Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog YouTube channel this weekend held an Extra Life charity livestream to help raise money to benefit the Children’s Miracle Network - a network of 170 non-profit children’s hospitals throughout the United States and Canada.
As part of this, there was a series of milestones throughout the stream, where viewers could unlock never-before-seen Sonic Adventure and Sonic Heroes concept art. In the end, all milestones were unlocked! Take a look at each one below:

The final milestone unlocked some early demo versions of four Sonic Adventure 2 music tracks, which were provided by Jun Senoue. These include beta tracks for City Escape, Mission Street, Metal Harbor and Radical Highway (thanks, Tails' Channel).
Are you a fan of any of these Sonic games? What do you think of the above concept art and music tracks? Tell us below.
Comments 38
So that's what Sonic Adventure would've looked like if it was on the Sega Saturn!
All the concept art were pretty cool to see.
This is seriously neat! I wonder what the games would have been like if they kept this beta design stuff. Free-flying the Tornado?
I actually loved the concept art for the Sonic Adventure games!
I've come to make an announcement.
Man if SEGA ported SA1/2 and Heroes to Switch I'd be happy. Heroes was (and still is) my favorite Sonic game.
Idk If you guys know how big of a sonic Fan I i'm I'm like this big-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big of a sonicfan If I lit the line go on for any longer I would have took'in up all your time.
@JR150 that would be a great answer to super mario 3d all-stars. I would be in for sure.
I had a hard time getting into hereos when it came out due to it being the first sonic game on a non Sega console but playing it again years later on xbox it was a lot of fun. I think I was still in mourning for the Dreamcast when I saw it.
I love Heroes because it was one of the few Sonic games with loads of gameplay variety. Each team (Sonic, Rose, Dark, Chaotix) had their own style of gameplay that you'd be able to enjoy and a different perspective on the events of the story. The Ryan Drummond-Jason Griffith era of Sonic is when he used to just "be" cool. The Roger Craig Smith era (mostly with Generations and Forces) feels like he's trying too hard to be cool.
Sega have been showing a lot of love to the 1998-2006 Adventure style era lately. I wonder if there's anything to it, like how we got a lot of Classic Sonic fanservice a few years ago.
I love SA2 so much, easily my favourite Sonic game. There’s just so much content, it’s crazy. I was totally addicted to the Chao stuff too.
The sonic adventure games though good in some places were horrible in others and i never understood the praise they often get. The camera is barf inducing the voice acting terrible and they're loaded with bugs and glitches. Let's be real people. These are not great games.
On the other hand i rather liked Sonic heroes! Sure it ain't perfect but as far as 3D sonic goes it's pretty high up there!
@JR150 well forces and generations beats the heck out of boom and spinoffs at least. Lost world was playable and a very interesting platform starring sonic but not a main line sonic game per say.
It would be nice for a sonic that was not trying so hard to have attitude. And just exist .
Yeah. Colors did alright and Boom actually worked well with Roger Craig. but Generations and Forces just feel weird for his character. They are good games though.
Here's hoping the next one lets us play as more than just Sonic lol
I loved Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. Man, what a system that was...
This is beauty! ☆☆☆☆
@Zeldafan79 I do know what you mean, I started playing SA over lockdown on PC and it has aged terribly! BUT it was fun at the time to play as sonic in a 3D space. Chao addiction with the VMU was insane!
As much as I like the original Sonic Adventure (sure it's a bad game, but it's still fun), I would have loved that Saturn version even more.
It just oozes cheap 90's aesthetic that moves me~
@Jakiboy Isn't it just concept art, not a Saturn version?
Imagine that game actually coming to fruition, unfortunately we have to make do with bad Sonic game after bad Sonic game, hopefully we'll get a good 3D Sonic game for a change sometime
The concept art when sonic adventure was on the saturn before sonics redesign is amazing would have loved this looks like a pure transition between the classic 2d games to 3d
These are great!
Sonic Adventure 2 looks like Sonic Jam on the Saturn.
Now see, why couldn’t they have just left it looking like that instead of making him ‘cool’. Not a fan of lanky Sonic. He was appealing because of how compact he was.
So two fun facts about me, I got all emblems in SA2 for the first time this year, and just the other day, my fortune cookie said "OPEN YOUR HEART." I'm enjoying all the attention SA1&2 are getting...
...But why the heck aren't these games on Switch?! I would gladly get 180 emblems again! And Sonic Heroes needs to get an HD rerelease period!
SA2 is the best 3D Sonic game, unsurpassed all these years. The soundtrack is chef’s kiss. I want a HD remake so bad.
Yeah but it looks like it would have been on Satan (compare them to Sonic Jam and you will see what I mean).
Not saying it wouldn't be on Dreamcast, but it would make a lot more sense they were planning on making it for Saturn first.
City Escape without rolling around at the speed of sound, I don't want to live in that universe.
Nice but it's too bad Sega didn't do much with Sonic during the 32-Bit era.
I like that City Escape music more than the final version!
While Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is more polished and I liked obtaining all the secret abilities (gear for Knuckles/Rouge/Tails/Eggman), I still like more Adventure DX because of the Overworld and the music. I like rock music (and other modern music found in Adventure 2 in his time), but I prefer the music of Adventure 1 because it is more varied, more adventurous which sits well for Sonic. The Overworld feel like a good evolution for the franchise. I liked exploring and finding the next stage/act. I also enjoyed the Mission Mode added in the Game Cube version. With a good polishing and Quality of Life adjustments, it will be a great game imo.
@HotGoomba___Rebrand Ah, a man of culture I see.
I love behind the scenes stuff like this. I still play Sonic Heroes occasionally, and it still find it kind of cool the last island on Seaside Hill is shaped like a whale, so it's cool seeing that concept shown.
@Diddy64 Mission Mode was a great addition, I don't know why people don't like it, it's optional and lets you keep enjoying the game after you've finished it.
A lot of people say it's a lazy port, but the better performance + GBA connectivity make it the most unique version to play in my book.
Everything about Adventures 2 DX was perfect. I'd love to be able to play this on the Switch and introduce my son to it.
My favourite beta track is still the semi-mumbled version of the Sonic Heroes theme..
@AlienX Good to see someone agree with Mission Mode. My guess on why many people don't like it, is because either they didn't try it after beating the game's story or they stopped playing the mode because of it being unpolished.
Sure, everyone likes a polished game, but some of the glitches and unpolished areas can be evaded (even without cheating). I cleared the game without having any major issues (and clear a lot of the missions in Mission Mode).
It would be great if the game got an official polished release, so that more people can enjoy it though.
@spoondriver While there are many core problems with Sonic Adventure that can't be fixed, the Steam port of Sonic Adventure DX is actually the worst version of the game to play, unless you mod it. I'm not saying it fixes everything wrong with the game, but it certainly helps to make the experience more enjoyable.
@Knuckles I will say I never remembered it being as "old" as it plays. I envy my brother as he has a Dreamcast so he gets the proper experience with VMU
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