Game Awards creator Geoff Keighley has announced the Summer Game Fest. It is a new "industry-wide celebration of video games" that runs from May until August. According to Geoff, it'll share news, in-game events, and playable content from the entire video game industry. There'll also be panels and interviews from leading developers and publishers, and it's all online.
Phase one of the festival will feature announcements from 2K, Activision, Bandai Namco, Bethesda, Blizzard, Bungie, CD Projekt Red, Digital Extremes, EA, PlayStation, Private Division, Riot Games, Square Enix, Steam, Warner Bros. and team Xbox.
This news follows on from IGN's 'Summer of Gaming' announcement last month. This particular digital event will take place in June and is also collaborating with a number of major partners to share the latest news and impressions around upcoming games and next-generation console hardware. For more details about this show, check out our previous post.
Will you be keeping an eye on Geoff's Summer Game Fest? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 29
I can't wait to hear "World Premiere" 500 times throughout a whole summer.
At least summer won’t be so dull now
4 months?!? LMAO
This is going to crash and burn, it's just a regular video game news cycle at that point.
Why can't everyone just agree to hold online presentations during ONE WEEK in June and keep up the gaming TRADITION of E3 Week?
It was always a great way to kick off Summer right.
I’m prepared for a lot of fluff.
So it'll feature everyone but nintendo lmao
I don't see a reason to not do a Nintendo Direct. People are craving games like never before. Missed opportunity for Nintendo.
@Kyloctopus Exactly!!
Geoff should really be trying to improve his other E3 competitor, The Game Awards, before trying to create another one.
I watched it for the first time in 2019 and I felt like I wasted my time. Only good part was the Muppets and Reggie's speech.
I'm not complaining, considering who knows whether we can even go outside this summer
THIS IS A JOKE this isnt even e3
@DaCh33f It's only Phase One, there might be one or two more Phases after that. Maybe than we'll get other missing companies like Nintendo, Ubisoft and SEGA.
I saw Squenix and my heart jumped for a bit. What would they be showing? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the only things we know about from Squenix are Avengers and Bravely Default 2, and I feel like getting a big spotlight in the reveal means that they would have more than 1 relatively niche game and an avengers game. FF16? Dragon Quest 12? Some other completely random thing that nobody knows about? The only other company on the list that falls into this is Bamco, which can most likely be explained by more licensed anime games (please JoJo) and maybe WB (I don't follow them much, so I don't know about them.), so what could Squenix be showing?
It's a bit much for me. I like summer time lol. No way anyone in their right mind would devote that much time to gaming (and not playing I might add!) in nice weather! E3 was an event. I don't know what this is lol.
Meh. Not gonna replace E3
I'm excited for this but part of me is also skeptical because of how mixed the Game Awards has always been. Don't get me wrong, I think Geoff Keighley is a cool guy, but he needs to make sure that this event needs to he coherent to make it succeed
at least we have some announcements to look forward to while stuck in lockdown
@Arugula It's nauseating how he's trying to crowbar celebrity culture into gaming
So instead of all the announcements in one week Geoff found a way to drag it out all summer.... Great
@Sandro89 will considering no one at all outside of nintendo, knows nintendo's plans ide just hush and wait. We all know they're gonna do something so don't know why ppl are losing their minds lol chill.
"We will learn a lot"
That's corporate speak for amateur hour.
Geoff -heartfelt speech for Iwata and Kojima- Keighley.
Another event featuring Geoff the corporate shill. No thanks.
It’s amazing that he survived being exposed and deconstructed during the Doritos fiasco probably thanks to latching himself to Kojima and all the journos who will never shut up their long running narrative of him being the spokesman of gaming because of their insecurity issues.
If you honestly think that then did gaming only start around 2006 for you? He’s just another PR guy designed to appeal to the CoD crowd who has started hiding this by using a few artsy games and people like Kojima probably as a result of feedback from a focus group.
Really? After the game awards that was last time, no thank you. Just gonna be disappointment after disappointment.
@SalvorHardin Yep the piece that ultimately cost Rab Florence his job on Eurogamer. Was correct Geoff and many others don’t cover games on their merit but on how close they are to the publishers and what they could make giving certain games great scores, lots of airtime. Geoffs a shameless corporate shill who would tell us the worst game in the world was the greatest if those who fund his pockets paid him to.
I really had no clue who he was until I searched for him and now I see he is a game shill up for the highest bidder. No thanks Geoff but you lack credibility.
Who should do this type of event is Stewart Cheifet but he is too old now likely.
I don't know why even call it the Game Awards, they barely care about the awards, most awards don't get a significant buildup or an acceptance speech. They care more about the B-Tier announcements, pandering to the movie industry and advertisements than celebrating the previous year's achievements in the gaming industry.
Fire Emblem got two awards and both were presented in a quick fire format with no fanfare. I can't imagine that happening at the Oscar's or the Emmy's. I think even the Razzy's is better at pacing than the Game Awards.
Geoff will never have his award show as respected as most other industry award show (as he so much desire), until he starts respecting the award element of his show.
@ChompyMage I mean E3 has been slowly dying already. The game awards has slowly been killing it.
@ANeonChicken the Game Awards? That's gotta be a joke. The Game Awards are never near as good as E3. Especially last year's
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