Lab Zero Games – the studio behind Indivisible and Skullgirls – has laid off its remaining employees, it has been reported.
The studio lost many of its key team members last month after a series of resignations took place following abuse allegations against owner Mike Zaimont. According to Kotaku, the mass resignations meant that the studio was left with just 11 staff.
Zaimont has told Kotaku that the staff have been laid off because the studio can no longer cover their salaries, but he adds that he is "exploring all funding options" when it comes to reuniting the team.
Whether or not the team will want to be reunited is another matter. In a Twitter post, senior animator Jonathan Kim – who parted company with Lab Zero in August – wrote that Zaimont's behaviour became problematic this year as the studio moved towards becoming a fully employee-owned company.
As part of that process, full ownership was transferred to Zaimont with the understanding that he would begin the process of giving its staff full equity. However, things didn't go according to plan.
According to Kim:
Almost every employee had a story where Mike abused his position of power to put his coworkers in uncomfortable stressful situations for years, which include: frequently mentioning his genitals, forcing unwanted physical contact, making sexual comments about himself or about employee's bodies, insulting coworkers privately or in front of other coworkers, or using very personal details to threaten or demean coworkers when they didn't go along with what he wanted or act in a way he wished. Mike covered up his behaviour by doing kind things, so when people would question him about his bad actions, he would cite his previous good deeds as reasons for why he's allowed to do bad ones.
Kim added that the team had attempted to smooth things over with Zaimont throughout July and August, but Zaimont's attitude became problematic and set a deadline of August 31st for staff to leave if they were still unhappy.
The accusations triggered a joint statement from Skullgirls IP owner and publisher Autumn Games and Skullgirls Mobile developer Hidden Variable Studios stating support of the staff who had chosen to leave Lab Zero, and that neither company would work with the studio again:
Skullgirls, in all its forms, has been a product of years and years of effort from dozens of dedicated developers, artists, designers, and more. As such, Hidden Variable and Autumn are committed to investing in the ongoing development of Skullgirls without the involvement of Lab Zero or Mike Zaimont. We plan to work with the many talented individuals who are leaving Lab Zero to build new Skullgirls content moving forward.
Comments 52
It's good the publisher has the rights here.
Hopefully everyone who wants to continue the work they were doing (without Mike Zaimont's alleged tyranny) will be able to band together again.
Well jeez, that sounds horrible. Hopefully the staff can find a way to band together without him being involved. Crazy to think this can go on for so long.
Wish them all the best, except MikeZ, of course.
"frequently mentioning his genitals, forcing unwanted physical contact, making sexual comments about himself or about employee's bodies,"
Par for the course at my workplace.
@shaneoh Do you work on a 70s porno set?
Something a bit like this seemed to happen at loads of companies around the same time. Something weird going on, related to lockdown and the economy.
@Dr_Corndog Have you heard of North Korea?
@Entrr_username At least they’re lumbered with him in North Korea. The public didn’t outright ask for him to take a big dump over human rights and common sense like they did in the US.
@Entrr_username don't forget about Brazil!
I still have Indivisible pre-ordered at Best Buy and it has yet to be released physically in the US. I hope this unfortunate situation doesn't mean they won't fulfill those physical orders.
Honestly, this was the last studio I would expect this from, which makes it even sadder, but at least the Skullgirls IP is owned by another company.
And just in case, yes I'm on the staff that left.
I wish luck in everyone except for Mike Z.
Seriously though, where do you work?
So, if we buy this game...who owns the IP and makes money? Are we giving money to this guy?
I was interested in buying it...but honestly, I don't want to give money to this guy.
Anyone knows?
@AJWolfTill They got rid of the main creator a long time ago. Probably why Indivisible was such a disappointment compared to Skullgirls. And Mike Z was the main engine guy IIRC, so a terrible person, but a terrible person that knows how the games work. And that's just a small sample of Lab Zero's problems.
This company is cursed.
Another one bites the dust.
Good riddance, MikeZ.
If I did, it wouldn't be as an "actor" as per my message yesterday XD.
Manufacturing business, I'm the storeman. Most of the comments and such come from assembly workers and the lead engineer. It's all guy on guy stuff so it's okay
This is just great my PreOrder is still in waiting...
I hope they can bring the team back together (without MikeZ) because Indivisible is one of my favorite games I've finished in the past year.
@nessisonett Ah yes, because having a leader instated without an election is superior to being being able to elect your leader.
@RPGamer I'm actually from Brazil lol... and here, just like USA, we have a really bad president elected and loved by conservative people
@Tourtus Not really what I said at all. Comparing a country with a bad dictator with a country with a bad elected official is rather pointless. They didn’t willingly choose a raging megalomaniac. If you have the vote, perhaps use it to elect someone significantly less psychopathic than the average dictator.
@nessisonett Sorry, that's how I interpreted the comment anyway...
Also what dictator like actions has the U.S. president taken? He hasn't invoked the Insurrection Act to stop riots, he has always said that the feds are ready for deployment but is leaving it to the mayors and governors to call upon them just like he left it to local governments to make their own COVID-19 guidelines. That's the opposite of what a dictator would do. A true dictator would've arrested everyone by now yet cities still burn and the death toll rises for both the rightists and leftists.
Lab Zero have made some good games, it's unfortunate to see some of those folks unemployed.
@Tourtus Uh, might want to read up on the ‘vote twice’ quotes, attempted disenfranchisement through defunding the postal service, extensive use of executive orders to bypass Congress and my personal favourite, attempted extortion of ‘tribute’ from the sale of Tiktok to an American company. He said, “A very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States. Because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen. Right now they don’t have any rights, unless we give it to them.” That sounds an awful lot like extortion to me, surely not the act of an elected official who carries out the will of the people. It’s almost as if giving one person absolute power is a bad idea.
This sucks I hope the workers can find a way to thrive still. Indivisible is very good
Ever since they censored those panty shots, things have been downhill for Skullgirls/Lab Zero. Enjoy being a garbage mobile game.
@BloodyMurder Hmm, workers rights or panty shots... I could choose to defend one or the other...
@shaneoh I get you, about your workplace, totally. I'm in the marine industry, I go round the world fixing boats. And your average boatyard, in whatever country, is full of filthy men who tell filthy jokes and are very un-pc. And it was like that when I got into it, I accept that, but there's still a line. And I'm first to say when I think the line is being crossed. Nobody should ever dread going to work.
@nessisonett that made me genuinely lol 🤣👍
Huh, looks like someone removed my original comment. Cowardly move, that.
@Dr_Corndog Lmao, so they’ll do nothing about a revival of GamerGate but they’ll take down a Trump joke. Boot, meet lick.
@nessisonett The vote twice thing seems to be a joke about the reliability of mail in voting. If mail in voting works properly a second vote won't be counted, then when you go to the polls and swipe your ID card you'll be turned away if your vote was already counted. We have voter fraud protection here in the States but mail in voting poses a huge threat to a legitimate election. The head of the CDC says voting in person is safe and that would make mail in voting unnecessary. If mail in voting doesn't work properly, either side can have inaccurate voting numbers.
There is no "disenfranchisement through de-funding the postal service". The USPS got 10 billion from the federal government this year to keep it afloat, Trump loves keeping employment high so it makes no sense at all for him to de-fund or dismantle the postal service and leave thousands jobless.
The president can make executive orders, that's part of the powers that come with the office. Obama enacted loads of executive orders too. This doesn't mean I agree with what is or has been put in place by ANY U.S. president's executive order but they are perfectly legal under the constitution.
As for the forced sale of the proven spyware app TikTok (they may have changed things with the app but at one point it was reading people's clipboards)( ) I don't think that it should forcibly sold but it is a security and privacy risk to those who work in financial institutions, the military and more. India has already or is working to ban TikTok and I believe the U.S. should follow their lead.
"It’s almost as if giving one person absolute power is a bad idea." No U.S. president has absolute power like you imply, TikTok is suing the U.S. government over the potential ban/forced sale of TikTok. So Trump is being challenged over that, if he had his way that wouldn't happen and TikTok would be gone. The president's powers are limited by the two other branches of the U.S. government, the constitution and other laws. The president cannot be a dictator unless the current government system is overthrown.
@Tourtus I’m not saying Trump is a dictator, that would negate the entire point of comparing his and North Korea’s rule, just that lots of his actions closely resemble that of authoritarian regimes. In fairness, it’s mostly his rhetoric as you’ll find half the time some poor worker has to go and tell him ‘sorry Mr President, you literally cannot do that’ at every turn.
@nessisonett Not really a joke, but a comment on the reality of disgusting people getting into (and abusing) positions of power.
Not sure why it was taken down, though possibly someone thought I'd violated some policy against political discussions on this site? Except my comment, though it dealt with a political figure, wasn't actually a political comment.
Eh, on the one hand it’s disappointing to see this happen to the people NOT known as Mike Z who worked on both Skullgirls and Indivisible and I hope that they find work elsewhere...
On the other I find Mike’s fate to be somewhat ironic after LZG’s committee fired Alex Ahad for possibly-nonsense reasons (especially when you take the settlement and how much Alex got from it into consideration) and Mike started to seek out people in more “toxic” communities.
@Ratking Ah yes, people deserve to lose their jobs and livelihoods because they dared remove panty shots. Get a grip.
Oh totally, that sort of humour isn't suitable for everyone. You've got to know who you're talking to and how they'll take it (wink wink, nudge nudge.)
@nessisonett And this is where things get ironic, the “toxic” communities that I mentioned and Mike Z sided with are the same puritanical dolts who demanded that they be removed.
@shaneoh Seconding this, my workplace is pretty much the same thing. The only time we really clean ourselves up is when we have customers or if we’re dealing with suppliers.
@ZebZed It wasn’t censorship in the slightest, it was a creative decision to remove ‘unrealistic’ panty shots. There are still loads in the game, they just removed ones that made no physical sense and incels got triggered.
Wow, maybe my crowd funded LE edition of Indivisible on Switch will be worth nothing. Lol
Hey as long as the Skullgirls IP can still be made without Zaimont, everything's going to be fine.
The real question is this;
Who owns the rights to the engine?
@nessisonett What actions of his "closely resemble that of authoritarian regimes." I just gave you a few examples of him NOT acting like an authoritarian. Other examples of him not acting like an authoritarian include him defending freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. An authoritarian would destroy those protections, with freedom of speech gone he could make it illegal to criticize him and his administration. He isn't fond of criticism yet he let's people rag on him in the media and everywhere else. I know he has said that "the press is the enemy of the people" but he hasn't actually enforced any law against them. The Philippines have a true authoritarian in office, there is a law in which criticizing government will land you in jail for 12 years and you will be labeled as a terrorist. Truly horrifying stuff... The right to bear arms in the U.S. is for citizens to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. The guns deter a tyrant from attacking citizens, just like how nuclear weapons deter other nations with nuclear weapons from attacking us. If he was an authoritarian he'd take the guns and squash his critics much like other authoritarians in the past.
I've stated in the past that I hold libertarian views so trust me when I say this, if Trump was a true authoritarian I would NOT defend or like him. Authoritarians are the exact opposite of libertarians. I believe you should expand your news sources to ones you might disagree with, I watch and listen to sources with political views on the right, center and left even though I may disagree with some opinions of the journalists or pundits I still like to have a balanced perspective and to make up my own mind based on what I hear from them. You'll only benefit from it.
@Dr_Corndog You might have broken a rule under "General Behavior" category "e".
"Do not "troll" or "bait" other users; Posts that purposefully or systematically go against the grain to trigger a reaction from others are prohibited. You are entitled to an opinion, but purposefully disrupting discussions with unpopular opinions to create arguments is not allowed, we simply suggest you don't get involved in these conversations. Users that are seen to be continuously trolling or baiting will be banned."
I didn't find the joke funny but I believe it should be left up. As with all jokes, it was harmless.
EDIT: You also might want to avoid talking about the removal of the comment, as it's against the rules to talk about your moderations publicly.
I hope the staff find livelihoods soon. There ia talent there.
Damn. I don't have any words to describe how messed up that was.
@Ratking ....are you being serious? They removed a couple of animations that looked stupid and unrealistic from an underage character as a creative decision. Fighting games are patched all the time. If you’re playing the game to look up 14 year olds’ skirts then I have no words.
@Ratking They changed a couple of animations, it’s not the end of the world. There are literally a thousand more important elements to a fighting game. Unless you’re just in it to look at virtual panties then I don’t see the problem. Even then, there are other games for that sorta thing.
@Ratking And GaaS are a completely different game after you buy it. They release Director’s Cut versions of movies, change albums in rereleases, re-edit books, remaster TV shows and patch games. This is nothing new, especially in fighting games and you wouldn’t complain if they had added new characters after you bought it. The creators have a right to change their own product.
@Ratking So you’re saying you only bought the game because of about 5 animations that showed panties of an underage character which were later removed as a creative decision? And this is a controversy? Companies remove things or add things in games all the time, this isn’t new. What you fail to realise is that literally nobody cares that you’re missing out on a couple of pervy details in a fighting game. Christ, and you lot call others snowflakes.
@Ratking I made an account just to call you an idiot. It's a handful of panty shots in a game where there are STILL an absolute truck load of panty shots. Content didn't get removed from the game. All the characters, their move sets, their story modes, stages, and music are still in the game. You're the snowflake here. You're the one crying about such a tiny amount of frames getting changed.
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