eBay has released its 'Most Wanted' holiday shopping guide, highlighting the most popular products that are trending in shopper's wish lists this holiday season. Surprisingly, the 23-year-old Nintendo 64 seems to be having something of a resurgence.
In a press release covering some additional insights from the guide, it has been revealed that sales for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 64 averaged two per minute on eBay in September, just as Nintendo was celebrating its 130th anniversary. N64 consoles actually saw a spike of 205% year-on-year, indicating that there are more than a few people out there looking to reminisce on old times.
The guide suggests that a Nintendo 64 could be "a unique gift pick for nostalgic Millennials", which actually presents a potentially valid reason for its recent success on the site. Those who had a Nintendo 64 as their first console will likely now be working full time and dealing with adult life, potentially spending their hard-earned cash on reliving childhood memories. This very writer actually ended up buying two N64 consoles this year for that very reason.
It's quite nice to see that the ageing console still has its fans out there. Perhaps in years to come, people will be hunting down Wii Us to add to their collections?
Comments 105
Sadly, I do think some of those sales are due to retroscalpers who are just interested in selling them on for a higher price.
Also, Nintendo should hurry up and release an N64 classic so that people spend the money towards them rather than towards resellers of used hardware. I'm not against using the original hardware, but I'd rather have the money go to the company that made the great system.
I sell the crusty white dust I collect from N64 analog sticks to unsuspecting junkies on the streets of Los Angeles.
Thought about it a few times, but never felt the need quite enough. Only ever played Ocarina of Time, Star Wars Podracer and Goldeneye on a flat-mate's N64, so my connection with it is limited, and those controllers are a blocker for me.
@DinnerAndWine : Do you ship to Australia?
Less to do with nostalgia and more the awesome mods for said system that have been popping up of late, each allowing impressive results (finally) on modern TV's.
I'll keep mine, purely for nostalgic reasons, haven't honestly used it in ages, but ... it reminds me of good times and I do actually like the design
Any device capable of running F-Zero X should never be sold because you know the need to replay it comes often. And don't even get me started on AKI wrestling games.
Too bad that Nintendo won't deliver their past hardware... I mean you still get your money from the customer. You know I wouldn't mind to pay 150 euro for N64 new from Nintendo. Update the hardware like the controller... add on a usb version and let it be able to play all the N64 games without region lock. I know a lot of you would say lets wait for mini N64, but I have so many games still here that could be played. The mini N64 won't have that big collection. Sigh
TBH most of its "best" games have been re-released in more "modern" systems (3ds, Wii U VC) and it has not that much of game diversity anyway (no rpg games etc.). Its controller is well horrible with small buttons etc. I still have mine but I haven't booted it since Majora's Mask. For some reason it resets itself at random times.
N64 is the first system I ever gamed on. Still have the same one from 20 years ago. I think it's a great system, but it's definitely an acquired taste, those 64bits only come with about 20fps.
It’s the special 3d Mario box. I love how the console controller looks.
While I ultimately bought more PS1 games, I loved every single one of my N64 games. Too bad it exploded while traveling when someone plugged it into a higher voltage when they couldn’t find me to ask if they could play. I regret giving the games away because I never knew I’d want to buy them all over again over 20 years later.
The N64 has exploded in popularity in my house as the kids have now discovered it. I've had to purchase several new controllers and a few new games to play on it that I didn't have before such as Kirby etc.
I literally just bought a N64 off eBay less than 2 weeks ago. Yes, the controller is insane, but so many of the games are timeless classics that hold up well to this day. I plan on tracking a Saturn down next...
Loved the N64 back in the day, still consider Ocarina of Time one of my top games ever, that Rare magic as well, i loved Jet Force Gemini especially! Would be great nostalgia to play these again but at the same time i'd rather play something different and new.
It's probably because very few N64 games are on PC/XB1/PS4/Switch and Nintendo said no to N64 Mini. Rare Replay is the main source of N64 games that comes to mind and that is one of the few XB1 games not on PC.
Twice Nintendo left us hanging without N64, both with the NES/SNES Classic lineup and with Switch Online. How else are we gonna get our fix?
@Bomberman64 Why should nintendo make money from an inferior product?
If nintendo was willing to use FPGAs or have custom chips and support the use of carts I would agree. Sticking a rasperry pi in a knock off case isn't something to be applauded.
Dude! Last month I bought an N64 from a local used game store, as well as all but one game I owned growing up, being Mario Party 3, plus a few games I didn't own, like F-ZERO X, Ocarina of Time, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Guess I'm not the only one who wanted to revisit the good old days.
My millennial nostalgia has definitely contributed to this lol. I've bought around 50 N64 games off Ebay in the last couple years.
The N64 controller is the only console controller where the stick is actually in the most intuitive place so when you move your thumb forward the stick moves - low and behold - forward! On all other controllers you have to angle your thumb movement just to simply push the damn stick straight. (My guess is this why Ninty went with the octagonal design in the GC controller and Wii nunchucks). Anyway for this very reason alone the N64 controller holds the warmest spot in my gaming heart.
I've been trying like crazy for years to get a working N64 emulator but it always seems impossible to get the games running right. Particularly anything that required the memory expansion. I don't know what it is about N64 games being so hard to emulate but it seems you're better of just playing on the original hardware.
I have serious doubts about an N64 mini ever coming and let's face it if the games aren't by Rare or Nintendo there wasn't much else worthwhile on the system. Would it really be worth it?
@Zeldafan79 LEGO Racer, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer, Toy Story 2, Glover, Ogre Battle 64, Bomberman 64... Need I go on?
Pretty sure Nintendo will be watching this with interest. Expect a N64 Mini or N64 on the Online Service soon.
It was me I’ve bought so many 64 games recently
If Analogue could make the N64 their next project after the gameboy that would be crackin.....Ultra NT 😆
Totally. Mario, Pilotwings, Wave Race, Starfox, Mario Kart, Yoshi, 1080, FZero, Ocarina of Time, Mario Party, Smash Bros, Ridge Racer, Pokemon Snap, Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, Majoras Mask, Excitebike, Paper Mario just from Nintendo alone (without including licences Tetris/Star Wars/Command and Conquer etc). Throw in suitable third-party stuff like Rayman 2, Mystical Ninja, Silicon Valley, Rocket, Top Gear Rally 2, Bomberman, Glover and you’ve got an immense collection.
Never had a 64 so missed out on all those classics, hope we get the big ones on NSO eventually!
Nostalgia sure, but my guess is that disappointment is the driving factor. Disappointment that Nintendo isn't releasing N64 games on the Switch. Fans have been asking for this for years. The Virtual Console is as good as dead and the classic game offering on NSO less then satisfactory, with no plans of Nintendo doing anything about it.
@belmont I agree it has a decent selection but really has no reason to come back. I have most n64 games on my wii and prefer re releases like oot and majoras mask 3d.
@KayFiOS those game sare kinda meh in today's standards. The snes mini was great because majority of those games actually aged well and people of all ages can play and enjoy them
The customers interested in an FPGAed classic are a different group from those what would be interested and satisfied with just a "rasperry pi in a knock off case". This is why you could have the Mega Sg release close to the release of the Mega Drive mini: the average Mega Drive mini buyers were probably satisfied with what it had to offer. FPGA classics will come in the future when FPGAs have become cheaper.
I'm okay with Nintendo making money from an inferior product as long as it is more economically viable and costs less than the superior product (and we have to add the games into the equation). The PS4 is inferior to the PS4 Pro but goes for a lower price too, whether you agree with the price of any of the products to begin with is of course up to you.
If Nintendo makes a mini N64 I hope they don't add ability to support carts UNLESS they also release it with onboard games or they plan to re-release n64 games on carts (which they probably never will). I'd never want Nintendo to make more people enter into the market of used games, because the inflation is already terrible as it is, so anything that can slow down the inflation is good. Therefore releasing a mini console with some games on it will divert people from being interested in buying the original console and the original carts.
@electrolite77 I wish they would but seeing how long it took to release SNES games I wouldn't say soon. Maybe in a year?
I still have my original N64 and over 80 carts.
@PickledKong64 Fair enough...
@Zeldafan79 Well, I'd be curious to find out what emulators you've tried, then. And on what platform?
I've got Project 64 v2.1.0.1 installed on my aging PC, and Wii64 (USB mod version) and Not64 (for the trickier to load games) on my modded Wii, and each and every one of them runs the majority of N64 games just fine. Some are incompatible, some have some minor glitches, but most of the known titles run more than well enough to be able to enjoy them.
Anything eBay for older consoles games are more or less Scalper selling. Your better off going to a retailer used game seller to buy them at affordable prices.
Well i've got Wii 64 on my modded Wii and it can't seem to run star wars episode 1 racer. I can get sound and the picture just fine but the podracers all glitch out and aren't even visible. The menu is all bugged out too. Also had trouble with Killer instinct gold, MK trilogy and Indiana jones and the infernal machine.
I was however able to run most Nintendo and Rare games perfectly!
N64 is still my spouse and my go to system for multiplayer. We still spend hours playing Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye together.
@Shiryu You misspelled Mario Kart 64.
@NESlover85 Let me try that again: F-Zero X. Nope, all good here.
"a unique gift pick for nostalgic Millennials". Yep just the millennials played it and suffer from nostalgia eye roll.
I think it has more to do with the retro gaming community getting provided with several options for improving n64 visual fidelity in the last year. Modding options have improved, adapters have been made to reduce the need for modding. Etc. Gen X and Gen Z are also have many reasons to jump on this boat, if you want to play the stupid generation labeling game. The younger generation is picking up remakes and classic hardware. That isn't millennials.
That's one of the two whole games I have been eying an Xbox One over.
The other is Forza Horizon 4
Would another emulator-on-a-phone-chip with a locked selection of games REALLY be a good alternative though?
Retro-scalping may be annoying to those of us that remember the amazing yard-sale and flea-market deals from not-in-the-know parents and grandparents, but no-one is forced to bnuy from the scalpers. If the systems rot in their cupboards, they'll eventually have to sell them at a lower price again.
Everyone takes the price they believe they can get. Nothing unfair about that really.
I have 5 N64s - 2 NTSC RGB modded, 2 PAL RGB modded and 1 UltraHDMI modded. It’s a sickness really...
@DinnerAndWine that is absolute gold! 😂😂😂
@Shiryu somehow you still misspelled it.
Must have been me, I went bonkers in buy up as many n64 games as I could in August and September lol.
Question. I still have my old N64. My cartridges still play, for the most part, but for some reason the console keeps resetting at random, going back to the title screen of every game.
Does anyone have an idea of what might be causing this problem? Old power supply, poor cartridge connecting slot, anything? I haven't a clue.
I think people are buying n64s because they like want them! Please give us n64 mini. X x x with nintendo and Microsoft good friends now do we reckon goldeneye anytime soon. Who holds the bond game license now? Make it happen x x x x s x
@Unblowupable5 I picked up a Sega Saturn during the summer. Best decision I've made this year! Love that controller. I just got the Retro-bit wireless Saturn controller, it's incredible!
I say, pick up a Saturn. Games can be expensive but you can softmod it with the memory cartridge.
“ I think it has more to do with the retro gaming community getting provided with several options for improving n64 visual fidelity in the last year. ”
Yeah totally agree with this. The dreadful video output on the N64 has been off putting for years but big steps have been made and that makes it more viable for anyone not on a CRT.
@Zeldafan79 Do you have the USB mod version? Otherwise, try Not64, it's a more pure fork of Mupen64, the actual emulator that both Wii64 and Not64 are based upon.
But yeah, Star Wars Episode 1 racer is one of those trickier titles.
And if you don't mind playing on PC or laptop, then you should really look for that specific version of Project64 that I mentioned. It runs quite a few more games than any of the Wii emulators do, and with the added bonus of having all kinds of texture and high res packs available as well. Here's Episode 1 Racer running on my PC:

Totally agree. I got a hardmodded one, a Bluetooth Retrobit Controller and a Levelhile HDMI Cable. Fantastic system with loads of games that never got ported anywhere.
@Deanster101 omg ultra NT! I really want that! But, could they do it....
@electrolite77 that's a sweet setup! I have the hyperkin HDMI cable. Not the best but does the trick.
Such a great underrated system. Would love a Saturn Mini.
@Pod Yeah I agree, but who wants to buy those systems that have rotted in the cupboard etc? How good is the N64 experience gonna be if you get a console were all caps are way past changing time?
@Bomberman64 The rising price of used n64 carts are not inflation. They are simply demand driven. This is a good thing, it is keeping these carts out of the garbage.
Reusing old devices is better than making new ones and putting the old in the trash.
@Bomberman64 The n64 doesn't really have cap issues. Besides recapping isn't hard or expensive.
Why do you hate reuse so much? Do you want to ruin the planet faster?
Obviously, any self-respecting scalper will boil their retro investments and keep them in the freezer in air-tight bags for longevity, so "cupboard" was a shorthand term.
@dudujencarelli if it’s resetting. It sounds like the power supply is faulty. It must disconnect then connect again taking you back to the n64 screen. Good luck
I’m expecting another system in a year. We’ll probably get a system every year with annual price bumps. My own thinking is Gameboy next year with an N64 Classic coming before they make it to NSO but that’s total guesswork obv.
@ryancraddock Edit: I'm making a wild prediction that Nintendo's long plan is to wait for the end of the Switch lifespan, then spark a second life for the Switch hardware as THE console dedicated for retro gaming, and finally release N64, Cube, Wii ports.
Come on Nintendo.... I’ll buy 3 N64 Classics... and I know around 30 people who would do the same
@readyletsgo good to hear! I definitely plan to mod it. Possibly a soft mod at first, and then depending on timing a Saturn Satiator if it ever gets released.
Edit: I’ve also heard great things about the RetroBit Saturn controller. I might pick one of those up sooner than later to use with my Genesis mini until I get a Saturn.
Would you believe that my cousin was about to chuck his his box of N64 stuff in the trash?! I told him to let me keep it!
Now I can relive my days as a 7 year old!
@1UP_MARIO It's probably that. Looks like I'll have to go shopping for a power supply replacement, and see if that works. Thanks.
I've been meaning to get my N64 out for a while and play Diddy Kong Racing. It's a great console.
Don't call it a comeback if it was never gone!
I'll also say: I did not contribute to this statistic since I made sure that I had every n64 game worth having by about 2003!
@electrolite77 My guess is skipping GB/GBC and going straight to GBA like Wii U. It would also explain why Link's Awakening was picked to be remade.
@Unblowupable5 @readyletsgo
I’d love to see a Saturn Mini but somehow doubt it would ever happen. There’s a whole trove of undiscovered gems on that system begging for exposure. Hopefully the Panzer Dragoon remake sells well and a few more follow as a result (Burning Rangers would really benefit for example).
There’s still not many better Controllers out there either, especially for 2D games. And the Retrobit ones are really good.
Yeah that would make sense. Can’t see GB/GBC games being a big selling point. Though adversely I actually think a Gameboy Mini would do really well.
Always loved mine and it sits proudly with my other consoles.
During my childhood the PlayStation was so dominant in my country that I never had a chance to play this masterpiece in the 90's..but all these retro gaming videos on YouTube made me wanna try it..If Nintendo released a remastered version i'd happily buy that
@StevenG "The n64 doesn't really have cap issues." Maybe not yet. "Besides recapping isn't hard or expensive." So you'd rather have more people try their hand at recapping? To quote yourself "Do you want to ruin the planet faster?", because more systems are gonna end up in the trash. The new capture solutions for New 3DS by loopy aren't gonna come out in DIY kits, just because so many people were messing up systems with their soldering in the old kit. Sure installing this is harder than recapping an N64, but if you increase the amount of people doing it, you'll quickly get rid of the majority of the N64 consoles that are still working on the planet.
"Why do you hate reuse so much?" To quote myself: "I'm not against using the original hardware". Reuse is good as long as it's at a reasonable price and not 1000£ for something you can get off of eshop or some service for 2£. Of course if you're a collector you'll see this differently, but most people aren't collectors, which is a good thing for the collectors' wallets.
I'd rather have people spend 15£ towards a rerelease of Golden Axe Warrior, than 150£ towards a used copy for the SMS, because the former will go towards the industry that made the game in the first place, so that maybe we'll see more of those games in the future.
I bought mine last year
I kind of hate N64 collectors because they will literally buy every console variation to just sit in a glass case. Half of them didn't even grow up with the console.
They usually get bored and sell everything within a few years after realizing they have false nostalgia.
I do hope Nintendo makes a classic. I would like to retire my dk64 bundled system. It turns 20 this Christmas.
I’m one of these people! I was angry waiting for a castlevania 64 re-release so I went ahead and got one for myself and I’m so happy. Plus, Star Fox 64 was my summer jam the year it came out.... I played the crap out of it and the one on 3DS.
Trouble is, I need is a decent analog stick replacement. I still don’t know what one to buy.... the GameCube style or the n64 style... I forget their exact names or whatever but apparently one is better than the other.
...Then there’s those sweet Brawler 64 controllers, but I want to stay true to the original and get a good OG controller/analog stick.
Yeah it's the usb one. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try out that other emulator you mentioned.
Nintendo should look into this and maybe release an N64 Classic Edition perhaps with M2's help like they did the N64 releases on Wii VC. They could also include the same amount of games as the NES or Sega Genesis Mini and I would be okay heck they could even include the never before released EarthBound 64 and/or Fire Emblem 64 as surprise titles for that and that would be a day one buy for me.
This shows there is a great demand for an N64 mini. I think we all knew this already but it's great to see confirmation. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, N64 game prices and consoles will only get higher going forwards....
@Zeldafan79 You're welcome, man. Glad to be of help.
Oh, and here you go:
Not64 - for the Wii
Project64 - for PC
In case your French is a bit rusty: you need to click on the link that says "Télécharger Project64 v2.1.0.1 (4.6 Mo)" to get the standalone/portable emulator, which works without installing. All you need to do is extract the archive to a folder of your choice (edit: best thing is to make a new folder called Project64) on your PC or laptop, and then add a "ROMS" folder to it, where you put all the games, which should come in any of these three formats: z64, v64 and n64 (those are the extensions of the files). Project64 doesn't read any other formats, such as the "bin" or "rom" format.
If you'd rather use an installer, get that here from the official site:
But on that one too, you'll still have to add a ROMS folder before starting the program.
In both cases, the standard settings work best, although obviously, you'll need to edit the controller settings for whatever controller you'll be using. You can do that from the menu bar when the program is running. And obviously, you can also tinker with the other settings. There's plenty of info to be found on the site on the how, what, when and why of all the settings and options.
But if you have any questions, or need any more help, just let me know.
I’m surprised Nintendo hasn’t done a Nintendo 64 Mini yet.
@Bomberman64 Most people would hire out the job of recapping. Even if 99% fail, that still 1% kept out of the dump. 100% will go to the dump and 100% of the mini will too eventually, with your plan.
Spending money on remakes isn't going to encourage future games. It will simply encourage more remakes.
I would much rather people pay whatever a used item costs. Capitalism is very good at setting prices.
I’ve never understood why people think the N64 controller is bad - I think it’s amazingly comfortable and intuitive
Thank you! You've been most helpful! Maybe I'll get it working yet. It just seemed like with N64 i was really struggling to find a decently running emulator. I've got both Not 64 and Wii 64 on my wii now so that should be good. I'll try the PC one as well. That star wars game really was giving me headaches.
Haha, i even sold my WiiU for 170€
@Zeldafan79 You're welcome.
Since we started talking about it, I actually decided to try Episode 1 Racer myself on Not64, and it works, albeit slightly glitchy when racing, but I've tried with the standard options, so there's still some other configurations that might make it a bit better.
Sadly, the only other Star Wars game that works on any Wii emulator, is Shadows of the Empire. Rogue Squadron or Battle for Naboo simply fail to do anything whatsoever.
But on PC, Episode 1 Racer works brilliantly, and looks a lot better too. And obviously, the faster your PC, the smoother it will run, and it also depends on the graphics card, of course.
I wonder what it could be that causes Episode 1 racer to be so difficult to get running unless it's on a pc? Maybe that memory expansion pack thing that the original required. I tried it on both Not 64 and Wii 64 but it wasn't exactly working on either. At least shadows of the empire works.
I also tried Castlevania 64 and that one just gives me a black screen. Well anyway thanks again!
@Zeldafan79 That's strange. On my Wii, the game does work on Not64, so maybe you should try out some different settings. Mind you, it doesn't run perfectly at all, but still playable, with the odd texture flicker here and there, so there should be no specific reason why it wouldn't work on another soft-modded Wii or Wii U, seeing as the emulator is self-contained and not dependent on how the system was modded. As long as there's a Homebrew Channel on there, it should work.
If I'm not mistaken, there's also a link to a compatibility list on that page where you can download Not64 from, and the page itself should also clarify the settings.
I've got my settings on video: 16:9 and CPU Core: Dynarec, both on Wii64 and Not64.
I also tested both Castlevania games, and I had the same black screen on both that you had on the one game you tested, on both emulators, so apparently, those just aren't compatible.
They do work on Project64 on PC, though.
@Zeldafan79 By the way: it's definitely not because of the Expansion Pak, because on Wii64, other games that need it, run just fine, except for Conker's Bad Fur Day, but that game does work on Not64.
And far as I know, Castlevania 64 doesn't require the Expansion Pak either. There's also other games that either don't work at all, or only work in Not64, such as Blast Corps, Armorines and Chameleon Twist, of which only Armorines supports the Expansion Pak. And some games that do work in Wii64, but run better in Not64, such as GoldenEye, Banjo Kazooie 1 & 2 and Mickey's Speedway USA.
I guess it has something to do with how the ROM itself is compiled and/or structured, that makes it either readable or unreadable for the Wii's emulators. The emulator on PC is considerably more advanced, and has far more options, so it isn't really all that surprising that this emulator has a far higher compatibility rate.
Nice thing about the PC emulator is also that when you start it up and it lists your games, it immediately shows you which games are fully compatible, which ones have minor or specific glitches, and which ones simply don't run at all, so you can instantly weed out all the useless ones.
Okay I'll tinker around with the settings and see if i can get better results. For the ones that simply won't run on either of the N64 emulators on Wii I'll just use the PC project 64 as you suggested. I was doing some more research on this and found out about a wad injector where you can run the games directly off the Wii's emulator so that could be useful.
Thanks for the assistance and getting me through this! Much appreciated!
@Zeldafan79 No problem, man. I certainly had my own share of problems getting each and every emulator on my Wii running as good as possible, so I know it can get pretty annoying at times.
As for that WAD injector, do you mean a WAD Manager? That certainly works, but it can only inject WADS for (custom) channels, or for games that have actually already appeared on the Virtual Console, so obviously, these will all work.
A tip for those: be sure to either select WADS from your own region, or WADS that are labeled as region free. Using PAL WADS on an NTSC system might cause problems, and might even brick your Wii. (which isn't completely catastrophic if you have Priiloader installed, but it is still annoying, because you'll have to re-mod your Wii)
Just out of curiosity and for clarification's sake: are we actually talking about a Wii, or is it a Wii U?
Yes i meant wad manager. I do have priiloader installed and pimp my wii as well. Oh and I'm talking about Wii not Wii U. I also made sure to make a backup of the NAND in case something went wrong.
It's unfortunite that some games just won't run in any playable sense on either N64 emulators but i guess that's where the PC version comes in. I do also still have my original system so that's another option.
I only just got into modding earlier this year. I'm sort of a noob.
@Zeldafan79 Pimp my Wii, huh? Never used that, don't trust it. Personally, I've always gone with leading modders and tutorials.
The most famous and easy to use one is the so-called "Softmod any Wii v9" tutorial. If you're up for it, you could also opt to give that a go, and do a fresh softmod of your Wii. (I've modded mine two times before I ultimately used this method to do it a third and final time, and I've found it's the best one).
I got that method from GBAtemp, a forum where all of these tutorials can be found. You can subscribe for free as well, in case you run into any problems and want to ask for advice. Nowadays, both the Wii and Wii U softmod have dedicated pages of their own, which you might want to bookmark for future reference:
On a side note: contrary to most people, I use configurable USB Loader for my Wii games (most of the time, people use either USB Loader GX or WiiFlow, but I don't like either of them), and specifically a custom version (70r78), because that offers maximum compatibility with both GameCube games via Nintendont, and also for loading WAD based games/Virtual Console games from within the USB Loader. (edit: once downloaded, you'll need to copy the extracted files from that archive to the "apps" folder on your SD card)
Although I don't do the latter, just Wii and GameCube games, and the rest of the emulators I simply load directly, from the Homebrew Channel.
I also didn't format my USB drive in the Wii/Wii U custom format, but simply in FAT32, with 32k data clusters, all of which again makes for more compatibility, as well as (obviously) being easier to read on a PC, because it can both be read/accessed in Windows as well as in any Wii related program.
As for the original N64: another option for you, in case you haven't considered that yet, or haven't bought any yet, is to get an HD upscaler and/or HDMI cable for it.
Here's two of the more affordable options to consider:
They also work on SNES and GameCube consoles, by the way...
@Zeldafan79 Oh, and if you decide to give Cfg USB Loader a try, then you'll also need two files from this page, namely "mighty.dol" and "neek2o.dol", which need to be placed both on the root of your SD card, and on your external USB drive or hard drive.
And here is the forwarder channel for the USB Loader, so it'll show up on the home page of the Wii:
You'll need to install that with a WAD Manager, such as YAWMM (Yet Another WAD Manager Mod), but personally, I use Wii Mod Lite, which was also in the original version of the "Softmod any Wii v9" tutorial.
Wow thanks for all the info! Most of the modding I've done i found on youtube tutorials and I'm never quite sure which ones are the best. There's so many to sift through. I currently have USB loader GX for Gamecube and Wii games. For anything older than that I've been using retroarch. I'll try out that loader you mentioned. I do already have the homebrew channel installed on my wii.
Oh and those HD upscalers will come in quite handy! I would love to play my old systems on a modern TV without it looking like crap so thanks for that!
This should be good. Time to turn my wii into an emulation beast!
@Zeldafan79 I do assume, that since you also load GameCube games from your USB Loader, that you've got Nintendont installed in your Homebrew Channel apps?
If not, then you will definitely want to add that as well, seeing as it's the best GameCube emulator (or rather: loader, because it simply addresses the native GameCube mode inside the Wii) out there, and it's still getting almost monthly updates for even more compatibility/stability:
If you have no idea how to use the bit that says xml text:
simply make a new notepad file on your PC, copy/paste the text from the Nintendont page in it (the bit in the small window that says xml), close it, save it and then rename the extension from txt to xml. You can then put that file in the nintendont folder in the apps folder on your SD card.
As for RetroArch: I kinda like the overall compatibility of it, but for some reason, I've always preferred dedicated emulators.
If you're curious, I've got the following installed on my Wii, to turn it into the ultimate retro box:
If there are any questions or whatever, you'll know where to find me...
Yes i do have Nintendon't on my wii. Once I'm done installing all the emulators i want this will be everything I'll need for my retro fix! Thanks again! If i have any other questions I'll let you know.
@Zeldafan79 You're welcome again. I see I forgot the required links, so here they are. Most of the emulators I mentioned, can be found here: https://wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_homebrew_emulators
Here is where I got my versions of the USB mods of Wii64 and WiiSX from: https://gbatemp.net/threads/wii64-and-wiisx-recompiled-improved-usb-support.295936/
And here is where you can get the USB mod of GxGeo:
(the link in comment #5 is dead, so scroll down to comment #9 to get a link to a download that's still alive)
@1UP_MARIO You were right, after all. It was indeed the power supply. Connected with another one. Now it plays perfectly without resets. Played Ocarina v 1.1 for hours without interruption. It's the only way I get to hear the original Fire Temple chants and witness the original Bongo Bongo shadow effects.
@dudujencarelli fantastic. I’m glad it’s now working.
Is anyone really surprised? It's like a party machine, and finally there are some decent controllers coming out for it.
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