The Wallstreet Journal has published a detailed report about Sony's next-generation PlayStation. According to the source, the company's aim is to target hardcore gamers and double down on big exclusives and publishers.
In regards to market competition, a Sony representative explained how Microsoft was seen as its main competitor next generation, with Google also a potential threat as technology improves. As for Nintendo, Sony doesn't perceive it as a major rival, primarily because its main users are typically younger than PlayStation's target audience.
Sony's intense focus on large software publishers has also supposedly upset some executives at smaller indie companies – with WSJ mentioning how certain game makers felt "snubbed", in contrast to how they feel about Nintendo. Sony – unlike Nintendo – has no plans to support the indie development scene at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, either.
Nintendo has truly embraced indie games in recent years, with the release of Cadence of Hyrule. This game transforms The Legend of Zelda into a rhythm game and has been developed by the small but talented team at Brace Yourself Games.
Do you think Sony and Nintendo can continue to co-exist? What are your thoughts about the current indie offerings on Switch? Tell us down below.
[source, via]
Comments 248
While it's true the two do cater for different demographics, that's not to say Sony should ignore Nintendo...
The gap between Nintendo and SONY/MS is going to be so huge in terms of power and rendering that they're right when they say that they don't see Nintendo as a rival.
If Nintendo stays the way it is and doesn't come up with a new powerful system anymore, be sure that BIGN won't be a rival anymore.
Old news. Avid gamers have known this for over a decade. For me, Sony and Nintendo complement each other perfectly.
It’s been said time and again, never underestimate Nintendo.
If PS5 or whatever it called has Backward Compatible with PS4 and previous machines (PS3, PS2 & PS1) by physically, it will outshine XBOX Scarlett.
Otherwise, XBOX Scarlett will be the winner.
Btw, right now my mood with PS4 Slim has already better than before after first time purchased $50 PS store to buy Adds On for my The Sims 4 PS4. 😀
With my current PS4 games I have, i think i will consider PS5 if it still has some enough Kiddie games and i will combine both my PS4 & PS5 games to be played on PS5.
Well, we will see....
i Am a HarDc0re gAmerZ pew pew pow #KeyDemographic
Cool, that’s just how Nintendo likes it. Hooray!
Honestly I’m so back logged from the current gen that next gen doesn’t even sound good yet. 😆
Completely agree with him. The Switch is awesome for Indies and is the only place to play Nintendo IP. But if you’re into AAA then you go Sony or Microsoft, and maybe your second console is a Switch.
I personally don’t care what Sony do. But I love my Switch.
I guarantee the average age of a Nintendo gamer isn’t young like it’s always made out. A lot of parents claim to buy one for the kids to get it by the other partner or to justify the spending... but the adults then buy games for themselves - this age thing with Nintendo is a nonsense. In my mind and evidence from forums and charts etc suggest and back up casual gamers buy the Sony machine.. play Fifa and need for speed and use it as a blu Ray.... that’s why their sales are so high.... “hardcore” gamers buy all three..... fan boys buy one and don’t count....
Sony’s arrogance was cute and now it’s just annoying.
I own all three but will only buy one of MS/Sony at launch and it’ll be the one that embraces Backwards compatibility most that’ll win.
Nintendo had already won Japan with Switch. Although Sony is a Japanese company, Playstation's main source of operation is in the West coast of US. Their battlefield is in the States, I doubt they even care about the Japanese market at all.
Meanwhile Sony is doing everything possible to turn people away and give them a reason to buy a Switch... It's not all about power guys...
Nintendo should embrace indie gaming as it fits its lower tech, gameplay over graphics model. As for not being a competitor with Sony; tell that to the Vita. Sony gave up on the handhelds partly because of Nintendo. I have a ps4 and a switch btw
they should be, each game they try to censor on thier platform nintendo does the complete opposite
If the rumours about a Switch pro are true and dependent on the specs they might change their tune. If for example the upgrade allowed the latest releases to be ported and played on the go or in full HD while docked.
Sony is not being dismissive of Nintendo. They are simply saying they operate in a different part of the gaming sector. Nintendo is about first party titles, supporting indie games, and designing platforms for a unique, integrated play experience. Sony is focused on graphical horsepower.
To me, any form of entertainment- TV, Books, Sports, Music, Youtube, and other gaming platforms are competitors for the eyes of Sony’s customer base. If they limit themselves to a who has the longest FPS competition and price/genre themselves out of the market then they will lose people to doing other stuff.
It looks like they are going after a small section of the market that only care about high realism games and are willing to pay top dollar to start with, and then a bunch on microtransactions, season passes, and live services. I would guess that means they want to milk that demographic dry this gen.
And does that mean Sony have already given up trying to appeal to Japan?
Man, they are right. Sony and Microsoft really need to differentiate themselves ready for next gen. They have standardised AAA gaming to the point of baby PC gaming at this point. It's so generic they use the same chip companies lol. So if there is nothing separating the consoles, and all their games are the same, they can't really offer new ways to play...just new ways to pay. Sigh.
Nintendo doesn’t see them as a major rival as well so I guess that’s fair but the “kids vs adult” argument is stupid as today Nintendo has amazing appeal to both markets more than ever before
With games like Bayonetta, Astral chains and No more heroes and others coming to switch and will appeal to the older audience that Sony had locked with GOW and Nintendo continues to build their army of dedicated indie developers that might start to actually push consoles as well
My money is on Microsoft next gen
@Galenmereth Microsoft could be in a much better position if they used the Rare IPs they have access to instead of letting them sit and collect dust. Need more unique exclusives
@Matthew010 they should. Nintendo does their own thing and is just as big as a competitor as Netflix is. Both are going for your free time, but both are fishing in a different pond.
@TempOr I'm a huge fan of the PS4 but if Sony truly believes that then they are making a huge mistake. Just from my own pool of gaming friends, the majority who are around my age (36) have a Switch whilst those who are younger tend to have a PS4 or Xbox, even in my own house I'm playing Mario whilst my 12 year old step son is playing FIFA or COD on an Xbox. Who do they think are getting excited about Banjo Kazooie in Smash or the upcoming Metroid Prime 4? Its difficult to trade on nostalgia if your target audience wasnt born when those games came out
Sony's arrogance, here we go again. I love my PS4, but I don't like the direction Sony is taking. No substitute for missing PS3 and Vita games when having PS Plus and strange censorship rules are the two most questionable changes recently, in my opinion. If Sony don't change their attitude next gen, I'm going to make my Switch my main console.
Worried about google? HAHAHAHAHA. Streaming isn't going to replace gaming hardware, Nintendo is more of a threat.
I get the feeling Scarlett is cloud based always online with no pyshical drive. And I imagine Sony will want to match that with the ps5
They say pride always comes before a fall...
I'm not saying Nintendo's perfect, but given that the Switch has outsold the PS4 in Japan...they should be at least concerned. Think about it. The PS4 released in Japan about 5 years ago, the Switch two years ago, and the Switch has outsold the PS4 in both company's country of origin: Japan.
So yeah, I'm not buying it. They need to realize that they aren't top dog anymore.
It's the absolute opposite.
Microsoft will come with a machine with a drive.
The sell numbers of the XBOX ONE all digital are so bad that the previous plan to have 2 consoles at launch is already killed.
Now, it'll be only one system, powerful and with a drive.
It’s all about the games not power, Nintendo prove that time and time again. With the likes of Luigi’s Mansion 3 which no doubt will have more charm and gameplay than most PS4 and Xbox games put together, never underestimate the big N.
I own both consoles and if I had to pick the Switch no brainer since I already have a PC for third party games.
It definitely makes sense that Sony would be more focused on Microsoft as their competition rather than Nintendo as the PS and XBOX systems are generally pretty similar and target the same market. Nintendo's off doing their own thing with a major focus on portability over power and there's room for both Nintendo and Sony to be successful without majorly hindering each other.
The younger target audience thing is a load of BS though. A lot of the most avid Nintendo fans have been gaming since before Sony and Microsoft were even in the market.
Fingers crossed that Spider-Man 2 and God of War 2 are out within the first 12 months. Indies are nice, but Sony focused on them in a big way with the Vita and PS3's latter years, but it was the big-name games (or lack thereof) that ultimately mattered. Indies are nice on the Switch, but I daresay the majority of people buying a Switch do so for the big titles.
Sony and Nintendo compliment each other well imo. I will have PS5 to go with my Switch.
Agree that MS look like they’re starting to do stuff for next gen but I still can’t believe how poor they’ve been this whole generation. They’ve been a joke compared to Nintendo/Sony.
They're not really wrong, especially since they've exited the handheld market now. But the only time that Sony and Nintendo really competed hardcore was the decade+ between the launch of the PSX and the Wii.
Sony won this generation due to clear marketing and exclusives (things Microsoft did not have). They're both things that Nintendo has as well for the Switch. There's enough to differentiate the two (the Switch has portability + Nintendo Franchises, Sony's consoles make up the lack of portability with enough power to run games that the Switch will have trouble with, and their own exclusives).
The only thing Nintendo needs to take away from this is to make that Switch Pro a reality, so it can run even more games and expand its library further.
Oh and isn't it ironic how they claim their target audience is much older than Nintendo, while at the same time constantly censoring Japanese games for "the children"?
Not concentrating on indies seems like the right move to me.
I wouldn't say Nintendo is for a younger demographic though, the main reason Nintendo can't compete on the same stage is the hardware can't run 3rd party games anywhere near as well if at all, even COD gave up.
When Sony say they target a more mature audience than Nintendo, that proves that they are not doing their homework properly. Do they seriously think Nintendo are targeting 5 year olds to create Mario Maker levels or 3 year olds to scream on Tetris 99 matches? And really, what is this age divide? Is this 1999?
2 sides to this, 1. Nintendo and sony are historically rivals the switch has beaten the ps4 in japan and the ps5 will be hard pressed to fight it(and really nintendo has been the only competition since sony basically beat microsoft from the start of this generation). But 2. On the other hand nintendo machines have always felt like that compliment to the sony console in the house and with the switch being a handheld and about to be completely dwarfed power wise by the ps5(although a ps4 level switch pro one would imagine be super tempting to developers) there going to be 2 almost completely diffrent lineups outside of indies and a few ports
A statement that might come back and bite Sony in the ass.
I own multiple platforms, including Sony’s and I have to say, I haven’t turned on my PS4 in months whereas my Switch sees daily use.
I'v only ever owned Atari, Nintendo and Sega consoles and that's the way it's going to stay.
@PCkid Cobalt, is that you? LOL.
OnT: I don't understand why it has to be made into a competition. If both companies can co-exist and be successful, that's only positive.
I see it more as one complementing each other. It's easy to see someone owning a PS4 or PC alongside the Switch (like myself) instead of rivaling each other. The exclusives makes both platforms a good sell.
I like portability - Switch,3ds and Vita will always win for me. I`m too old for suuper-duper graphics, hdrs, 8ks etc. Just good games.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED
@PCkid when has Nintendo ever done what the others have? And they’re still here. Time and time again I see comments like this and I just can’t help but roll my eyes. Sony doesn’t see Nintendo as a competitor because they’re probably well aware of the fact that many people own both a PS4 and a Switch. And as long as Nintendo is classified as a partner system, which it has for many generations, Sony won’t be bothered by them. Microsoft seeks to replace the PS4 in your home, not partner with it. Nintendo will always have a market because they’re realistic about what they are providing. If they went up against Sony and Microsoft directly they’d lose, and that’d be the true key to their downfall, they’d be years behind in experience and gaming development if they began working on a powerful Nintendo system.
@Stocksy couldn’t agree with you more. I don’t own an Xbox as it doesn’t appeal to me but have a PS4 for things like Sekiro, Red Dead, Tomb Raider etc. I have my Switch mainly for the old arcade or Indie games. I haven’t actually bought that many first party games for it but not out of want. I then have my retro systems (too many) and use those regularly. A hardcore gamer is not the guy playing nothing but FIFA and Call of Duty.
I just really hope a Nintendo Switch Pro is already on the way that will play demanding AAA games! I want me some FFXV, FFVII Remake, Tales of Arise, Persona 5! Theres just a lot more! i dont want to spend again by buying another console but if my list of preferred games not available to switch reached more than 10 maybe then i might need to think again.
@San_D I would argue more kids play call of duty and fifa than Switch games. I teach year 5s and know this for a fact.
I could see a union of sorts between the two companies. Maybe with games to start.
Nintendo didn’t create the Switch to challenge Sony or Microsoft. It is a console on their own terms. They fully knew that they got things wrong with the Wii U but identified a gap,in the market for a hybrid system. The aim was always to make the Switch profitable and to be a console that would appeal to a vast spectrum of the gaming community. A Switch Pro is a likely next move but it will only be a jump in specs so that ports from the next generation can be made as they are been in this generation. I don’t see any reason that Nintendo will produce a Switch Pro with the next gen specs some seem to think would happen. The specs will likely be closer to this generation so the gap between the 3 consoles will be as it is now and that makes sense. Nintendo don’t need to produce a console that is as good or better than the PS5 or X Box 2. They just need to focus on what has made Switch the massive success it is and continues to be.
Microsoft have a real opportunity here though - if Sony is going to focus on hardcore gamers and ignore indies and younger gamers, bringing X box games pass to Switch would be a masterstoke. In fact, it could possibly be a defining moment in the next generation without Nintendo having to break a sweat!
Nintendo survives on its own rules - always have and always will.
@Claude Absolutely spot on!
"As for Nintendo, Sony doesn't perceive it as a major rival, primarily because its main users are typically younger than PlayStation's target audience."
And yet Nintendo are not censoring third party titles, unlike Sony who have taken an 80s/90s Nintendo approach to censoring in recent years. If Sony believes what they day, why censor their games?
I can understand it at PlayStation perspective, xbox and PlayStation target the same group of people.
Nintendo is doing its own thing.
Power isnt everything., sony should know that.
The games that sell the best on the system are fifa cod battlefield. Fortnite not really hardcore??
I'm curious - with all this power supposedly coming our way, what sacrifices will Sony and Microsoft make so that these machines are affordable? They seem to be promising a lot, what's the catch? Physical media perhaps?
Not a surprise Sony's more worried about Microsoft than Nintendo. Microsoft's already gotten a head start on the console reveal wars with a release window for their console which although I don't think is something Sony should worry about, I do think it's something they need to do sooner or later; my money's on a 2020 reveal with 2020-2021 release. Nintendo need not worry about this, as they're currently enjoying the Switch's success.
I would like to play PS4 games on the go.
Nintendo is better poised to dominate the gaming market again right now than anyone else. They've endeared themselves to most every demographic, console and mobile developers, and are developing INTO hardware that is getting cheaper instead of trying to bleeding edge into future hardware that's ultra expensive.
Anyone that doesn't consider them a major contender right now is really stupid.
@darthstuey These so called grown up AAA games are pretty much on rails stuff these days. Even the writing is not mature enough if you compare it to Hollywood stuff (and everyone knows Hollywood isn't the most mature film industry). The only mature stuff in these games is the blood and gore.
Are you 10 years old?! Console wars are something you took part in when you were a kid in school.
If this is true, I hope they publish a game on the Switch lol
If MS and Sony want to continue groping for a smaller number of triple A franchises littered with grinding, micro transactions, obstructive background online features then by all means please do. I’ve honestly gotten bored with most current gen titles, many feel bloated and lacking compared to the more imaginative and experimental indie market. I won’t begrudge PS5 and Scarlet users but also can’t help but notice the diminishing returns that seem inevitable with both systems. Thank you Nintendo for still making these “toy” consoles or I’d be bored senseless by now.
Apart from selling near 100 million PS4 consoles worldwide. You are reaching.
Thankfully I am not a child so I am just happy that there is more than one console out there and I can have the best of both worlds.
Xbox scarlet aready confirmed to have backwards compatibility from the last 4 generations. Meanwhile only BC the Ps5 has is Ps4 games.
@SBandy I'm not making it up.
It pays to do research.
I am well aware Switch outsold PS4 in Japan. But PS4 has sold fantastically this gen so I doubt Sony actually care.
Sony are right when they don't see Nintendo as a competitor because I bought a PS4 for the great first party exlcusives and third parry games that would not usually release on a Nintendo platform. And I bought a Wii U and Switch becuase of the stellar first and second party titles and some excellent indie/third party titles.
The consoles work great in tandem. They aren't competing.
@Lord Microsoft actually confirmed scarlet specs, that is 4x times more powerful than the Xbox One X and also confirmed it will have a disk drive. It will have both, native games that support up to 8K resolution and starting October on Xbox one and carry on to scarlet is a service that allows you to use your own Xbox console as a server to stream your games anywhere. There is also xcloud, but so far, according to Microsoft, those streaming services will be complementary and Xbox will not go anywhere.
Nintendo does their own thing.
They don't compete with Sony or MS, because Sony and MS don't compete with Nintendo. They haven't since the Wii. This is why MS is allowing multiple games to be released on the Switch (like Minecraft, Cuphead, etc).
The only competition Nintendo had from Sony was really the PSVita, which was a failure.
However I see Nintendo competing with Google (Stadia) and Apple (Arcade) in the near future. Which could make a whole new "console war".
Stadia is gonna crash and burn spectacularly.
@SBandy I don't think we should underestimate Google. Though, you are probably right.
But to me Google is one of the 3 global companies that could get game streaming off the ground. (The other two being Microsoft and Amazon) They have the infrastructure.
totally agree. I can't see how Nintendo could lure a Sony gamer to buy a switch for a main console.
I just don't see who Stadia is for. The people who have the internet good enough to run Stadia likely have a high powered PC or games console so would see no reason to use Stadia. Now Google dropped the bomb that games are full price on Stadia and a lot of people are questioning the point even more. One of their main games is Destiny 2, who cares?!
Plus Phil Harrison is leading it and he was responsible for the botched PS3 and Xbox One launches.
Everything points out disaster.
@Flugen True, but they don't really need to. It's only a problem for people with one console.
Since if you have only a PlayStation or an XBOX buying the other is quite pointless, you should buy your Switch as a second console.
If you have a PlayStation and an XBOX you can also buy a Switch. (You are already invested enough)
It gets tricky when you decide over your first console. And then, you have to decide. Going for pure power, or portability. And see here, why Nintendo does so great with the Switch
Nintendo not a major rival? Who are they kidding. Nintendos strategy is way better then Sony's.
PS5 games are hardly going to be any better graphically then PS4's, since the leap in technology is getting smaller with each new gen. PS5 is just going to be more of the same with games looking barely any different to the way they do now, and only AAA devs are really going to be able to afford to harness that power, meaning big AAA games will be fewer and further apart.
That means all the smaller devs will flock to Nintendo.
And PS5 will still require you to be tethered to a TV. I mean seriously Sony, it'll be 2020 and you still can't take your console with you on the go.
They better get with the times because Nintendo's leading the way now and if they bring out another tethered TV console they will be stuck in past with nothing but superficial graphical power to boast about.
Hey Sony, I'm taking my Switch with me where ever I go, it's not my fault your Playstation gamers can't.
Grow up ffs.
@SBandy wow, butthurt
Sorry, my bad. You are clearly 12 or something because no one over that age would say "butthurt" because that would be really embarrassing for them.
I’ve always owned a Sony & Nintendo console. Been that way since the PS1 days. Makes even more sense for me now with the Switch’s portable nature. Feel the systems are so different the really compliment each other well. Pays to have both. Don’t really see the point or haven’t an Xbox & PlayStation though.
@SBandy Great comeback
Sony after the "hardcore"? Really?
Like what games do they produce that has "hardcore" fans or "hardcore" players? Clearly not Smash, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Battalion Wars, F-Zero, Metroid, etc...just saying.
And hardcore third party?
Do you mean all those best selling indie games on the Switch or those underground hardcore games like Disgaea that no one seems to be buying? Or something more popular like the Witcher 3 which get ported to the Switch but later?
Seriously, the argument is getting old.
When has Nintendo EVER sold something that wasn't a niche non-mainstream product?
And when has Sony's core demographic not been the mainstream audience?
Sony isn't after the hardcore, never was and never will be. sarcasm Because AI-driven motion capture tech demos are "hardcore" games.../sarcasm
When a video game console requires me to be "tethered" to my 82" Samsung 4K, I'm actually quite happy with that.
But if you want to play your Switch in a blanket fort instead, be my guest!
You people are stupid. All three consoles are very good. Just a preference, that's all.
@KennyBania wow, clearly alot of butthurt Sony fanyboys on here. Anyone else hurt over my comment?
Sony is the one I am least interested in.
Nintendo is doing it's own thing and doing it very well this gen. I expect whenever they do their next gen it will follow the Switch in being a hybrid.
Microsoft I am more interested in now than I have ever been and not even for their console, per se. I'm interested in them getting their IPs out there on Nintendo and PC (and Xbox Live on Switch, if that rumour ever pans out). If I was ever going to try a streaming service, it'd be xCloud before Stadia. I'm just curious about where they're going with their ecosystem because they seem to be very open to having it on other systems.
Sony's arrogance (and that of their general fanbase) has always been a turn off for me.
@azoreseuropa Arguable.
@Nomad Every person will defend their opinion regardless. It's like politics really. There's always more then "one" camp and theirs is the right one. If you disagree you're immature sheep. Go figure.
That seems to be an unbelievably naive position on Sony's part. While it is true that the Switch and PS4/5 are very different products, to dismiss Nintendo as irrelevant because they think Nintendo gamers are younger... Where do they come to that conclusion? I've bought games in both the US and Japan regularly over the last decade and never been carded when I did it. No one recorded my age when I bought those games. Nor have I ever heard of any sort of wide spread data. At best they have vague estimates based on sample data. Maybe a few thousand people at most. But there are tens of millions of gamers around the world.
@Muddy_4_Ever While I agree with what you said I would also say that Sony is about catering to the mainstream audience (who probably doesn't know better).
The difference between Sony and Nintendo is that Nintendo products seem to hold value better.
Also I’ve noticed that they seem to take the “just get it out there and we’ll fix it with patches later” route, number of times I’ve bought a PS4 game that is riddled with bugs or requires a massive update, not saying all of them but a vast majority of them
@Heavyarms55 Its just an incorrect perception and presumptions being thrown around.
I mean its a case of most mainstream gamers buy PlayStations more than Nintendo's core audience which consists of old school gamers and Nintendo is for everyone.
The fact that the article states "Sony is after the "hardcore" gamer" is a testament to this. As I said in a previous post, what game does Sony product that has a hardcore following of players of a range of skills?
@RazorWind Thus why they say their competitor and threat is Microsoft, not Nintendo. People either buy Nintendo or Nintendon't.
There is a huge overlap of users between Xbox and PlayStation that is a cause for concern for PlayStation. If Xbox is successful and PlayStation somehow manages to flop, the whole Sony corporation could go under.
Pretty much everyone will tell you, you need a Nintendo and an Xbox/PlayStation (usually PlayStation) and a PC for all your gaming needs.
Microsoft isn't backing off anytime soon so they have to deal with it.
PlayStation went down this road because they choose it first. The path of the mainstream can be a difficult but rewarding path. Nintendo kind of gave up that path long ago though arguably never tried.
I think if they lose this fight, Sony could be potentially out of business or reduce to making gaming console TVs or something.
That'll be interesting.
It means we'll be buying Sony TVs, Xboxs/mini PCs and Nintendo Switch.
A win-win for everyone.
I doubt Nintendo sees Sony as a major rival either.
@ThatNyteDaez I think they want Sony to follow them and just back off the console market. Make gaming TVs or something. Then everyone wins.
The console wars are over guys. Nintendo themselves said they aren't competing. Nintendo gave up and religated themselves to a secondary console half way through the GameCube lifespan.
@SNES64DD yeah, who would have thought you'd get bashed over a comment saying that you think Nintendo has a better strategy then Sony... on a Nintendo website of all places 😂
@MrGawain. Reggie said the same thing last year in regards to Nintendo competing for time.
@Xelha to be fair it is. If you buy a multiplat on Switch you are paying more for worse performance.
Sure it's all about power @Rika_Yoshitake. Didn't you know every game released before this generation sucks and is total garbage.
I don’t really look at the market in a ‘rivals’ way anymore. We’ve been beyond the point of ‘games industry = console X’ for a long while.
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all have healthy user bases to sell software to. Apple sell premium mobile experiences to millions of players, iPhone and Android are home to millions of players of casual games. There is a hobbyist market of tinkerers who love nothing more than building their own PC and pushing and modding games to their limits. There are pro-gamers who try for every competitive advantage and celebrity gamers whose exploits are watched by millions.
And like it or not they all co-exist together in an entertainment industry worth more than music and Hollywood combined.
What a time to be a fan of video games!
@RadioHedgeFund @Trajan I disagree. I think its all part of the plan to be honest and (the console wars) are just getting started.
A trio is always more interesting than a duo because of alliance and backstabbing.
Nintendo didn't give up so much as to allow Sony to continue the Japanese dominance of the gaming console marketing.
Right now technology is all in the hands of American powerhouses and this is a wrestling match by the Japanese tech industry to change that.
Gaming is a large portion of modern technology. Its both an art form and complex logic like programming are.
Since Japanese also makes TVs, its only a matter of time before someone comes along with a gaming TV and if Sony continues to dominate the console market, the Japanese will eventually dominate the gaming market completely.
And gaming as I said is both an art form and ingrained into our culture.
It can reverse the trend of an American tech dominance over time as more and more people flock over to develop for these Japanese giants instead.
Adding to this Chinese phones taking away from iOS and you can see why people dub the 21st century as the Asian century.
And with that, the whole PC/Mac model might even fall away to bits.
Edit: Why else did Microsoft invade the gaming space of all things?
Edit 2: I don't know if any of us will see this in our lifetimes but I think Nintendo (and Sony) could become a force to reckon with in the future as games evolve further and become more complex. Little Big Planet and Mario Maker is a step in the right direction on how we can use games to make game/programs. If they think bigger, we could get some amazing stuff happening in the future and the PC/Mac development model would become obsolete with time. I mean who wants to sit there for hours compiling lines of code? I don't.
Sony has created a market where big budget american games sell the most.
@JR150 @Indominus_B 125,010 more handhelds than a console in Japan. I would hardly say that they smoked them.
@Nomad Well I think its all part of a bigger plan. See my other posts for details but I agree with you.
Sony is aware that more kids have PS4's amirite?
@SNES64DD there are definite rivalries as in any other industry, but the battle to be the only gaming portal in your house is moot because there are so many, from TV to handheld, browser to phone.
I think if it like the car industry where there are lots of manufacturers, lots of different ways to drive (Uber etc) and ways of tinkering. Plenty of people just want to drive to work, there is the tuner sub-culture and still pros entertaining millions of fans.
@Matthew010 That's like saying "Keep swimming, just ignore the Great White Shark swimming 100 feet to your left." I mean, I know people putting aside their Xbox and PS to play Switch...
"Xbox scarlet aready confirmed to have backwards compatibility from the last 4 generations."
My question is "Can Xbox Scarlett play All Xbox games from OG XBOX, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE by physically and can XBOX Scarlett accept Kinect? "
@SNES64DD Sony actually did make a gaming tv that had a built in PS2. I believe Sega had one in Europe with a built in Genesis.
@Nomad you got downvoted because you are immature and making arguments that make no sense once you look at things from a non-fanboy perspective. Go get a girlfriend.
@RadioHedgeFund Well I'm not talking about rivalry between gaming portals but rather that rivals are on the same side in terms of moving money into their pockets and the industry forward.
Whoever controls the most powerful tools influences the world and its culture and so the world is like one big game of guided chess.
In terms of computing technology, it's not like the Japanese haven't tried competing with Microsoft and Co on home turf. Sony and Toshiba used to be leaders in the PC industry and we all know what happen to the both of them. Toshiba got owned like Huawei did and Sony laptops more or less closed shop.
As much as I like to think life is all a game of chance. I think it is more like a guide chess.
So you can kinda say I believe the Illuminati exist sort of deal.
That there are people out there trying to guide the rest of the world in a specific direction.
And of course, there are more than one of these groups. Or maybe they are all also working together too.
In this case, I think its more a case of starting from gaming and going from there.
Basically, from a computing perspective, we have three sphere's of influences: PC/Mac, gaming and mobile.
Besides American tech giants being involved in all of them,
each industry is currently dominated by a group of Asian "rivals" as you might call it.
And I think they are competing with each other but also working together to influence the industry as a whole.
My point is that gaming isn't just gaming.
In the future, it will have a significant influence in the industry as a whole and can revolutionise the way we say....program stuff.
Right now programming stuff requires a PC/Mac with a keyboard and a lot of text compiling.
In the future maybe every idiot with a stylus and a game like Uber Super Mario Maker can make something for others to use.
That's what I'm getting at.
@Vriess have to admit i love PlayStation, ever since the original launched & for me changed gaming forever,as it brought the arcade games into the home,i remember playing Time crisis at London's Trocadero & saying to my partner that i will be playing this next week at home on console, plus so many great games followed,especially Final Fantasy Vll, but Nintendo are the innovators that all others copy & are the real original gaming company dedicated to gaming only,
i will always love them as they gave us Zelda,enough said
If they don't see Nintendo as a rival,why not release PS4 exclusives on Switch like Microsoft then?🤷🏾♂️
@SNES64DD Super Mario Maker is just an official ROM hack. You have been able to do this since Windows 98.
I dont think that's how things will evolve. How many Nintendo fanboys have used ROM hacks? Unless it comes from the mothership the majority seem to think it's evil or something.
Such things cut into the profitability of other games. Interesting to see Nintendo do it though...
@Isaix because PS4 games would need to be rewritten to Tegra architecture and severely downgraded. Same reason you don't see most third party games on Switch.
@Trajan I mean the concept of it being able to use games to make games. In the future we might see programs be able to make other programs in the same regard.
I dunno. Think like a simpler and easier to use AI-based Visual Studio able to create the most complex of programs within programs with no or minimal intervention.
Maybe because I am Asian and work in IT but I feel this could significantly change the industry and how programs are made.
We can see why they said it, Sony and Nintendo appeal to different demographics and even Nintendo have said it. Just surprised by the fanboyism and Sony bashing on this site , really thought Xbox fans were suppose the worst but they have nothing on here.
Have both a switch and ps4 and equally for the different experiences they give me. if anything we all should (sony, Xbox , Nintendo fans) should unite against Google and not bicker like little kids.
Can ask Liam a questions ? Do you hate Sony as much as some of your articles make out, just seems a lot of Sony bashing.
@MrGawain You’re spot on. Business tends to think in silos whereas actual humans have rich, textured lives with a lot going on. Play 2 hours of games or cook a nice meal? Both take time and give pleasure (to some). Or read, or go out and play, ride a bike etc etc...
Sony doesn't see Nintendo as a rival because they dropped out of the handheld market after the DS outsold the PSP, the 3DS outsold the Vita, and now the Switch is a handheld and a home console, and it would outsell whatever handheld Sony puts out.
Nintendo is a rival but not a rival for the biggest, fastest, meanest system. Their roots are in the philosophy of "Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology". Game and Watch, NES, Gameboy are all examples of this early. They lost their way with the N64 and Gamecube, but seemed to find it again with the Wii.
I would argue that the Switch was partially about getting back to those roots. It isn't the most powerful system out there, but they are using it in amazing ways to make fun gaming experiences. I think there will be a followup to the Switch, but it will not be the system powerhouse everyone thinks it will be because the is not really Nintendo's method.
I work for the US subsidiary of a Japanese manufacturer, and when the honchos from the home office talk business, almost nothing matters more to them than market share and no. of units sold. It’s so hard for me to imagine Sony not being concerned about Nintrndo’s huge comeback this gen not eating into their profits somewhat.
But certainly they should be more concerned about Microsoft - the XBox’s fortunes affect Sony much more directly.
It's funny because Sony's platforms have always been my secondary systems while I primarily played Nintendo. The power has never impressed me and the often bloated 'AAA' games rarely hold my attention for long either. I mean, I guess I'll get a PS5 but nothing about it is all that exciting to me. More power, yay I guess.
Xbox can, as always, kick rocks though.
That's right! Sony don't mess with Nintendo. Nintendo is not to mess with is more to copy them.
Somebody does not walk into a Store looking to play CyberPunk, CONTROL or VR and walks out with a Nintendo Switch and Mario Kart.
Not happening.
PS4, X1, PCs and AAA games on them, still sold like hotcakes after the Switch came out. They are Different things. Nintendo can sell Switch as a 2nd Device to that group, that is about it.
The USA sale charts says it all. SONY and Microsoft compete for the same players. Next round is PS5 vs Scarlett... Switch is not part of that fight.
@Anti-Matter aready confirmed that they can play everything from the OG Xbox, Xbox 360, and of course Xbox 1.
Eh? They considered Microsoft one for obvious reasons, the same reasons that Nintendo don't need to compete with sony/ Microsoft . As the switch appeals on the whole do a different demographics, while it's the same one for Microsoft and sony.
Read the article were it actually says Sony consider Microsoft there rivial!
"primarily because its main users are typically younger than PlayStation's target audience."
I don't know if that's entirely true worldwide. I see kids and people in their 20s playing PS4 and older people playing Switch. Kids who play Switch are mostly influenced by their parents. That is, people who bought the Switch and love Nintendo's IPs started that relationship in previous generations. At least that's what I see
Didn't everyone kind of already know or guess this at this point? Nintendo plays by their own tune, which is perfectly fine for me and (usually) works for them.
Everything ?? 😕
Can i play DDR Ultramix 1-4 from OG XBOX, DDR Universe 1-3 + Dance Evolution (with Kinect) + The Sims 3 Pets from XBOX 360 on XBOX Scarlett with physical disc and Kinect ?
Because until today, XBOX ONE X still doesn't even have any backward compatible with DDR, Dance Evolution , The Sims 3 and some some casual / kid friendly Kinect games in physical. 🤔
@PCkid why do people keep thinking this about Nintendo. Long before you were born people have proclaimed that with each new more powerful competing system Nintendo will fail...sigh. the reason Sony doesn't see Nintendo as a rival is because Nintendo doesn't see Sony as a direct rival either. It's the same reason Microsoft has now started to allowed it's games and properties on the switch. Nintendo will never try to make a system as powerful the "competition" because from a business model point of view it doesn't need to. However with that said it definitely wouldn't hurt to have a more powerful system.
@JohnnyC it wont be called God of War 2 btw as that title already exists on the PS2. They will probably add a subtitle to it
@Trajan seriously, what is wrong with some of you. You call me immature and then say things like I'm 12 and need to get a girlfriend. I'm married with 3 kids for god sake.
The real problem is, some of you dont like it when some one dares comment that Nintendo has a better strategy then your precious Sony.
This is a Nintendo website for crying out loud. If you all love Sony so much and feel insecure when some one praises Nintendo, then maybe you should go to Sony website.
@Nomad I love Nintendo too. I've grown up with Nintendo, and this gen I own a Switch and PS4. It isn't an either/or thing for the majority of us.
When they talk about “hardcore gamers” I can’t help but remember that meme that shows that the proposed audience for Call of Duty are teenagers and adults.... and most people that play at the end are little kids.
I’ll happily skip being a hardcore gamer, thank you very much. I prefer Nintendo offerings that focus on gameplay over so many cinematic experiences.
@Trajan And who said I don't own a Sony console. Or an XBOX for that matter. You can't just go around making assumptions about people you know nothing about.
@KennyBania @Trajan @SBandy you all called me immature but failed to point out what was wrong with my original comment. Do you think my take on things is wrong. Do you think Sony has the better strategy. If so I would love to hear it.
@Nomad Your non-sensical fanboy posts tell me you probably don't. You're also very immature for a family man.
Sony's strategy is make a powerful console and let good games come to it, in addition to the yearly first party exclusive or two.
Replace powerful console with portable and there is Nintendo's strategy as they branch out.
Nintendo have said the exact same thing in the past so I dunno why people are calling Sony arrogant.
@Wavey84 Yeah other than Halo I don't see a reason to own an Xbox. Then again, I got an original Xbox for Halo alone too...
Will be interesting to see how well Sony does next gen when Microsoft doesn't shoot themselves in the foot with an always-online DRM Xbox that is $100 more expensive.
@Trajan i think you fail to see the bigger picture. Exactly how far into the future are looking. This gen? The next one? The one after.
Yeah, Sony has a more powerful system now and for the short term future. But what about the long term future when cost vs technology levels the playing field and all systems are using similar tech. There's only so far you can push gaming graphics, and not all games are going to need to look super realistic because games can be quite artistically styled.
Have you considered the growing trend towards mobile devices.
Do you not think if Sony could add a portable hybrid factor to their next system and still offer the same power at a consumer friendly price point that they would'nt?
Any what about expanding brand recognition. Nintendo are branching out
their brand into theme-parks and movies.
Sony is going to need a bettet strategy long term then "we have a machine with better graphics" because soon it won't matter.
There see, I replied to you without insulting you. See if you can do the same next time.
@Dm9982 ok but what does that have to do with the article
@Maxz if that's your taek on Sony's demographic, one quick check at the sales figures would indicate that's one hell of a sizeable demographic.
@Wavey84 @graysoncharles Yeah Nintendo's had their share of arrogant episodes that came back to bite them as well. And Microsoft had one of the dumbest reveals and rollouts with the X1. That whole Kinect bundle thing was even more stupid because they'd capitalized so much on the original PS3 being so expensive, which led people to opt for the 360, and then they made the Kinect mandatory initially even though it bloated up the price.
The latter half of the Wii era is why they should go in hard on a Switch Pro/+/etc. The Wii was a monster at first, but once people started to move to HD and most non-indie games were being done in HD, it lost a lot of ground, while the 360 stayed constant and the PS3 improved on its initial performance (though the cheaper cost was essential in Sony pulling through as well). The Switch does have the padding of portability, which is a feature that Sony and Microsoft can't copy due to the power required to run those machines, but it's not a reason to rest on their laurels like they did ten years ago.
And I don't want it to seem like I'm being hard on Nintendo. I was fully convinced The Witcher 3 would never run on the Switch without a Pro version. I was wrong, and that's even more reason for a Switch Pro, because more top of the line games like that can come sooner to the Switch, run better, and it will incentivize developers to try to make Switch versions when they might have just kept it to PS/XB/PC. For example, the FFVII Remake is going to be only on Playstation initially, but when the times exclusivity runs out, Nintendo should want the Switch for an option. Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot of hype, maybe it could make its way onto the Pro version eventually.
@Nomad if you really want to talk about long-term trends, the long-term trend for Nintendo is that their next console is about to be a dud. Wii, wii u, switch.... Switch U?
@Nomad The whole "things can't get much better" was touted in the 6th gen nearly 20 years ago. We simply don't know.
Yes Nintendo is branching out in mobile, which is actually a great concern for me. Most new phones are more powerful than the Switch. Nintendo is testing the waters with mobile titles. I can definitely see Nintendo exiting the hardware business down this path. I don't think Nintendo would do that until their hardware fails again though. But yes they are branching out now while they're doing well which is smart.
As long as they continue to make good games I don't care though.
@Nintendolife Have I walked into the twilight zone. This isnt a Playstation site I've accidently logged onto?
@graysoncharles @hihelloitsme @Trajan Okay guys point proven. Sony is the better console and I'm an immature fanboy for thinking otherwise. Next time I come to this Nintendo website I sure as hell won't praise Nintendo as better then Sony as this strangely seems to be the wrong place for it.
@Nomad you missed the point. Switch and PS4 aren't competing. There is no "better" one unless you're talking about third party games. Nintendo stopped competing during the GameCube era.
My PC is better than my phone? Or they're just two different devices I use...
"You call me immature and then say things like I'm 12 and need to get a girlfriend. I'm married with 3 kids for god sake"
The WiiU wasnt a rival...NOW they are a huge threat.
@KennyBania can you give me a detailed explanation as to why. Other then you disagree with me about my opinion about video games?
EDIT: I see you have deleted the part where you wrote " I feel sorry for your family".
Ignore? Then why did they immitate Motion control (PSMOVE) doing their own version of a Direct? (Whatever they call it)
Amiibos? Smash? Mario Kart, Analog control? NES classic? Lol Sony does not ignore Nintendo, as a matter of fact they watch Nintendo very closely...too close.
@Juma009, SONY didn’t imitate amiibo,
SONY sees Microsoft, not seeing Microsoft publish games on Switch. Switch outnumbers PS4 in Japan, SONY says no big deal. Switch sells 34 million in three years, SONY says this is fine.
@Trajan "Switch and PS4 arent competing". Are you sure about that?
So if Sony doesn't see Nintendo as a competitor how bout releasing some PlayStation hits for the Switch too so to dethrone Microsoft. We need God of War, The Last of Us, Infamous, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, and Uncharted on Switch. I'm sure if they do this they would be making way more money than Microsoft both consolewise and handheld wise. Heck this makes sense too since Sony doesn't had a handheld anymore, making Switch their new handheld would be a great new beginning and even if the Switch flops, Sony won't lose cash unlike with the PS Vita.
@Vriess Do you buy multiplat games on the Switch or the PS4?
@Gelo that will never happen. Almost every leak has stated it’ll be a marginal upgrade at best.
@hihelloitsme highly doubt they make that mistake. Tremendously popular system. They will make small revisions to keep you on the hook, it seems the goal is to have a switch in everyone’s home.
Agree 1000% about nomad , they represent everything that's toxic and wrong with the gaming community. I'm not surprised they have kids and are in there 30a as it's always someone like them that's nasty and immature and just shows age has nothing to do with maturity and always with people like.this if things were reversed they would be saying the complete opposite
I am perfectly content with my reply to Nomad who apparently is a married person with 3 kids yet still uses words like "butthurt".
Pretty obvious imo. Sony and MS compete in the technology department while Nintendo doesn't.
Haha worried about Microsoft?
I'm not! they Confinced me already to jump from Sony to the new Xbox Scarlet.
I seriously hope we will see more collaboration between Microsoft and Nintendo.
I'm more worried about Sony this time around. Many friends who are die hard Sony fans where hyped about Xbox Scarlet some will jump over others are still doubtful. So it's up to them from here to gather the hype train. Nintendo is already save with the switch Hybrid console l, but even they need to step up with a switch 2.0 (more power) to keep up with the games.
Stop insulting @Nomad !
Huh guess my wife and I of 30+ years, who prefer instant gameplay with zero loot boxes and design that's almost always pristine are kids now? shrug
@nintendolie Sony destroyed Microsoft this generation by doing much better in Europe and Japan. Microsoft has yet to build much of a market presence outside North America for its game systems. That will likely continue into the next generation.
@hihelloitsme It’s me questioning the relevancy and necessity of next gen already. Obviously the developers and manufacturers dictate when every next gen occurs. In the past “next gen” use to provide leaps in tech, which would allow us to play and experience games differently. However where we’re at now in technology, I don’t see next gen offering a vastly different experience over my PS4 Pro. Graphical fidelity will change, sure, that’s a given. But what more am I going to be able to do in a game that I can’t currently do now?
I’m sticking with Nintendo and Sony as my systems again in the future, however, I won’t be in a rush to buy a ps5 unless it improves the remote play functionality OR it is portable itself in some way.
They ought to be more worried about PC since a lot of the "exclusive" games on PS4 are also on Steam at launch or soon after. I have no interest in their first party stuff besides Japan Studio's work, so any PS5 I get will most likely be used from Game Stop along with any game for it that catches my fancy once it's down to $15 the year after it comes out.
Arrogant Sony are back.
They should worry about their customer service. I will not be following them into the next generation because of the way I was treated by two of their customer service reps.
@Snakesglowcaps thats a bummer, i guess the only solution is to just really purchase a ps console if the game is not available on switch. i'm going to wait for the ps5. But still im giving my hopes up for the switch pro
Sony always says that and then they end up copying Nintendo in some form
@sanderev exactly and that's why Sony don't see Nintendo as a rival.
I don’t own anything other then a switch now but it’s true, Nintendo even with amazing games won’t scare Sony or Microsoft as their consoles are never even close to as powerful.
With the switch I was hoping for a serious power boost but it’s safe to say we won’t ever see a Nintendo console that has power equal to everything else at the time.
Kind of weird considering indie games paved the way for PS4 in the beginning, but a couple AAA’s later and it’s a dead branch lol.
Well if by some miracle Microsoft gets 3rd party support from Japan, the xbox will replace the playstation as my secondary console, thanks to their current actions like the censorship crap. I never imagined that could happen. Funny enough that this happens as Nintendo stopped doing that.
I love both but Sony isn't wrong here. Until Nintendo releases a console of equal power , provide a usable online infrastructure for all games they will always be 3rd in the console race.
@BRAINFOX God of War , Spiderman , The Last of Us and many more won't be on Steam ever. You could go the PS Now route but I'd rather own my games
Dang click bait. You got me this time Nintendo Life. You made it look for more serious than it was.
Sorry the vast .majority of Sony exclusives never make it to steam.
I don't think either company is concerned with competing with each other right now. Before Sony fanboys get all crazy about market dominance we should bring up the PSP and Vita, which I personally think were excellent devices and I still love using the Vita to this day but there is no denying how they are a failure as far as Sony was concerned. The PSP did a great job of entering the handheld market but it was always far behind the DS and then the Vita never really managed to take off outside of Japan which gave it a short but sweet period where it was actually getting a great variety of games. In the end the 3DS absolutely dominated and Sony gave up on the handheld market admitting how they simply couldn't compete with Nintendo.
Personally I would love to see Sony make another attempt at getting into the handheld gaming market because I think they produced some very well made devices that I truly enjoyed using. That said Sony seems to be focusing on turning their Playstation brand into a standard to high-end home console format. Nintendo seems to be very satisfied with the niche they carved out for themselves with the Switch as a hybrid console, as well they should considering it's success.
To be honest Microsoft, while far more of a Sony competitor, they aren't really competing directly with anyone either. It seems like all these companies have decided to focus on their own markets that they succeed at and their product range reflects this, if anything we are seeing signs that the old age of consoles competing directly with each other is largely over.
This is an interesting statement for sure. Nintendo is killing both of the other companies right now in terms of sales but it also doesn't matter too much because Switch is a compliment system to the other two since it's totally its own thing so they aren't really rivals.
@Zacattack99 Search "Totaku"
The headline and article sound different. The article could be interpreted as Sony can’t compete with Nintendo rather than saying they don’t see them as a threat, evidence being Sony exiting the handheld market.
PS/XB good for CoD.and BF, Nintendo good for everything else IMO.
@darthstuey Those three games are also on Xbox
@zool If you were paying attention to recent news, Nintendo is much more likely to team up with Microsoft than with Sony.
These days, it feels like most companies are doing their own thing, but I can see why Sony sees Microsoft as more of a concern than Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft are very focused on catering mainly to the West, which means high-powered consoles at the cutting edge of technology (for game consoles at least). Nintendo hasn't tried anything like that for years, and their strongest systems have always been handhelds. The Switch is a hybrid, but is still a very different beast that fills in a unique place in the market, while Microsoft and Sony's systems are going to compete with each other just by existing on the same store shelves.
I would caution Sony to keep an eye on Japan as well as the West since, while it's not their main source of revenue, a market is a market, which Nintendo IS undoubtedly dominating there
@Luna_110 To be fair that picture turned out to be inaccurate.
lol ok. Not like a large percentage of your diehards are currently upset at you and bought a Switch or anything.
@suikoden wow, just wow!
@Juma009, which aren’t NFC enabled toys, just toys, they just started the line with figures by ThinkGeek of GameStop of mostly PlayStation I.P. (Crash dosen’t count) to now they have the likes of Microsoft’s Joanna Dark, Conker, and Banjo-Kazooie characters, therefore discrediting them as PlayStation products.
@carmudgeon You basically made the articles point. You compared SONY vs Microsoft (PC is miccrosoft)
You didn't buy a Playstation because you bought a PC.
No plans to support indies? Well, that won't end well...
I agree with you pretty much everything in your comment. Great post there sir/ma'am.
Yeah they’re clearly aiming for different niches in the market. Of course there’s some competition as they’re both Games Consoles. They’re both entertainment products. But they have different strategies and where Nintendo are good at selling handhelds, Sony are good at selling Home systems.
Nothing controversial or surprising here.
Eh, sorry I can't agree with you there0 chief. Especially since I can't see how anyone would believe that they would be far behind for some reason that they've had no problem working with or on powerful consoles before. Especially when you usually in in the same breath or thought bubble people are giving a sony constant props when they've only had about two home consoles worth talking about power wise.
I just find it funny how we forget or forgive the weaker hardware of the ps1 & 2 when putting full faith in sony. Call me nuts, but there's no reason it would be hard for Nintendo to make and work on a powerhouse if they chose to. I think that some people tend to make the mistake of forgetting that they're choosing not to chase the graphics rabbit down the hole, but it's not like they have not or could not.
@electrolite77 "But they have different strategies and where Nintendo are good at selling handhelds, Sony are good at selling Home systems."
This is where people lose out. Switch is a Home System with the portable factor. Try that with xbox or ps system - not going to happen. Nintendo is good at selling home system using your own same words.
If Sony has to talk about a Rival as Nintendo that tells alot that they don't like Nintendo growing markets in games of all flavors and censorship isn't going to help them either.
Eh, I don't know man. There's no right or wrong way to game. Options are great after all. And lipase A Different Strokes for different folks. For instance, I may not get another aony console in my home, but I definitely plan to have the next Xbox along with my Nintendo console. And I certainly like having that option.
Perhaps that's why they don't see them as a competitor. More like an outside R & D branch to be poached or something LMAO.
@hihelloitsme It’s my take on myself. #HardcoreBoi
Who cares Nintendo Switch is way ahead anyways on console sales for Next gen PS4 is now last gen..But after PS4 im done with sony anyways..just a crappy compnay
@Dog yep but I have a PS4.
@Dog and if you read my comments correctly I was commenting on the post headlines. And if you believe everything you read we should be playing Animal Crossing this year.
I'm 30 next year and solely play Nintendo consoles at the moment. So that's one customer from the 'younger;' demographic they've missed out on
Of course Sony does not see Nintendo as direct competitor. Nintendo do its own thing and that is it.
Nintendo do not make Sony's sales go lower.
@gameboy1975 yeah twice. GameCube and Wii U. And they lost both times.
If Sony's customers are supposed to be more mature, then why did Sony feel the need to protect them from all the Nintendo (and Microsoft) bullies playing Minecraft by prohibiting crossplay between the consoles, citing duty of care to their players.
@Gelo Problem is Nintendo won't want to or be able to alienate non Pro Switch owners. There will be little to no exclusive games. A Pro will be quicker, bigger, maybe play docked res and fps in handheld. It won't be the case that Rockstar are all of a sudden porting Red Dead 2 over but just for Switch Pro.
Look at New 3ds for guidance.
@jswhitfield8 All consoles essentially "do the same stuff" but when it boils down to it the PS4 has by far the better software line up, that's borne out by the sales numbers, that's where the war is won and lost.
Nintendo has also been saying this for years now, saying that they don’t compete with Sony or MS. And good on Nintendo for pick up what Sony is putting down with the indie scene.
Sorry buddy, that's fanboy talk & I'm not some 13 year old feeling the need to talk about which toy won in a non existent, made up nerd war. Maybe I didn't see anybody "winning" or "losing" because I've had multiple consoles for generations now. I will indulge you for a hot second though since I got it.
The fact of the matter is, they made profit with both endeavors.They managed to do that without needing a 1st place finish & also while others weren't turning much of any prophet in their gaming sector. Not to mention consistently being on of the top publishers in the world, delivering top tier, award winning titles & being one of the most emulated companies in the industry.
Doesn't sound like losing to me. Especially since despite all the doom & gloom they endured, actual rough patches & the entertainment landscape getting ever more crowded as time went on surviving & still thriving as pretty much just a video game company while others have/need other stuff to prop them up.
Well guys what you do you expect? Lets be honest... Nintendo did became the Indie platform. A very few A+++ games from Nintendo themself. The remasters are from the older generation, mostly. Most newest do run but 30fps and sometimes below 600p.
Nintendo need to step up their game. The next switch pro maybe a bit of upgrade but it will last for like 1 year or 2? Ps5 and Xbox Scarlet are like 3 gens ahead this way. Nintendo really went to a kids only platform. We all know they don't need that much power to make little kids happy. But for older people like me who are playing still games need a bit more from Nintendo so I can also play other great A++ from other studios the way it was meant to. Ni No Kuni an other example. The Switch is so underpowered that it runs only ps3 version only. Can't take the remaster version. So it means Switch matches ps3 hardware which was released in 2006 people. Very very sad. This is why I didn't get the Switch. Can't support a system with such poor hardware and especially they dare to ask the same price as almost Xbox X. At least with Xbox X you're complete. no need to get pro controller no need to buy an SD card. Nintendo is expensive and yet their hardware is so low end. They are just like Apple aren't they? It's just a brand.
Well you don't have to agree what i've wrote here above. The way i'm seeing it it's my truth. I still love Nintendo, but they really need to step up their game. The updated Switch won't hold too long. Unless that's their plan for 2 years since Ps5 is coming 2021 and xbox end 2020. So maybe that's why the little upgrade. well we'll see
Good thing that we all are allowed different opinions. As I definitely wouldn't want to be stuck with yours as it"s certainly more of a speak for yourself kind of thing. Even though I've owned 3 out of their 4 systems including their latest, I certainly feel like I wouldn't need their console to get more than my fill of a gaming fix. Most of the titles that I play on their boxes are virtually all third party anyway. And hell, my ps4 pretty much would have been a paperweight if it wasn't the spare media player in the other room and occasional babysitter for when the kiddies come over after I got my XB1X.
🤔 What? Wait, I think they're actually serious? 🤨...😖. 😂 🤣
I love both my Switch and my PS4 + PSVR.
Both doing innovative things. There is no reason to not own both these days. Fanboys only hurt themselves. You're missing out on some great content.
I used to be a fanboy when it was Sega vs Nintendo. Missed out on so many great games. Luckily I changed my mind when the Dreamcast came around.
I'm not gonna buy PS console anyway. The last worth PS console was PS3.
Sony's exclusives are no longer interesting for me at all. And the wole thing with censorship is just laughable, so Nintendo + PC.
"Can't take the remaster version."
Er... Wut?!
Say hello to beautiful FF X/X-2 HD & FF XII TZA on Switch.
@Anti-Matter To be fair, that is a PS3/Vita port.
@gameboy1975 But that's exactly what an opinion is, it's what "you" think about something so you are 100% correct...although unlike "your opinion" I'm supporting "my opinion" with a fact that the PS4 game sales far exceed that of the Xbox 1 hence my conclusion that it's "better"...that person gave his opinion, I commented with my opinion and then you replied with your everybody is happy...
@BRAINFOX Cmon now nobody is worried about PC gaming, if anything PC gaming should b worried about Google Stadia cos that is a direct threat to traditional computer gaming as it essentially removes the "tower" or "box", but saying that Sony and Microsoft r also "concerned" cos they've just agreed to work together...all of a sudden, out of the blue...mmm...
Well, yeah. I doubt Sony's considered Nintendo a real competitor since at least the Wii, maybe even the GameCube. Nintendo relies on first party and indie games and isn't in the graphics war Microsoft and Sony are in. Nintendo's doing great with the Switch, but that isn't a direct competitor to the PS4 or Xbox. It's a relatively underpowered hybrid system that compliments the other two if anything.
@Deathwalka Nintendo always beat the crap out of them pretty badly with portable machines, also with the Wii. And it's doing it now with the Switch. The N64 and Gamecube were consoles more powerful than their competitors, and it went really bad for Nintendo those years. It's better to offer something unique that the others don't do, and the Switch is a power house itself, with the great quality it offers on both TV and portable modes.
I guarantee you that most legend of zelda players are adults lol. Men and women over 30 guarantee it lol.
I think this pretty much confirms what we all knew: During the PS4 era Sony has become so arrogant and self confident they're entirely unaware they even have blind spots. This does not bode well for PS5.
"Sony doesn't perceive it as a major rival, primarily because its main users are typically younger than PlayStation's target audience."
If Sony Corp is unaware of the demographic of Nintendo Switch, and the overall demographic shift Nintendo's marketing has produced with the Switch skewing to an older audience, they're still relying on "instinct" and "tradition" rather than looking at the actual landscape. If Switch has a demographic problem it's that it skews older than the typical PSXBox teens and tweens and into a demographic with less disposable income. Sony is missing the narrative entirely, and basing their strategies on obsolete data.
Further, it's somewhat interesting that while they focus on competition with Microsoft as a direct technology equivalent rival, they seem to have entirely missed Microsoft positioning itself along-side Nintendo against Sony, to shore up both the "Nintendo" market segment and the "core" segment, as well as the independent segment to form a front against Sony's monopoly status.
Meanwhile Nintendo established a pseudo-monopoly in Japan.
I sense the PS3 launch all over again......
No Nintendo’s strength is in selling systems that are portable. They have struggled with selling Home-only systems. If a Nintendo System isn’t portable it generally struggles. Sony’s strength is in selling Home-only systems. They have struggled with selling Portable systems.
Sony's trying to target "hardcore gamers" but maintaining to sensor their games. So what is the point of ESRB ratings?
Unless Sony is goofy enough to patent another Vita attempt, Nintendo will remain as no competition to them.
L.O.L. Nintendo has been around longer than Sony, and they think the majority of users on Nintendo are kids? There are a ton of Nintendo gamers 18-40's. I'm in my mid 20's, and I'm mainly a Nintendo gamer with Steam on the side every now and then. Sure, Nintendo Switch has some family friendly games that kids can play, but they also have a lot of T-M games for a more mature audience.
Dear Sony, anyone who would go to another platform instead of yours, is a competitor.
@gameboy1975 you’re being kind of rude for zero reason. I never fanboyed about anything, and your condescending pet names aren’t appreciated. Listen buddy bro guy dude, I am an avid Nintendo supporter. My point my friend man brochacho is that Nintendo sees more financial success when they differentiate themselves by being unique. For example the Wii, and Switch. Someone had stated that Nintendo will fail if they do not eventually make a machine that rivals the power of the other competitors to which I disagreed and stated my reasons for doing so. I never came at you or was rude to you so I’m not exactly sure why you jumped in and started doing so to me especially considering your comments have very little to do with what I actually said and more to do with trying to be argumentative about...well I’m not even sure what your argument is since most everything you said barely makes sense. Actually further more after reviewing your comment I realized you insinuated that I was a 13 year old boy fanboying over some made up war. Listen compadre girlfriend brother, the GameCube and Wii U were both commercial and financial failures for Nintendo. That’s not made up, when you’re a company and your competitors do better than you, you lose. That’s not something you can make up. I bought both, because I am and always will be a Nintendo fan, so don’t think just because I made a comment about sony or PS4 I’m fanboying because you lack the intelligence to actually properly argue your point.
There’s kind of a lot of toxic commenters in this specific thread.
@Sim1 pretty aggressive isn’t he? Pretty sure he’s commenting from multiple accounts too. Very IGN of him.
@shadowbuster yeah that’s why I normally hang out here instead of IGN. @gameboy1975 baited me in with his trolly “buddy” comments. Wish I wouldn’t get annoyed by that stuff but it’s so hard not to.
@suikoden @canucksfan989 I was not referring to those games. I should've elaborated that by "exclusives" I meant games that are only console exclusive for whatever reason such as Yakuza or Nier Automata when it first launched. Like I said before, I don't really care about most of their first/second party stuff. I'll go back on the "any game" bit that I stated a little since I do enjoy Japan Studio's output enough to keep supporting them, but the rest can wait until the generation's over and I can scoop everything up for a fiver like I did with my 360.
Maybe in a few years, but Stadia has way too many hurdles to jump like input lag, data usage, subscription costs, and dev support for it to be that much of a threat at the moment. That's not even getting into stuff like resolutions, mods, or running your own server for some games. Sony is only using MS' Azure datacenters for their streaming services, so it's about as much of a team up as the Xbox One using Blu Ray for their game discs instead of a proprietary format like the Wii U' or Dreamcast did. What they are doing is more akin to nipping the threat of Stadia in the bud so they aren't blindsided like TV and Hollywood were by Netflix.
@Indominus_B apparently you can't be a Nintendo fan on this Nintendo site without being annoyed by a bunch of insecure Sony fanboys with an agenda to push the virtues of Playstation down our collective throats.
@Anti-Matter Nobody knows for sure. I know Microsoft is going to try and make sure the previous backwards compatibility lineup will still work on Project Scarlett, it'll probably still be powered by Windows 10. I haven't seen anything regarding backwards compatibility on PS5. PC has the best track record when it comes to backwards compatibility, you could still play titles from the 1980's if you wanted to.
Bruh, I'm not going to lie, I didn't read ANY of that garbage outside of the first couple of lines. And while I was certainly going to give that courtesy, after scrolling down & seeing that wall of ka ka & I see that I made the right move there. As if your not willing or able to make it even remotely readable I figure that there's not much there to take seriously. So yeah, sorry Charlie. Anyway how about you just take the advice of that chick from Frozen & just let it go Lol. You probably won't though, so I'll probably just hit you with that ignore.
@Uzukage So does God of War. Didn't stop them using that title again! Agreed though, probably see a subtitle.
Exactly man. It's pretty freaking funny that you can't actually be a Nintendo fan on this site without being labeled a fanboy by some of these clowns; while in that very same breath BTW these clear sony fanboys are here worshipping sony & a seemingly in a huff when/if you don't. I have a ps4 & honestly the s#!t has pretty much become a paperweight, end of story.
Yet I don't feel the need to run over to pushsquare or any other sony centric sites to go shill for another company or belittle those fans like some jokers here. If it no longer amuses or interests me, I simply move on. I don't go around trying to change people's minds, promote other companies products or publicly felating Nintendo or others on a sony centric site like some of these guys here. It's just pathetic that you can't choose to be a fan here without having to deal with that kind of garbage.
Yet try & go to some of these ps sites with that sort of behavior & watch what happens at most of them. Hell, you can go to supposedly non sony centric sites that just happen to be infested with sony fanboys like n4g & get your comments removed, yourself put on time out or even permabanned if you dare criticize or show disdain towards anything sony (or their cult members). And yet you can witness bashing of anyone & anything outside of sony all day with impunity.
So the clear sony sympathizers can criticize the site all they want, but at least the mods aren't don't seem to be such fanboys that ain't try to silence you; instead actually letting them have a voice here unlike others I've witnessed. So they can talk all they want about others, but sony Fanboys are some of THE worst & most hypocritical that I've witnessed in any medium, hands down!
Yeah, as a Nintendo fan I could'nt imagine anything worse then waisting my time over at a Playstation site going on about the Switch.
The only reason I can think of some one doing something like that is if deep down they are insecure about their console of choice and are seeking validation by others
I have a PS4 and its been gathering dust since the Switch's launch.
I'll dust it of for the FF7 Remake but after that I'm done with Sony. If it wasnt for that game I would have traded it in already. Might even do that and just stick with the original game.
I'm just not into these half game/half movie games which are all about graphics over gameplay that are dominating the PS4/XB.
Nintendo have always been my first choice for games and at the moment they are killing it with the Switch. Hybrid consoles are the future and Nintendo is leading the way and the Sony fanboys do not like hearing it.
@Nomad There are a ton of creative games on the PS4 with great gameplay. There is no such thing as 'THE future', there are multiple paths forward. VR is also one of them and the PSVR is amazing.
Astro Bot, Tetris Effect, Rez, Trover Saves the Universe, Beat Saber, Super Hot, Blood and Truth and so on. And that's just PSVR.
Then you got the Yakuza series, fighting games like Street Fighter, Soul Calibur and Tekken, Persona 5.
Saying that PS4 prefers graphics over gameplay is like saying Nintendo is for children.
Playstation games depress me. They feature misery, death and destruction most of the time. Nintendo should take it as a compliment that Sony are not thinking about them.
@SBandy haha, hear hear
@KennyBania @Nomad That isn't true. This person said "butthurt".
Ignorance is bliss is all I will say to that
@BRAINFOX This "partnership" or "team up" is a little bit more serious than the way you have described it, they have clearly stated it's to "work on cloud solutions for game and content services" and that is exactly what Stadia is all about, but yes I agree with you it's very early days...but let's b honest "under normal circumstances" they would not be getting 2gether to work on anything !...that's similar to BMW and Mercedes hooking up to oppose Tesla, it's not a "natural" partnership u wud expect to see.
Unless theres some incredible killer app (like Vader Immortal made me buy Oculus Quest) I dont see me buying another Sony or Microsoft console at launch. Its usually all ports/remasters for a couple of years, so I'll wait until theres actually stuff worth playing and they've worked all the kinks out.
I'd say they are and they aren't at the same time. In my own experience I never buy Xbox systems because I buy PlayStation systems and that covers the vast majority of the games that I care about between the two. Many people will choose one or the other.
While it's true that I use both my PS4 and Switch I can't say that I haven't skipped buying a handful of games for my PS4 in favor of my Switch. So in that way I'd consider them competitors, just as I'd consider Steam or anything that aims to capture all of the time and money that a person devotes to video games.
Sony should see Nintendo as a rival for censorship. Nintendo Switch has many titles that Sony edits because they don't like them. Gal Gun 2, Senran Kagura, Nemo para aren't for kids and Sony censored all of them.
im like 99% sure that Nintendo has an older audience, most people i see talk about playstation are kids who play GTA, Call of Duty and Fifa whilst i see much much more adults talk about games like Animal Crossing, I do believe Nintendo aims for all audiences but is mostly reaching older ones, either way i think sony should fear Nintendo with the Switch being the fastest selling console and i believe is currently out pacing PS2 sales
@PCkid the switch has proven that you dont need power to sell systems, it tops the charts week after week by a landslide
I think, that in the foreseeable future, Sony and Nintendo's decades long rivalry might come to an end.
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