Nintendo has announced it will be hosting a Pokémon Direct live stream next week on 5th June for the upcoming Switch release, Pokémon Sword and Shield. The presentation will run for a total of 15 minutes.
Just like the last presentation, this one will begin at 2pm GMT, so that's 6am PT / 9am ET / 3pm CET.
There'll also be a separate presentation happening much sooner. According to The Pokémon Company, this press conference will cover a number of topics which will be "of interest" to Pokémon fans. The live event will take place on the 28th May at 6pm PT / 9pm ET and on the 29th May at 2am GMT / 3am CET.
The Pokémon Company is hosting its 2019 Press Conference in Tokyo, Japan, on Tuesday, May 28. You can watch the event live here at starting at 6 p.m. PDT. The press conference is expected to cover a number of topics of interest to Pokémon fans.
What are you expecting from these presentations? Tell us below.
[source, via]
Comments 106
Glad they're getting this out of the way before E3. Means the E3 Direct can focus more on other games.
I am excited oh yes I am.
I fully expected something about Pokemon before E3. Now I just hope I'm off of work at that time so I can watch it live.
Weird, could've made their E3 Direct 10 minutes longer. I love those way-too-long Directs. But whatever, this Pokemon, they always do their own thing it seems.
Now the real question is, to watch or not to watch? I don't want to spoil myself too much.
That's awesome! I'm actually happy that Nintendo is doing these mini game specific directs ahead of E3. With Mario Maker and Pokemon getting lots of updates, the E3 presentation can hopefully contain some surprises or glimpses of games we don't know much about (like Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion 3).
@BenAV On the contrary, I think it means it will feature in E3.
I wanna know about the Legendary Pokemons from Sword / Shield.
Oh, btw...
That means Nintendo Direct on 11 June 2019 will have higher chance for Animal Crossing Switch trailer.
@GrailUK It'll get a mention for sure but they're not going to dedicate a large chunk of the Direct talking about it when they already did the previous week. The less time dedicated to a game I've already pre-ordered and have committed to buying day one, the better.
This makes me very excited for E3. This also means I must maintain my “cool” and don’t get too excited.
Not bad news to wake up to on a Monday! It's about time we received more Pokemon news to digest. I'm considering this Direct an E3 warm-up.
That Pokemon business presentation on Wednesday sounds interesting too.
@BenAV Wishful thinking wanting a direct to be Microsoft's 'Exclusive' and 'World Premier' onslaught. I bet it gets a good chunk and folk will be moaning in chat that it's wasting time hahah Besides, I can't wait to see it on Treehouse!
Finally, now maybe i can make a decision of which version i want Shield or Sword.
I've never played a Pokemon game, so I not sure what I'm supposed to get excited about? 🤔
@AlternateButtons Knack 3?
@BensonUii I guess this must be their first Direct then. Saying Pokémon is going to get glossed over in an event like E3 is crazy talk! This Direct gives the Pokémon company the limelight, clearing the way for E3. It is their game after all.
Man these next couple weeks are what getting crazy, and that's all before e3! Great time to be a gamer, can't wait!
So, Nintendo is now adding a special Pokémon Direct onto the Super Matio Maker event, just what cool stuff has Nintendo for E³. What is happening?!
I didn't realize, from the Twitter account, that we're getting a press conference tomorrow along with the Direct next week. Interested to see what this press conference is about
That day i have something important to do... honestly, who im lying to, i had something important to do. Its Pokemon time!!!
@BenAV Might be a case of getting formalities out the way so they can showcase specifics at E3. Who really knows
Great for Pokemon fans.
@Bliquid like you have just done.
i am now very happy now show us what it is hope fore pokemon bank and pokemon TV on switch too.
The more info that drops now the better, in my opinion. Frees up more time for E3 news.
Guaranteed we see the Pokémon Switch Mini sword and shield editions so they can talk about it at E3 and get some buzz. Plus it’d fall in line with their statement that no new hardware would be announced at E3.
Possible release date, more depth about the new region and more info about new mechanics. My bet is we're going to have a late summer early fall release.
@AlternateButtons As far as we know Animal Crossing is still on track for this year so it should be pretty much a certainty that they'll show it off at E3. I'm really keen for it but what I'm most excited to see from E3 is any game that they haven't told us about at all yet. Love those surprises. Not that the release schedule post-E3 isn't packed enough.
@UmbreonsPapa I mean, I guess anything's possible, but I'd be very surprised. I think they've told us all they really want to about Mario Maker and that they'll do the same with Pokemon next week and there won't be an awful lot more to say during the E3 Direct. They've got Treehouse to show them off in more depth and promote them.
Wait... Super Mario Maker 2 Direct and Pokémon Direct before E3.
Nintendo has BIG plans for E3.
Hopefully it doesn't look like a 3ds game still. Gamefreak is terrible sometimes.
Geez, a Mario Maker Direct AND a Pokemon Direct all before E3? Part of me is getting flashbacks to the Direct Mini they had a while ago before E3, when they didn't have much to announce after.
The other part is feeling confident since these are Directs dedicated to specific titles, rather than a bunch of games. That means Nintendo will probably focus on whatever else is new, or needs more details (Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Links Awakening, Smash DLC etc.). That's 40 minutes of announcements sans Mario Maker and Pokemon (save for the usual quick reminder and maybe the short announcement of a new feature, like they usually do)
@AlternateButtons I think every single Animal Crossing fan the world over is going to riot in the streets, The Purge-style, in that case. Including myself.
@AlternateButtons Haha. As of about a month ago, its release window was still '2019' so I think we'll be fine.
@BenAV At most we’ll probably have recaps of Mario Maker 2 and Sword/Shield in the E3 Directs. I think the Mario Maker 2 invitational will announce the last of the new content.
@Grumblevolcano Yeah, they'll probably both get brief mentions just for that bit of extra advertising (especially for Mario Maker which comes out just weeks later) but I'm sure they'll keep it pretty brief. They've gotten pretty good with their Directs in general at using the time well for the most part.
This is great news - not because I’m a big Pokemon fan, but that it virtually rules out big coverage of it at E3. With Mario Maker out of the way too, I’m expecting big things...
Honestly this makes me even more hyped for the E3 Direct. With all the big news on Pokemon and Mario Maker out of the way ahead of time, we'll have more time to focus on new announcements. Astral Chain, Link's Awakening, Dragon Quest, Animal Crossing...the list goes on, and I can't wait!
@Octane Sadly, trying to skip any type of direct for spoilers is also skipping this website, any social media, and YouTube as they'll all be talking about it before and after.
More excited about this than I would have imagined.
Some of it looked like an N64 game.
My wallet will bleed come june and july infact beyond. For kids and for me! Ohhh my gosh!
Isn't this fairly standard? Nintendo doing Directs for Pokemon before E3, I mean.
@GrailUK What are you talking about? Pokémon games never get attention during an E3 presentation. They always get their own directs. That’s been happening in the past 5 years ago.
This direct reconfirms that it won’t be in Nintendo’s presentation.
just finished building 2 great new decks. (RL playing) now gimme the game too.
It's strange that this was announced so far in advanced. Usually Directs are announced with just 1-2 days notice.
Happy for Pokemon fans, but I'm only here for Animal Crossing.
@Yasume actually that is not entirely correct. They almost always have a Pokémon Direct before E3. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be any E3 Pokémon footage.
@BenAV That's probably what I was trying to say. Get new features or stuff about the region out of the way so actual gameplay can be shown during the Treehouse and the game not necessarily occupying other space for announcements.
Whatever the case, really exciting next few weeks leading up to E3
I'm hoping (but not necessarily expecting) we get a surprise 3D Mario remake or sequel announced at E3 or huge DLC for Odyssey announced.
@Yasume It only feels like yesterday Tsunekazu Ishihara was sat at his desk announcing the next Pokémon an E3 direct. If you remember, that was after Pokken information...which, again incase you forgot, was in a Pokémon direct a week or so before E3!
Next week gonna be good, this and MK 11 Kombat pack information to beat E3 rush.
@westman98 Well the press conference is tomorrow/Wednesday so if experimental or mobile stuff is announced then, they probably want to reassure those looking forward to Sword/Shield.
@GrailUK I still think that E3 segment was damage control, there was a lot of negativity surrounding USUM being for 3DS.
@Grumblevolcano Well, I don't know about that, all I know is, the Pokémon Company announced Pokken in one of their Directs, and it appeared in the Nintendo Direct to huge disappointment that it wasn't a new Pokémon game. So, rather than damage control, I would prefer to give credit and think they knew what the reaction would be and pre-empted it.
I want to care about this but to be honest after the last trailer, I am not so sure. It'll be fun but come on, this is next gen Nintendo. Give us something more fresh than just the same old.
@BlueRobin04 That is true. I guess I can watch this one. I just don't want to know all the new Pokemon before the game is even out. But they're probably going to reveal the dex legendaries, and you can't avoid those anyway lol.
@TAndvig Same. I was hoping for a real change. Seeing the return of random encounters made me lose a lot of interest.
I am hoping for exciting things.
Yeah and I understand that some people will still love this no matter what. That is fair just like it is fair to expect something more for a next gen Pokèmon game.
Any chance of Ruby/ Sapphire/ Emerald VC or Diamond/Pearl remake in the direct?
Man, Pokemon Sun and Moon 3 looks great
@Don maybe in the press conference
The direct will focus on sword and shield, gen 4 remake is to far off (about a year from sw/sh)
More time in the direct for Luigi’s Mansion 3! That is all that matters here.
@AlternateButtons stop. All you animal crossing fans do is whine. I wish you would be paitent like the Luigi's Mansion 3 fan base.
@AlternateButtons What exactly are you trying to tell us?
You know what I want? Another character for Smash. It’s guaranteed to be announced.
@AlternateButtons That sound like a lot of work. Don't knacker yourself up mate.
@BenAV I remember the excruciating wait through the half-hour long demo of the battle system in Sun and Moon at E3 2016 just after they had shown off Breath of the Wild for the first time.
I’m sat on the floor on a train at this point leeching the free first class WiFi from the vestibules on my way back from a work trip watching the battery on my Nexus 5 slowly die saying to myself ‘please hurry up. I want to see Zelda!’ It was just the usual turn based Pokemon battle system!
Now I really can't wait for E3
@BenAV @Grumblevolcano There's still going to be a ton of Sword/Shield info they'll want to reveal even after this Direct so I wouldn't be so sure of E3 just being a recap.
Totally called there being a direct
My thoughts exactly.
@BensonUii 👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌
ive been waiting 2 years for this game.
E3 Nintendo Direct is 1 hour long... WITHOUT Pokemon.
@CorvoRevo 1 hour? 🤔
@Octane The funny thing is that when Sun/Moon were coming out, there were several cool surprises that everyone was happy with not knowing, but they constantly released videos showing off every new character and Alolan form. GameFreak's never been perfect, I guess.
@CorvoRevo What are they hiding/going to bore us to death with?
YES! I need this game (to come out, I don't have a Switch.)
i just woke up, and Nintendo out of nowhere announced a direct for pokemon!?
what's wrong with you Nintendo?
@ForgottenArctic Smash probably.
Also the potatostation site is over there. Go away.
@Arshiya yes, 1 hour.
@IceClimbers I think they'll reveal and talk about more closer to launch. I don't think they'll hold back information from the dedicated Direct to reveal a week later on the E3 Direct though.
Looks like the ramp up before E3 is underway! Keeping expectations in check as always but I am hopeful that since Nintendo is willing to parse out something as big as Pokémon, then they must have a ton of information to show overall at E3. Especially since there isn’t (doesn’t seem to be anyway) a theme game this year (I suppose mario maker 2 could be the theme game but I don’t think so). I will likely skip this as I am not a pokefanatic but I hope we get a new poken and a new Let’s go.
Ill be bying this one hundred percent but I hope its nothing like the dumbed down Sun and Moon edition.
Okay that's weird, this article didn't show up for me until just now, but the comment section clearly indicates it has been up for hours.
Good, this was the last game that I feared would steal significant amounts of time from an Animal Crossing reveal at E3. Gotta get my bells ready!
@CorvoRevo Ouch, fine.
So excited! I'm happy The Pokemon Company always gets to do their own thing.
Can't wait to watch the live.
My expectations for the press conference:
*Pokemon Bank for Switch?
My expectations for the Direct:
*Normal-type woodland critter and basic Normal/Flying-type reveal
*Whether or not Gyms will appear this generation
*Galar forms?
@GrailUK That was a 30 second announcement of a Pokémon game with no footage just to reassure the fans.
That doesn’t have anything to do with my comment. My previous statement still holds up; they don’t dedicate time to a mainline Pokémon game during an E3 direct and it won’t be different this year.
@sanderev When was the last time they showed footage of a Pokémon game during an E3 presentation? They only show something during the Treehouse, not the actual presentation.
@Yasume Last year they showed off Let’s Go in the E3 Direct.
@Yasume They do have history of announcing their own games in their own Direct, then letting Nintendo highlight them at E3. Pokken 2 years ago. Let's Go last year. Why wouldn't they, it's advertising. You seem to be going back before the Switch era. Keep up Slowpoke
Sweet, looking forward to this - expecting Sword/Shield to be my first proper Pokemon since Red/Blue.
yes yes and more yesss I hope they announce Lets go 2 or Lets Go DLC Johoto expansion pass available to purchase for 14.99 after the press conference
@CorvoRevo where is the confirmation that is going to be an hour?
@GrailUK We were talking about the mainline Pokémon games here, not spin-off games. 😉
@Grumblevolcano That’s not a mainline Pokémon game.
@Yasume It is, Game Freak officially put it with the other mainline games.
@Yasume True, I'll concede that. But I dunno, it just feels like they should keep up a presence. Heck, if I ran the Pokémon Company, I would put Pokémon on Xbox One and treat it like Minecraft and show up at the Microsoft event!! Pokémon Go! kinda unleashed it's potential when not tethered to a Nintendo console. Cross play the shiz out of it! Lol, imagine that. Sword on Switch and Shield on Xbox. (Imagine the boost in hardware sales!) Still, Microsoft would have to throw every game on the Switch to even remotely consider that a fair deal. All their games or maybe sort out their online for them. That would be a fair exchange lol.
Looking forward to seeing new galar pokemon.
@Anti-Matter It was always highly likely Animal Crossing Switch would be at E3 this year. As will any other game they have confirmed for this year, more than likely.
They HAVE kind of pushed SMM2, Pokemon Sw/Sh, MP4, and FE:TH to the wayside in terms of spotlight for E3, so it does make me wonder what they'll be focusing on out of their current line up... and what they'll reveal.
@rhyeee3216 , of course. Look here :
1時 means "1 hour" ( to be honest the kanji 約 before 1時 means "approximately", so its circa 1hour long. )
btw, the picture is from the Nintendo Japan twitter account. Try to troll harder next time
Dare I dream of pikmin 4 or F Zero yes i very dare Nintendo. (I always say pikmin 4 and F Zero every year surely one year it has to come true). But sadly may not be both in the same year. Anyways e3 2019 is going to be epic i can't wait!.
@CorvoRevo I wasn't trolling lol i was seriously curious and that's awesome i am glad its that long even though i wrk and wont be able to watch it live
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