Shiny Pokémon are a staple of the Pokémon franchise, but as time has progressed, things have shifted and the ways to get them have become more plentiful. Here, we’re taking a look at Shiny Pokémon, their history, how things have changed and asking the question: are they too common now?
What are Shiny Pokémon?
In Pokémon Gold & Silver, when the Pokémon games gained colour, a new variant of Pokémon were included. Nicknamed 'Shiny' Pokémon by the fanbase, now an official term, these Pokémon were highly rare variants that differed in one thing: the colour.
There’s literally no other difference, and it’s purely a cosmetic thing of just being a different colour and with a Star sparkle as it comes out, though Pokémon Sword & Shield added a second variant, Glistening Shiny, with square sparkles. Despite there being no difference, they have often been seen as trophies to flex and, for some players in official tournaments in the past, a way to sneakily run down the clock by having extra time used for its animation.
Shiny Pokémon came with a 1-in-8192 chance which then got reduced (or increased, chance-wise) as of Pokémon X & Y to 1-in-4096. However, throughout the main Pokémon games, there have been ways to get the chance of encountering a Shiny to be more common. The Shiny Charm, introduced in Black 2 & White 2, increases the chance by a factor of 3. There are also multiple methods, including the breeding method (nicknamed the “Masuda Method”), which allows for you to get an even better chance if you breed two Pokémon from different languages bringing the Shiny chance down to 'just' 1-in-512, if you have a Shiny Charm.
There has also been Poké Radar Chaining, Chain Fishing and more but the chances have never really dropped below 1-in-273, as seen with Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu & Let’s Go, Eevee!. These chances, as with probability, don’t increase with each encounter so every single one has the same rates, so you could go double or even triple the “odds” without encountering.
With these odds, many influencers around the Internet have gained a following by Shiny hunting due to the rarity of these Pokémon. The rarity of them is enticing because once you finally get it, it’s seen as a trophy or reward.
There have been some instances of guaranteed Shiny encounters in game, notably the Gyrados in the Lake of Rage in the Johto games and the Dratini, Gible and Haxorus in Black 2 & White 2, but these haven’t really happened since. Another guaranteed opportunity to net a Shiny has come from event distributions, but of all event distributions in the main series games, only around 10% of them have been Shiny.
There are also cases of Pokémon being Shiny Locked. Since Pokémon Black & White, certain Pokémon have been coded to not be shiny, typically Legendary Pokémon tied to the story. This is usually countered by the species not having that Shiny Lock in future games when they’re available through other means, but some Pokémon, mostly Mythical Pokémon, have remained without their Shiny variant being available.
The anime has also periodically featured Shiny Pokémon, with Ash having a Shiny Noctowl and various other trainers having some. In Unova, Ash & Goh even meet a trainer whose goal is to catch every Pokémon as its shiny variant.
Spin-off games have often used Shiny Pokémon as a small bonus as well. Pokémon Masters recently added them for egg Pokémon and Pokémon Shuffle had them as just special events to encounter but generally they again have been nothing overly special.
The Pokémon GO Factor
Pokémon GO is where things start to get messy. Pokémon GO, as you're almost certainly aware, is a location-based spin-off game where you find Pokémon in the real world and you can connect your caught Pokémon to the main series games through Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu! & Let’s Go, Eevee and, at some point in the future, Pokémon HOME.
Why is this noteworthy? Shiny Pokémon, of course! In March 2017, they began introducing Shiny Pokémon, starting with Magikarp. Since then, every time there is an event, they introduce at least one new Shiny Pokémon or Pokémon evolution chain. However, in this game, Shiny Pokémon are not as rare as the main games, meaning that you can transfer the easier-to-get Shiny Pokémon into the main games from GO.
The rarity of the Pokémon being Shiny in GO varies with it being a standard around 1-in-400, which is a solid rarity, down to around 1-in-20. If a Pokémon is rarer for spawns, it will be more likely to be Shiny. Though most of the time only the base evolution of a Pokémon can be encountered as Shiny, the evolutions can only be Shiny by evolving. However, with Pokémon GO having events so often, the spawns of many of these rare Pokémon get boosted and so more people find these Shinies.
There are also Community Day events. These events last for three to six hours and have a massively increased Shiny rate. The Pokémon will dominate spawns and the Shiny rate is usually around 1-in-20. This means if a person plays for the entire time and moves around a bit, they can get a massive amount of Shiny Pokémon. I myself caught 22 Shiny Seedot - a large number of a specific Shiny Pokémon that I couldn’t possibly hope to achieve in the main series games.
This then has its own impact. Shiny Pokémon have become so common in Pokémon GO, that if people go through an event without getting one, have a Community Day without a Shiny or fail to get the Legendary variant of a Shiny through raids, there will often be complaints throughout local Pokémon GO groups. There have even been some instances of people complaining to Niantic that the game is “bugged” because they haven’t found a Shiny in a week. Others even push conspiracy theories of other accounts being prone to Shiny Pokémon and older accounts that play daily not getting many, just because of their luck. People expect to get Shiny Pokémon and something is seen as wrong if they don’t.
This view has even bled back into the main games with there being complaints every time a new Pokémon Sword & Shield Max Raid Battle event begins that there’s no guaranteed shiny. To their credit, there have been four instances where you have guaranteed encounters of Shiny Pokémon during a Raid Event of Magikarp, Zeraora (Non-Catchable), Wailord and Pikachu but, in order to maintain the rarity of these, they are coded to have an incredibly low catch rate so even if you encounter one, it’ll be hard to catch and these events ran for mere days.
When Pokémon GO opens up connectivity with Pokémon HOME and Shiny Pokémon from Gen 2 onwards start hitting it, the Global Trade System and main games will get inundated with the Shiny Pokémon.
So, has the shine been taken off Shiny Pokémon?
With this, the evidence is clear that, through Pokémon GO, the view of Shiny Pokémon has changed. While once they were incredibly rare showcases of luck or persistence, they have now become seen as merely content for you to obtain and strive for in each GO event.
For me, I’m in two minds. I have the goal: to obtain a “Living Shiny Pokédex”, a collection of every available Pokémon as its Shiny variant. Pokémon GO is definitely helping towards achieving that goal, but as I come from the background of older Pokémon games, seeing Shiny Pokémon be so common kind of guts the entire concept of them. It almost makes me wish they’d implement a new variant of Shiny Pokémon featuring different colours in order to get a similar feel as Shiny Pokémon used to have, but then would the whole cycle eventually happen again?
There are various aspects and views on this topic worth discussing. Are you happy with how common Shiny Pokémon are now? Would you rather they revert to being a (really) rare thing? Let us know in the poll and comments below.
Comments 75
Stop giving them out so freely, it devalues them for quite a long time
Thank you Joe for using the term Glistening Shiny. Maybe it will help people stop saying Ultra Shiny.
I think its pretty balance. I do think thou that its might be a little to easy to get shiny pokemon but only because of trading and giveaways. I voted for the wrong one and I cant re vote. I have yet to find a shiny pokemon in the wild I have found them in gmax raid when I was hunting them I think I was lucky, but I want to know what you all think ( nonthing I say is fact please don't get mad)
They were always devalued due to the existence of external tools that allow to "paint" them :/
Like, also people give away bunch of them for free, so it's nice for people to get access to them, so I see them more in the end as an alternate look for a pokemon.
I like the higher odds too. I have the shiny charm for the past games and from what I've played, never encountered a random shiny unless I deliberately was hunting for one haha.
Of course there's also shiny hunting and the rush of getting that one pokemon you've been wanting to never gets old.
with the amount of tedious suffering that goes into shiny hunts, who cares if it takes less time and effort to get a different colored 3D model
You can actually get the odds to 1/64 by breeding with a shiny parent in gen 2 (and it's very easy to get a shiny Ditto using a trick with the Red Gyarados and the move Mimic and sending it to a gen 1 game)
I may or may not have abused this to get a buncha shiny pokes, then used another glitch to clone said shinies and then transferred them up to HOME in order to complete my National Dex. allegedly.
edit: the normal 1/8,192 odds are definitely a little ridiculous though.. It took me around 110-120 hours to randomly run into a shiny in HeartGold about a week ago. and it was a Magikarp facepalm
I dropped Sword when people found out how to farm shinies.
I’ve played PoGo and all mainline releases of Pokemon since it launched years ago. Honestly the only thing it devalues is “trade value” of said shiny. If you’re playing solo, or just collecting them then not really.
In X/Y I could trade a shiny I caught/bred for any legit legend I needed to fill my National Dex.... that i Doubt is still the case, unless it’s a high IV bred with egg moves.
You can tell gamefreak worried about it when they decided to have two different shiny sparkle patterns. One being rarer than the other. But I think they should have just come up with a 3rd color scheme instead.
I have played every Gen of Pokemon, multiple times, and I have STILL never come across a shiny pokemon that wasn't an event (like Red Gyarados in Gen II) or a giveaway!
I think the Ultra Dimension shiny rate (except legendaries) and Let's Go shiny rate where too much but Imo everything else is fine
That being said I don't trade shinies cause only shinies I've catched by myself (be it through luck or hunting) are of value for me
@bigcalsworld breed for em, much easier to get than wild hunting.... even with chaining. At least that’s been my luck. I’ve successfully bred for about 8 shiny pokes since X/Y... each in about 200-250 eggs. The last one - Inteleon - proved to be an egg sucker though, about 1k eggs there....
I'm a very dedicated shiny hunter, with a goal that I don't think has been challenged yet: a Living Shiny Master Dex (a shiny variant for every possible Pokémon, including gender and form differences). That said, having done shiny hunting for a little over five years now, I agree that Shiny Pokémon are getting a little too common. I'm not a serious GO player and I have 272 Shiny Pokémon in it, not counting ones I've already transferred to Let's Go, pushing my total well past 300.
That said, I think the value attributed to a Shiny Pokémon comes from its owner. I've seen people upset that the Shiny Charmander they got through soft resetting in Gen 3 is devalued due to the number of Shiny Charmander from Pokémon GO Community Days, and I've seen people elated to get a Shiny through Chain Fishing or Wonder Trade. For me, the value I attribute to my Shiny Pokémon comes from the effort I put in to get them. I don't care if a lot of people got a Shiny Zapdos pretty easily from GO. It doesn't change the fact that I worked my butt off to get a Shiny Zapdos from HeartGold after a painful 13,340 tries. It holds value to me because I worked for it, and that's how I feel Shiny Pokémon should be treated.
So don't feel ashamed if you have a Shiny you like that you didn't work for, and don't shame people for going for easy shinies. Let people enjoy things, I say.
I've only seen one shiny, a Rockruff, right at the beginning of Sun/Moon which I did catch. This is having played since the beginning. I'd say seeing one after hundreds of hours of playtime is too low. I think a good compromise is having the barely different ones be much more common, and letting the truly different ones stay rare.
I’ve yet to catch a single shiny and I’ve played several gens. (Wild anyway, giveaways and in game events not counting)
@Dm9982 I cba with that lol. I'm not that bothered about getting one, but would be nice to one day come across one in the wild for the first time haha.
I played every generation, sometimes multiple playthroughs like both Gold and Silver, and I didn't encounter a wild shiny besides the guaranteed encounters until Let's Go Pikachu. Granted I wasn't specifically hunting for them, but you'd think after hundreds of hours I would've seen at least a few. It was genuinely surprising when it happened. It was a Golbat by the way.
People can enjoy the games any way they want. For me, I only take a shiny that I have caught myself, or been given through an event. And I do not count my GO, or Let's GO shiny pokemon towards my tally.
But thats how I choose to hunt. Like someone said in the comments earlier, its all about the value that YOU get out of them.
I think it would be amazing to just have a bunch of color/pattern variants of each Pokémon that all have an equal chance of being found in the wild. But that's just me. And I'm sure it'd be a lot of work considering how many Pokémon there are now.
@bigcalsworld hahaha, be careful what ya wish for. I did the same, and the 3 random wild shinies I’ve encountered were ones you wouldn’t want (except for collecting) lol!
First was a Cherubi in Pearl, second was a Ratatta in X/Y, and third a Spearow in Moon. The last one I kept as that had to be record for how fast a shiny was found, within 42 mins of booting up the game at launch.
@graysoncharles Not true. Shiny Pokémon in Gen 2 were relatively stronger, but are actually not as strong as they could be, and Shiny Pokémon in Gen 3 have completely random IVs.
I started with diamond and pearl and never encountered a random one until x and y. I think they should be more common for casual players. and so shiney hunters could get on with thier life
I think the main games are fine from this perspective. Pokémon Go might cause the real issue once compatibility with Home is accomplished. Maybe they need to block Go shinies from Home?
@bigcalsworld Since childhood, I've seen one. It was a shiny Seaking in Pokemon Diamond, but it makes sense I saw it in Diamond, I put over 200 hours into it.
Not at all, it was waaaaaaay too tedious shiny hunting in past gens.
Didn't know shiny were this common in GO...
Hacked ones were already devaluing the concept, but didn't think there was an official game causing the same issue.
Personally I think that the balance between rarity and obtainable was pretty good in Sun and Moon. You still had to shiny hunt and it wasn't guarantee you could find a shiny, yet the method was simple and easy to follow and the odds were good enough that I managed to snatch a couple of the shinies I absolutely wanted. They were special and hard to get, yet there was a realistic chance to get a few if you tried.
I have a complete Dex of Shinys in Sword, some I hatched/caught but most were trades.
Now I have them all the novelty factor is gone. I remember my excitement having my first few, guarenteed in my team. Now its just to show off lol
not in the bloody card game they arent
The only times I felt them too easy to acquire is when they just give them away in events and such, and maybe some of the mon in USUM. I'd actually argue that most of the methods to acquire them should be improved and made less of a complete drag and grind fest. It's incredibly monotonous and uninteractive. Just spinning the rng wheel
I played 100 of Pokémon Sword and got one shiny. So no, they're not too common unless you count distribution.
How is it that something that inherently has no value has to be so rare?
I know that it's supposed to be a side profile of Magikarp, but all I see is an orange Hitler with an over-sized mustache, winking awkwardly at the camera.
All the hacking has made them less than worthless
Hahaha! No they're not too common.
I have been playing Pokemon since Yellow (yes I know, they weren't in Yellow, point still stands) and have never seen a random one so I'm going to say no.
I have never played GO though and I don't trade so that could be why.
I've played every generation and have legitimately encountered and caught two shiny pokemon; mareep (gen 2), and durant ( xy). I appreciate and have a connection with these somewhat worthless pokemon for having found them shiny in the wild. Making them more common only devalues them
I stopped playing when I noticed how many hacked and shiny pokemon were around. No interest in farming something that will be given away to everyone
Sometimes i like the way Pokemon Go does it. It's what started my shiny hunt and now I want them all for a collection. What I don't like about it is that on community days they are far too common it ruins the enjoyment and excitement when you get one. Let's take Treecko for an example, I caught loads on community day. Felt absouletly nothing when I caught them. Just that they were another normal Pokemon ready to bin the rubbish ones. But today I caught one without it being community day and even though I had already caught loads, today's felt great to catch. I liked the rarity of it and it made me happy.
In Sword a couple ran into me. I didn't hunt for them. Those were great moments too. It's nice for the first couple times but if it happens more than a couple then it's too common. I have never caught a shiny in any main game before, certainly not even like that so they have made it a bit too easy.
Im 2 Pokemon away from the shiny living Dex (minus some mythical/ungettables) and I’m so happy about it
They shouldn't be common, as long as the odds don't instantly put off people from trying.
As someone who's sunk way too much time into gacha games, I know the formula for a Skinner box when I see it by now. Shinies are clearly being used as Pokémon GO's "six-star" units - its power-creep rarity tier introduced once the player base has become so saturated with the vanilla game's "five-star" top rarity units (legendaries, or perhaps max-IV pokes, in this case) that they aren't enough to keep players excited anymore.
Any game on this sort of trajectory will eventually burn through their new hotness just as surely as they did the old. If shinies aren't already too common (though it certainly sounds like they may be), it's only a matter of time.
I don’t play Pokémon GO that seriously. So for me, the answer is no. And I can remember the last time I encountered a shiny in the wild. I believe it was Gold and Silver and I honestly thought it was a glitch in the game and I remember not catching it and turning the game off and on.
this why i only use 1 shiny in my main team
a female, shiny Lucario, that i hunted for back in alola
I have yet to meet a single shiny Pokémon in sword and Shield, I don't know what this is about.
@Xiovanni is resetting a game/hatching eggs ad nauseum "challenging" and "mentally stimulating"? anyone I know doing shiny hunts is doing something else while hatching their 10,000 eggs/doing their 10,000 resets/etc.
You ask if they’ve become too common as if they were ever rare lol.
There’s no way to distinguish legit shinies from modded or injected ones so they had no real value anyway, and before anyone pulls out the “hacking is evil”, you pretty much had to back in the day if you wanted a competitive team due to how difficult it was getting IVs, passing them down without destiny knot, the fact some Pokémon had fixed IVs, no XP grinds, no fast EV training methods, no bottle caps, etc.. shines were simply unusable in competitive regardless unless you cloned and modified it. There’s also the fact GBA games had no online so there was no way to really show them off other than posting online to begin with.
In gen 4 there was the cute charm glitch that you theoretically could get every Pokémon shiny with, without ever modding the game, so it’s hard to tell what’s legit, what’s action replayed, and what’s due to GF’s bad coding.
They made it easier to get shinies over time because people simply either didn’t bother due to the rarity, or never even used them due to their bad unusable stats.
No. This isn't open for debate. The only thing that makes it seem too common are the people who CHEAT to get them. Shiny Pokemon ARE genuinely rare for players who play honestly and obtain them legitimately.
The way it used to be, most people would play through several entire playthroughs of Pokemon games, and never see one. Now there's a slight chance you might encounter one. Or if you breed for it, it takes hours and hours. Or you might get lucky in a raid. Legitimate shiny Pokemon are rare. And in Pokemon Go, even during community day events you have to catch dozens to hundreds of Pokemon to get a couple shiny Pokemon. Outside of events even players like me, who play daily get one to two shiny Pokemon in a month. Out of thousands of Pokemon.
But you have players who imported every single Pokemon from pre-Sword and Shield shiny, from hacked save files. You have people who have 3 boxes full of the Machamps . com generated hack shiny Pokemon.
And looking at the comments here, most of the people who are saying they are too common, do not actually play either Pokemon Go or Sword/Shied. So I do not consider your opinions valid.
[edit] I generally like this site. But when it comes to Pokemon, I am really sick of how people are here. Even the site itself only ever seems to bash and complain with the occasional footnote suggesting they are aware of differing opinions.
I’ve got 380+ (different species) which is a reasonable amount since I’ve been playing since red/blue.
They are easier to obtain in GO! but only Gen 1 can make thier way to Home atm. I’m pretty happy with the rarity. I think the balance is right.
No not too common. It only feels common due to hackers. Surprisingly, I've come across more shinies in ultra sun than in sword/Shield & let's go. If any thing the shiny charm should not be locked behind completing the pokedex. Having me revisiting everywhere after I complete the pokedex, with no extra goal or quest but collecting shinies is awful.
I loved getting that gizmo that increased the chance of getting them in Platinum. Still have my shiny Roserade, my only shiny other than the obvious Gyarados.
I still don't have any so no.
I super dont care for shinys.... will catch every pokemon but shinys are time wasters
@Dm9982 : I was thinking that they could have added albinism as a third colour scheme.
@Silly_G lol. Well there’s a ton of mons that could use another shiny sprite.... like nearly all of gen 1. Lol
Way, way too common but I understand why they do it. Have you ever seen the message boards, Twitter, or Instagram feeds for Pokemon GO when an avid player doesn't get a shiny? They bitch and moan as if Nintendo/Niantic messed up again because they didn't get a shiny. Everyone feels entitled to one so the game developers are just giving people what they want, which is a an extremely common "rare" shiny.
You guys get shinies?
I like the way Pokémon Go handles the shiny rate. I will say that there have been times that I didn’t find anything shiny on community day however since the coronavirus adjustments I have found multiples of many Pokémon. I had never put coins into expanding my storage box but I did so twice this year. I’m a free player who refuses to spend money on PoGo so I had to get the coins through gyms. I have a ton of shiny Magikarp and 2 shiny Gyarados. I had more but had to release some. I have the same issues with Gengar, Alakazam, Shiftry, and some others. I did some prior community days and have missed quite a few shinies. The first time I caught a shiny during community day was Eevee back in 2018 (evolved him into Umbreon). But my first ever shiny was a Swablu (caught 2 of them). Minun was also an early catch and I actually use him in the Go Battle League (1500 and under tier). I have a small amount of shiny legendaries but all of those came from tasks or rewards and not raids. Latias was the first one. I also have Cobalion and Groudon.
@graysoncharles That explains why my random encounter with a Shiny Geodude in Fire Red kicked my team to heck and back when I tried to catch it.
@Fandabidozi I have over 500 different ones on my copy of Ultra Sun. Before I lost my data on the original Sun I had a near complete shiny Dex (minus most shiny locked Pokémon). I had to start a lot of my collection from scratch but luckily I had some shinies stored in Bank and not on the actual Sun game...
I think the greater problem is that legendaries are too easy to get now.
I remember having to go to the Bluewater mall in Kent to get Mew, and it was truly special.
There's a more rare version of Shiny now so I'm not sure it's so common as we thought.
All I can say is those odds sound ridiculously high in the main games. Perhaps odds can be high at the start, and then diminish over time for less fanatical players. So 1/500 chance upon launching the game, then slowly diminish each day you return to the game. Perhaps after 100 days of registered play, they are 1/5 to catch.
I had a longer answer written, but I exceeded the comment length by a country mile, so I'll try and be concise.
Speaking as a shiny hunter; Yes, Maybe and No. It depends what part you're talking about.
As much as the "wow" factor of randomly coming across a shiny is a great thing, the odds being as low as they were makes any attempt to actively search for them futile. 1 in 8192 is ludicrous odds for base Gen 3 rates. I think when people talk about "the shiny rate doubling", they forget the actual numbers involved. The highest you can get the base rate in Gen 8 is arguably 1 in 512, after beating 500 of that Pokémon's species, and having received the Shiny Charm. (But it's slightly more complicated than that, and is effectively less.) That still puts your odds as fairly remote for any given encounter, and that's with a single species of Pokémon. (Let's Go offered better odds, but could be a pain to shiny hunt in.)
I've personally hunted every non-mythical non-shinylocked forme of poke as shiny, using the best in-game methods I could, and it still took over half a year to do. Getting a living shiny forme dex is not a trivial matter, but it's actually a realistic measure now. (And ChainFishing, PokeRadar and other methods make it so much more enjoyable than relying on random encounters, or soft resetting. SRing has never been fun, and should not be looked at with nostalgia goggles.)
GO's mentality of making players expect a dozen shinies every community day is not healthy though, and maybe those shinies have become too common, more for the sake of fuelling over-expectancy than anything else.
What has become too common, is hacked shinies. They've been decently common since Gen 6, but exploded in SwoShi. (And no, I'm not talking about the Raid exploit. That's just a form of Pokemon RNGing, and can be done completely in-game with only a calculator needed.) All the ones with website links in their names, and all the ones without. It's a minor miracle to wondertrade off a box of breedjects without hitting one. GF have made a lot of advancements to their game over the years, but their hack-checking system is abysmal. Community groups have proved time and time again that they can successfully hack-check Pokémon to filter out a large chunk of the offenders, without misregistering legit pokemon, so Game Freak don't really have an excuse.
So, yes, fix your hacked shiny issue GF, no, main series in-game hunting is still not trivial, and maybe GO needs to lay off the shiny expectancy a little bit.
Haven't played this in a long while. My bro-in-law is a fanatic though, ha.
In the main games I think it's pretty good... shiny hunting is something to do once you've filled the Pokedex... the rate is high enough that you are suitably rewarded for your effort, but low enough to make it unlikely for you to complete the shinydex.
Pokemon GO on the other hand they just can't seem to get the shiny rate right with... the base chance is completely erratic, varying greatly from person to person and week to week... and events just completely miss the mark... community days have much higher shiny rates than they really need to be, while others can see you playing for several hours a day for a whole week and still not get a single shiny of one of the main Pokemon of the event (this is why players are calling for Niantic to disclose shiny rates).
That’s a huge amount of work, grats! That’s a shame you lost so many. I was so worried when Home bugged out on me on release. Thankfully I got em all back though. My first shiny was from the Togepi egg in Crystal. For the longest time I thought the special animation was just because it had hatched from the egg.
Aren't square shinies the really rare ones now in gen 8?
Regular shinies are much more common now but to replace that you have square shinies, square shiny aprimon, and square shiny 0 Attack/0 Speed aprimon perfect for competitive.
It’s more that now you have tiers for shinies
Why does this article not talk about Pokemon genning sites like and pxhex? Those have devalued shinies the most.
Well, that's why they have stamps, right? To know where that particular pokemon (shiny or not) came from. But I agree that the influx of PoGO shinies somehow changed how people viewed shiny pokemon.
Though your points are valid let me help you with something you got wrong but do not fret it still helps your point. Evolved forms can be shiny in pokemon go. There has been gyrados and magmar released shiny in the wild. Now you may say that magmar has no significance because it has a baby form and normally it is the base form that can be shiny. Then I raise to you the thought of babies and mix in the shinies. You can get bonsly and sudowoodo shiny just as mine jr. and mr. mime. There is a point to realize that creativity is a thing. If ideas are not tested than they are just that ideas. You can not be so quick to shoot something down because you feel as if it is too easy. A goal of yours is to complete the shiny living dex which takes so many hours and so much hard work. Are you discrediting the effort that goes into an example as such. You are saying it is too easy yet the games have been out for 20 plus years and you still have yet to complete a shiny living dex. You say it is too easy and then go right back around and prove it is not. Circles are for drawing not running in.
as someone who full odds shiny hunts yeah i feel like shiny pokemon are starting to lose value especially in gen 8
Shiny Pokémon have completely become watered down.
I come from a time where only the mere lucky or dedicated had something so cool & rare. I remember back when Gold & Silver came out, a few friends thought shiny Pokémon were a myth aside from the Gyarados. My cousin actually introduced me to them being a possibility & there are many early-on shiny fail stories due to thinking the game was messed up, etc.
It’s a very common mindset these days for people to expect. I’ve witnessed multiple times, people saying “I must have clicked on 100 Pokémon that day & only found 1 (or none)” as if they deserve more. It’s a weak mentality to have, & I kind of wished the Pokémon franchise hadn’t catered to people like that. This is coming from somebody who, still in 2020, actively shiny hunts in HeartGold.
Of course, the new masses will lean towards the option that works best that might benefit them in achieving something which they believe is a rare trophy, but realistically isn’t.
The fact that this is even an article already speaks volumes that they’re obviously too common now.
I've played Pokemon intermittently over the years, and mostly the original games (Blue, Red, Yellow). Never got a shiny until this year, and my experience with Pokemon is now going on 21 years. I don't have an opinion on whether Pokemon Go's shiny catch rate is higher or not, but I can say that the game's enjoyable for a casual player like myself. I've caught nearly 1000 pokemon so far in the game, and only three of those are shinies (two ironically from Team Rocket encounters). To me, they're just another aspect of gameplay, and at least personally I don't see an issue with the rate.
@dsparil I think that is a great idea you should petition that to GameFreak haha
i dunno man , ive been playing pokemon sheild for 2 years now...
i beat the storymode, all of the DLC, and spent most of my days filling my pokedex. AND i still havent found a single shiny pokemon on swsh.
not just fails, BUT encounters at all! its kinda weird because im super lucky on other games, i encountered shiny xurkitree when i was shiny hunting for him on pokemon ultra 3 TIMES in ONE day!! but never have i struggled getting shinies until this game.
what im saying is my luck is garbage and you shouldnt feel down
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