In ongoing efforts to provide support and advice to everyone dealing with the impacts of the coronavirus, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has listed 'active' video games as one way to stay healthy.
WHO has taken to social media to share a list of physical activities that can be performed at home, helping you to remain active without needing to go outdoors. The activities include online exercise classes, dancing to music, using a skipping rope, doing muscle strength and balance training, and the aforementioned active video games.

Titles like Nintendo's recent Ring Fit Adventure are naturally ideal for this, although that game in particular has been hard to come by recently. As spotted by VGC, some third-party sellers are using the likes of Amazon to sell the game at marked-up prices as demand for the title increases.
The advice comes just a couple of years after The World Health Organisation classified gaming addiction as a disorder. In a guide published at the time, WHO said that symptoms of the disorder include impaired control over gaming, increased priority given to gaming, and continuation or escalation of gaming despite negative consequences. The decision proved to be rather controversial.
WHO recommends that "all healthy adults do 30 minutes/day of physical activity, and children should be physically active for 1 hour/day".
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[source twitter.com, via videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 20
wii fit boards will be getting dusted off all over the globe, no doubt
I will do Para Para Paradise dance with Super Eurobeat musics to move my entire body. 😁
So glad I got my Ring Fit Adventure for a good price a few months ago!
I still use Fitness Boxing from time to time.
Ring fit and minecraft earth, boom exercise
So... guess I'll dust off Wii Sport Resort, then.
Fitness Boxing is another good one on Switch. And of course Just Dance on Switch. But Ring Fit Adventure is greatest fitness game ever made. Nintendo is just the best at developing amazingly diverse video game experiences.
I really wish I would have gotten Ring Fit Adventure before the pandemic hit and prices skyrocketed. Fitness Boxing is great once I actually get the motivation to fire it up, but it's not necessarily something I look forward to playing like I would with a game that has an actual story.
I got the Rift S just before the quarantine.The timing couldn't be better.I play Beat Saber,Creed (boxing) and Half Life Alyx!
Time for me to whip out the balance board
RFA Final Boss Defeated!
January 8th, 253.2lbs
March 26th, 238.8lbs
And that was with a 1 week medical break. So yeah, all those people in reviews saying the game wasn't a workout don't know squat(s).
@KingBowser86 I put Ring Fit on mild, and sweated after about 20mins. And I'm an active person.
I think I will get my Wii balance board out later and play some Punch-Out
Can I get a T-shirt that says "I survived COVID-19 and all I got was this lousy video game addiction (and a T-shirt)"?
I spend all my gaming time fishing, digging, chopping down trees with an ax, catching insects in a net, and yet I don't think I'm getting any exercise at all.
Leave it to Nintendo to create a motion sensitive HD Joycon then make their best selling Animal Crossing game not have a motion control option.
Nintendo - We don't do options.
Shame Ring Fit Adventure has been out of stock for a few months now . Wii Fit has been set up in my house for a few months anyway. Maybe I should set up my Xbox 360 and the Kinect
@mesome713 Granted, the early game isn't much of a workout at all. I will say that it does excellently ease people into workout who haven't done it for a while, so, necessary evil. But it definitely does ramp up later on - a point in time that most reviewers probably wouldn't have time to reach and still meet their review deadlines.
For staying fit and active I highly recommend Les Mills On Demand.
I pulled out Wii Fit and the balance board
Being a postie that unfortunately ticks more than a few boxes for the 'at risk' category I am used to 5 to 6 hours walking and now I'm stuck at home running on the spot on my Wii Fit..
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