After more than 20 years of waiting, we can finally say that - as of right now - Final Fantasy VII is playable on a Nintendo System. The game has launched on Nintendo Switch today.

Originally entering development for the SNES, before then being reworked as a 3D title, Final Fantasy VII was eventually moved to the PlayStation after Square faced several technical difficulties with Nintendo's hardware. The shift to 3D meant that Square essentially had to choose between the PlayStation and the Nintendo 64, and after being impressed by the increased storage capacity offered by Sony's machine, the studio moved development for all of its projects away from Nintendo.

The relationship between Square and Nintendo wasn't quite as friendly after that, but 22 years after the game's official release, things have drastically changed.

You can pick up your copy from the Nintendo eShop right now for £12.79 / $15.99. If you've never played it before, here's a quick description from Nintendo's website:

The world has fallen under the dominion of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a sinister corporation that has monopolized the planet's very life force as Mako energy.

In the urban megalopolis of Midgar, an anti-Shinra rebel group calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their campaign of resistance.

Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra's elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the rebels, unaware that he will be drawn into an epic battle for the fate of the planet, while having to come to terms with his own lost past.

Will you be playing Final Fantasy VII on Switch today? Make sure to let us know how you get on in the comments below.