One of the more curious titles to be hitting the Nintendo Switch this winter is Fitness Boxing, a Nintendo-published title that popped up out of the blue earlier this year. Now, though, a demo has appeared on the European eShop, giving players a chance to see what the fuss is all about before going ahead and making a purchase.
If you've missed the news with this one, Fitness Boxing has players taking part in boxing-based workouts, all while bopping along to instrumental versions of popular music hits. Holding one Joy-Con in each hand, you'll be punching, weaving, and squatting your way to calorie-burning victory, making use of the console's motion control functionalities.
The full tracklisting and a gameplay video were shared recently, so make sure to check those out if you'd like to know a little more; it's an odd little selection of songs in some ways, but we're pleased to see a nice range of tracks on offer.
At present, the demo is live in Europe but not North America (you can always create a second European account and download the demo anyway, however). Further eShop details show that the game cannot be played in handheld mode - likely thanks to the motion control aspect - and that it will only take up 999MB of space on your system.
The full game launches on 21st December in Europe for £39.99, and 4th January for $49.99 in North America.
Will you be giving the demo a try? Let us know how you get on in the comments.
Comments 42
Does the warranty covers Joycons damaged by sweat?
£40? This is Sushi Striker type pricing.
I was wondering about how much value this game would provide.
Remembering that Wii Sports came free with my Wii, and that Wii Fit U only cost about £25-30 (if you missed the deadline for getting it for free, like I did), and that the Boxing add-on for Wii Sports Club HD was £9.99 at most (depending on which package you went for)...
... I'm inclined to forget this exists until it's sub £20. ARMS can provide enough of the experience for me, the way I play it.
I cannot see how this game provides more value than Wii Fit U.
But I'll give the demo a go, obvs.
@gcunit Can't disagree there. I think Nintendo is way over pricing these types of games as of late 1-2 Switch was not worth $50. This remains to be seen but I doubt it will be worth $50 as well.
Even the software for Labo feels like bite size games. People argued we weren't just paying for the cardboard but the games themselves weren't worth $50 or so either. They could've easily sold Labo at $40 and still made a good profit.
Price definitely makes me take pause but will certainly check out the demo. Surprised it took them this long to start with the fitness games
Seems expensive for what it is, but I guess licensing pop music costs a decent amount of money.
-The tracklist is strange though! it's a weird mix of (kinda) recent music and kids party music from my childhood...
The best first party title since Flip Wars.
I've played ARMS while wearing wrist weights and gotten a nice little workout in a one hour play session. I'll probably stick with that.
@Spoony_Tech At least 1-2 Switch is one of the best selling Switch games so far. Nintendo really screwed up with Sushi Striker. Should have been $30 tops
I loved the Gold's Gym Cardio Workout boxing game on my Wii, so I'll probably wind up getting this...
...just saw the track list...boxing to "Call me, maybe?" Now I'm not so sure...
The most important question is: is or isn't Eye of the Tiger there on the tracklist??
@roboshort That's only because people wanted a second game at launch. If they tried to release that game now it wouldn't crack 500k. Plus they would sell it much cheaper and possible packed with a joycon for $60. Timing it everything in this industry.
With thousands of Wii Fit balance boards relegated to basements or foot stool use at home desks (it's really the perfect height) Nintendo clings to the idea that we're desperate for exercise. Best to debut these for the bargain basement price they'll be in six months and at least give those who want to work out this way a savings.
A great exercise to do with just about any Nintendo home console but the Wii is to walk in place while playing. Or jog. Or just stand for circulation.
kinda reminds me of beat saber, being a fitness rhythm game. seems cool I'll be sure to check out the demo
Game just seems so limited. Any multiplayer? Anything but basic rhythm boxing to music?
As the NL articles are devoid of info, here's a paste from the game page on Nintendo.com:
Get off the couch and get moving with fun, boxing-based rhythmic exercises set to the instrumental beats of songs by popular artists, including Lady Gaga, Pitbull and Kesha. You can personalize your workouts by selecting from different fitness goals. Train your way, whether you're on your own, with a friend, at home, or on the go! Now you can work out anytime, anywhere on the Nintendo Switch system!
Get down your boxing basics while getting down to instrumental versions of 20 unlockable hit songs, including "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO, "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepson, and "Sugar" by Maroon 5. Punch and squat while gripping the Joy-Con controllers to get your whole body moving—no additional gym equipment required!
Daily training ranges from 10-40 minutes and offers both Normal and Fast mode. The game software estimates your approximate BMI and daily calories burned so you can track your progress. Choose from a diverse group of trainers and customize their look with unlockable trainer outfits. As you progress, you can earn more songs and more challenging training circuits. If you prefer to work out with a buddy, you can use two sets of Joy-Con controllers or share a pair to enjoy working out cooperatively or test your skills by facing off against each other in a virtual ring!
*Work up a sweat with boxing-based motion-controlled moves set to rhythm-based workouts
Bop along to the instrumental versions of popular songs
Personalize workouts by selecting your fitness goals
Choose from short to long workouts to fit a variety of lifestyles
Play cooperatively with or competitively against friends and family in 2-player local play with two sets of Joy-Con controllers or by sharing a pair.
Play at home on the TV or on-the-go in Tabletop mode
Tracks your progress by estimating BMI and calories burned to help encourage healthy habits.*
@Spoony_Tech I see your point.. Maybe it wouldn’t sell as much as it has but it would easily reach 500k, I think. Though I personally not interested in it
So there's a bit more to it, and some sort of two player, but still seems very limited for £40.
Just cashing in on the post-Christmas fatties.
I stick to my muay thai training
So many unanswered questions. How’s the story mode? Who are the DLC fighters? Can I fight Bald Bull to “Call me maybe”? Let’s hope for a direct real soon.
Hoping there is a Japanese demo soon.
That tracklist is horribly out of date. Wasn't this a port of a Wii game or have I been mistaken?
I'd prefer a new Wii Fit... But this looks interesting too.
Hard flipping pass after seeing the track list. I MIGHT grab it if it's 50% or more off.
@MysticGengar last I checked it's a nintendo game. They dont lower prices very often.
Of course they aren't. So, I'm not going to get the game. That is, unless they add a few personal favorite tracks of mine.
@sleepinglion "the idea"? Wii Fit sold pretty, pretty good - if I'm remembering correctly.
Mindless 'waggle' entertainment/exercise? No thanks. I prefer my mindless button-mashing sans as little exercise as is possible.
I'm sure the demo for NA will be there soon enough, so I'll test it then. This may not be the Wii Fit replacement I'm waiting for, but Nintendo publishing it has to count for something at least.
It's a bit surreal, but not unattractive.
Make another European account. No thanks. I tried it with the Japanese and the news feed still remains there now.
The track list is old, but pop music has been pretty unremarkable imo since about 2011 anyway, so I'm glad to see these songs on the list rather than new stuff that's not as interesting.
@construx No "Eye of the Tiger", so I am going to pass. A real shame.
It's actually quite a good giggle - but maybe not £40s worth, unless you genuinely are going to do a 30 minute work-out every day.
The music is instrumental, fairly in the background and you have the trainer shouting over it all the time anyway - which may get very repetitive.
OK, it's not the same as going to a proper fight class, but to be honest I used to get a bit bored of being punched in the face during sparring. Games don't hit back.
Wii Sport Game.
@LetsGoSwitch This Reddit thread might help you out, it’ll stop all future “foreign” news items:
@slider271 unfortunately that reddit advice is wrong. If you're subscribed to anything, you'll get both the English and Japanese versions of it. And the Nintendo News channel is 80% Japanese.
My wife has just looked up, took one look at the trainer and said "where have all her clothes gone?"
"Um, I unlocked a new outfit, I just wanted to see what the shorty short shorts and crop top looked like, in the interests of fully researching the game."
Anyway... I haven't really noticed the music, the trainer talks almost constantly and I've been concentrating on the combos. It's more like lift Muzak.
$50? Sometimes Nintendo loves to scam people.
Ouch, high price for something that seems like ARMS, Wii Fit, and Rhythm Heaven combined. The thing is that these games are very unalike and are better separately.
Nice, thanks for the info!
I was looking forward to this one, let's see how the demo is.
@Pazuzu666 Wii Fit was a solid attempt, but I know no one still at it. Lasted maybe half a year tops with people
I just tried the demo out, it's actually a lot of fun and has its hooks in me, leaving me wanting more, in a good way.
Not too sure about the £40 pricing though, that's a little steep. Maybe after the Christmas rush is over and I have a better handle on my finances.
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