Before you download the latest update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you might be interested to know Tom Nook's bank has decided to lower the interest rate for all savings accounts within the game. It means you'll no longer earn as many extra Bells as you previously did. Here's the letter in full (thanks, GameXplain):

To make up for this, the 'Bank of Nook' has attached a few presents. One is a world map and the other is a Bell Bag rug. It's hard to say exactly why Nintendo decided to make this change. While no reason has been provided, some theories suggest it could be to prevent time travellers from earning the big Bells.
To see the full patch notes for Version 1.2.0 of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, check out our previous post. What do you make of this adjustment? Have you noticed anything else in the new update? Tell us below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 105
The whole world is in a crisis! He's an astute business man, of course he needs to make savings! In the next update, Timmy, Tommy, and Isabelle are furloughed.
Um... okay? Just booting up the game now, will see what happens.
Yea it was because of time travelers. I saw a guy on YouTube make 2 million in one jump of a few years. Multiply that and then try and sell bell services on eBay.
This is why we can’t have nice things
I thought he was a tanooki not a raccoon.
@Strictlystyles Ha, exactly! Does anyone know what the interest rate was before they reduced it? Was it the same as the other Animal Crossing games?
It was 8.2%. At the most in one time travel in a few years span can only net 99999 at a time.
Meh, doesn't matter to me. I honestly forget that was a feature to begin with.
Tom Nook is a true capitalist.
He's referred to as a raccoon in the West.
@Strictlystyles I will always call time-traveling in AC cheating. It's inherently not wrong, but it is cheating.
Another nail in the coffin of those who say time travelling doesn't affect everyone.
@CodyMKW cheaters care
@ukaskew Assuming this was done because of time travelers, we don't know why they didn't this.
Honestly, if this was done to stop time traveling they will be very disappointed. All travellers have to do is go to other methods like playing the stalk market, skipping to the next day and then finding islands selling turnips for high princes...
And nintendo isn't about to punish people for moving forward in time.
@NookMiler It's cheating but it's not wrong? I disagree. You should lose all your bells every time you timetravel.
@sanderev That's a bit extreme. How would you go about it when daylights savings time happens?
How far are people allowed to go, forward in time?
It's not like time travellers are pressing a cheat button. The game goes by your clock and it's designed to be able to be changed.
@sanderev I don't care much for time traveling myself, but I think the devs planned for time travelers for the most part with how they're doing these event content updates. The time travelers can and will do whatever they want, but they've basically been stuck with only the first month's worth of content to travel through. I think the one thing the devs didn't plan for is people selling their ill gotten digital goods on ebay, prompting this interest rate change. I say if time travelers want to cheapen their experience it's their $60 to do with as they will. It's not my place to tell them how to play their game. It does kinda bug me that my interest rates are getting effected by their shenanigans, but I've never really gotten much from interest in the past so it doesn't bug me too much. It's more of a minor annoyance than anything.
Thank you time travellers
Tom is my Marty Byrde. Why did this happen? Best not to ask.
Tom Nook is a brutal capitalist with zero sympathy.
Just have the system check the internet date against system date, and if changed by more than a day, no interest, no fossils, no rare bugs/fish, no special events
I never even realised you got interest in the first place, so it won’t make a difference to me. But I do think it was stopping time travellers making big time money.
I thought a bank had to give you reasonable notice before any significant changes to your interest rate could happen? Anyone fancy taking Nook Bank to the European Courts? 😜
Tell me again how time travellers aren't effecting the rest of us...
I need new glasses. I thought it said "Ball Bag Rug."
@FineLerv Well, this isn't a measure that will manage to stop people from selling stuff at all, New Horizons isn't a competitive game, no one is forcing people to buy stuff and this is Nintendo just doing something that will affect everyone without getting rid of something that shouldn't be a problem in the first place, so yeah... Time travelers aren't the ones affecting you but Nintendo.
For the record, I won't time travel ( I still don't have the game) because it kinda ruins the experience for me, but I really don't see a problem with it.
@Liam_Doolan: The world map was given by Nintendo for installing the update, not because of the change if the interest rate, if I remember correctly.
Let‘s all close our Nook Bank accounts in protest and store our bells under our beds!
It should also be noted that you can now get the bell rug under Nook Miles redemption as well.
Also Isabelle's Aloha shirt I've only just noticed? Not sure how long that's been there
Just add a setting that advises that if the Switch clock has changed then the Switch needs to be connected to the net to verify before you can play the game. I have never changed my switch clock. Even if I went to a different timezone I would not manually change the clock as the Switch is not something I use to tell the time with.
busts out karaoke mic
Traveling...time traveling...
Bring back Mr Resetti!!! If the game code recognises a time travel jump or whatever, then out pops Mr Resetti to give them a massive lecture that goes on & on & on & on & on
Like in real life, a bank reduces your account interest rate and gives you a crappy gift as a means of placating you.
Time travellers ruining the fun for everyone else as per usual
We need to close the loop...
Well he wasn’t charging interest on his loans, so no drama!
My personal guess is that it's simply already really easy to make bells in the game anyway, even without time travelling. Like right now there's constantly flying 2500 bell worth butterflies going around, not to mention making a tarantula island is really easy. Bell making is not a problem. So I'm fine with this change.
@roy130390 Depends on how much you subscribe to the player's right to dictate how the game should be. I personally think the developer is always entitled to force an experience that aligns most with their artistic vision. The customer's only right is to chose to spend money on the product or not, based on the experience it offers.
This sounds like it's a quick fix to a problem that I've always hoped would be eradicated with New Horizons. Hopefully tighter restrictions are to come that only effect those who are part of the problem.
@roy130390 "New Horizons isn't a competitive game"
And that is where you are wrong.
Please come back Mr Resetti!!! We need you to punish the wicked.
I dont see the art gallery section in the museum?
how everyone say it's easy to make money, I spend everyday a ticket, never went to any special island just once with different fruit. All the money I make comes from the tree... I should being make anything very wrong
I wasn't even aware that you get interest in the first place.
So what was the interest rate and what is it now? I read so many conflicting reports.
@PacMang you need something to exhibit before you have an exhibit, yes, yes?
Also, this article has nothing to do with that.
Nerfing in a AC game..... what's the point? If it's because of "Time Traveller's ", then they might as well track them down go to their house and slap their hands for doing it, both are a waste of time anyways.
Maybe it was planned the whole time? Like an introductory offer for your account which very quickly gets reduced after your first month?
Wow Tom Nook is a real businessman...
Got the notice last night. Not a big deal in the end.
@hbkay Please no. Some punishment other than Resetti, but not that, because he was also appearing if the game froze or the power blinked. Your penalty would not only be losing your progress for that session but having to endure Resetti's didactic torture.
I've never time traveled, but I don't consider it cheating, simply because it does not disadvantage other players. If someone 's enjoyment of the game is enhanced by time traveling and maybe earning a ton of bells in the process, fine. It doesn't affect my game one bit unless they're time traveling and spoiling future events for me. That's another story. And that's still not cheating; it's being inconsiderate of others. Keep it to yourself.
I've never felt the need to time travel because I feel like it's easier to make money in New Horizons than it is in previous AC games, just by playing the game. I only started playing a couple of weeks ago, and I already paid off my 2nd room of my house. I've never paid off loans that fast before.
@JayJ Dude. He gives the best loans ever. No interest rate, and you can choose not to pay it back if you don't want to.
If you don’t TT to game the system, this doesn’t make any difference whatsoever
@FineLerv So if I create a coloring book and my artistic vision is for people to color within the lines.... and someone doesn't do that, I get to complain?
@CodyMKW in a game like this, I couldn't agree more
How does this do anything to time travelers? They still time travel. They just need to do it more of they want to be rich. This changes nothing but for those that play the game normally
@Kalmaro People can complain all they want but what I'm protesting is the idea that someone would demand of you to change the colouring book because it doesn't have the drawings they like, thereby impacting the experience of people who bought the book for what it is.
Your analogy misses the point.
Edited to better match your example.
@Strictlystyles bit at the same time nintendo shouldn't care. It's a single player game so Nintendo should go after him and not us
@CodyMKW but everything is so expensive in this game
@CodyMKW I sometimes have to time travel. I work all day at a grocery store and I move back I time so I can buy stuff at the shops. I guess I am sad and pathetic and dont matter.
What a stupid update. Why ruin the game for those of us that play and save money the right way? This is bogus.
1-Time Traveling isn't cheating
2-this isnt a competitve game (deal with it)
3-people who loathe TT are just sad folks and are inconsiderate (take notice of people explaining thier situation) etc etc
Honestly its pure jealousy that you'd get mad over someone making more bells than you.
I got crappy interests from storing a few million bells in the adb and i haven't even time traveled. Yet people think this is a victory against TT lol.
Not everyone is interested in spending years trying to get everything in the game, it should not take years to finish
@FineLerv I think you missed my point.
You mentioned that a developer " is always entitled to force an experience that aligns most with their artistic vision."
And my point is that such a thing sounds kinda absurd. Sure, a developer can make a game however they like and the instant it leaves their hands its up to the consumer to choose how they want to enjoy it.
That last part is what's so important, making people enjoy a game a certain way is pretty hard.
Much like me trying to make people color in the lines of a coloring book. Not everyone wants to do that.
@sanderev I'm not. People may try to "win"and have better stuff than others, but it isn't a competitive game, people make it so.
@PickledKong64 they have to care because of the games expanded features. Time tracking for bells was just way too easy and people were literally spamming sites and discord’s and eBay listing trying to sell newbies those I’ll gotten bells. Sure there’s ways around interest time traveling but at least those take longer to do and require a bit more time investment.
Also everything’s expensive because it’s supposed to be a game that you play for a long time, like years. If they made everything cheap players would be done in a week and be complaining for a new game.
@Kalmaro You make a fair point and I appreciate the civil discussion.
I think what you're saying makes more sense when we're talking about a static product that is released in a state of completion. Games don't really work like that these days. They're ever changing experiences, constantly being tweaked and sometimes metamorphing into something completely different from their inception.
My stance is that it's the developer that gets to take you for that ride. You can hop off anytime but you don't get to chose the route. I'm not saying you can't do what you want with what's on offer. I'm saying if they decide to stop people from abusing their tools in a way that violates their intentions, then that's their perogative.
@Yorumi Oh crud, never mind that every kid who's ever made up rules for basketball, dodgeball, foursquare, and pretty much anything else all are going to juvie now.
@Yorumi yes, It was ONE OF the problems, and they addressed it. Everything you mentioned takes longer than time traveling interest.
@FineLerv Civil discourse is then best discourse!
I see what you're saying about some games not being finished when released and still having time to grow into a finished product. In that sense, it would be like me reaching over to take something to claim it, and the developer is refusing to let go until I agree to use it the way they agree to.
I think the best response to that is that there's no agreement from the player to play a game a certain way that I'm aware of. It's generally understood that people can and are even encouraged to find different ways to enjoy the products they bought, just like when we got that article discussing people doing minigames.
To sum it up, its true that games today aren't always done and the dev may be constantly changing the rules. However, they have no real authority to tell anyone how to enjoy their product after making a sell in most cases unless there was a prior agreement.
Like the difference between me, say, doing a nuzlock in pokemon vs me signing a TOS saying I won't cheat in an MMO. In both cases I got a product from a dev but in only one did I give consent for them to dictate how I play.
@Kalmaro you can't time travel to sell turnips because time traveling causes all your turnips to rot instantly so is impossible to use that method.
@Chibi_Manny Yeah what Yorumi said. You can time travel forward to a day where they sell higher or find someone who has better prices
Then go back to sunday. Rinse amd repeat. I did that a few times myself just to get some more bells. Now I'm working on renovations for my island. Just got done flattening it and removing all cliffs.
@Strictlystyles I've played animal crossing be4 and trust me things are way more expensive in this game
@Yorumi you keep making the assumption I’ve said this was a huge problem or the main problem. It was one of the problems and they fixed it. And easy fix that anyone could have seen coming at that. I’m sure they may change some other features later but this is what they did now. It being a minor change doesn’t mean it wasn’t still somewhat necessary
@PickledKong64 maxing our your house was cheaper in new horizons than new leaf so you may want to brush up on When you last played animal crossing
@Crockin Low IQ response. Did you not read this article hmm? Or did you simply misunderstood it? Makes no difference to me either way.
@PacMang it does make a difference to u
@Strictlystyles but common goods are expensive. 63,000 bells for a bath tub? Also I played new leaf too. There were way more ways to get bells.
@Strictlystyles and who is our your? Like really dude at the end of the day let me play how I want. I only time travel because when I get home from work the shops are closed. Also I'm so glad you know what games I played.
@Tasuki Normally, I'd argue that you should use the common localized spelling of "tanuki" outside of Mario games, but in this case it just makes too much sense to spell Mr. Nook's species as "tanooki."
Huh, I never realized before that Tom Nook's name is a pun on the name of his species in the first place! And I thought it was embarrassing when I first realized The Riddler's real name could be spelled as E. Nygma or "enigma."
@PickledKong64 at the end of the day you can blame time travelers and people doing shenanigans online for why you can’t exactly play how you want. I’m sure Nintendo will be adding more restrictions and changing things as the months go on. But anyways, good job resorting to name calling because you didn’t remember leaf was just expensive as new horizons, and even more so in some aspects. Either way there’s more opportunities to get money in new horizons(tree spawns every day, higher Bell ballon rate, 2x bel diy items) so it doesn’t really matter the price of items.
We should riot
@Strictlystyles AC is a such a pleasant game to play. I would never understand why would people spoil the fun with time traveling. But I assume some just cannot wait and need to have something now.
@Strictlystyles resort to name calling? Are you delusional because I havent called you a name. You're the one attacking me here
@PickledKong64 “I also played new leaf idiot”
This is name calling. So not only did you forget the last animal crossing wasn’t that far off price wise from new horizons you also don’t remember what name calling means.
You hate to see it
@Jiloo you’re right. I get it, people have this “I want it now” mentality and they think it’s “I wanna play how I want” but really they’re just ruining the whole point of the game for themselves, but if that’s what they wanna say to themselves to justify it who am I to really judge I guess 🤷
Just like real life.
It’s obviously to stop time travelers, not that it will.
@Yorumi I’ve never whined about time travelers, I even said in my last who am I to judge, I’m just saying exactly why Nintendo decided to make that change. They saw the obvious and fixed it. Me stating a obvious problem doesn’t make it whining just because you’re ok with that problem. If anything you are whining because you think it’s not a problem when obviously, it was. Remember, I wasn’t the one @‘ing anyone, it was you.
@Yorumi that’s where you’re wrong. They were using this to make money. I was literally watching a guy time traveling on A random stream (recorded because it was YouTube) and he was time traveling trying to find random things and jumped one time and made 2 mil upon looking in his mailbox, he then said he was starting up Bell services and to hit him up on discord. I wish I had it in my YouTube history but I only saw it randomly on auto play while looking for fishing videos.
The thing is it was a problem, the rate was too high, and they fixed it. just because it wasn’t a big enough problem TO YOU doesn’t mean it isn’t one.
@Strictlystyles btw a shower was 110,000 bells! That's too much idiot
@PickledKong64 there are more ways to get money in this game so it’s not surprising they upped the price of SOME items. Like you’re literally complaining about a small portion of items. Stop.
@Yorumi the problem was the interest rate was too high, and it made it an easy source of money if you time travel. Nintendo lowered it in an attempt to curb time travel somewhat. That is all. Is it a problem to you? Maybe not but time traveling isn’t a focus of the game and that’s why they did it. Is it a small problem and didn’t really have a huge impact on the game or time traveling? Sure, but doesn’t change the fact that it was a problem. Other big problems are being weeded out slowly it seems. Time traveling for high turnip selling prices have been nerfed to where it now takes more effort and you have a smaller time window to keep those prices so you can expect a lot more anti time traveling patches in the future. Don’t hate the messenger, that’s just what’s going on.
Ugh... just let players do whatever they want. I don't see how this hurts anyone. Plus, it seems to be a very small percentage that time travel. Why punish the majority for the sins of the few?
But more importantly, are we getting a whole lot fewer balloons (not egg balloons) than we were when the game first came out?
No, I’m explaining why Nintendo Is nerfing things the way they are, because it was too open to exploitation. That’s why the wildlife spawn rate is also down heavily. They don’t want players getting easy money and running through the game in a couple of weeks and getting bored.
This is obvious but you keep acting like there’s no problem at all. You may not agree but a lot of people and Nintendo think otherwise. Like I said don’t blame the messenger.
@Strictlystyles well maybe I sont have as much time as no life's like you who can play 4 hours straight. It's still a problem in the game idiot. You stop
@PickledKong64 if you have a problem with money you just might not be good at the game. Stop assuming people play “4 hours straight” just because you aren’t good at it. Play the stalk market on sundays, line up all your foreign fruits trees in one corner and sell them every few days, plant your 30k trees everyday and sell your 4-5 fossils among other dailies that take only a few mins.
@Yorumi you can call it a “specific play style” but Really it’s exploitation of the system, and that’s still a Problem and Nintendo changed it. It doesn’t matter what it’s affecting Nintendo felt they needed to patch a lot of time traveling perks out and this was one of them. I don’t know what else to tell you, you’re ok with exploiting the game and Nintendo isn’t. That’s the bottom line. No need to keep spinning it.
And you’re right normal players are being hurt as well as time travelers, but guess who we have to blame for it eh?
@Strictlystyles How do you know it's the fact that Nintendo is NOT OK? Maybe they did it to stop whiner from bitching non stop SInce they are the one that CARE, TT -er don't care.
@Strictlystyles bruh you're impossible I hope your switch profile gets hacked as you die of Corona
@Yorumi you seem to keep spinning the truth to fit your “play the way I want it’s not hurting anyone” perception, but the truth is if Nintendo didn’t see a problem they wouldn’t have changed it. I agree it’s a small problem and won’t fundamentally change TT’ing but it’s one of those changes that was going to be made on top of all the other changes that they are and will be making. Any smart person can see that Nintendo IS seeing a problem with the way a lot of players are exploiting the system, or in your mind “not hurting anyone playing the game how they want” And they are changing things. It’s not because of people complaining it’s because they see some things they don’t want people doing.
Like I said you can blame TT’ing for most of the changes made, but don’t hate me, it’s Nintendo making the changes, I really don’t care either way you can do whatever you want until Nintendo patches the “fun” out of it.
@Yorumi I’ve told you the problem was it was too exploitable for easy money by time traveling. You keep saying it isnt big enough of a problem to merit it being changed and I keep telling you it was a small problem being addressed with bigger issues. That’s it. Like I’m really not sure why you keep acting like I haven’t clearly stated my point multiple times.
If Nintendo clearly sees an exploit and patches it, I don’t see a problem with that, that’s their prerogative. There’s literally nothing wrong with that.
@Yorumi what you don’t seem to understand is that time traveling and collecting atm depsosits at the previous Rate was exploitation of the system, in which the devs did not intend, so they patched it. I get it, you don’t see it as an exploit but it is, and Nintendo patched it. And exploit = problem. does that patch have negative impact on non time travelers, sure, but it doesn’t change the fact that players were using it as one of the ways to get easy cash and cheat the system, Which in itself is a problem.
Just because you don’t see game exploits as problems doesn’t Mean they aren’t. Everything else you were saying is irrelevant.
@Yorumi what can’t you understand about it’s a game exploit which allows someone to play the game in a way not intended by the devs. That’s the problem. How many times do I have to clearly explain it. Time travelers can use the interest to make easy money without doing anything and that is a problem. Single players who aren’t time traveling are collateral damage and for that, you have time travelers to thank. I’m really not understanding how you can’t comprehend this.
The issue is you don’t see this as a problem because you feel it hurts no one and that is a YOU problem. It doesn’t change the reality of the situation and why Nintendo chose to patch it out.
@Yorumi I have already said that it’s a small fix that doesn’t have a big impact by itself but when you add that to the other things Nintendo has been patching out to make time traveling less alluring, it makes sense. Especially since they made the game with a system that they can now add and remove things a lot easier than they could with the limited functionality of the 3ds.
Also You seem to be hard pressed on assuming Nintendo is patching these things out for complainers rather than to fix a game that has broken elements that ruin the experience and purpose of a game they developed. I think that’s an oversight on your part.
@Yorumi no, it does affect time traveling, because it removes a previous benefit to doing so. The game has only been out a month and they've been slowly balancing the game ever since and they arent done. Bell interest was most likely one of those things on the list. Every small balance they make against not only player exploits AND time traveling makes a difference when you look at the big picture. in the same week interest was reduced they also made it harder to time travel and host turnip islands. These are small balance changes but these will continue. I never said them patching interest was THE problem, only one of them, and yes, a small one.
To be totally honest i still dont see how you are sitting here acting surprised at this when most big name games in this digital age have had the same type of balance tweaks and patches to prevent player exploitation beyond developer expectation. When a new game comes out and there's some type of bug glitch or exploit/cheat or unbalance, you already know its probably going to be patched within the first few months. and this is nothing new.
The point is, while unlikely, a TT'er solely jumping for bells, would need to make more jumps to make the same amount of money. How it was, you could make more money with less jumps while looking for good turnip prices which was a win win when you factor time plus effort involved. anybody could see that would probably need to be patched in some way, and Nintendo did it the easiest way they could.
the discussion was never about was this the biggest problem, or the sole problem, or was the issues handled the best way, or was it the only way they could have done it. The only thing i said in my first post was they did it because of time travelers. It wasn't because of people complaining or worrying about how other people are playing, (because i really dont care) it was literally because they saw and knew what people were doing and knew it was a problem.
Will they eventually end up patching most of the current bell exploits? probably so, so its irrelevant for you to continue point out how it has a small effect because ive told you multiple times yes it does have a small effect. however it doesn't change the fact that it was one of many issues nintendos trying to patch to fix the bell economy. Is it a little too late at this point? thats to be seen, as this is a long haul game and theres a chance all the millionaires will burn themselves out and stop playing by the time they re balance the game and new players start arriving.
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