disappear, I will slowly begin to convert to download titles. But there are some things publishers need to do:
1. Guarantee you can re-download a game for 10 years or so.
2. Give the possibility to test a game before buying it.
3. Give the possibily to "lend" games to others.
Nope, something is really wrong with your connection. Switch handles atleast 40mbps over wi-fi and 70-80mbps over wired. Yes its slow compared to a console containing a full gigabit ethernet card like PS4, but it still manages to download around 5MB/s while in sleep mode. A game DOOM Eternals size will take around 1-2 hours to download over wi-fi on Switch and 1 hour or less with stable wired connection. Furthermore, its no problem to go full digital with 256GB Sd-card. With the file-sizes for Switch games being much smaller than on PS4/Xbox, its equal at least 1TB HDD on PS4/Xbox, and in opposite to Switch, PS4 is always "digital only" as no game can run directly off the disc.
I'm just a cheapskate and like having the option to trade in games. I actually had DOOM Eternal physically on Xbox One, but was able to get €35 off Age of Calamity by trading Eternal in after it came to Game Pass.
If money were no concern, though, the convenience of all-digital would be very tempting.
Pretty sure this takes up less space then the first one on switch
Everyone arguing about download size, in more concerned that there aren't any performance videos yet and it releases next week.
After compressing it down by half I want to know how it will run in handheld mode.
Don't forget digital games give you 5% back in points foe your next game while physical just give you 1%.
I went all digital a long time ago. Granted I'm mostly a pc gamer, so I'm used to it. I don't really understand the perception that you "don't own" a digital game... I still have a physical copy, it's just a 1Tb microSD instead of an oversized cartridge that came in a ridiculously oversized box! Also digital is going to keep the price of games down. Most analysts say video games are long overdue for a price hike. Cost of development has skyrocketed over the last 20 years, but prices are only 10 dollars more than when I was a kid. Digital will keep prices at 60USD a bit longer.
No criticism to people who prefer physical releases, it's just not for me. I get a little nostalgic for boxes and seeing my collection on a shelf, but you can't beat the convenience of digital. Especially on a handheld.
@Uranux It's a possibility, but I'm not sure. Part of me says this would have happened either way. Releasing digitally means this is a lower stakes investment-if it sells less because it is releasing later than the others, they don't have to shell out the extra bones to pay for a high-capacity Switch cartridge. And if it does sell well,
well, they still didn't have to shell ojt the extra bones for a high-capacity Switch cartridge.
It seems the reason why this game will not have a physical release at the moment, is because some logistical problems. Still, I'm going to get it anyways. Gyro and playing it on the go is just too good to let it pass.
No sweat.
Du d h g can he e c t r rr
I still think is stupid that they canceled the physical version of this game...
@Envy "Just get it on pc, Xbox or PlayStation. It's not gonna be worth playing the downgraded version of it"
Why are people so pretentious, if that was fact Panic Button wouldn't even try after Doom 2016. It's not for everyone but plenty like Switch versions of these games, as long as they are optimized well and shows the passion from Devs.
The fact that the Witcher III on Switch is a massive 28gb and still had a physical release makes this version of Doom EternAl such a disappointment on BethEsdA's part.
@Chlocean That's not how investments work. If they shell out for the extra bones for a high capacity Switch card, it might mean that they sell more and make more extra bones than they had to shell out. The reason for not doing it would be that they think the probability of getting more money back is too low.
@Jester151 your completely wrong actually. Most gamers still care about ow if physical over digital. It's one of the reasons I choose console over pc. I'm not buying something I'll never actually own and cannot sell or loan to a friend if I choose to. That and the fact you can get physical games much cheaper.
@Strumpan shell out more? It already has to be put on a 32gb card as it is. They have choose to not put it on any card and charge a arm and leg for it.
@LittleZ digital is not owning it. I cannot sell it or loan it or even play it once the servers go down. All your doing is renting it. You paid full price for a rental while I'm over here selling my physicals for most what I paid for them to buy other games or holding onto them for collector reasons.
Digital is nothing but corporate greed.
@Dirty0814 My comment was just an answer to how investments work. There is a likelihood that the increased cost of a physical release is lower than the increased earnings by selling more games when it's released physically. If that likelihood is large enough, they will do it.
In this case I would rather have a 16GB card version with the multiplayer mode off the card or parts of multiplayer unavailable till download (depending on the file size).
I would definitely rather have a physical release, but if this is all we get, I will take it. It might just be a while before I get around to purchasing it. At least I know I will like it since I played a good 4 or 5 hours of it on Xbox One before I stopped playing my Xbox indefinitely.
@Strumpan That last example you posited is actually what I was thinking. Perhaps they don't think they will make enough sales to warrant a cartridge because any DOOM fanatic who was going to rush out to buy the game has already gotten impatient and found another way to play the game. That's a huge percentage of their market.
This is what makes me believe the cartridge would be a high-risk investment, as there is a hefty probability that they won't turn too much of a profit.
@ElectricBacon I got a 500gb sd card on amazon for about $60?. The 1tb cost about $300 to $400 on amazon.
If you ask me, they aren't worth it. You can get a series s for that price.
@LightyKD maybe the multiplayer size haven't been added here. 😏
@Strumpan I heard the preorder wasn't impressive enough to warrant physical release because nintendo carts are expensive.
I'm sure they will release it physical at another date at a higher price & call it the collector's edition.
No physical? Ok I am going for the PS4 version.
my thoughts exactly fcuk this bet its full price too
the man wants us to rent forever ... the dawn of the end of collecting is being ushered in
i wonder if its not a goer to make 24GB game carts, then maybe we could get more physical releases cmon Nintendo
@Seacor the switch version misses more then only simpel graphic data, what about audio output channels different code mayby dolby vision/atmos suport. the switch is a hybrid i could never have the same amount of data, it has to compromise
@ElectricBacon - I bought it on Amazon on a Black Friday deal last year. I currently have about 280+ games. About 80 or so physically, and the rest digitally. Still plenty of room for more games. .
I cant put an sd card cuz the card insert thing is broken so can i still get the game? Cuz it looks fun.
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