
Throughout the history of the Pokémon anime series, one thing has remained constant: Ash Ketchum was born to lose.

Despite participating in numerous leagues over the past few decades, this plucky trainer has never tasted ultimate success; while he has undoubtedly improved over time and teaches us that not all heroes are necessarily winners, Ketchum's inability to get the job done is so infamous it has even become a meme.

However, that all ends today.

In the latest episode of the Pokémon Sun and Moon cartoon series, Ketchum scoops the title of Pokémon Master thanks to his win in the Alola League. That's right – he has finally secured his first league title.

Oh, and before you say he's already won two leagues:

So, Ketchum has finally come of age and won a Pokémon top honour. Did you ever think you'd live to see the day?
