Now then, we all know that Samus looks the absolute business - we won't hear any other arguments on the matter, thanks - but is that Power Suit of hers really the most suitable bit of kit for space exploration? We didn't expect to be delving into this pressing gaming dilemma today, but this video has left us with no other choice.
Cosplayer @11Vadu has shared this tremendous cosplay attempt online, giving us a look at how Samus' Power Suit might function in real life. The tweet's caption mentions how difficult it is to move your neck inside the suit, and we can't imagine it's particularly comfortable to run around and shoot stuff in, either. Of course, if we're being honest, this is all just an excuse to show off what an incredible job they've done with making the suit.
Absolutely amazing stuff.
If you're interested, you can see the various stages of the build here.
While Samus' choice of clothing might not be the most practical, F-Zero's Captain Falcon appears to have found a much better balance between practicality and style. Yes, Samus isn't the only cosplay to be found on @11Vadu's account; check out this similarly amazing Captain Falcon effort, complete with a snowboarding outing.
No wonder we haven't had a new F-Zero game in ages - the star of the show's too busy pulling of 1080s!
If you want to see more from @11Vadu, make sure to give the account a follow here. We wish we were this talented.
Comments 36
Well... Yeah she can somehow morph into a ball. That by itself is nuts.
Don't get me started on how she can't crawl...
That is one incredible looking suit of armor! But of course someone not injected with Chozo blood and trained in the arts of the culture wouldn't be able to wield such an armor in a practical manner.
Really? This is your headline and image?
"Fan proves Samus' power suit isn't practical" rather than "Fan makes awesome cosplay of Samus' power suit"?
Varia suit if you want to be pedantic. The power suit is her most basic armor and is yellow in appearance with thinner shoulder pads.
'We wish we were this talented' And so say all of us.
@RupeeClock right?! I was super confused thinking some person did research on why the design of Samus’ suit isn’t practical. I was expecting diagrams, math I don’t understand and a bunch of other cool things.
Erm, this is a computer game, so of course it doesnt work.
But it looks amazing
Makes me think of one of the Space Pirate logs from the original Prime when they tried to replicate her suit and all test subjects were horribly crushed when attempting to activate the Morph Ball, haha. But that aside, this is the most impressive Samus cosplay I’ve ever seen. And his Captain Falcon is pretty amazing, too.
In terms of looks, this is an amazing effort. In terms of anyone surprised? The Morph Ball alone is referenced in Metroid Prime in some Space Pirate data to be almost impossible for them to pull off. I doubt RL would fare much better.
Edit: Referenced by @thesilverbrick almost two minutes earlier. I wish comment sections on mobile would auto-refresh more often here.
Pretty amazing outfit, great attention to detail! I sure as heck wouldn't want to wear it though; I already run hot enough as it is. That thing would suffocate me!
Unless you're actually Samus and have that thing bonded to your biology like a second skin, yeah, you're going to have a bad time.
Even in the games, the silhouette of her human form fits the varia suit about as well as it does the morph ball!
Even as a kid playing Super Metroid I thought of the "suit" as more of a total-body transformation than an actual suit.
In the concept art for Prime, there are x-rays of Samus where her bone structure and internal organs from the neck-down are clearly alien.
@thesilverbrick That's the best log entry in the game! I always look forward to scanning that one specifically! xD
Well, in Fusion it is said that there are organic component within her Varia Suit. Perhaps that components helps her move with ease?
Okay, Nintendo. I get you don't want to make another F-ZERO game, but please make another 1080° Snowboarding with Capt. Falcon as a playable character! I need this in my life now.
@RupeeClock THIS.
Limited neck mobility - armor and stabilization against decapitation, temperature regulation - an extreme version would be in the actual suit and not a cosplay, general mobility - Samus' strength combined with technology within the suit make these things tenable. This is a suit of intergalactic combat armor that is ready for anything, not some blue endoskeleton jumpsuit with heels!
Seems like it's pointless to call out clickbait titles!
Especially when this Cosplay Varia Suit was awesome enough on its own to warrant a normal-ish title! Hats off to this person!
Ugh, doesn't help that I'm extra-stressed and thus irritable today.
That is one super impressive suit, but let's be honest a real life suit of this would have tech way beyond what we are using more than likely. Look at astronaut suits they aren't much better lol.
Of course it's not comfy to move in, it's a suit made to fight monsters in space; it's designed to keep you alive, not for a stroll in the park!
And I think Nintendo is super aware of that, probably the main reason why zero suit Samus in Smash has a battle style focused on jumps and agility.
Anyway amazing costume, I would mistake it for the real thing and start doubting reality itself if I saw it on the street XD
@thesilverbrick I remember that one too! Those logs were a stroke of genius. I remember being really engrossed in the lore of that game through those logs: the space pirates, chozo and the planet itself. A great fit for a Metroid game. Not like in MP3 where they had loads of people walking around the place chatting to Samus like a soap opera!'s not real. Just saying.
Am I the only who felt like they obtained aids when they called a Varia Suit a Power Suit.
@Snow-Dust No, the pictures presented perfect visual aids for everyone to follow along....
Fans also prove that the Saiyan suit also isn't practical, when you grew in size in real life it got torn so what's the point here? The point is that real life sucks and these thing should never be attempted. On a positive note though do save that suit for a future Metroid fan made movie though, don't throw it away.
Whoa, a mech suit that can force the user into a 0.8 meter ball isn’t practically? I’m shocked!!!
One could assume that Samus' armour is at the very least power assisted or even neurologically interfaced with her zero suit so her senses are plugged right into it.
Of course going by Other M, the suit blinks out when it runs out of power. This implies the suit is made of energy that solidifies around her so is not really 'there' when she moves.
Eh, she looks better without the powersuit imo.
Definitely a well-done cosplay suit, but this is a clickbaity headline if I ever seen it. Nothing was "proven" here, it's just an excuse to show off a really good cosplay.
That aside, it's already been established that the armor was made for Samus and her alone, of course it'd be difficult or impractical for anyone else to wear. There's also the fact that it was established in Zero Mission (and hinted before that) that her suit is controlled via psionics. In other words, for Samus, the suit probably feels like it's not even there. If you try to wear it like traditional armor, of course you'd have some issues. You're not a magical space bird human hybrid. Half Metroid too if you go by post-Fusion lore.
I've seen about 3 Power Suit cosplays that have been burned in my memory, but this one takes the gold by far, EASILY
When her arm cannon openned up, I was yelling at my phone
What a disgusting, unnecessary clickbait headline for someone who made a sick suit that SURPRISINGLY is way more mobile than I'd have thought. See the "various stages of build" video for said mobility. Why do I come here? I hate this site so much, lol!
I don't think anyone genuinely expects made-up things from entertainment media to work in real life. Or maybe that's just me.
Very impressive work, too bad the headline completely misrepresents what the post was supposed to be about.
Besides the fact that clickbait title has nothing to do with this fans awesome cosplay.
The suit was designed specifically for Samus after she was infused with Chozo DNA, something “fan” doesn’t have. So of course Samus’ powersuit isn’t practical for a regular human.
Whats next? Fan proves you cant fly with supermans cape.. (jumps and hurt his knee)
Fan proofs batmans cape isnt bullet proof.
Fan proofs you cant jump into a painting (mario 64)
Fan proofs an arrow to the knee actually hurts.. yeah.
I honestly see it being able to be made accurately. First of all it is the future tech and second a cosplayer made the one in the article. Lighter and more flexible materials are available already.
@RupeeClock I second your comment. But do note that the thumbnail used for the article comes from Metroid 2 Samus Returns. So while not technically right it is the Power Suit as Defined by the game thumbnail. Even though Canonically speaking it should be the Chozo Varia suit.
@LUIGITORNADO That's EXACTLY what I was expecting. Actual research and a fan theory. Not just a cosplay.
The cosplay is damn good, really impressive, but the title is really bad, the article deserves a much more appropriate name.
Man that Prime 3 music got me missing that game so much, bringing back some great memories!
It is practical actually. Samus also wearing an exo-suit which helps her to be able to do things that humans can't do.
Or, it could be just "alien" technology.
I just hope someone makes a MOVIE of "Metroid". Make it a sci-fi horror one.
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