Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity got a free demo yesterday, and, as is so often the case with these kind of things, dataminers have been working flat-out to pick apart the game code and find the secrets lurking within.
They appear to have uncovered the entire roster of playable characters, which you'll find below.
It goes without saying that if you're keen to avoid spoilers, you probably shouldn't have clicked this link and you certainly shouldn't keep reading.
Still with us?
OK, here goes. In the game code, player icons have been found for the following characters:
- Link
- Impa
- Zelda
- Urbosa
- Mipha
- Revali
- Daruk
- King Rhoam
- Hestu
- Riju
- Sidon
- Teba
- Yunobo
- Great Fairy
- Master Kohga
- A Monk
- Mini Guardian
- Ganon
This doesn't mean this is every single playable character in the game, of course – more could be hidden away in the final code, and there's the obvious potential for post-launch DLC – but it gives you at least an indication of how many characters will be up for grabs when Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity launches on November 20th.
[source gonintendo.com]
Comments 80
The ability to move the demo save data to the full game probably means the demo has to be nearly on spec w/ the game itself so the datamining is probably fairly accurate.
I still think after they've given everyone some time to play thru the main story as intended they'll have a season pas DLC similar to the first game on Wii U including having a bunch of those characters back. I'll be really disappointed if we don't get Lana and Midna. I already have $99 in eShop credit waiting for the game and DLC.
They need to get a life.
People hate surprises.
"The leaks were true!"
Shut up.
Genuinely curious about Ganon, because it doesn't explicitly say he's Calamity Ganon. That's what I would assume but I wonder if Calamity Ganon will manifest into a physical form, perhaps like when you fight him at different phases in BotW during the Divine Beast segments.
I hope there's also a big guardian playable and maybe a skywatcher.
It does not sound bad if true. Riju is one of my favorite characters in BotW.
Probably will have DLC as Purah and Robbie should be playable too.
@ToadBrigade We also got to play as the villains in the first Hyrule Warriors and It's awesome, we can play as Ganon and Master Kohga, can't complain about that.
@ToadBrigade because it’s a musuo game. They pad out the roster. The last time they didn’t pad it out was berserk and the band of the hawk and that game was recieved poorly for it.
Hestu! Here’s hoping his moveset incorporates his “gifts.”
The original HW already let us play as some villains.
Also, it is possible some characters are playable in other modes and thus they can add odd choices to make it more interesting and not being canon.
@ToadBrigade Because Musou. The same reason you got to play as Ganondorf and Skull Kid in the last game. Fan service.
I think and hope Purah is the closest we get to Lana. Not a fan of that generic anime girl.
Just how do you play as the last one in the list? That is, considering his BoTW self and whatnot.
Not a surprising cast, but a good one. Hopefully there's enough variety, don't want Riju to be a clone of Urbosa etc.
@rjejr I love when companies do the carry over demo route, it makes a lot of sense to keep people invested. Square Enix does this a lot which I commend them for.
How would Riju be playable? She's only 12 years old in BOTW.
People who are wondering how future characters are playable in this game clearly didn't play the demo. But since you're in a post about leaks I'll assume you don't mind spoilers. The mini guardian travels back from the future. So it seems there will be elements of time travel
If we can play as Ganon or Kiju then I want to play as a full-sized guardian, maybe one of the three dragons, Epona, Sephiroth, Steve from Minecraft.
@Scapetti It's also entirely possible they'll only be playable in only an Epilogue scenario as well that acts as a bridge between BotW 1&2
That's more than I was expecting. When it was announced, I was expecting a Persona 5 Scramble type roster, with just the champions. But then they started confirming more, and even then this is more than I thought we'd get.
@ToadBrigade Apparently the entire premise of the game is that a tiny pet guardian of Zelda's travels back in time and shows everyone pictures of the Great Calamity. So presumably, the Champions get the chance to rewrite history and beat Calamity Ganon the first time around. Thus creating yet another Zelda timeline.
Also - where's Kass?
@Jokerwolf Carryover does make sense. Options are good, can always delete it and start over if we want.
@sinalefa Is Purah the blue haired girl I keep seeing in the trailers that I think is Lana? I keep being confused. I'm pretty sure I even saw Lana's big magic box attack yesterday.
I'm all about generic blue haired anime girls, you should see my dining room. 🤣 (My wife works in manga publishing, and she's working from home.)
Still need Midna though.
King Rhoam has to be playable. That one is a no-brainer.
Scrolled past the list real fast. I was joking on the phone with my brother that this would probably happen. He said if they were smart, Nintendo wouldn't leave assets like that in the demo. I'm fairly certain that's not how demos work.
a monk?! alrighty then
But wow Ganon! That means l can play as big piggy right?
@rjejr I am not sure if you responded to the same comment lol. Mine was about same console generations having different game libraries which alienates everyone who has the base system. They can't get away with the Apple iPad sales model, it just won't fly with a dedicated game console and we have seen this with every attempt at it devs are smart and decide that they would rather just make their games work on the weaker system rather than only on the newer one.
I hate to post pics here so I sent you a tweet.
Just started playing the demo does anyone know how to eat I missed it !?!
@Shybean When in game, you can press L and then B to eat an apple when in the menus before going into missions you can make food then eat it for benefits in battle.
@Dragwhite thank you was about to die 😂 or whatever it is that happens in this game ??
As a site that supports Nintendo and such, is it not wrong to promote this kind of stuff?
Wait ganon? Will we be able to destroy hyrule?
@Shybeam No problem! You can find more apples stuffed in the barrels as well if you get lucky.
Ganon may pop up in another form. The plot starts with the R2D2 Guardian going back in time trying to avert the present so it makes sense that things will play out differently to what we expect.
Still holding out for that playable Bokoblin DLC
Welp there goes my hope and dreams.
I mean come on wolf link was on breath of the wild why not this..
@ToadBrigade lol, then the game would basically pull a Last Of Us Part 2 on us 😂
@Jokerwolf I responded to this in #19, emphasis mine:
"I love when companies do the carry over DEMO route, it makes a lot of sense to keep people invested. Square Enix does this a lot which I commend them for."
I have no idea what you are talking about in #31 and I've read it 4x now. Thought maybe you crossed the threads from our other ongoing conversation.
@TexanSansei I'm not sure when I saw her, I mostly remember the box. Here's the pic from my tweeter feed, and the front looks blue but that could just be a shadow. And I thought the white hair was light blue.

Though to be fair I think all anime girls are KOSMOS anyway. 🤣
@sinalefa Thanks, got the tweet. 👍
Just played the demo, what a great game!
If this is canon as they said, then i get where breath of the wild 2 is going. The lil guardian goes back in time to change the future 🧐😎 so this plot can go either way. And breath of the wild 2 will follow.
Hetsu is probably the best character. He could have the most stats too.
@ToadBrigade you didn't play the original Hyrule Warriors did you?
@RPGamer Agreed we all hate leakers..
Give the people what they want! Let me play as the giant dragon ruins in Faron Woods.
No Linkle
Wow. DLC I guess.
Hahaha that would be funny and sad at the same time. Swoosh swoosh, down goes the champions (the End)
I think we'll probably play as the champions during one of those kinds of scenes where you pretty much have to fail and once you "die" it'll show a cutscene.
Would be pretty cool if true
Compared to the first "Hyrule" game its not the most exciting of rosters but then being limited to just BOTW would do that. The demo though was fantastic even if the framerate was lackluster and resolution poor in handheld mode, as soon as pay day hits i shell be pre-ordering.
How are we supposed to play a riju shes 12 in botw and age of calamity is based 100 years before does she time travel or something?
This game is gonna be really fun based off of demo gameplay but the whole time travel thing is a huge bummer. I was really hoping this was canon with a sad ending that leads into BOTW but it doesn't seem like that's the case any more
Nintendo is gonna grumble grumble away our demos if they see this! Lol. Kind of a strange roster, beyond the Champions... but my mind is open.
I played it for 8 hours. I went from “not this crap again” to “holy crap I need this!” Its sooo much better than the first HW. Beat both stages on each difficulty, leveled Link up to his 20 level cap. I found 5 koroks and a blupee in the first map, and 6 koroks and a blupee in the second map. I’m really impressed so far. They did the right thing with a demo.
I don't care if it's BOTW characters only, I need Darunia and his Megaton Hammer.
The demo so far made it my favorite warriors game so far. Actually, link is the only character of the three I dont like so far.
@Christofu not necessarily. Could be two alternate branches. Actually that's highly likely. What better time to play as ganon than wiping all the champions?
@IronMan30 With that bigass sword? Absolutely
@AstroTheGamosian time travel. Or a non-canon mode. Probably the second one.
@darkswabber Yeah, I do hope that the new and old champions don't play identically. I loved how differently impa, link and zelda play. It was refreshing to see in a warriors game
@Mr_Persona The datamine just went off the character portraits. The monk is a new guy. The hooded homie. If it turned out to be a preview of ganondorf I'd poop
It would be so awesome if the demo contained a mountain of fakes to missguide dataminers. I'd love to see a fake leak saying there was the entire cast of Smash Bros in Age of calamity and all the news sites reporting it as absolute truth
Aaaaaaand this is why I wish they had just crammed Urbosa, Mipha, Revali, & Daruk in the Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition or had the new game not be based off of one individual entry in the series. Basing it off BOTW seems like a neat idea at first, until you realize the people who like BOTW still aren't going to like playing a Warriors/Musou game, and how much it limits who, what, and were you can have in the game.
Maybe when it goes on sale forever from now because Nintendo I'll buy it, but at this point I'm more inclined to re-buy the original when it goes on sale again.
i dont understand why people come on to a spoiler thread / leak thread and talk crap about spoilers and leaks in comments? if you were that bothered dont click on it in first place. ganondorf was in the first HW, get over yourselves
@Xansies I just thought it was a weird idea adding a monk as a playable character because there is so many of them in the game that are dead.
@shoeses Which is kinda your loss because from the demo mechanically the game is much better. Hell, I'll go by the first 3 hours I played and say it's close to one of the best warriors style slash em ups. This entirely has to do with the depth of the three playable characters we got and the relatively low amount of enemies on the map making it feel more like dragon quest heroes than hyrule warriors. Out of the warriors spinoff series, this one definitely feels the best, at least out of fire emblem, hyrule, and pirates. And runs probably worst. Here's hoping for the switch pro
@Mr_Persona I mean, prequel and all that. I like so far how different the playstyles are. Zelda's especially is fun. I guess the champions will probably be clones or fire emblem warriors style clones where just the specials and break attack change, but hey, diversity amongst a small cast is great.
This is so cool!! Imagine being able to use light powers with zelda, breathe under warter with mipha, and even use secret shiekah combat techniques with impa!! Even the thought of it its self sounds just so amazing in every way possible!!!😄
You could even teleport with master kogah! And use a monk to make ur very own shrines!!
@ToadBrigade The egg guardian probably helped them time travel.
@ToadBrigade “Why do we get to play as villains?”
Um- why not is a better question?
@ToadBrigade probably the time mechanic in the demo.
@Xansies For me it's old news because I played the Dynasty Warrior spin-off games like Fire Emblem Warriors, Hyrule Warriors. Main series, Dynasty Warriors 7, 8, and 9. But I guess it's nice to see more of the castle without being destroyed because I admire castles!
@Mr_Persona Nah, I played them all. I'm a big fan, admittedly. If the character depth stays from what we see in the three from the demo, it's gonna be a good one. I mean, as far as warriors games go, it's pretty anitbutton mashy, at least it's hard to get far mashing with zelda and impa because of their special mechanic. It probably compares best to persona scramble or dragon quest heroes more than any other warriors game
@Xansies I don't like how Impa & Zelda play, I don't like the smaller amounts of enemies (which in itself is REALLY unfitting given the premise of BOTW), I don't like the fact you're encouraged dare I say forced to just press a button to stun larger enemies, I don't like it being based solely on BOTW, I won't care about the story since we know the outcome along with the pervious "I don't like", and I don't like that it runs like crap unless I buy a theoretical new Switch model people have been talking about since 2018.
But to each their own. If you think this is one of the best Warriors games ever, who am I to stop you. Maybe I'll get it at least 2 years from now, the minimum amount of time it takes for a First Party Switch title to go on sale for less than $60.
Just give me botw2 alr ion want a bloody spin off game☹️
@shoeses Well, sure. My main point them is why get the first hyrule warriors then? It meets all of your complaints except is markedly worse on all of them. Mostly in depth of combat. AOC (ha) seems to focus more on combat than fan service. There are a lot more characters in the first one, but that doesn't me all of them are fun to play agatha and it's much more button mashy. The reason I like impa and zelda in this is because you really can't mash your way to victory because of their unique mechanics. I mean, you could, but it's take forever. Amd by less enemies I mean a few hundred instead of a few thousand like fore emblem warriors or dynasty warriors. It's about on par with the first hyrule warriors of a little less.
@GigaNibba settle down, it's not like the development of this game has delayed or impacted the development of BOTW2 in any way. They're made by different devs and everything. I mean I'm sure they've shared assets, but the Zelda team is hard at work on BOTW2, they are not the ones that have been actively work on this game, that's Koei Tecmo.
Wait, where is my Boi Kass at? Don't underestimate his sheet music. He'll papercut you to death.
Lana and Cia will be a DLC and that's it.
Hyrule Warriors 1 was full of DLCs, this one won't be any different.
@ToadBrigade Surely the Monk is a reference to the one's that were inside each of the 120 shrines?
@duffmmann I like ur funny words,Magic man
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