Ah, the good old playground arguments of the '90s. Which camp were you in? Even if you were a dedicated Super Nintendo owner with all of the wonderful exclusives that the system offered, it was hard not to be a little bit jealous of the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive's impressive library of games. And of course, the Mega Drive had 'blast processing' too, didn't it?

Perhaps the one game which defined the Mega Drive more than any other was, of course, Sonic The Hedgehog. The thought of playing this on Nintendo hardware back in the day seemed crazy, but of course we did get a reasonable port on the Game Boy Advance eventually.

The GBA version wasn't good enough for the talented coders of TiagoSC, though, who have put together an impressive demo showing how the original Mega Drive Sonic The Hedgehog could run on the SNES. This demo uses the original Sonic Team code with various tweaks to get it running on the SNES, which naturally had a very different machine architecture when compared to the Mega Drive.

Check out Digital Foundry's video above to see how the port turned out. We'd argue that it's pretty impressive, and perhaps one day we'll get the full Sonic experience on SNES?

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[source forums.nesdev.com]