The new terraform ability in Animal Crossing: New Horizons allows players to make their digital homes even more personalised than ever before, but while the majority of us will simply tinker about with the new tools to see what's what, others are going above and beyond.
Take this fantastic recreation of Hyrule, for example, shared online by Reddit user VaynMaanen. After four "gruelling days" of terraforming, they've managed to make their very own version of the iconic world found within The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. As you can see in the comparison picture below, even the island's landmarks like the museum have been used in appropriate places.
VaynMaanen notes that they still have work to do to finish off the project, but has provided some screenshots to give us a closer look at the island itself.
If you've tried terraforming for yourself, you'll know just how much work must have gone into this. Amazing stuff.
If you're yet to unlock the terraforming ability for yourself, don't worry, you don't get to play around with it from the very start. We actually a have a full guide to the process right here if you're interested.
For anyone who does have it ready to go, however, fancy taking on a challenge like this? We wouldn't even know where to start.
[source reddit.com, via usgamer.net]
Comments 37
Most Bada** town.... ever.
Looks like some good is coming out of quarantine
Or people have far too much time on their hands, which was always going to happen with the lock down, my biggest surprise when gamers manage this while still working.
That's pretty great.
I read that title and was like, "There's no way in H...I stand corrected."
Very impressive!
I can't help but wonder... April Fools?
@bwellington Well, it was posted yesterday on Reddit, so it could be but I don't think it is.
Wow... all I can say rn haha. I can't wait to be able to meddle with my island a bit more once I get this.
Btw, does anyone have the final verdict on wth unlocks Nook's Cranny upgrade? I've heard 28 days but some time travelers seem to have proven that isn't the exact case, I've heard 70k bells but I've spent more than that... a lot of conflicting storiws surrounding the whole thing.
That’s mind blowing 🤯 here’s me feeling all proud to place furniture and have it look good 🤣
I wanted to do Koholint but with my luck, someone else will before I even unlock terraforming.
@bwellington Why? I saw this when it was first posted to Reddit yesterday. Nothing in these screenshots is impossible.
Wow. This is 10/10. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Truly awesome 👏
How to get me to click into a random Animal Crossing New Horizons article:
Step 1: Mention The Legend of Zelda.
That's super cool
Are you able to move the museum after you've placed it? I'm just wondering how you can place everything so well with the original island, then terraform it later. Seems you'd have to be able to move everything around. I'm still in the early stages of the game, so haven't done a lot yet.
Very, very cool. Never even thought of this.
That is some serious dedication. I think it's safe to say that he's beaten Animal Crossing.
So everything out there is making me buy this game huh? I will try and not buy it yet!
Man, do I wish the Dream Suite was still available so we could check out stuff like this. Why the heck is it gone??
Call me pedantic but, wouldn't it be more accurate to simply say they recreated Hyrule's map and a subset at that? Maybe it's all the agitations of the social media age but for me overhyping is a disservice to the product. And it is an impressively done feat.
Sorry, just a reflex.
@ShadJV Brian Altano most likely
@johnvboy A gamer can do anything they put their mind to. Especially when living in their mother’s basement and not taking time to even shower. Wait a minute, we’ve been under quarantine?
Yeah, to make it nice. a lot of work and patience. Can't rotate camera and if you are to close, you'll end up filling the water or hill instead of digging/clearing. ( they should give an option to buy the camera angle from nook stop )
I was trying to clear away the hill in the middle of the land and making the stream nice, end up only clear the hill. Maybe when Im in the mood, might try again next time, lol!
How have people got so far so quickly?! I’ve got 4 villagers and another moving in tomorrow and not even a whiff of that terraforming stuff!
That is truly impressive.
@popey1980 time travel most likely. I've been playing since the evening before launch, playing without time traveling, and just got terraforming today. When my console finally told me my hours played I was shocked. I've got 90 hrs into it already. I don't usually put that many hours on a game so quick. Maybe Pokemon red when I was 8
@Crillan yeah but it costa a fortune. Like 90,000 or something for the museum, 50,000 per house. Rough numbers but i know its alot
A minor lock down in the U.K, my work is shut, but you can go out once a day to exercise and shop for basics, how they police this is a mystery however, I can't remember the last time I saw a police officer on the street.
That's amazing!
@johnvboy It was a joke.
I know you were joking.
So basicly in Animal Crossing you can create anyone and anything and you're own world?
@johnvboy pretty sure this might of been created even if there wasn't a quarantine
Without a doubt.
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