Today is the 25th anniversary of Worms, the iconic series from Team17 that has appeared on more systems than we can count over its lengthy lifetime.
The very first game in the franchise launched on 17th November 1995 on the Commodore Amiga, with more recent titles appearing on Nintendo Switch and other modern platforms. The series has sold more than 75 million games in total over that time period, remaining a hugely important part of Team17's brand.
To celebrate the milestone, the Team17 store is offering Worms game discounts up until 24th November. The discounts only apply to Steam versions of the games – so you won't be able to use the discounts on Switch – but the savings reach as much as 80% off certain titles.
It's also been announced that three classic Worms games – Worms, Worms Armageddon, and Worms Blast – will launch on the Evercade in 2021.

Debbie Bestwick MBE, Chief Executive Officer at Team17, has shared the following:
"For a long time, Worms has been at the very heart of Team17. Even now, years into a successful period as a games publishing label, the battling critters remain an important part of our DNA. It’s a series loved by gamers of all ages for decades, with an enduring appeal even when it’s explored and played with new experiences. Watching the series develop over the years has been a wonderful journey to share with one of the most passionate and vocal communities in gaming. Here’s to another 25 years of Worms!"
Comments 26
Bring back worms pinball!
@bluemujika Worms Pinball is actually available on Steam. Very fun game!
I don't know if I'll ever get an Evercade honestly.
But I bet this Collection is better than Worms Rumble.
I used to love worms 2, would love a rerelease of that game!
Love Worms! Team 17 started off in the tiniest office in Ossett. West Yorkshire where I am originally from. It was so exciting in the early 1990’s to have a games studio on our doorstep!!
What does this have to do with Nintendo?
My actual favorite Worms game is Worms Forts: Under Siege. The world was 3D and there where 4 players, one in each corner. You had a fort and built buildings and fighting was much cooler in 3D than 2D.
The game is at gog.com for $5.99 if anyone wants to know.
P.S. Team17, you owe me $17,000 for this post. ;P
Great, fun series. Open Warfare 2 for the DS is still great.
I had the original Amiga Version! For...49,- DM. So long ago. ^^;
I play Worms since the SNES. Shortly after that, I bought a copy on Game Boy, then N64 (my favourite), DS, and Wii.
They messed up the Switch release though, so I skipped it.
I had the Amiga original, and The Directors' Cut for the A1200. I've bought a few Worms games over the years and whilst this article has technically little to do with Switch software, it is a franchise available for the machine and it is about videogames, so there's some relevancy.
And I will be buying the cart for my Evercade!
@Scapetti Valid question. I clicked full of excitement for massive discounts, or a Worms compilation news, or somesuch, yet here we are.
I'm over Team 17 I used to think they were great but in recent years they've done nothing but leave games unfinished (Aven Colony) is just one example, I think I'll pass until they start earning my money again.
This just reminded me that I'm sad Worms Rumble isn't coming to Switch 😔
Anyone know a good site for Nintendo related content?
What is evercade?
Can they not just put them on the switch 🙄
I already have WMP for my Worms fix on Switch, but I would double-dip for an Armageddon port.
They should release all worms games on switch.
I will def `bight.
@AJDarkstar Not just day WEEK its been slow for a bit.
Worms Armageddon on the GBC and N64 were great. Love WMD on the Switch as well. Also loved Open Warfare 2 DS (probably my fav one)
Is this article to with Steam sale only? Huh?
@Dethmunk I'll be preordering that one, Worms is such a fun game. You can play 4 player Armageddon on the evercade too.
I just bought WMD on sale for Switch. It was so stupidly cheap and I feel like I've ripped them off. Worms has come a long way since I last played it on my Amiga 1200.
@sandman89 it’s a new handheld with a cartridge library of retro or retro-themed games. Nintendo Life has produced a hardware review and some other news items on it; a quick search will show you the articles, if you want to know more.
Ha! That explains those classic accents, then. Fan since the ‘95 PC release; cheers!
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