Super Mario 3D All-Stars is available now on Switch, and it's a good time indeed. However, if you're of the opinion that Mario's 3D adventures should be available on even more consoles, then you'll be pleased to learn that industrious coders have converted the sublime Super Mario 64 to three non-Nintendo systems (unofficially, of course).
Last week, we saw the PlayStation 2 version of Super Mario 64 in action alongside the even more impressive PS Vita homebrew port. This week, however, we've got even further back in time to the Sega Dreamcast, which is now able to play host to its own conversion of Mario's groundbreaking 3D classic. We've also seen an Android version, too.
It's worth noting that none of this is achieved via emulation; Super Mario 64's source code was recently reverse-engineered, which means it's now possible to compile the game to run natively on other formats.
What machine could we see Mario on next? The sky appears to be the limit!
Comments 42
They weren't ported already?
Oh wait, yeah it's ported not emulated. In that case this is more interesting than I thought.
Imagine this being the new Skyrim meme, seeing what could run Mario 64
You could probably port it to the SNES Classic Edition if you wanna be cheeky. You can plug in Wii Classic Controllers after all.
No get it on the Atari 2600, lets see it bare bones kids
I want to see it on Saturn personally - how would Mario 64 look on inferior but similar tech?
Since I don't own any of those systems, nor support piracy in any form (except for a handful that I totally feel are slightly less unjustifiable) I won't be forgetting about the Switch version any time soon. Remembering will require FedEx to not eff up my delivery, so I'm not hopeful, but that's a different issue.
@JimmySpades ...lmao. Piracy. I sure must be hurting ZeniMax by playing DOOM on my calculator.
XDA has Super Mario 64 running native on Android.
I'm still waiting for my Sega Saturn port.
Give me this version on switch
wtf, there is native support to other plataforms, the switch got an emulated one... yeahh I wish I could get refund for this shame
I do remember in the earliest days of emulation, someone uploading a Super Mario 64 Game Boy ROM.
(which reportedly was a ROM hack of one of the Crayon Shin-chan games, though I couldn't identify which of the, like, four of them it was)
It was natively compiled for the Switch a while ago, before the announcement of 3D All-Stars in fact.
That version if I'm not mistaken is widescreen, 60FPS, improved camera control, improved draw distance, and other various enhancements.
@JimmySpades If you own a copy of the game, it's not piracy. In fact, piracy is obtaining a good through illegitimate means, i.e. theft. Don't try and high road something that is a neat creative thing. That's how you end up denying laws of physics.
The recent 3DS version is brilliant
@RupeeClock correct 👍🏻
Currently playing the 3DS port with HD models mod and it's amazing!
It feels like your just giving people reasons to hate the Switch port
This day just gets weirder...
@HobbitGamer Isn't it only okay if you got said copy yourself?
But when is it coming to the Jag?
I heard about this about a week ago, I also knew it would stir some nintendolife users the wrong way lmao
@Kalmaro For this hour's version of "Okay things to do with items", that seems legit. We'll have to wait for a horribly divisive article and associated comment section in a few hours, just to be sure.
@HobbitGamer Oh I always have my popcorn ready when it comes to articales that even smell of emulation.
I used to get all bent out of shape about it but I'd already had it pointed out that there's no rule necessarily saying we can't make ciopies of our games and emulators, as long as they are madethe right way, are fine too.
Where's my Smart refrigerator that can play it!? rage
I wana see it on the ds
I need a port for my Atari Jaguar.
Original is the best, if not play it on PC.
I did a speedrun on the 3DS port. It plays better than 3D Allstars as it has 60fps
@AJDarkstar it's not because the source code was leaked.
Forget all of them, I got Super Mario 64 running almost flawlessly on my cheap Chinese emulation handheld. Joking aside, I guess we finally know why Nintendo choose to limit the release of Super Mario 3D All-Stars now. I mean c'mon why would they put the real deal out there any longer when people rather play pirated versions of the game instead? You complain that Ninty should do better with their releases yet you show no respect by continuing to pirate and modify their work.
@nmanifold I been hearing about this I have to try it. It's a mistake that it never happened officially.
@Agramonte Link to the post?
@JimmySpades you can buy the cartridge even without an N64. Then you can legally play it on whatever you want.
This is cool and all but I'd rather see it on a 32bit console like the Playstation or Saturn or GBA or Virtual Boy
Oh wow, this is cool. And it might make the PS2 a relevant addition to my retro system lineup.
Why don’t you do a side by side comparison of the homebrew switch version alongside the official release?
>.............Legalities aside
Put it on Virtual Boy. XD
@Freddyfred Huh? The DS?
@Retro_Player_77 they should give us a reason to play it tho. Many of us have reblught mario 64 countless of times. We all support Nintendo. They get enough respect. I mean Nintendo is still the only company that charges 60 bones for a 1 year old game. They've got our respect. And why not fight the competition then?
@HobbitGamer It's neat and creative, but it's still piracy. Nintendo's very own piracy page says it's not suddenly legal to get a rom from the internet if you own the game already. That's like owning a sofa and stealing one of the exact same line just because you already got one.
There doesn't need to be a justification for this either, it's super cool and Nintendo can stop this if they release their own games for not-limited times.
Piracy Laws differ from country to country. In most cases if you own the game, it isn't piracy.
Regardless. Seems like a way of gas lighting the simple fact.
The community was able to get a native port of N64 running on the Switch, with widescreen, 60fps, updated visuals, updated models, updated textures and most importantly, multiple camera control options.
Nintendo couldn't pull it off, but the community did. It's not the first time a community has shamed a developer by fixing or making better a game.
This time however it just seems extremely lazy on Nintendo's end, especially given this isn't some free game on their online service, they want you to pay for it.
Nothing wrong calling them out on this.
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