After delaying game releases and shutting down this year's E3, the coronavirus outbreak has now hit Nintendo of America's headquarters in Redmond, Washington. The Seattle Times is reporting a Nintendo employee has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and has also been in contact with other staff members.
The video game company reportedly confirmed this on Thursday evening. All Nintendo employees in contact with this individual are now in self-quarantine, whether they have symptoms or not. Here's a direct statement from NoA:
Nintendo of America is supporting this individual as they recover and will continue to take precautions to safeguard the health and well-being of all our employees and the broader community
As stated last week, Nintendo is now allowing all of its staff located within the states of California and Washington to work from home.
Comments 104
this comment has been redacted to make sure this issue is taken seriously
Smart move. Glad they're taking it seriously.
Noooo, get this man away from Mario!
That's not a surprise, its very contagious.
@mrmememan This occured in America. No word on Japan
Even there are some USA celebrites positive Corona virus. 😱
Curse you Covid-19 !! 🤬
It's a very possibility that it might happen in Japan since China is like right next to Japan I think. I don't know. Please be safe everyone and wash those hands!
In other news, anyone here watched Monsters Inc.
@KingBowser bruh
@KingBowser What does that have to do with the virus?
@mesome713 Shame Mario can't just toss a few pills at the employee to make them better.
@KingBowser Hello from Japan! Things are pretty calm here. We closed schools early on and people have been told to travel as little as possible - with travel from China severely limited. Japan is much better off than Europe or America right now.
@KingMike Speaking of which, all those "doctors" in Doctor Mario World can be put to good use
@Heavyarms55 It helps that Japan has only about a third of confirmed cases
Isn't that 2319 like a virus in the movie where it involved the CDA shut the place down cause one of monsters got infected with a children's sock on his back?
And so goes our hopes and dreams of an upcoming Direct
Wow, this is serious, lots of companies have been hit like this. I wish these employees the best.
@DAHstroy We see that see each other eye to eye on comedy my friend
@KingBowser What in the holy hell are you talking about?
Maybe not the best time to Direct-beg...
Hoping for the best for this employee.
@MsJubilee You know, Monster's Inc., 'we have a twenty-three nineteen!'
Literally cracked up at your comment... if I were without context, I'd be worried about this Bowser fellow as well.
Never mind the Direct, safety of people is much more important. I wish this employee of Nintendo well.
@KingBowser somebody should've paid more attention in Geography class 😂
@Entrr_username That's true, but when Japan started shutting things down and advising people not to travel, America hardly had any confirmed cases. Now America has shot way past Japan in a matter of days while the numbers here continue to go up only slowly. Japan's been taking this seriously from day one and I'm sorry but it seems like America's been taking it seriously since Monday.
I'm not blaming anyone, just pointing out the different responses and results.
@Entrr_username There's a serious lack of testing in Japan, especially compared to South Korea (which ramped up testing faster and at greater scale than Japan). Many Japanese people probably have COVID-19 but we'll never know.
@KingBowser I get your reference. I do hope the coronavirus situation ends quickly as possible when warmer weather comes.
Well, I'm just saying that in that movie, it might've been an infected virus from inside the room on the "other side" because well, I think this same area instead infected with a similar name. In the movie, it was named a "2319". In the real world, it was COVID-19. My brother looked at that scene from the movie and thought it predicted the future.
I'm just going to shut up now.
@LaytonPuzzle27 Thank you! At least somebody listens!
I too am expecting to work from home as well next week.
@Heavyarms55 You are aware that the IMF, Fed And the ECB are preparing 150lbn stimulus packages and that the markets havent been this bad since the Lehmanbrothers crash? 7,8% less on the DOW shipping down by 40%. There is taking serious something you know nothing of and closing down schools isolating yourself as a country at the cost of giving up HUNDREDS of thousends of jobs, Bilions of Dollars in revenue, growth which took a decade to accumlate, and there is the element of surprise. If you want protectionism yes that is good but no one, NO One had expected this.
Think past people dying, this is about the global economy. So what the us is doing at this point is the best it can. Have you looked up by the way what simulus is planned, the amount of deals that have been struck with insurance companys of the treating of patients?
Let me put it diffirently so that everyone who bothers understands;
Hi bob, joe, uncle joe, quagmire, parents of 5, you know the job you have been doing the last few years? We have this suspiscion that there is a chance of a virus at our plant and that people might be affected. And as such, we have decided to cut our staff by 50% (look up the norwegian airliner that did that) based purely on speculation on something we know almost nothing about.
Would you be: (please honestly, try to be objective and not think covid that does not exist in this example)
A) OK, its fine i wont be able to pay my bills and provide food and care for my kids
B) Ehm, how about we first see where this thing goes, i like money and frankly i need money. And as such i like to keep working to get said money.
Get ready boys and girls, things are going to get a whole lot hairier, a economic crash unlike anything we have seen in the past is upon us.
So ye, everyone is doing their best. Is all i am saying, but this is about saving economies at this point not so much about a tiny amount of especially 50+year olds dying frankly.
@NambanRonin I'm very curious how you know this. What evidence do you have? See, I live in Japan, and I've been following the news pretty closely. I've seen nothing to suggest what you say is accurate.
@FrowningCoach Ah, I see. You're one of those. The people more worried about the economy - an economy that will recover - than about human lives and public safety. Once the virus is under control and the spread contianed and a vaccine distributed, the economy will bounce back. It always does.
But the people who have died, or who will die before this is over? There's no replacing "Bob, joe, uncle joe, quagmire, parents of 5". People can find a new job so long as they are alive and healthy.
Unless we don't deal with this virus and let it get out of control. Because just imagine what would happen is just 1% of the human population got it? There are about 7.5 billion people in the world. If just 1% of them get the virus, that's 75 million people sick. If 1% of them die that would be 750,000 dead. What do you think 75 million people sick and 750,000 dead would do to the global economy? You think the markets are panicking now? You think there's chaos and fear now?
We must stop the spread of the virus. Because if it gets out of control, we don't have, globally, enough resources to deal with it. You think the world has enough doctors, nurses and hospital facilities to handle even that 1% global infection? You think it things get to that point, it's going to just stop at 1%?
You don't wait for an entire forest to be burning before you send in emergency services. You don't wait for the damn to collapse before you evacuate the town downstream.
If we're lucky, this will be Y2K all over again. The disaster averted because we "overreacted" and in a couple years, probably sooner, the economy will bounce back.
@Heavyarms55 Also japan is downplaying its infections considering the blns it spend and was expecting to earn thanks to the olympics. Everyone who knows economics, knows that the olympics are a gigantic always payout slotmachine. There is allot of pushback from japan to cancell the games.
@FrowningCoach Bro, Japan has no problem. Japan is plagued with old people, plus they have a lot of money to lose if too many get sick. So from day one Japan took action. Japan would be the hardest place to hide people having the virus, way too many people would be dying due to how many are elder in Japan.
Yet, this is not happening. Japan handled the virus like professionals while America downplayed it and pretended it wasn't a big deal. Our president even tried to say warm weather would make the virus weak even though the virus was thriving in warmer climates overseas. America screwed up bad and handled it poorly when they had the most time and best chance to contain the virus.
Hope he/she gets well soon... this thing sure is no joke.
@FrowningCoach too little too late here in the great US of A
@neogyo It's not about blame. And frankly blaming anyone helps no one. What matters is dealing with the problem and even though it could be argued that America was late to the game it's still possible to contain the damage there. But like I said above, if we don't deal with it, things will get much much worse.
People can talk about blame later, once this nothing but an unpleasant memory.
Miyamoto should streamed the Direct from home in his Mario pajamas.
@mrmememan I wouldn't be so sure since the whole thing is pre recorded usually
@mesome713 Oh interesting you seem to know more then the people i know at the Erasmus MC who are put in charge of basically everything Covid/corona, dealing with samples and the likes. If you could perhaps forward the information to Erik Snejder, Marion Koopmans Theyll much appriciate that info. Perhaps you could enlighten us with a source for your information. Since it was quite cold in Wuhan where it originated in december, the same goes for south korea, germany, france and ESPECIALY the north of italy so close to the alps.
So yea......
@neogyo Goes for most countries, not just the US. The world is smaller then it has ever been. A virus will spread globally faster then in the 1600's or 1800's.
hoping for everyone's healthy recover.
Atleast we got a direct.....statement.
@mesome713 Its also a cultural thing not to bother others with your sickness or your bothers. Try looking up how many people die by themselves and no one notices their absence and if they do discover the perished person's absence the do not investigate for fear of prying.
Used to live in Japan, I am familiar with their culture. Its the same with Fukushima, downplaying it until the radiated waters hit the west coast of the Americas.
I am not offending you i hope. Just saying what I am used to working with and the cultural and subcultural differences that are hardly noticeable unless you have worked with Japanese solicitors, and other decision-makers.
@mesome713 Don't worry, Miyamoto confirmed Mario is like 20-something, so the risk of fatality should be extremely low unless he has underlying diseases we aren't aware of. Possibly high cholesterol due to large pasta intakes that sets him at risk for heart conditions, but otherwise, he's the picture of health!
Sod Ninja, they are just video games. People's wellbeing is much more important than whether or not a Direct is delayed or not.
@Maschinenmensch try telling that to the nearly 5 thousand people that have died from it 😔
@presenttense stop believing in propaganda and government lies. You’re not a sheep, stop acting like one.
@GrailUK the same could be asked about you; you are clearly blind.
@Maschinenmensch May I borrow your tinfoil hat? I could use it to bake a potato!
@mesome713 you are completely insensitive by making such awful jokes.
Quick!!! Grab that mushroom! The best remedy against Covid is a 1-UP mushroom 🥦and a glass of milk🥛 🤪. Its a mee!
@Maschinenmensch Alex Jones? Is that you?
I changed jobs in January and have started working in a doctor's surgery. I can see why this spreads so rapidly as we are still getting people in with cold like symptoms despite all the advice to stay away and self isolate. People are not paying attention. People didn't take things seriously. People are filthy creatures who need telling how to wash their hands (come on people.) People are now in panic when calm heads prevail. Every day I'm coming into work and new guidelines come up. This could and should have been avoided. But this isn't the first time and isn't going to be the last time a virus does this. Just want to say to all here to keep calm, wash (just honestly it isn't hard) and hope you all stay healthy. Off now to get coughed at by the general public...
I'm glad Nintendo can send people home to work in isolation - best way forward to combat this virus. Wishing those affected a speedy recovery. Just one more week till we can all isolate ourselves at home with the new Animal Crossing!
@NotTelevision alex Jones is a lunatic; can’t stand that nincompoop.
@Maschinenmensch Well we agree there.
Hope he's fine soon. Here in Italy I am stuck home. Looks like it's not gonna finish quickly.
@Maschinenmensch I think I understand your point, you just aren’t articulating it very well 😀
Just the opposite. Alex Jones has been warning people for a while now.
@Beermonkey I work in healthcare, too. Bless you. People are gross.
@Wolfgabe @MortalKombat2007 It's a little thing I little thing I like to call comedy
Most people are already warning we are past the point of no return. These current restrictions are to slow the growth of the virus, not stop it. They want to slow the growth to reduce the strain on the healthcare system because our current system can't handle if 1/2 our population gets sick in the next month. Most people are already saying 60-70% of people in the world will get the virus and there will be significant deaths because of it.
I don't want to imply that the economy is more important than saving lives, but at the same time I think this is going to be alot more destructive to the economy than you get it credit for. In the US, about 50% of people are employed by small businesses who will not be able to pay these people with no incoming money. Then we also couple that with about 1/3 of people that live paycheck to paycheck and this can create disaster for alot of families near the poverty level. They will not recoup whatever is lost even if the economy recovers in the future. America has basically shut down for the next 3 weeks. What happens if this doesn't work? Extend it another 3 weeks? How many people can afford to not be paid for 6 weeks? What if it's extended further? The articles I've seen focus on March Madness on the NCAA statement, but they said winter sports championships will be cancelled too which implies they aren't even going to have a baseball season and that implies that this economic slowdown will last several months with cancellations and job losses.
The coronavirus is a diversion to distract the ignorant masses from Defender Europe 20, an operation whereby the US military has de-facto occupied the entire European Union in order to launch missile attack on Russia in the coming weeks. Russia has a huge surprise waiting for them.
Hope Sakurai is taking care and not running himself down this virus is an opportunistic one.
I would like to know who it is, if that individual is willing to say. I hope for their speedy recovery, and that no other Nintendo employees or anyone else has been infected by this case!
@Zuljaras dude my college was closed and we have no confirmed cases! My high school has me doing online classes too! (I'm dual enrolled)
@Cevil agreed diarrhea has killed more ppl this season than covid
@mrmememan Never mind the employee infected with a potentially fatal disease, your only concern is that there might be a delay to some news about a video game.
Coronavirus is killing people. Grow up. This isn't an issue to make light of.
No surprise in Redmond, probably not the only Nintendo employee who has it. Redmond is in King County.
@Heavyarms55 "but it seems like America's been taking it seriously since Monday"
You're being too generous, it was more like Wednesday afternoon and night for the gov't, Thursday - yesterday - for the rest of the country.
@Heavyarms55 I have a vacation planned to Japan for late April, would you suggest I cancel or is there still enough going on that it's worth the trip? Of course I wouldn't go if the virus spread to my area, out of courtesy.
@KingBowser lol that movie is one of my favorites of all time. So great
Given that WA state is the location with the majority of US deaths from the disease, it's more surprising that this is the first at either company we've heard of. The presence of both MS and Microsoft in Redmond was no doubt one of many contributing factors, even before this week when fit hit the shan, that E3 was considering cancellation. The liklihood that anyone is a carrier is a higher risk than most other places and several of the cases in other states have been from people that traveled to the WA/Norcal area rather than overseas.
@FrowningCoach The Olympics are a huge dangling problem. Only the IOC can truly cancel them, and yet unless something turns around magically in a few months, I don't see how the games actually CAN happen. The Olympics have only ever been cancelled once. In a tragic irony, it was also scheduled for Tokyo. It was rescheduled to Helsinki due to the Second Sino-Japanese War erupting, but ultimately Helsinki was cancelled as well due to WWII breaking out.
Other than that, it's never been cancelled. At the same time, I don't see how you can have every corner of the world traveling en masse, to a large group event, all in the origin region of the disease during a major pandemic. TV Only? But the atheletes and delegations are still a problem.
If they host them, they're going to lose money. Turnout will be exceedingly low, even if it doesn't turn into a health crisis for attending, it's not going to be a big enough crowd to pay for the expenses. If they don't host them they get hosed out of an obscene amount of money. Either way I don't see how they can't lose at this point. I think the economic effect will put a chill on Olympics in general.
@Heavyarms55 @cleveland124 is right. As bad as the disease itself might turn out, as many direct deaths as it might cause, this isn't smallpox. The second great depression that this thing seems very on target to create is going to be something that spirals for years, not weeks. Just as the "retail apocalypse" just started catching up to us in the past 2 years from the 2008 recession, the worst pain to way of life will occur 3, 5, 8 years from now, and most of the damage is already done. The tertiary and quaternary effects of suffering, including death that won't be attributed to the disease itself but will be caused by the resulting economic unraveling will be magnitudes beyond what the immediate infection causes. Consider the US situation already - over 60% of the population can't afford a surprise $1000 expense. What happens when we become a country of unemployment in large scale? A LOT of business are going to go down. Retail was already shinking rapidly. We're down to government declarations of avoid retail. A mall can't survive 3 months without an anchor tenant. Small restaurants, bakeries, pizza shops, etc, etc, can't survive 2 weeks with no income. Yes, global megs corps and national/global chains will survive. But a lot of other things won't. The "economy" tends to rebound, but really it's the stock market and the mega corps that rebound. The normal day to day life stuff never goes back to normal. At least not within 20 years. Don't underestimate the economic nightmare unraveling before our eyes. Just crank the Glenn Miller up to 11, and relive the magic of the '30s.
@rjejr I live in King County and work in Northern Seattle, maybe 15 miles south of Redmond and 15 miles west of the Kirkland nursing home outbreak. I'm a nurse and basically work in ground zero. It's pretty bad here, but most people are just living their lives like normal. All the isolations and precautions seems to have slowed it down a bit up here.
Glad to hear that Nintendo's taking action...the Coronavirus is no joke. I hope that employee feels better soon!
@ivory_soul Glad to here. There are nearly 1,000 employees at that location, odds are a couple of them were going to get it.
Does look like your governor is doing the right thing.
I'm in the NYC suburbs. Just spent an hour on the phone w/ my best friend, also a stay-at-home dad, who lives in NYC, and he kept both his boys home from school today, 1 takes 2 subways to get there. He decided if quarantine is good enough for the NBA, MLB and NCAA it's good enough for his kids.
We ultimately decided if NYC wants to keep school open to babysit all the kids, that's fine, but parents who chose to stay home w/ their kids should also have the option to do so w/o penalty.
My kids are 300 miles away on a canceled robotics trip. (You may know about that, PNW was one of the first areas to cancel.) Looking forward to having them back home some time this evening. Then we'll move forward from there. I have a feeling most if not all of our planned college campus tours - 1 of them is a senior - are going to be canceled as well.
Thanks for the info and most of all stay safe.
@Heavyarms55 Check out the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor, Welfare website. As of this posting, 25,456 people in Japan have been tested. This means 200 test per million people in Japan (pop. 127m). South Korea has tested 196,618 people (source: South Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, last update Mar. 9), which translates to 3,840 tests per million people (pop. 51.2m). According to the WHO report titled "Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)," Guangdong, China tested 320,000 by the end of February, which translates to 2,820 tests per million people (pop. 113.5m).
Nobody knows how fast coronavirus is spreading and how many people are infected. The only way to better understand this is more testing. South Korea and other countries may have more cases simply because they've done more testing. Japan has had over a month to ramp up testing; there's no reason they should be so far behind South Korea and China.
For those curious, the United States has tested 42 per million people (as of March 12; 13,624 tested; pop. 320,000,000; source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
@NEStalgia Well, the Olympics were canceled four times (2 years x 2 events each) technically but all for the same reason (WW2).
And unfortunately canceling would put Tokyo as the first twice-canceled host city, I think.
But safety, definitely more important that dumb statistics.
@KingMike Ahh I did forget about London '44. Yeah, I don't see how they could actually host them (or why Japan would even want the world to descend upon them right now.)
But, on the other hand...Olymics cost a lot more than they did then. They spend billions on these things. No city/country can afford to lose that expense without it creating an economic disaster. I'm not sure how this gets reconciled for Tokyo. I assume they'd at least just slot them in as the next venue in, what, 12 years. But then they have to maintain venues they don't need for over a decade. I suppose they could postpone until next year. Unprecidented, but having Olympics 3, or rather 2 years apart isn't unprecidented....when they split summer & winter we had Albertville and Lillehammer 2 years apart (an extra Winter games at a half olympiad.) So in theory they could do Tokyo 2021, rescheduled, and still do Beijing 2022 Winter, and 2024 Paris. That's probably the best case scenario and still possible to pull off. Assuming anyone will want to go to Beijing 2022 at this point either.....
We've never rescheduled a games, but they WERE going to reschedule Tokyo (albeit for the same year) to Helsinki in '40, so the idea of rescheduling isn't impossible, and the idea of only 2 years between same season games isn't either (and this would be 3.)
If IOC leaves Tokyo hanging dry for the whole cost, I imagine the IOC is finished completely. No city will take that risk again.
@NEStalgia Second Great Depression? That was nearly 90 years ago. The economy has changed drastically since then. You’d be foolish to think it’ll reach that level. You and @cleveland124 are not any better than the people calling COVID-19 "just the flu"
@Beermonkey Agreed. I understand a lot of the government, community, and work precautions as the virus is easily spread, but a lot of people (speaking for the US here) are going insane like it's the plague and hoarding just about everything. The weirdest thing is TP.
I'm staying relatively calm about it all, keeping to my normal hygienic practices (I do wash my hands frequently and don't intentionally expose people or leave my home when I do feel sick), and generally not buying into all the online and news hype. I'm paying much more attention to what the medical community is saying. Besides, many of the precautions fit my introversion quite well.
@DAHstroy The direct is pre recorded and is likely done already. 2 are rumored to come out in the next two weeks.
@ReaperExTenebris hey buddy, you know what a joke is?
@ramu-chan I know, I'm just trying to be funny, but I'm not the best as you can see, so I'm sorry for this. I'll redact the comment
@NEStalgia I would buy you a beer if you were here in vancouver. You talk allot of sense
@SpaceboyScreams I would suggest you double check your plans. I do know some flights have been cancelled. Regardless of everyone's disagreement over the seriousness of the virus, you might really want to try and save your money and stay home and plan your trip later on.
I have no idea what happens to plane tickets if the airline cancels the flight. I've never had that happen and this situation is so abnormal there's no telling if the normal cancellation rules apply. So if you haven't, contact your airline.
As to Japan, honestly, I'm here and we're still holding the graduation ceremony for students so... interpret that as you will. If you're not worried about the virus - you could enjoy small lines.
Who did the testing? Dr. Mario?
@Heavyarms55 I hear you and I definitely agree overall. Just dealing with some extreme incompetence over here is all.. thanks for being positive!
The last game I bought was Bee Simulator. It's so bad, I'm pretty sure it gave me Kung-Flu... Or AIDS, I'm not sure which. But I thought I was going to die.
@Cevil First of all, this is the only article that I know of where they reported about an employee getting the virus. Second, this isn't "scaring" people, it's informing them. No one's forcing you to read the article
@PickledKong64 Just because other viruses killed more doesn't make COVID not deadly. This virus is incredibly contagious and can be spread by people who don't even show symptons
I hope that all employees manage to make it through this pandemic. Hopefully they can afford the medical expenses too. It makes me glad to be living in a country where there's free health care.
Wishing him or her a speedy recovery. Thankfully most people who get it recover from it very quickly, of the 95,000 who got it so far, 50,000 have already recovered.
@Heavyarms55 When you have leadership who refused to acknowledge there was a problem to help their reelection efforts, goes on national television and claim the issue is a hoax and ignores the advice of all of those who actually know what they're talking about, you better be damn well certain I am gonna assign blame. And I will continue to assign blame when that leadership continues to be inept and ineffective.
I mean, are we being serious here? In what reality is elected officials allowed to do a piss poor job, be grossly negligent (and I'm being nice here) and we are told to not place blame or responsibility on them?
@Heavyarms55 where are you getting your info from? US has 3x the population of Japan. Confirmed cases are at 2400 and 600 respectively. That’s pretty close on per capita infections with the US. Further many believe Japan is attempting to downplay it because of that Olympics money.
And how many employees have tested positive for the common flu?
This is being blown out of proportion.
@mesome713 Are you serious? America has one of the fewest per capita cases of Covid in the world - if not the fewest of any major industrialized nation. And you say that American is not prepared how?
This is a panic created by the media. Legacy media suits should honestly be charged with terrorism.
@tekknik That Olympic BS is nothing but anti-Japan racism.
@Heavyarms55 I think your definition of racism is incorrect, or any statement of how bad the US handle the situation is anti-US racism. Your pick. Either way how come it hasn’t been canceled yet or even postponed if they aren’t concerned with losing the money/bid? People are concerned it’s not canceled yet and Japan still pushes forward with it.
@tekknik Oh please. You want anti-US, I could give you anti-US. But NintendoLife isn't the place for that.
@Heavyarms55 notice you failed to answer the question. you call me racist, so i feel i deserve an answer
@tekknik They are concerned with the money that will be lost by cancelling it of course. But they're also waiting to see how this pandemic plays out. With the amount of resources and training and build up that goes into any Olympic event, they don't want to cancel it until they absolutely have to. Japan is no different from any other nation in that regard.
Blaming and criticizing Japan as though this behavior is unique to them is utter nonsense and purely racist.
@Heavyarms55 People on the board are getting concerned it’s not canceled yet. People around the world are getting concerned it’s not canceled yet. You called me a racist then stated the exact thing, that it costs too much to just cancel. Then there’s the money made from it that will be lost. Do yourself a favor and stop throwing the racist card around when someone doesn’t agree with what your country does. It doesn’t matter who’s hosting it, it needs to be canceled (see how that’s not racism?!?!)
@tekknik Nonsense. This Olympic issue is just being used as yet another issue to attack Japan. Especially from factions in America and China that can't let go of events from over 70 years ago.
These people will search for anything any possible issue to attack Japan over. Some random member of the government visits a shrine they don't like and they condemn Japan as a war monger, just ignore that Japan hasn't attacked anyone in nearly 8 decades! America can't go 8 days without bombing someone! A store sells anime porn and suddenly all Japanese people are perverts! Just conveniently ignore that that is a subculture enjoyed only by a small segment of the population. Oh look, that anime that clearly isn't meant for kids has violence in it - look how terrible Japanese people are! Because westerners are too stupid to understand that anime is a medium, not a genre! Blah blah blah blah blah. There's always something.
And I never singled you out in particular, but you are holding on to your nonsense attack. Japan will cancel it if and when it needs to be cancelled, and rest assured, it almost certainly will be unless some miracle happens and everyone wakes up cured tomorrow.
@Heavyarms55 I stopped reading before the end of the first paragraph. You have become ridiculous, now asserting that people cannot speak negatively about Japan without bringing up WW2. I could’ve seen this coming given then careless use of the racism word. Here’s someone that is Japanese saying exactly the same thing as me:
You want to talk about racist, when I was in the US military and visited Japan a good chunk of the stores in Sasebo area wouldn’t serve us because of the color of our skin. We were dehydrated from walking around in the sun all day an a gas station wouldn’t even sell us water. This is racism. Your country. Saying the Olympics should be canceled is not. Saying the Japanese are greedy like the rest of us is not.
Hopefully he/she gets well soon.
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