Following the announcement the global championships for Splatoon 2 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate would take place around the time of E3 in Los Angeles this year, Nintendo revealed the place to go for more information about this upcoming event would be its official E3 2019 website.
The site will also be used to share all the exciting Nintendo-related announcements that take place during this year’s expo between 11th - 13th June. Here's the description:
June 11-13
It’s almost that time of year…
…and we’re as excited as you are! Luckily, you can learn about all the newest game announcements, tournament news, and Nintendo’s E3 plans right here, so stay tuned.
Apart from this, there's not much else to do on the page at the moment, other than the ability to add the above-mentioned dates to one of your many digital calendars. We're sure this website will be packed out with plenty of new announcements by the time E3 is over.
Are you excited about E3 2019? What are you expecting from Nintendo this year? Tell us down in the comments.
Comments 99
I smell Animal Crossing announcements...
Can't wait for 30 hours of Animal Crossing gameplay
New first party titles like Animal Crossing and Lugi's Mansion
Potential news on Metroid Prime 4 or even Zelda BOTW 2
More details on the future partnership of Microsoft Xbox-Nintendo
And the first official details on the Switch mini and Switch Pro
Lots of potential excitement ahead!
@Grumblevolcano now you're just exaggerating. It'll be more like 29.5 hours 😉
Expect nothing, get excited by everything
Expect super waluigi land, Pokémon snap 2, full Zelda botw 2, Metroid 4 trailer and a new switch, be disappointed
@Grumblevolcano You say that like it's a bad thing
I'm not expecting much in terms of "new" first-party game announcements. There are so many games we already know exist that we know next to nothing about. Animal Crossing is the obvious one and I'm sure a large portion of E3 will be dedicated to it. Luigi's Mansion 3 and Pokemon Sword/Shield are also sure to get information blowouts. Fire Emblem and Link's Awakening will get touched on a bit, I suppose Daemon X Machina and Astral Chain as well. Plus some third-party goodies.
With all of that, I'm not sure we'll see much in terms of "new" announcements. Maybe the new Switch models if they aren't announced beforehand? Maybe a Super Mario Party 2 or another Mario spin-off? Or maybe one or two reveals for 2020 games? Eh, who knows. I just want to finally see Animal Crossing!
Pikmin 4 BABY!!
This won't be the same without Reggie.
We'll most likely get a few new game announcements but I'm really looking forward to is hearing about animal crossing/ fire emblem/ pokemon
All I want is a new Mario Golf! It's been too damn long.
@Spidey-Scrub Won’t work with the Players Choice version. You need the original print Animal Forest for the 64DD.
A friend of mine who works with Nintendo said expect a "surprise third party port" to be announced at E3. Which one, no clue. Maybe GTA5.
Looking forward to the new unannounced games, whenever they be just one or two. Nintendo knows that AC cannot give the levels of hype that Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey and Smash Ultimate generate no matter how popular AC is. So I think there will be one or two games that will be the hype announcement of this E3.
@iLikeUrAttitude Reggie the Tank Engine will be retired then, so all aboard Doug Bowser's Bad Breath Express!
A little too early for me to get hyped for E3 already but I'm certainly looking forward to it!
@kingbk Perhaps the witcher 3?
Any chance of a Nintendo Direct between now and E3?
Bring on the Animal Crossing info!
Cool. I'll be joining the community watching, and commenting in the NL live chat. That is, if I am available.
This E3 will definitely be worse than last year because of the lack of smash Bros announcements. Animal Crossing will probably be the big focus and that'll be a snooze-fest for sure.
It's going to be a good one but I don't think there will be too many surprises. With all the games we already know are coming this year, that's fine. I think there'll be 1 or 2 big 3rd party surprises, the 2 new Switch models will be revealed as will the premium online service that was rumoured a while back.
Nintendo VR for adults?
@Yosher I was thinking the same about how early it is. This year's E3 could repeat what Nintendo did in 2017 or in 2018, or a mix of both because Nintendo isn't easy to predict 😅
Has it been confirmed whether they're doing a full on live show or just a more meaty Nintendo Direct this time around? Honestly I much prefer the latter.
Small likelihood of anything Prime 4 related slightly buzz kills it for me, but I am hoping to see Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, and most importantly, Mario Maker 2. Also hopefully a reveal of the next Smash DLC character.
@Expa0 They've been doing the video approach for a number of years now so I doubt they'll be doing a live show. I also prefer the direct.
@PBandSmelly Gah yeah, I was trying to watch the US finals for Splatoon the other day, and about 1 out of every 5 people in there spent the entire event complaining that Smash wasn't on screen or getting announcements.
My favorite time of the year, no lie. All the hype and build up is always fun, even if the actual event isn't too hot (personally I haven't been a big fan of any of them recently - 2017's only saving grace was the Mario Odyssey trailer and 2018 was half patch notes, half stuff we already knew)
Hoping this year is the big one. Every year leading up to E3 I always do a reread of the entire Archie Mega Man comics line for some reason, it just so happens that yesterday I did the math to find out when I would start it again. Can't wait.
@SamusLv7 Yeah Nintendo is very unpredictable. We will have to wait and see what they'll have in store for us! Unless they announce ahead of time that they'll mostly be focussing on one game, like they did with Zelda Breath of the Wild (and to a lesser extent Smash Bros).
And cue the people claiming to have inside info while making vague predictions ("a surprise third party port"). Ha ha!
@Spidey-Scrub "Song: K.K. Summoning"
@Don There's a Nintendo Direct about once every calendar month, so I would expect one in May
@Lionyone Nah. Nintendo has already given all the attention that VR deserves.
@link3710 It was understandable at times as Nintendo showed the Fighters Pass trailer many times throughout the stream with "Approaching April" replaced with "Approaching...". Nintendo would've known that the reaction to this would be for people to want the tournaments to finish as quick as possible to get to an announcement like "3.0 and Joker out in a few hours", "3.0 and Joker coming on [insert date], here's gameplay" or "Smash Direct coming next week".
Praying for an awesome skit to introduce Mr. Bowser!
I'm hoping they won't mention Mario Maker 2 because we'll already be playing it, but if not then I hope we won't be hearing 'mario maker 2' and 'please understand' in the same sentence.
I'm hoping for a new Pikmin game or at least 1-3 remastered for the switch... Or both!
My hopes are high for this year. Also can't wait for more Pokémon info.
I really like this you can go get it now bit they're doing. Keep it up!
Also we seriously need some release dates and new announcements. I'm in a buying drought right now...
Show me Warioware or Wario Land for Switch, Nintendo.
@Grumblevolcano Yeah, but when people were going on about how awful Splatoon was, and how awful anyone who is a fan of it is in the same breath they were going on about Smash, it was really starting to bring down the mood IMO.
@link3710 Agreed.
@Yosher Let's hope that they at least give a decent focus on one unannounced game. Suddenly I am desiring for a 3D platformer game. Perhaps is because it has been 6 months since I played Mario Odyssey and I haven't played a game of this genre ever since.
Anyone actually expecting anything on Metroid Prime 4 is being unbearably naive. There'll be no news on it for at least 2 years.
@Maulbert they might show the ‘trailer’ or ‘footage’ or whatever retro studios made to convince Nintendo
I’m really hoping for some news on metroid, everything is welcome.
Something tells me they'll announce a Skies of Arcadia remaster, Pikmin 4, Mario Kart 10, Breath of the Wild 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 3. Although I could be wrong of course.
Not really looking forward to anything but 12 June is the wife’s birthday, so you never know, come on Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Luigi is her favorite character, even though she is not into gaming)
@ShaiHulud don’t put your expectations that high bro (but it is fun to think about that)
And what about Mario Kart 9?
Metroid prime trilogy HD! Pls?
I am expecting ENDLESS OCEAN 3 announced at E3 from the makers of Tetris 99.
1. Pokémon gameplay.
2. Animal Crossing gameplay.
3. Bayonetta 3 trailer.
4. Release date / gameplay Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
5. Half-Life 3
Guessing: Collaboration between Microsoft and Nintendo producing Augmented Reality game.
@Tantani The number 9 just hasn't got that ring to it!
Please... Xenoblade.
This makes me feel like the Switch will be pretty dead until the Summer... FE got pushed to the end of July, so I guess the only big exclusive game the Switch has to carry itself through all of Spring is Yoshi. I mean Yoshi looks fine, but not fine enough to carry a console for almost a whole season.
My reactions for E3 2019 probably :
1. Animal Crossing for Switch with gameplay similar with Dragon Quest Builders =
2. Two models of newer Switch =
3. Announcement of The Sims 4 on Nintendo Switch =
@SamusLv7 Honestly I would love if a Yoshi 3D platformer was made where Yoshi would control with Odyssey style controls. Ever since I've found out that that PlayStation game ''Croc'' started out life as a 3D Yoshi game I've been wanting one, but it hasn't happened yet.
Of course I know Yoshi's Crafted World just released though so that Yoshi platforming quota is filled for the Switch right now, but I'll still be hoping. I'll still settle for Mario Odyssey 2 or something though if it comes to that!
@shoeses Super Mario Maker 2 will be released in June.
Boxboy + Boxgirl in April.
Only may doesn't have a Nintendo published game.
@shoeses although not exclusive but I guess hand held: cup-head, final fantasy, mortal combat and things like that will help carry it through
I want more at this part of the year but it will be fine I guess
Edit: forgot about Mario maker which is huge and help carry it
@Swaz I was only on the Animal Crossing train, but this is also the content we need. I missed out on the 3DS one, but played Toadstool Tour, MG64, the GBA and Gameboy one to death.
Nintendo’s got a stacked lineup this year so I’m not expecting any big first party or third party exclusives. We might see a big announcement or two for something for the first half of next year, though.
FIFA 2020 OH YEAH!!!!!
I don't want to read to much into this but, if you take the date of March 31:
-change the "a" to an "o"
-change the "r" to a "t"
-switch the "c" and "h" around and then change the "c" to an "e"
-add an "r" on the end and then remove the "1"
I'm pretty sure that there is a possibility that this might mean something maybe.
This year has left: Daemon X Machina, Mario Maker 2, Fire Emblem, Luigi’s Mansion 3, Pokemon Gen VIII
And that’s just first party.
With Sony dropping out and Nintendo and MS joining forces, this is shaping up to be one doozy of an E3. Im now excited to see the MS conference along with the Nintendo E3 special
@sanderev Boxboy + Boxgirl isn't a game that can carry the Switch for a 2 months, let alone one. And yes, June, which is Summer, not Spring.
E3 is a strange beast for me. It takes its time throughout the year to get here, rushes up like a hype meme freight train when it comes near, then leaves you in its departing dust as you wait for its return.
The question is, how satisfactory is that dust?
@Tantani Oh they'll definitely help, but I'm not sure it'll be very much. And I'm talking about Spring, Mario Maker 2 is in June. The start of Summer is when the Switch actually starts picking up good momentum.
@Yosher I checked Croc and now I want to play it 😊 Also, I would like to see how they make a 3D platformer Yoshi game and with Nintendo being more open than before, I can see it happening. They could also experiment with the idea by making Yoshi playable in, let's say, small islands in Mario Odyssey 2.
Surprise release of Persona 5 for Switch, with an exclusive new persona: Yoshi!
(Looked at Animal Crossing Anagram)
Keeee heh ha mo-atata...
Keeee ha ha mo-atatata...
Ee na ro sheho-to bati...
In recent years, I dont get myself too hyped up for E3 anymore, but with the Microsoft/Nintendo relationship heating up, its gonna be really interesting. Whats also interesting is why Sony is completely no showing...Why cant they even just show Dreams, Last of Us 2 and Ghosts of Tsushima?? They're lack of Dreams coverage over the years is concerning, imo it's Sony most interesting exclusive in a while.
@Tossedllama It seems like @gokev13 cracked the code. They need back up before the localization squad kidnaps them!
@Mountain_Man My mom's father's grandson dry cleans Doug Bowser's briefs, and he told me to expect a new platformer within the next fiscal year, as well as a game starring a character in green.
Animal Crossing and Pokemon are what I want more info about. Everything else is secondary. Though it seems unlikely, I really want Animal Crossing to drop this summer.
I don't hate myself enough to jump on thw hype train this early. I'll calmly spend my time with all the Final Fantasy games coming to Switch next month instead.
@KryptoniteKrunch E3's very expensive so with Sony E3 2018 not being well received, the PS4 winding down and the possibility that some of the remaining games are on PS5 it's definitely a safer move just to do another one of those Sony Directs introduced a week ago (State of Play) near E3 instead of showing up to E3.
@shoeses I wouldn’t say Switch is dead until summer since there will be some decent 3rd party stuff releasing- MK 11, Assasin’s Creed, Darksiders, Final Fantasy, plus more. Usually Nintendo releases a game in May so maybe there’s a surprise? I would agree summer- end of year is going to be pretty heavy.
@PBandSmelly - You're able to read that rapid fire Meme-spammer minigun?!
@NintendoByNature Almost. It will be 29.2 hours 😉 By the way, nice avatar.
Hoping for some game footage and reveals. But something I’d be most looking forward to is the reveal of SNES games added to the Switch online. Just do it Nintendo.
I’d like an open world Wave Race. A Sonic the Hedgehog RPG like Baldurs Gate, StarCraft MMO and Half Life 3. Oh, and an N64 Mini and GameCube on Switch. 🤞🏻
Of course they're not going to have a trailer for Metroid Prime 4. Development only restarted a couple months ago. They'd be crazy to do a trailer this early.
Pretty tame April fools day story
@SamusLv7 thanks! I see yours is new too! Very cool
Last one was pretty disappointing, so I'm not expecting anything good this year. Not that I'll be up to watch it, as these usually take place at 2AM where I live.
@NCChris only sounds like that because of the persons name.
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD,
Pikmin 4,
Link's Awakening,
Animal Crossing,
Astral Chain,
Couple of 3rd party games,
New LABO kit,
Announces title of next Mario (kart?) Game
Hmm can't wait for e3 to begin
@Octane That's what I want to hear! That would be great!
Let me pile on the Animal Crossing band wagon. I am very excited about the game. Last week I dropped some money at the local store for a pre order.
I predict a VR enabled Battletoads game
Let the games begin!
@Grumblevolcano 30 hours of Animal Crossing is still better than Sony's show though......
My Mom had a real scare these past couple of weeks, in-between coming down with a new strain of pneumonia (which the CDC actually came and took samples from her) and heart failure (from the pneumonia).
She loves Animal Crossing. I desperately want to play the new Animal Crossing with her as I played with her all the time in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Such great memories!
@Don i say Apr 15th maybe even a Animal crossing direct but its reggies last day im sure we get something
@kingbk Metroid Prime 4 announcement unlikely. Development restarted back in January this year so it's doubtful they have anything ready to really show. Granted, it's possible, but... extremely unlikely. Oddly, while we can't really confirm anything, part of me wants to hate the idea of a Switch mini/Pro. It's odd, I don't know why I do.
@sanderev boom on tax day April 15th there will be a direct or an animal crossing direct and Nintendo surprises everyone and boom Animal crossing coming May 24th
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