Remember Polly Pockets? Those clamshell-like toys which let you keep an entire home full of little people and accessories in your pocket? Well, what if we told you there was an Animal Crossing one to admire?
Reddit user ilovesheep123 has shared this fantastic homemade effort online, complete with Animal Crossing: New Horizons' main cast, locations, accessories, and more. You can see K.K. Slider playing his famous tunes on the beach, Blathers taking care of his precious museum, the Able Sisters running their cute little store... It's very lovely indeed.
Its creator says that it took them just over two weeks to complete the project, with the shell being made from Palight and the inside being a mix of Palight, paper, Sculpey clay and acrylic paint.
You won't find these in your local stores sadly, but perhaps you could have a go at making your own - as long as you have more creative talent than we do, that is.
Nice job, ilovesheep123, on both your work and your username!
[source reddit.com, via twinfinite.net]
Comments 32
Now this takes me back! I recall my sister having a Polly Pocket back in the day (though it may have been a fast food cross-promotional toy as we didn't have many "brand name" toys back in the day). They're nice to look at, but I can't imagine them being particularly fun to play with, which may perhaps explain why their popularity waned over the years.
I also remember that they released something similar with Pokémon in its heyday (I may have even had one, albeit from the "faulty merchandise" section where there is usually a piece or two missing).
They're basically bonsai dollhouses.
BREAKING NEWS Tom Nook killed as a result of being impaled by toy tree upon closing of Polly Pocket-style mini-habitat.
I’d take that!
I like the little details like the ballon presents and K.K. Sliders guitar, it just makes it so much better.
I more fondly remember the "Mighty Max" toys. I had quite a few of them as a kid.
@NESlover85 YESH, was just going to mention MM! Can't help but think Nintendo would make a mint if they expanded into new to ranges. Nice to see Mario make the jump to Lego, even if not's quite what we expected.
How do those presents stay airborne exactly?
@NESlover85 @sikvthash
Might Max was brilliant. The cartoon was great too, with Norman the dragonslayer.
That's very nicely done and definitely takes me back!
I remember playing with this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles one for hours and hours (incredible how little a child needs to keep itself entertained):

Not my picture btw, I either lost mine ages ago or my parents gave it away. ^^'
Very creative and nice attention to the smaller details. A labour of love ~
Oh, this reminds me of a Star Trek phaser gun one I had, it opened up into the Enterprise main deck
@NESlover85 yes! A Zelda themed Mighty max would be ace!
Now this ridiculous little creation is just adorable! Bravo! 👏🏻
I read the title and thought to myself "These things still exist in 2020?" but then realised it was a fan creation. It's pretty cool though!
@DevlinMandrake The cartoon was great. The SNES game....not so much.
The lack of easily available toys baffles me with Animal Crossing. My son loves it and I would have easily spent a decent chunk of money on this, Animal Crossing lego or anything else like that.
@RudyC3 They do still exists in toyshops right now
I used to love miniatures. I had a few Mighty Max, Pokemon and Star Wars ones of these. Also extra Star Wars scenes and ship sets. I also used to have a ton of Micro Machines. For some reason, it was just cooler than having the bigger versions, probs less expensive too.
People have been drawing and conceptualizing these on Instagram and Twitter for months, so it's wonderful to see that someone actually crafted one. ^^
That's crazy adorable, so many little details, like the plaques behind Blathers. Well done. Maybe I'll find them to congratulate on Twitter, I'm not on Reddit. I know I could be, but I'm not going.
I used to have a small handful of these as a kid. I don't have any of them anymore; I think some of the ones missing pieces were tossed while others were donated.
@Silly_G I had three of the Pokemon sets back in the day. One was town-themed with Charmander and Eevee, another was forest-themed with Pikachu and Oddish, and the third was river-themed with Squirtle and Poliwhirl.
Man, this takes me back....
@Tyranexx : I've checked out pictures of it online, and I could swear that I had the river/beach one (with the palm tree), but I don't recall it including any Pokémon figurines, which is consistent with my recollection of it being purchased from the faulty merchandise section.
Tom Nook looks ill to me.
@NESlover85 oh yeah i remember Mighty Max as well. Had a few of those.
Did not know they still make toys in this style.
Nice! I would love one of these in my game room!
Their faces need some work.
I want several.
@Silly_G Bummer lol. You're correct that it was more of a beach setting. Can't believe I forgot that detail. It's been quite awhile though. XD
@Tyranexx : I had completely forgotten about it until this article was posted and I had a little reminisce. Amazing how the old memory bank is able to recall such specific details around two decades after the fact.
OMG!!! Seeing this brought back Might Max memories!!!
@Silly_G I agree! I don't think I've thought about those sets in years. Kinda wish I still had them.
I LOVED Polly Pocket as a child! This Animal Crossing one brings back some fond memories! =D It's very cute & now I kind of want to own one! lol
I had the Primal Rage and Pokémon sets like this!
Looks very nice.
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