Update (Thu 20th Aug, 2020 10:30 BST): Once again, Nintendo has restocked almost all of the Legend of Zelda amiibo on its Official UK Store. You can find links to them all below; any orders you make now are due to be dispatched on 17th September.
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Original Article (Fri 28th Jun, 2019 10:30 BST): Every single Legend of Zelda amiibo has been restocked on the Nintendo Official UK Store - and our bank balance just let out a small groan.
That's right, the Zelda figures that are part of the Super Smash Bros. collection, the lovely Breath of the Wild-themed figures, and all of the special Link amiibo are all back. At the time of writing, every single amiibo is still available to order but we'd expect them to sell out pretty quickly.
Some of the more common models are available to order immediately, while rarer ones are listed as pre-orders. Stock for those amiibo are expected to be shipped by late November. The Nintendo Store charges £1.99 delivery on orders under £20, or free delivery for any orders over that amount, and only takes payment on dispatch.
Will you be adding any of these to your collection? Any that you missed and are happy to see back? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 81
Gotta catch'em all... wait... I mean what?
This totally Octo-rocks!
I literally spent over £140 on these yesterday. I'm not proud, but I am glad the scabs on eBay didn't get a penny of my money. The Link's Awakening amiibo looks cool. Also, the shipping date for some of these is December, so might be waiting for a while.
Must mean that all of them are compatible with Link's Awakening.
Or Nintendo finally coming to their senses and realising they can make a lot of money from these.
I just can't justify buying them though, my wife will go mental if I got anymore Zelda stuff
Edit: Will not be available until November, hmmm I might have money by then
Alas, I completed my Zelda Amiibo collection long ago. Just waiting on my LA preorder from Amazon and I shall once more have a complete collection. I really hope we get new ones for BotW2. Some Cadence ones would have been nice, but then again the shelf is starting to groan 😅
All Link Amiibos ordered. Huzzah!
I don't need another Link
I don't need another Link
I don't need another Link
I can't afford this 0_0
Arrrrggghhhh! self control, self control, self control.
@Bunkerneath Either that or outside of Smash and that LA one off, they probably don't have any other amiibo plans coming up so might as well fill the year with much desired restocks till they do think of something new.
Guess that means my full collection has just plummeted in value! This is good news though as everyone deserves the chance to own these. The Guardian and the Champions amiibos are some of the very best produced in my opinion.
I wasn't going to pay eBay prices, but happy to fill in the blanks. Still going with the complete smash set, but I'm really hoping they redo the Boo amiibo when Luigi's mansion 3 comes out.
Hasn't there been a new Ganondorf amiibo with the Ocarina / Ultimate design yet?
The Legend of Amiibo: A Link to my Wallet
There goes £80!
"Don't fund scalpers, use our affiliate links instead!"
Oh God, FoMO overload there goes £67
Delivery Expected 27 November 2019, nice little two day after birthday present for me And time to cancel it if I change my mind
@Bunkerneath I think they said something on Treehouse about Zelda series amiibo unlocking new rooms in the dungeon builder mode, or something like that
2 years I've been waiting for the Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword Link amiibos to, and that entire time I had the same £21.98 waiting in my bank account.
Patience really does pay off.
I only need the Goron mask link and the Skyward Sword one to have all of them but I live in the US
I don't buy amiibo.
I've just ordered 6, spending £69 (dudes!)
I've wanted the Ocarina of Time Link since I first saw it, now it will be mine, and both the young Links are too cute to resist, and Windwaker Link and Toon Zelda seemed like must-haves too. Plus the BotW Zelda looks really nice.
@Bunkerneath My thoughts exactly - a nice cooling off period. Question is, will I cut my order.... or add to it!
Now I've come this far I'm kinda tempted to go for the lot of them, but I just don't like the Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword designs very much.
Been waiting a long time to pick up the majora's mask, twilight Princess and skyward sword amiibo and finally got my chance.
A big F U to the scalpers 😃 cannot wait to put them on the shelf with my other Zelda amiibo and start unlocking the rest of the gear in BOTW 😁
My exact problem as well. Both those amiibo are the ones I missing and, of course, UK Nintendo never ships out of UK.
This is awesome for any one who still needs a set! Though I can't help but feel slightly disappointed by the inability to purchase these anywhere else in Europe or in the US...
My question was answered right as I posted it, they will not ship to the US... Insert crying face
I have them all already but even if didnt the store wont ship to me in Ireland or a post redirect crowd in the north.
Its a pain. Keeps me at the mercy of Amazon , ebay or god forbid gamestop!
Man I just paid 50 bucks for the gardian amiibo because I couldn't find it anywhere. That sucks.
Can this ship to the USA?
I actually don't have any Amiibo, put I just pre-ordered 7 of them, plus I like the way that Nintendo don't charge until shipping.
Oh, and these all look amazing. I want them all but the wallet just won't take it. For now!
I hope they get restocked in the US
I need to find a real work infinite money trick...
Orderd everything I whas missing.
Now the collection I want to have all of them
@Roibeard64 ParcelMotel always work just fine for me on Nintendo UK store. just spent 123 stg on these to complete collection to Cork!
@kevin2me really i tired to buy a zelda 3ds few years ago from them via parcel motel and got a refusal email. Asked them about it 2 months ago and they said still dont. Maybe its only if they notice it.
@kevin2me Might try my luck again. Cheers for info
I hope the same happens with Splatoon amiibo. I want my girls but I won't ebay prices.
@Roibeard64 Yeah they never cancelled one order from my, Mario Maker is on route right now, never any hassle thank god, so just order away and wouldnt bother contacting them
@Indominus_B. It is UK only so unfortunately they won't dispatch to USA.
Do NintendoLife not subscribe to the Nintendostore emails. As this came through yesterday on the same email that had Links Awakening Collectors Edition available?
No thanks. Useless, really.
But I'm in the US 😭 I need skyward sword amiibo
Nabbed the Guardian amiibo! Looks epic and usually overpriced at £80 a pop on eBay!
Anyone complaining at affiliates links - it doesn’t cost you any extra and you are throwing a few coins to a website you frequent regularly and which I’m sure doesn’t make a heap of money. Get over yourselves!
Is it sad i want to import Majora's mask and skyward sword? Both were GameStop exclusive here i think
12 Link amiibo, crazy. 13 if you count the wolf, but I count that as Midna b/c Midna is cool and deserves her own amiibo. Though it only unlocks sidekick wolf Link in BotW and not Midna, but I'm still going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt and call it 12 Links. Which is crazy.
For those who don't remember, Nintendo made a big deal about how amiibo were better than the other toys-to-life b/c you had to buy a lot of those but with amiibo you just bought 1 amiibo and you used that in a lot of different games. And here we are now with 12 different Link. And the only 1 worth using is Wolf Link in BotW.
NL should list what each amiibo does in each game to emphasize Nintendo's "1 amiibo, many games" philosophy. 😂
Dang, I live in the US. I only need Bokoblin and Link’s Awakening to have the full set.
Gahhhhhh I need the Majora's Mask one... I hope this means they are restocking worldwide. I'm not paying scalper prices or overseas shipping, but I wantssss it.
Will they ship to the US?
we need the zelda restock in North America. We also need Splatoon amiibo and the metroid amiibo. Metroid 3ds is so big i cannot find all secrets without it...
One taken into account Nintendo UK doesn't ship outside of UK.
would like to go on an ordering spree and get the ones I am missing....... oh yeah, they don't ship to the U.S. I think the UK is really taking this we lost during the revolution out of hand.
Got them all the last time they did the restock. Just awaiting for them to restock other amiibos, such as Corrin and Bayonetta.
This can only mean one thing, BoTW2 is on its way, and is only compatible with the new Switch Pro. due for release in time for Christmas.
@Vicki_S Yes, Bokoblin! When the Zelda amiibo came out in stores years ago, I bought the ones I thought were cool looking: Link, Zelda, the guardian, etc. I thought, Bokoblin, I don't want to stare at that on my shelf. Now, I am wishing otherwise . . .
Why isn't there an official online U.S. store? This sort of thing is tremendously disappointing. I would even pay extra for overseas shipping, if that were only an option. It'd be way cheaper than scalper prices on eBay and Amazon, anyways.
Also, how about a restock of Bowser's minions in the Super Mario set? I missed out on the Koopa, Goomba, and Boo amiibo because I had fallen out of collecting most of them at that time. Now that I have a shelf to properly display them, though, my interest has resurged.
@Not_Soos The UK Store is awful.
It is run by The Hut, all my pre-orders that you are supposed to get on the day, never get here on time (and release is always on a Friday so have to wait until Monday to get it), they lose orders all the time, so to be honest don't be jealous.
This is the third time they've done this for Zelda amiibo (which is great), but how about doing it for other ranges which have been out of stock since they launched?
Got excited over nothing. Will only ship to UK and Channel Islands. Hopefully amazon (not amazon marketplace scalpers) will have some stock.
Good to see a restock. I finished my Zelda set at the last restock but hope people can complete any they are missing.
If they could do a restock of the boo amiibo that would be great.
So many of these clutter up my house
@Bunkerneath Good to know. It's still unfortunate for website exclusives like this that don't get a U.S. equivalent on some other site like GameStop or Best Buy, though. Here's hoping we get a restock over here in some form or fashion.
That’s great, have been looking for Sheik for some time.
@Bunkerneath I have heard stories about the UK store being terrible before and I can't help but wonder if I am just very lucky? In all the time I have ordered from them, I have only ever had a problem once, and that is when they forgot to ship an amiibo with my game, but once notified, they sent another out with next-day delivery for free. When I preorder, it always arrives on release so... shrug
Amazing! Just picked a few up wanted these for ages but not paying 2 to 3 times the price.
If Nintendo sold the content, I'd buy it, and you'd get that money, Nintendo. But no, I don't like clutter, and I don't need figures. So, I buy the amiibo cards. Sorry Nintendo. (I'm not knocking anyone that likes to collect amiibo)
Link for Smash confirmed!!
£105 poorer but several VERY good amiibo richer.
Was going to write my standard - too many Link amiibo - comment when I read it at #42 in this article. I thought it was an update from June 2020, not 2019, my comment is 14 months old. Still holds though.
I do think, similar to what @zool said that the timing of all of these may mean they are compatible w/ BotW2 which was probably meant to launch this holiday but maybe was delayed. Or maybe we'll get Hyrule Warriors 2. I really enjoyed that game on Wii U, never bought it again on Switch, so it's been a long time since I played it, I'm ready for another one.
We have several of these - the original Link #5 when amiibo first launched, which really should be all the Link amiibo anyone ever needs - wolf Link, Gauron, probably Zelda #13, and the Guardian, who's poseable legs are pretty cool. Probably won't get any more.
These amiibo listings are for the UK store... I checked. Apparently, only those that live in or around the UK can place orders. No international addresses are allowed to be input when placing new order(s).
You should have addressed this within the article... would save a lot of readers patience and time.
@dreamesper We mentioned that the restock was at the UK store in the headline and first paragraph, and also tagged the article with 'UK'. 🙂
Very tempted by the Champions collection. This is my favourite game so i think i can justify picking them up. I have the archer Link but my little niece snapped the end of the arrow off. Might just try gluing it instead of forking out another €15.
Okay, just wanted to give a heads-up to you & other readers. Thanks.
Hopefully NOA gets them back in stock. I want to get my hands on those Champion Amiibos.
Sucks they don't ship to the US. I was so jazzed on getting the Majora's Mask Link this morning that I went ahead and ordered the Japanese one from Amazon for a few dollars more 😅
@dugan I had the same thought whenever I saw the Bokoblin in stores. But I got it, along with Mewtwo, this summer to complete my Zelda and Pokemon sets.
The amiibo I most regret not buying is Mega Yarn Yoshi. I didn't know it was a Toy R Us exclusive till it was too late (same goes for the gold N64 with 2 matching controllers) and I hardly ever went to Toys R Us. Even if I weren't an amiibo collector I would want it because it's a big, knitted Yoshi.
BotW2 coming soon, I see.
Bollocks! now I have to match my prices on eBay...
But, are they doing the same in America?
Cuz I don't want to pay 20 dollars on each amiibo, or 130 bucks for the Champions pack....
i sense that zelda botw 2 is nearing upon us and that it's only going to come out a few months after whenever a new trailer comes out like paper mario origami king
The only two I need to complete my Zelda amiibo collection are Smash series Link and Ganondorf. It’s a shame that amiibo are pretty much a dead product now. I’ve enjoyed collecting them.
Very tempted by Skyward Sword Link if the US gets a similar restock. I've become fascinated by Skyward Sword's art style and soundtrack lately.
@AJDarkstar It was exclusive to Toys R Us in the US 🙁
At least $150 last I looked.
I might’ve considered getting one with the $1400 stimulus and my tax return, but I just bought a car and I still have two tuition payments for this term.
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