Steve Smash Bros

You probably know the story by now, but when Minecraft's Steve joined the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster earlier this month, fans quickly discovered that his victory screen contained a very unfortunate bit of meat placement. It quickly did the rounds on social media and became one of the biggest gaming stories of the day – because the internet.

It's actually been fixed now – the game's latest patch now has Steve gobbling up his meat, rather than simply letting it hang – but not before Microsoft's Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox brand, was shown exactly how it looked.

Kotaku's Stephen Totilo tells the story:

Of course, Minecraft and its developer Mojang are now a part of the Xbox family, so it's interesting to see that Spencer clearly had no idea that this screen was present in the game until it released. We particularly like that last line, which we can only imagine was said with slight disbelief: "I assume that will be fixed."
