The Sega Mega Drive Mini is set to bring Sega-focused retro delights to your living room later in 2019, all in a very similar fashion to Nintendo's NES and SNES mini consoles which saw releases in recent years. Before it arrives, though, Sega is hoping to find out which games you'd like to be playable on the system.
The company has hosted three Twitter polls which allow fans to vote for their preferred games. Focusing on the Sonic the Hedgehog, Puyo Puyo, and Shining Force series, each poll features just two options; the winner of each should find its way onto the console when it launches.
The first poll pits Sonic the Hedgehog (top) against Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (bottom).
Then we have Puyo Puyo (top) vs. Puyo Puyo Tsuu (bottom), and - just below that - Shining Force (top) or Shining Force II (bottom).
If you're hoping to pick up a Sega Mega Drive Mini later this year, make sure your voice is heard by dropping some votes. And then let us know how you voted in the comments too because we're nosy like that.
[source siliconera.com]
Comments 75
Soleil please sega
Shining Force is the correct answer
Micro Machines anyone? That game just never gets old, especially its 8-player version.
Does it matter? SEGA will probably give the Megadrive Mini to AT Games & it'll be trash much like the PS Classic.
Wake me up when we get the 32x Mini.
Ecco The Dolphin
So far they appear to be the only one actually trying to do this right outside of Nintendo. I would only hope (yeah right) they'd allow side loading of more. Some of my favorite Genesis games aren't theirs, they're licensed, and a couple are even awesome PC conversions that would never happen over licensing issues (Dune, Star Control.)
Maybe throw in some non-popular games, I don't know
I would expect all the Sonic games at the very least :/
Also, Rocket Knight Adventures!
Geeze... aside from one Puyo Puyo, I'd say... both?! I'd expect both Sonics and SF to be in there...
Why do you need to choose between sonic 1 or 2?? That is just mean
@DanteSolablood 32X was too niche of a market so that will never happen, also I have a feeling they are making it in house now due to the backlash.
@Bunkerneath I thought that it needs both not a choice between the 2
Give us Sonic 3, you cowards
Why not all of them?
If it has such a limited choice of games that it can't include both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, it can't be good.
Sega Mega Drive Classics has over 50 games on it for crying out loud, it shouldn't be less than that.
For that matter these collections never include Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles, which always hurts.
All the Sonics, including mean bean, spin ball and 3D.
Vector man 1 +2
Comix book
Secret of oasis
Dynamite headie
Zombies ate my neighbour
Toe jam and earl
Thunder force
Slaughter house
... so many good ones about
I would say Shining Force, but GBA version was a much better version. A lot of people have listed other games I'd like to see already. Ecco, Vector Man, Comix Zone, TJ&Earl. Emulation is the key though, needs to be perfect for certain games.
Sega has a history of farming out their emulation type consoles to companies that... aren't good at it. Ordered Analogue's upcoming console for the express purpose of having an HD Genesis option that doesn't blow and the ability to run any cart I wish
@DanteSolablood Don't you remember an earlier news story. SEGA Fired AtGames from the project, and are doing it themselves.
The lineup should look something like this:
-Altered Beast (only because it was the first pack-in game)
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2
-Sonic 3
-Streets of Rage 1
-Streets of Rage 2
-Gunstar Heroes
-Phantasy Star II
-Shining Force
-Eternal Champions
-Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
-Comix Zone
-Castlevania Bloodlines (Castlevania has made appearances on both the NES and SNES Classic consoles. Bloodlines is so vastly under represented)
-Contra Hard Corps
-Super Street Fighter II
Mortal Kombat II
Toejam and Earl
Toejam and Earl: PiF
Golden Axe
Shinobi III
Earthworm Jim
Rocket Knight Adventures
This shouldn't be that complicated. Sega needs to stop farming this crap out to garbage developers. There's a reason why both NES and SNES Classic were so well received. Though not 100%, the emulation was really well done, the controls felt good, and the libraries were a really solid mix of first and third party games! If Sega isn't willing to make a classic console of equal quality, then I fail to see the point. Yes, there's the quick buck angle, but shame on them if that's what they're after because they're destroying their own legacy for profit when it really isn't necessary.
@RupeeClock That's probably because the Jackson Family owns the rights to the music of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Don't matter, anyway, because once this hits America as the SEGA Genesis MIni, It's gonna get hacked, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles will be added to it!
But why? They already released like 100x times sega megadrive collection...... kinda funny. We will see the same games once again
yep AT games is not involved in this one,its Sega themselves this time which im sure will mean this is a quality product. the polls themselves are surely pointless unless you live in japan? these must be for the japanese marke.
Keep it mind that those polls are targeted to japanese audience. Also good to mention that there are no japanese Sega Genesis/Mega Drive collection available beside 3D classics for Nintendo 3DS
I know this will never happen, but I would like to see some EA games:
Desert Strike
Jungle Strike
Road Rash 2
NHLPA Hockey
James Pond Robocod
Would also like to see (I know these will never happen):
Sub Terrainia
Micro Machines
Mickey Mouse Castle of Illusion
World of Illusion
Earthworm Jim
Alien 3
@BanjoPickles And don't forget Mega Man: The Wily Wars, which was available in Europe and Japan. If it were in the American Unit, then it would make it more worth getting, since Mega Man was on the NES and SNES Classics, and is a big selling name, these days.
This makes no sense to not include all these classics.
Really? People will always vote the superior version, which in this case is always the sequel.
But I can't imagine a Mega Drive Mini with just one Sonic or Shining Force. About Puyo Puyo, who knows? Sega Ages has announced both will be released, so... there must be some appeal in Puyo Puyo 1.
@YoshiAngemon I believe that is why Sega replaced the music in the PC version of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. They could easily change it again in a remake.
You just need over 60 games on there Sega, no need for anything else and don't do it like AtGames. These are games that should be included without question:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles
Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog (they could easily just put in Taxman's version in there)
Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic 3D Blast
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Kid Chameleon
Decap Attack
Chakan: The Forever Man
Altered Beast
Golden Axe
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Eternal Champions
Virtua Fighter 2
Alisia Dragoon
Gunstar Heroes
Galaxy Force II
Jewel Master
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Alien Soldier
Beyond Oasis
Fatal Labyrinth
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Shadow Dance: Secret of Shinobi
The Revenge of Shinobi
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Comix Zone
Vectorman 2
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco Jr.
Ecco 2: Tides of Time
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Alien Storm
Dynamite Headdy
Toejam and Earl
Toejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron
Columns III
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Shining in the Darkness
After Burner II
Super Hang-On
Sonic Spinball
Super Monaco GP
Space Harrier II
Virtua Racing
Super Thunder Blade
Sword of Vermilion
Thunderforce II
Thunderforce III
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar
Zero Wing
Also some good third party games on there would be nice such as these:
Super Street Fighter II
Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Mega Bomberman
Mega Turrican
Contra: Hard Corps
Castlevania: Bloodline
Rocket Knight Adventures
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stone
Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Forgotten World
Splatterhouse 2
Splatterhouse 3
Out of this World
Earthworm Jim
Earthworm Jim 2
Road Rash
Road Rash 2
Road Rash 3
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
Aero the Acro-bat
Aero the Acro-bat 2
Samurai Shodown
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat II
Mortal Kombat 3
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Wolfenstein 3D
Zero Tolerance
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
They should include Shadowrun. One of the best games on the Genesis but I feel very few people played it.
No, thanks, they won’t put Sonic 3 again.
@Moroboshi876 For Puyo Puyo, for the International Audiences, there's Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.
@DanteSolablood Wouldn't you need the Megadrive mini to attach the 32x mini to to work? 🤔
I'd be down for any games that aren't released all the time everywhere else. Least Sega Ages line adds improvements to the games, making those rebuys somewhat worthwhile.
How about Landstalker?
And at least make it playable unlike on Switch Megadrive classics.
@YoshiAngemon I know, but I'd like to know what's the appeal of PP1 vs PP2, because even Sega Ages will release both on Switch.
Puzzle Bobble 2 is better than 1, undoubtedly, because it enhances everything, but I haven't been able to find any comparison between Puyo Puyo's first two entries.
I vote for Hotel Mario
What a terrible poll. The Mega Drive / Genesis mini should absolutely have ALL of the games in the poll options. SEGA's been releasing Genesis compilation games for YEARS that have multiple Sonics, Shining Forces, etc. Hell even the terrible Atgames mini consoles have multiple games per franchise.
How disappointing would it be if the Mega Drive / Genesis mini was limited to one game per franchise?
If this really is going to have 1 game per franchise, then this is destined to flop like the PS1 Mini. Its not like there arnt a million other ways to play Mega Drive games (Hell, you can play them for free on your phone via the SEGA Forever app). At the very least, this console should be aiming for 40-50 titles like their compilations and go all out on the "Genesis Mini does what Mini Nintendon't!" marketing (Won't matter since the NES/SNES Minis are discontinued).
Game selection was 1 flaw in the many the PS1 Mini had. SEGA should really be looking at that and consider what they can do to ensure their device isnt being discounted as low as $30 a few months after launch.
no vectorman, no buy. basta !
Puyo Tsu is the obvious answer for Puyo, but for Sonic and Shining, I'd want both of each.
Warsong and Mercs is the correct answer!
What's up with all the people thinking that the Sega Megadrive/Genesis Mini "should" have at least 50 games on it?
Are we suddenly forgetting that the SNES Mini also only had 21 games?
Just hope that they use a similar tech to Nintendo's, and then it'll be hackable and we can just put whatever game we want on there.
@ThanosReXXX To be fair, the NES Classic Edition had 30 games. SEGA Genesis games aren't as space-devouring as the SNES Games.
Spiderman and Moonwalker, but good luck on those.
@YoshiAngemon Still, it's Sega's SNES equivalent, so people shouldn't go and expect their collection to be FAR larger. They've probably done this because of Nintendo's success anyway, so they've more than likely taken a page out of their book on what and how many titles should be on there.
Regardless of file size, the commercial value of these titles is still similar, and that will be the deciding factor, from a company's point of view.
@Gerald agreed. Id love to see some third party games negotiated for release. Theres only so many times the same first party games can be rereleased. The 16 bit consoles had so many gems that truly defined that era. Some of which were Still exclusive. Disney licensed games and some of the konami games such as Rocket Knight Adventures are notable examples.
Sonic adventure 3
Seems more like marketing than an actual poll.
All the greats right there but very doubtful we’ll get all that goodness on the system.
EA games like Road Rash and Desert Strike
Gain Ground, that is all.
Makes no sense to vote, they should just include all of them.
I just cannot see SEGA not f*#^ing this up.
@RadioHedgeFund loved Soleil, still have my original cartridge! I'd be extatic if it made it onto the final list with Shining Force 2! I believe Soleil goes by Crusader of Centy elsewhere??
Soleil, A Huanting, Home Alone and Scooby Doo Mystery are what I'd want along with the usual games.
@Wesker I honestly think you are on to something as far as the Western version goes. EA was integral to Genesis success.
What a weird poll. I would expect all those games on it, especially Sonic 1 and 2 (and 3 and Knuckles) along with the 3 Wonder Boy / Monster World games, everything made by Treasure, and Gain Ground, and Landstalker.
Mickey Mouse and Aladdin, please!
Better yet, I wish someone would just make like a complete NES/SNES/GEN Disney Collection. Don’t you want my money, Disney (and I guess Capcom)?
@KingdomHeartsFan Agree. There are many collections that will have MORE than what is on here without the added clutter. I guess that some people want the experience of the controller though.
@justin233 That is a great idea! GOOF TROOP SNES on Switch perfect.
Hopefully this is better than the atgames ones.
If they are limiting the game selection to one per franchise.....yikes. I'm not sure that's the case, but why would they have a direct poll like this?
A Genesis mini without Sonic 1 or 2 is like the SNES Classic without Super Mario World or Yoshi's Island. I mean, the recent Genesis compilation on Switch/PS4 has ~50 games.
Literally the only Genesis game I care about is Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
Why limit it? You could put the entire Genesis library on a modern SD card. If they want to release something awesome, they should put all of these titles that they have permission to use, on the device.
They better all be on there if they expect anyone to buy this thing.
I'm pretty sure there's like 4 mega drive minis going round already. I have 2 versions i'll just wait till the dreamcast mini
Sonic Adventure 1 + 2
Skies of Arcadia
Chu Chu Rocket
Panzer Dragoon series
Nights into Dreams
Jet Set Radio 1 + 2
Virtua Racing
Time Traveler Hologram
Sega Swirl
(I know it said Mega Drive, but, I'd much rather play these retro Sega games instead)
Were there any good games on the Mega Driver? I can't remember.
Super Fantasy Zone and Bonanza Bros. are must-haves. Castlevania Bloodlines would also be sweet.
Streets of Rage was my combo include on my Genesis console. This is a great game and should be on there. Also include Road Rash, Mortal Kombat and Sonic
Sega's late to the party. I think the biggest hype is gone already. Also, people are going to think it's crap because of all the other Sega consoles that have been released. Yes, this time it's not AT games but will people think it that way? No, they'll see it that it's just another bad piece of plastic with poor emulation of Sonic on it. Another thing is a point already made here; Sega has released like a billion of Genesis/Megadrive/Sonic collections to a bunch of consoles already. The latest being the Switch version not that many months ago. Will even the hardcore Sega-fans be interested of it because the already have those games in their PS4/Xbox/Switch?
It should be THE definitive version of all those previous collections. Perfect emulation, save states, extras, all games from previous collections (+ more). Also if the console had a cart slot and the ability to run your own old Genesis/MD carts. That would be a selling point.
Ecco the Dolphin, Streets of Rage 1+2, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, both Toejam and Earls, Sparkster, Jurassic Park.
I never really played the system in its prime so I’m not sure what I’d like on the console; I sincerely hope Nintendo is planning an N64 Mini, GC Classic, GBC Mini or GBA HD Micro soon.
Mega Man: The Wily Wars and Castlevania: The New Generation/Bloodlines. Those two i really wish to see on MD mini.
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