Untitled Goose Game

It's fair to say that Untitled Goose Game has become something of a global hit for Australian developer House House. This simple tale of one goose's quest to cause as much chaos as possible has earned rave reviews and generated plenty of chatter online, and it will also have done the stature of the Nintendo Switch the world of good. While it has been confirmed that it's coming to other systems eventually, at the time of writing the only console you can play it on is Nintendo's.

Speaking to TIME, House House’s Jacob Strasser has given a little insight into why the company chose to target the Switch over the PS4 and Xbox One:

It’s the nice, friendly console. Its whole aura is one of friendliness, and it feels more inviting to non-gamers, or non-traditional gamers or players. When it came down to the decision of where we would launch, it felt like the right emotional fit.

If you're still struggling to get that elusive crown, then be sure to check out our complete Untitled Goose Game walkthrough.

[source time.com]