In celebration of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate releasing on the Switch, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé hopped up on stage with Geoff Keighley at this year's Game Awards to reveal a new character that will be included in the game's first DLC pack.
Representing the Japanese company Atlus will be Joker from Persona 5. Here's the official Twitter confirmation:
The game's first Challenger Pack will also include a new stage and various music tracks. In total, there are five packs planned for Ultimate that can be purchased in a single transaction known as the Fighters Pass bundle. At this point in time, there's no information about when exactly these DLC packs will be released.
Are you excited this Persona character will be joining the roster in Smash Ultimate? Tell us below.
[source, via]
Comments 235
You never see it coming!
Sooooo that happened? Hoping for a P5 port announcement in the January direct now.
Interesting announcement but not one that particularly excites me. Seems like a strange choice unless they port Persona 5 to the Switch.
This is so cool! And now I really think we are going to get Banjo!
This is incredible and totally unexpected. I was just playing Persona Dancing earlier today.
With SMTV coming too, this could be the gateway for the series to migrate over to Switch.
If Persona 5 isn’t announced for Switch than this is a terrible choice.
The fact that Nintendo themselves chose this still shocks me. It has me excited for the rest of the fighter pass.
@link3710 I’d be down for that. I watched my old roommate play a good chunk of the game but trying it has been on my to do list. Having it available to me on the go would make jumping into a 100 hour RPG less daunting!
Omg! I hope these means the persona games are also coming, please! Then I can retire my Vita
Hopefully we'll get some new Sonic remixes with that pack since Sega is back to being open to new Smash content
Now I know that Nintendo isn’t holding back with their choices and isn’t afraid of third party. Getting Banjo & Kazooie actually seems plausible at this point.
Nice to see some... Heh... Persona Q representation.
Nice to see Atlus/SMT/Persona get a rep. Please tell me this means Persona 5 on Switch!!
Anyone else wonder what it is the Joker is going steal in Smash Brothers Ultimate?
I almost spat out my tea when this was announced...
At this rate with all the PlayStation exclusive characters coming over into Smash, I might finally get to play as Knack.
Still no word on Metroid Prime 4 either...
I’m excited for Smash but I’m very concerned that 2019 is gonna be sorely lacking in terms of new content and games save for SSBU.
A cool surprise for sure, but considering this is what ninty was hyping up....another smash related news then talk about disappointing. Not knocking smash of course as i love the series...but im more curious on other games not smash related.
Oh god yes. Persona 5 is my favorite JRPG since Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Tales of Vesperia (sorry Xenoblade, you're a runner up), so I'm super stoked to be able to play as Joker in Smash. That means we get Persona 5 music and a stage, too!
I could not be happier right now
The way Reggie spoke about the DLC characters gave me hope for Goku
Can’t help but feel pretty annoyed that they hyped a Skyward Sword port and that’s what they brought to the table.
Huh. Kind of a weird choice considering this is all up to Nintendo's decision-making. Guess they have something in mind for Persona?
This is so awesome wow!🤯
Not at all who I was expecting but I'm hyped. Never played a Persona game but have always wanted to. Probably going to jump into 4 on my Vita then 5 on the PS4 some point next year. Glad to see him.
I really never did see this coming! Man, this is awesome. Surprise is probably my favorite part of getting new Smash characters. The potential for a creative moveset is insane, I can't wait to see what Sakurai can do with the character.
Also, does this hint towards a Persona 5 Swotch port?!? I really hope that that happens, I'd love to play that game portably.
If this is the kind of thing Nintendo is going for, I think Chrono would be really great to get for one of the other packs, especially since Nintendo missed the game on the SNES Classic.
And just to appease the fans, I think Waluigi needs to be in one of the packs too, even if he's just in addition to another more unique and unexpected character.
@Electricghost I’d imagine we’re duenfor a non Smash direct soon
Who is this guy again? Hmmm... maybe I would had known who this guy is if only Atlus release Persona 5 for the Switch.
Obscure franchise? Persona? How is Persona obscure, exactly?
Also I don’t get why everyone is like, “unless P5 is on Switch this is a bad choice.” We already got Cloud. That floodgate has been opened. Of course, said fans might think Cloud shouldn’t be in this too...
Either way, I’m excited! Much better than most characters I’ve heard people ask for, in my opinion!
What is the point of announcing "several games", if many are not really ready, unless you want to see something that most likely is not the final game, and only be a teaser, like several that have come out lately...
So when is that persona 5 announcement on the way Atlus?
@ShadJV final fantasy 7 is coming out on switch though.
Cloud's been on Nintendo before too.
This has me super excited. If Banjo or even someone like Crono gets announced, I would never ask Nintendo for anything.
@Snakesglowcaps they clearly said afterwards that the port isn't a thing that was happening.
On Topic: Never played a Persona game but this is still pretty neat!
Oh my oh my oh my!!!!
Joker isn't a swordfighter, though. Sure he has a dagger but he'll mostly be fighting with his persona.
This sets an exciting precedent. Not a Persona fan, but I'm open to trying it again. Persona 5 for Switch when?
I’m just here to say Octopath Traveler was ROBBED for best soundtrack. ROBBED!!!!
I've never played Persona, but I know this: This is a HUGE deal. All of the DLC fighters are chosen by Nintendo, not Sakurai. Persona 5 was considered one of the best games of JUST last year, but it was a Sony exclusive, it still is (for now). Nintendo threw one of the biggest Wildcards out there tonight. The rest of the DLC will be AMAZING. Expect the unexpected.
Plot twist: Tomorrow they announce a direct with Persona 5 port and Metroid 4 gameplay
The real question is how do you pick from the series' god-tier osts?
@Electricghost I mean, we already have a few announcements for 2019 like a new Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing. I would hardly say that we're starved in 2019...we'll see what more pops up soon enough.
This was genuinely an amazing reveal. Wow. Just wow.
@Electricghost um, wut?
2019's line up already includes: Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon
All of which are new, from the ground up titles for Switch. Those are also just the first party titles, and just the ones we know about.
Would’ve loved to see something else than another Smash reveal, but it’s cool I guess. In a couple of hours I will be playing some Smash myself.
@Sgt-Jack-V gang weed
@Electricghost obscure? Persona 5 won at least 4 awards and almost beat BotW for game of the year last year. It’s a top selling JRPG series.
If there isn't a Persona 5 Switch port announcement in the future than this was a dumb choice.
@MushHill_Act1-1 also, Xander Mobus gonna have a field day
@Delibheel and Joker will be on a Nintendo platform in Q2. Its not like FFVII was in the works for Switch back when they released Cloud, that was a recent thing.
@Electricghost I mean, we know Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 3, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Yoshi are coming, and you know there's always stuff we don't know about. It'll be a good year for Switch.
One could have said the same for Cloud.
But lo and behold, Final Fantasy VII got announced. Pretty sure Persona will come too, given this announcement (and Castlevania, though I’m not confident it’ll be anything more than a collection of the DS titles). MGS will likely see Twin Snakes Remastered.
@Electricghost doesn’t even use a sword
Persona 5 is my favorite game on PS4... honestly I would have went with Queen. But it makes sense to have Joker to represent Persona 5.
Alright so does this also mean persona 5 is switch bound? If so then this is awesome news
@JaxonH FFVII’s release is unrelated to Cloud. He came out for the previous Smash on the Wii U, and there’s no way a straight port of FFVII took 4 years to make. This could be a hint of P5 but not necessarily, it’s also the main character from a very popular game series.
@daebiya yeah I don't think they should put characters in that are not on a Ninty platform
@Brutchie-bear Ah. Hence my complete lack of knowledge for the Persona franchise; just looked like a humanoid sword player to me.
@Ralizah I suppose but most of those titles you mentioned don’t spur much interest on my end.
@ShadJV I don’t play nor care for most JRPGs.
@Tr1s Pokémon Eevee/Pikachu
looks lovely but it’s not a priority purchase for me at this time.
@JayronAuron yeah- nearly forgot about Luigi’s Mansion 3. That one should definitely be a fun time.
@Frenean a what?
@LUIGITORNADO a what and who now?
We got ourselves a Cloud situation again. Talk about out of left field!
@Electricghost whether you play JRPGs is irrelevant to whether it’s an obscure series. Because it really isn’t, it’s pretty popular.
I truly never saw it coming. Wow. Persona 5 Crimson here we gooo
Where's the big stuff Ninty??? No Metroid? ... Yes cool another fighter in smash but it's not really a wow moment
This was a totally unexpected but very welcome surprise.
Let’s see if Persona 5 comes to the Switch... it would be the logical next step
@patbacknitro18 I want a campaign where Joker has to steal Bowser's distorted desire for kidnapping princesses. The credits scene is Bowser tearfully confessing his sins at a press conference.
Sorry, who? This character really doesn't excite me whatsoever.
That's not birdo.
@Electricghost also Tr1s is talking about next year’s Pokémon game, not Let’s Go. The new Gen 8 game.
I don't care about Persona, but this is another example that Sakurai magic does exist
Are you serious? We got mario bros ,pokemon ,town ,AC,FE three houses ,Yoshi and luigi mansion 3 already. So was not expecting much to be announced here.
@ShadJV thanks mate
Not saying that but it does make sense for persona 5 to be announced next year.
@shonenjump86 I want a Direct where Sakurai reveals that Makoto will be Joker's canon gf in Smash, then spends 20 minutes scolding everyone who dated Ann.
@Arnold-Kage wouldn’t be upset if it was. Don’t think it’s a given though. There’s definitely a possibility but it’s also possible they just looked at recent GOTY nominees for another popular character to add.
At this point, I expect all characters from PlayStation exclusives to come to Smash Bros.
@Electricghost I get not liking sword fighters or rpg, but calling persona obscure is ridiculous.
I jokingly predicted this on Xander Mobus' channel 3 months ago.
It was a joke, but I still called it.
True but with how popular most of athus rpg have bin on the 3ds ,and the fact Nintendo also did a crossover with one of their franchise on the wiiu. Well I got this feeling we are getting some atlus rpg goodness announced in an direct soon or next year. Maybe even like how they revealed all that FF news at the last direct. Sure all of it was ports ,but as an rpg fan who would really care
This is incredible!! I'm really happy to see this. Really unexpected! Now please some ports, I hope there's a good number of music from Persona!
So I learned that Persona 5 isn't even on Nintendo platforms. Why the hell are they putting this character in Smash then? Cloud was understandable for legacy purposes... but this guy??? Never heard of him and if Persona 5 isn't even coming to Switch as well then I'll have very little interest in this character whatsoever. Very disappointing IMO. But whatever. I'm still buying the DLC and if he's fun to play then that's fine I guess. It'd be nice if they actually put someone relevant to Nintendo in the game though.
Or does this guy appear in any Nintendo-based Persona game too? I'm not familiar with the series at all so I have no idea. But if he's appeared properly on Nintendo platforms before then I'm much more okay with him being here in Smash. But then it just seems weird to say "Smash x Persona 5", since that game is not on Nintendo platforms. Unless they announce that at one point I guess and they just haven't yet.
@Arnold-Kage it’s cool to be optimistic just try not to spread rumors is all. The internet has a way of taking speculation and turning into misinformation and then everyone blows things out of proportion, like the rumors of GameCube on VC that have gone on since the Wii U (or earlier). People like to jump on any slight evidence and exaggerate it into fact. I’d be ecstatic if P5 comes to Switch but it’s hardly confirmed, at this point it’s all theory.
For those who are wondering, Cloud Strife was in Kingdom Hearts on GBA, and Theatyrthym Final Fantasy on 3DS.
Likewise, Joker was in Persona Q on 3DS.
What this means, is that whether or not a character's home game was on a Nintendo system is irrelevant. What matters is whether the character itself has appeared on a Nintendo console regardless of whether on not it was a tiny spin-off. If the character appeared in a game on a Nintendo system, they're eligible for Smash.
@Yosher he’s in Persona Q2 which currently is only out in Japan on 3DS but Persona Q (also 3DS) did eventually get localized. For all we know Persona Q2 may be coming to the Switch... and either way he is on a Nintendo platform, just not in the West.
@Electricghost Persona is NOT an obscure RPG and joker isn't an sword fighter
True and sorry if It seems I was making rumors. Just wishful thinking based on atlus success on nintendo systems in the past
@JR150 minor correction, Joker was in Persona Q2 which wasn’t localized outside of Japan. Persona Q came out long before P5. Joker has technically been on a 3DS game, just only in Japan.
And worth pointing out to others reading this, the Persona Q series is Persona crossed with the Mystery Dungeon games, like Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.
@Arnold-Kage no worries, I indeed hope so too and there’s definitely a chance given this info. Hopefully it means more but either way I love that Joker got into this!
@Electricghost There's usually a Direct around January I think. I would guess the meat of their 2019 reveals or at least the first 3-6 months will be in that.
Ah, sorry. But my point still stands. Even a character from a weird Call of Duty spin-off could get in Smash now.
The real question is,
Does this mean there will be any trophies from Radiant Historia?
@ShadJV @JR150 Well, thanks for that information guys. I'm more okay with him being in Smash now.
In the case of minor spin-off or cameo appearances though (as was the case for Cloud before FFVII was announced for Switch), I still think it's kinda dumb. I don't know if that 3DS game is a spinoff though. But it's alright, he's on a Nintendo platform in some way at least. I just hope this also means Persona 5 is coming to Switch. I might try it out.
I love how many people are upset "this is a waste of a character slot" "who's that? Ugh"
Go play Persona 5 and broaden your views .
Weird pick, considering this had to be on the short list Nintendo gave Sakurai (The series, because I doubt Nintendo dictated a specific character). Even if it's not Persona 5, I wonder if we're getting something Persona related next year.
But Waluigi is an assist trophy. What is wrong with you Nintendo!?!?
Wish we got a game play trailer for the character ,but fine with this announcement. Helped me decide to buy the hopefully first season pass of smash dlc
@Yosher the 3DS title is indeed a spinoff, it’s not canon, has different gameplay, and has characters from all different entries. It’s a spin-off as much as Hyrule Warriors is a spin-off. But I mean, he’s no different than putting Cloud in.
This made my day. I'm so excited. I couldn't ask for a better new character to show up in SSB:U. Persona!
It kind of does for this season pass. Would not mind seeing another sonic rep but doubt they add another Sega character with the inclusion of joker
@Arnold-Kage I’m glad we didn’t get a gameplay trailer since that likely means he still is in the early stages, so no one can complain they held back content to sell as DLC. This at least implies they’re working on the DLC after release.
Hopefully Persona 5 gets ported to Switch.
@Arnold-Kage considering Sakurai said they only recently started on DLC. I doubt it's in a state worth showing yet.
Can't wait to see what other obscure characters they'll select and waste DLC slots on to promote their competition. Maybe we'll see a hunter from Bloodborne, or the protagonist of a Fable game.
@turntSNACO lol, that would be pretty cool.
Is this the big Nintendo reveal? As it stands if you don't own a PlayStation then you don't even know anything about the character. Great game by the way is Persona 5 if it ever does come to the Switch for those who haven't played it
@ShadJV I wasn't happy with Cloud either (until that FFVII Switch announcement that is) but at least he has a big legacy going for him, AND Final Fantasy has had a much better history on Nintendo platforms. Can't say that about this guy or his series from what I gather.
A more worrying comment is Reggie said the DLC are characters we wouldn't expect. So no Rex
Maybe the main character from God of War is next?
Doom Guy and Goku next please.
Their some who could have gotten a small change. Egg man or tails in my opinion are the only two left if a assist trophy means your out. Still like you say their dead in the water now
@Regpuppy @ShadJV
Yeah good point. Forgot about how most would react like that
I’m pretty sure FF appearing on Nintendo (specifically Cloud) was negotiated back on Wii U. The Switch was well into development at that time and they knew Wii U was a failure. Simply bided their time until the next system came around, and timed it just before the next Smash, which they had already likely negotiated Cloud would be a part of. Ryu was in and they were sure to represent Street Fighter right away on Switch as well, not Wii U.
These things get negotiated well in advance, and by appearing in Wii U, it helps fans become more familiar with these characters before the ineviatable Switch they were gambling on. It’s only a matter of time before the remaining characters are also cashed in on.
@Yosher well Persona is technically a spin-off series of the Megami Tensei series, and counting all the games in the series includes well over 50 games (it nearly doubles if you include all the mobile games). And the first Megami Tensei game was on the Super Famicom, so technically this isn’t really much different than Cloud - it’s Atlas’s biggest franchise (and FF is Square’s biggest franchise), and similarly the character is the main protagonist of the most popular entry in a series that started on a Nintendo platform and is coincidentally the most popular series that company makes. Both never had their specific title on a Nintendo platform (Cloud will now but that’s a full generation after his Smash debut, if we mirror that then Persona 5 would come to Switch’s successor) but both had their entire series start with Nintendo, Megami Tensei just gets more complicated by having over half a dozen different series within the series, of which Persona is one. Make sense?
This is incredible, and gives me crazy ideas for the other 4 fighter packs.
Why nobody remembers that PQ2 just released in Japan on 3DS and it has the Joker as it's protagonist.
@JaxonH yes things do but it could’ve come anytime during the first 2 years of the Switch’s life. In fact, the Switch would’ve only benefited if Square released all these games on the Switch spread out through the first few years instead of all within its third year. I find it unlikely they were planning the port of FFVII back then and left the first year of he Switch comparatively barren, waiting until it began to get flooded with good games. I am very much aware of how the industry works, thank you. But Cloud’s addition likely had no relation to the port of FFVII four years after on the next platform (especially given the fact it’s literally the same port that’s on almost every Sony console, Steam, and smartphones). They would’ve staggered the releases then.
@kopaka multiple people have pointed that out already.
Have to buy persona 5 now!!!
...Meh. Persona is neat and all but I'm not really that interested in this addition. I'm hoping they at least do some cool stuff with him; if he turns into another mostly slashy-stabby character, I'll probably hardly use him.
@ShadJV Makes total sense, thanks very much for that explanation! I'm still not super happy with his inclusion in Smash but I am more neutral to the idea now, and maybe he'll grow on me over time once he's out. I was also not aware that it was part of that Megami Tensei so that's good to know.
Much appreciated!
So how long did it take between Cloud's appearance in Smash and getting FF7 on a Nintendo console?
P5 seems doable since there is already a PS3 version. P5 is an excellent game and one of my favorite PS3/4 exclusives...
Besides the SMT games, I think Persona Q and Q2 are only true Persona games on a Nintendo console to date?
@Orin41 I mean, they did add this guy...
Hope Persona 5 comes to Switch though. I've heard great things but haven't played it.
Its not about dumping it as soon as possible, it's about nurturing a new fanbase. If the cards get played right, maximum exposure can ensure a faithful following on Nintendo for years to come. Smash releasing on Switch was a crucial part of this.
Timing is everything.
@Trajan Definitely worth playing. Persona 3/4/5 are all great. Worth getting a PS3 for in my opinion just to play them!! (And it can also play Persona 1 and 2, and some other games, or so I've heard.) Other Shin Megami Tensei games are also worth checking out, and there are several on the 3DS.
I’m all for inclusion of third party characters, but it’s frustrating when the characters chosen are ones I can’t identify with unless I play their games on other platforms. Here’s hoping Persona 5 gets a Switch port soon, or there’ll be someone on the roster that will forever be unknown to Nintendo-only console owners like myself.
@thesilverbrick Series like Persona and Final Fantasy are so good I think it's worth getting a system just to play them.
Still waiting for Kratos, Master Chief, and D.Va though.
No it doesn't mean persona 5 is coming to the switch.
We had this before when Ryu was announced for smash. People saying Wii U now getting a street fighter game.
Just see it as joker will be in smash.
Joker was a random onr that im cool with having even though I never touchd Atlus games. Personally I want more 1st party dlc this time around. Aside from Banjo I dont really want anymore 3rd party characters and the ones I did want got deconfirmed.
@blecch I was looking at strange journey redux when it came out in May. Worth it?
Please let this be an indication that Persona 5(and the series in general) is coming to Switch.
@thesilverbrick as a veteran on the 90s console wars, it does seem really odd to me.
Maybe Nintendo is no longer a fanboy company? Maybe they expect you to own a PS4?
Surprising choice, though it does manage to fit the theme of World of Light remarkably well. Really hoping this means we might see a Persona 5 port announcement--the Persona series, other than Persona Q, has been PlayStation exclusive so far, but Atlus was very active on the DS and 3DS, and we know that Shin Megami Tensei 5 is on the way for the Switch. Would love to see more Atlus support. More news on SMT5, Persona 5 port, Persona Q2 getting a US release (either 3DS or Switch, I'm not picky), maybe give us the Tokyo Mirage Sessions port that seems like such a no-brainer, perhaps other Persona or SMT ports.
The DLC characters could be anyone at this point.
Remember when Cloud showed up, FF7 port felt like it was never going to happen...
1. Joker uses a knife, gun and demons as his weapons.
2. Persona isn't really obscure anymore, largely because of Persona 5.
Aside from Banjo or Rayman, I think there are enough 3rd party characters now.
Just my 2 cents.
@Electricghost lol? Persona 5 was contending to GOTY.
@Trajan I’m also a veteran of the 90s console wars, but one who doesn’t have the time or budget to own multiple consoles every generation. Smash has always been such a celebration of Nintendo and the various third parties that appear on their consoles. It’s just bizarre and counterintuitive to add characters that Nintendo fans have no personal experience with nor a connection to unless they own a rival console. Switch ports of Persona games could easily remedy this, and I’m hoping that they’re in the cards. Something tells me they are, seeing as Nintendo itself chose this guy, and I doubt they’d heavily promote a game that their console owners have zero access to.
@blecch I’m not at all insinuating that Persona isn’t an excellent series. I just find it strange that Nintendo would use Smash to heavily promote a game they stand to gain zero profit from, and that such a promotion would only serve to benefit Sony. I have a strong suspicion (like many others) that a Persona port or two for Switch is very likely in the works and will be released to tie in with this DLC.
@LUIGITORNADO There won't be a Direct this year. No point really. But I suspect one early January.
@thesilverbrick P5 came out on PS4 ages ago. Sony are not gonna get some huge upside from this this.
So under that pretext. Ryu only benefited Sony when he was announced for smash right and made no sense being in smash and Nintendo didn't benefit at all.
Why would anyone actually care about P5 on PS4 getting more exposure from this?
Joker being included is great regardless of P5 being in switch or not.
@thesilverbrick I hope you're right.
I never even dared to ask for Joker, just now I realised my secret desire for him in Smash, this is unreal, this is INCREDIBLE. This might be my favourite Smash Bros reveal ever, I'm not joking!
Thank you Nintendo!
@kobashi100 Introducing a character into Smash always generates interest in their respective series. Marth and Roy’s inclusion in Smash is what led to Fire Emblem getting released internationally and becoming successful. Adding a character from Persona 5 is undoubtedly going to spark interest in that game, and when Switch players who are intrigued can’t find the game on a Nintendo console, there are a few that will purchase it elsewhere. Comparing this to Ryu is not at all the same thing. I was never a big fan of Street Fighter, but when he was included in Smash 4, I was able to revisit his legacy via the SNES Virtual Console games and SFIV on 3DS. The difference here is I have zero options to experience anything with Joker in it unless I buy a rival console. It’s just bizarre.
As multiple people already mentioned, he is on a Nintendo console with Persona Q2.
Plus, a Persona 5 port isn't even that unlikely, all previous Persona games have an later released enhanced version on handheld (PSP/vita). Now, Switch is the only current gen handheld console...
"Power" also can't be an issue, If someone wants to argue, as japan has a PS3 version as well.
Port of not, I really like this idea.
They could do some interesting stuff with him in Smash.
If Nintendo is publishing Marvel Ultimate Alliance, how about Wolverine or another Marvel character???
I wanted a Joker has joined the fight reveal
Man, you're a prime example of a clueless person pulling a rabbit out his butt.
1. Persona is a top-selling JRPG franchise. Joker is not a swordfighter. He fights using a knife, a gun, and a persona (demon-like spirit)
2. 2019 is already packed, whether you care about the releases or not. Pokémon gen 8, Yoshi, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 3 and possibly Bayonetta 3 and/or Metroid Prime 4 (not to mention the rumored Metroid Prime Trilogy which should also be pretty cool).
Your initial comment (I have not bothered reading the rest if there are more, so if you've already been preached to a multitude of times, I apologize) really should have been one for the bin until you'd done the bare minimum of research on either area.
I mean for gods sake, at least spend 5 seconds googling "Joker from Persona 5" before you screech "generic swordfighter" at the screen and start angrily typing an inane comment.
I understand fully that not every franchise is for everyone, and that probably includes the majority of 2019's currently confirmed releases for you. That is unfortunate, but it's not Nintendo's fault.
You're not "specifically" at fault for having the "taste" in games that you do, but it's clear that the limiting factor is your narrow scope of interest in several prominent Nintendo IPs and several successful and fun genres.
Now, I'm not without fault myself of course, having zero interest in Metroid Prime 4, anything Mario or SSBU for that matter (Still bought SSBU for Isabelle & Inkling Girl, they're simply a joy to play regardless of the games they're in), but maybe you should try to broaden your horizon and take a leap of faith?
Maybe pick out one of the releases, get into it, get hyped and see what the fuzz is all about? I did that with SSBU, and while I have never played (beyond some hours on wii u at a friend's) a smash bros game before, and had absolutely no interest in the franchise, I decided to try it out, and I'm coming away really pleased with the decision.
Yes! yes! yes! All the yes!
imagine being @Electricghost lol
@Braok imagine being a dullard like yourself; jog off, boy.
@Blizzia read my previous comments before shooting your mouth off.
@ShadJV Ah- so I see.
@Angelic_Lapras_King let’s hope. I was really wanting more information on MP4.
Poor choice. There are plenty of characters who have appeared on Nintendo systems that are far more deserving, for that reason.
@Frenean meh. I wanted more obscure/bizarre characters. JRPG characters bore me.
@Snakesglowcaps Who hyped up a Skyward Sword port? They didn't start that rumor and even explicitly said there were no plans for it currently. If anyone was still thinking there was going to be one announced after that, that's on them and not Nintendo.
Because of what you just said. It released in Japan. Most people only keep track of what released in their region
Having recently finished Persona 5 this is amazing news for me, and if they rerelease it on Switch (however unlikely that is) I'd darn sure play it again.
@thesilverbrick I suppose that while Smash does attract the attention of players to the series of the characters involved, Nintendo also expects to get the attention of Persona fans to Smash. The Persona games would definitely get more benefit fom this though.
It could also be because this character appears in Persona Q 2 for 3DS and I think it's getting localized, and if not, this certainly improves the chances, as well as a Persona 5 version or a collection of the previous games for Switch in the future.
Remember don't feed the troll kids.
As much as I would love a Persona 5 port was it not published by Sony? I am sure they had some involvement so I don't believe a port is possible.
It is also worth remembering that characters are chosen for their potential moveset as much as how iconic they are and Joker offers some excellent possibilities in this regard.
@Electricghost I'll politely decline, seeing as you clearly didn't bother to read my reply
Whatever response you may have had wouldn't justify the crap you pulled anyway.
Interesting choice, considering there is no core Persona games on Nintendo consoles. I hope this means they are porting P5 to the Switch as it is the only one left I haven't played and I don't wish to buy a PS4 for only a handful of games
I reckon Doom guy will be one DLC characters.
I'm hoping Atlus see that people want Persona 5 on Switch. In fact I'd love a Persona collection! Including the spin offs as well
@Electricghost actually he uses a gun and magic based attacks.
@The__Goomba he’s still lame.
So is Kratos next?
@Blizzia go back into the sewer you slithered out from.
Are you kidding me, Nintendo? I thought Smash stood for quality. I'd take Piranha Plant over this joke character any day.
This trailer could've been executed a lot better. It really needed tightening up.
Fantastic news. P5 was my GOTY on release and I couldn't be happier.
Absolute no-brainer to get P5 on Switch, there's not way that's not happening. It's scaleable - ran on PS3 just fine.
@Electricghost Well, yeah. Any year will seem "lacking" with tastes as narrow-minded as yours.
I was way stocked to see Joker ! I love Persona games and would definitely buy the game if it comes to the switch!
Excited to see what the other 4 character are.
Banjo, Geno, hollow Knight , the possibilities are endless
So unbelievably hyped.
@Electricghost 1. I don't recall Smash having any other knife using dual wielders that can summon a monster to fight alongside them
2. How is Persona obscure at all?
Wow cool! Didnt expect this, but more than welcome awesome character.
@ShadJV Honestly, a straight port of FF7 would have meant getting an emulator for PSone working on the Wii U a console that was dead by the time Smash 4 came along. If they could have gotten PSone games running on the 3DS they probably would have made the deal to get FF7 on that.
My guess is that the deal with Cloud was, "Okay SE, we know fans want Cloud in Smash, we know even though you guys are being dicks, you want Cloud in Smash. So how about we put him in this version, and the next version for our next console, and you make a port of FF7 for our next console?"
SE responds with, "Yeah I guess... it's good for us in every way possible and requires virtually no investment. But we're only giving you two music tracks."
Nintendo roles their eyes. "It's such a shame you guys have such a good back catalogue."
My guess is that the discussion with Atlus went, "Hey, you've put a good number of games on our consoles, let's talk Smash."
"We think you should put a character from Persona 5 in."
"But that's not even on one of our consoles."
"Do you remember how much money we lost on that Fire Emblem cross over we made for the Wii U?"
"So which character were you thinking?"
"That's an exclusive for the PS4."
"Remember how we were the only developer other than you who put out a game for the Wii U for how many months?"
"So after the exclusivity deal with Sony runs out, you'll port it to the Switch?"
Atlus shrugs, "Sure."
(I realize that last joke line could be seen as a reference to that crazy lady who wrote the books that crazy people love. I thought about it but I haven't read them, and I think she was probably a sociopath based on what I know of the book.)
mueeeaywywywyhwywhhyhhhhhhh Well, It's interesting. But it just seems wierd that it's just a trailer and no footage. But I guess he's not ready yet.
Next fighter: Jago from killer instinct lol, just to say thank you Rareware, now give us Killer instinct back.
Forgive my ignorance... who?
Well color me impressed. This is certainly better than Piranha Plant. Still me really liking Persona 5 can't stop me from thinking this is an odd 3rd party character choice, much like Cloud. I know Persona Q2 is a thing, but mainline Persona is a PlayStation series and they specifically referenced and said SSB x Persona 5, which is a PS exclusive.
I really like Persona 5 and think this could turn out to be very unique, but me not noting that this is a bit off as a character choice would be wrong as I've always gone off about Cloud in SSB4 being very off.
Hopefully maybe the character will have skin swap/echo fighter as another character from the cast, like Ann...
@Electricghost I say we actually wait for 2019 before making any declaration
Won’t somebody please think of Fire Emblem!
It's an interesting choice but at the same time it's kind of not, doesn't Persona have their own fighting game? It does seem more likely though that all of our characters are going to be characters from unannounced games. Which kind of makes the DLC characters more of a marketing tool then it does anything else. It'll still be fun for us but it's just free advertising for the publishers.
I didn't see this coming! Me and my friends are calling this a "code Cloud", due to the similar circumstances of a charcter with no chance of getting in blasting through the playable ranks. Also, did anyone else notice how he 'stole' that invite in the trailer? I'm pretty sure he stole it off of Geno or Waluigi.
@Frenean you're JRPG list is literally my best friend's! You guys have exact same taste, he loves to talk about how good Persona is. LOL
@MysticGengar I'm dead!!!!!! I never noticed that he pilfered the invite!....... Wait....... They could include this story....... What if he angers the person who had their invite stolen? Who's coming next!?
Rest in peice then, although that is a good idea.
Did not see that coming! Though I honestly don't even know who this guy is!
@MysticGengar. I should thank you! When you mentioned that he stole the invite, the ideas flooded in!
This has me thinking there must definitely be a Switch port of P5 planned. Either way, this was a cool announcement! Considering SMT has strong ties to Nintendo, this has been long overdue.
No problem dude. Anytime!
I think it is a solid surprise choice. It’s something that no one expected. I don’t think it resonates as much as the Cloud announcement did, but props to Nintendo for making this happen. It shows they are not afraid to stretch the boundaries, and I think it says a lot for the Switch.
However, the Game Awards announcements really didn’t do anything for me. There are some nice exclusives, and it shows Nintendo has come a long way from Wii U in reestablishing themselves in the industry. I’m guessing that was their point in this.
I’m afraid that if a Direct doesn’t happen that gives some update on the first party stuff for 2019, this will be lost on everyone. I really was expecting something on Metroid Prime. That’s my fault though for being a bit disappointed.
@Electricghost Obscure JRPG? It's The Game Awards winner of Best RPG 2017.
Fun fact for everyone. The inclusion of Joker from Persona gives Sega reps from three different franchises that they own, with Sonic and Bayonetta coming before him.
So cool! But I wish P5 was on Switch!
I guess that means any videogame character is potential regardless of platform.
Lara Croft? Master Chief? Alloy? Parappa? Sora? Sack boy? It could be anyone!
So you're saying Goemon still has a chance.
My thoughts? Meh. Pass....
@Electricghost lol bro u must have been under a rock to miss Persona 5. Far from obscure now as it was a 2017 contender for GOTY and won Best RPG 2017. Good stuff right here a very diverse fighter with both range and close attacks. He's going to be hella fun.
Seriously I was in shock and awe. Absolutely love this inclusion and this character alone makes the fighters pass worth it for me. Can't wait to see what else they have coming.
I wasn't particularly excited for the announcement, only because I haven't played Persona, so I don't have that connection to the character. However, this announcement was very unexpected and I'm a huge fan of surprises.
Note; Me not being excited for a character or announcement doesn't mean I don't like and or don't appreciate it.
@Caryslan I keep forgetting Atlus is owned by Sega. They even had a Joker outfit in Sonic Forces!
Oh. So that's why they encouraged us to buy the dlc bundle early.
As a smt fan this hurts.
Shin megami tensei has been almost exclusive to nintendo. (I'm still waiting to buy a switch, smt 5 is what 's gonna get me to buy one.)
But of course, they had to choose the popular ip. (which at the time of writing is kind of irrelevant for nintendo.)
Wow. Maybe I expect too much from Nintendo fans, but this comments section is a chore to read. Wow. I am bewildered that people are getting so worked up over this. Honestly, this is a fantastic addition.
The whole “I don’t like it because it’s not on a Nintendo system” arguement is stupid. You’re not opening up yourself to new and fun things with such an isolationist mentality. I am ashamed that people are acting in such immature and judgmental ways. If you don’t like the character, fine, but at least try him out before you make such a decision as to not like him. I seriously want to rant more, but then I’d be called a troll.
Like it or not, it’s Nintendo and Sakurai Masahiro’s decision. Deal with it.
@Yorumi I’m simply pointing out that having an isolationist mentality then not liking something that doesn’t fit in is not a good mindset.
I’m fine with these opinions, sure, as everyone is entitled to their own, but, I think it’s too early to make a definitive judgement before any gameplay is shown.
@UmbreonsPapa aye- I can agree with that.
Admittedly Persona 5 is the only one I've played, but I intend to go back and play previous games because of how much I love 5. It and Bloodborne are easily my favorite PS4 games!
@IBeAGamer it’s not very popular where I come from and after seeing so many Fire Emblem characters plugged in the last few games, I’m a touch annoyed.
@LinkSword pretty sure the one with a narrow mind and smaller skull is just you.
Its comming too the switch huh 😀😀
Oh my god this was literally all i wanted
I hope he’s in
This was like the Spanish Inquisition.
@Electricghost You must be fun at parties.
I’m seriously not understanding how people can whine about this game. You’re getting a game that already has 74 (!) characters, over a hundred different stages, countless music tra—it’s a huge game! “I wish they would have added more Nintendo characters!” What, there aren’t enough for you? My god, nothing makes me hate being a fan of Nintendo more than when a new Smash Bros launches because of the ridiculous level of entitlement! If you’re not satisfied with such a mammoth of a game, I think that the problem lies within you. Smh.
A strange pick. Would be better suited for the next PlayStation All-stars game, if they ever do another one. At least I know that I won't be needing the Fighter pass.
@SuperPlayer weak retort coming from a weak person; work on your material bub.
When's Futaba?
@ShadJV well, we saw your comment comin'
WTF is wrong with all of you?! So what is you don't like P5 I LOVE IT. I didn't like a lot of the new addons so far, at least this is something I can celebrate about!
I think it's odd that they are putting a Persona character in SSB. I know, the rumor is Persona is going to be ported. But SMT has been exclusive to Nintendo for years, and a new one is coming up for the Switch. So it would make sense to add a character from SMT. My vote would be Jack Frost since he's cute, would fit in with Nintendo's classic characters, and I think he was in Persona anyway. But instead, we get Playstation left overs.
I haven't played any Persona's and don't know the character, but I'll wait and see. I don't have the season pass either, I first want to see all the characters.
wow, didn't even see these news until now, and gotta say I am disappointed. No mainline Persona games are on Nintendo consoles whatsoever, not to mention Person 5, so why the heck. Now they better release all the main Persona games on Switch, since I am wanting to play them anyway. Otherwise I am already starting to regret the choice of buying the fighters pass early.
@link3710 And now it's more likely than ever...
@CrazyMetroid when it happens I’m going to meet you back here to rub it in your face. Guaranteed it’s coming. Probably just gauging interest with the comment. Everything Nintendo does, they do for a reason.
@Snakesglowcaps uh okay? I'd be down to buy it if it turns out to be true. No need to rub anything in anyones face 🤷🏽♂️
@CrazyMetroid not rudely. Just as a friendly “told you so”, we all win as gamers if I’m right, right?
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