The newly-released trailer for the Pokémon: Detective Pikachu movie has sparked a great deal of interest from fans of the franchise, avid moviegoers, and pretty much everyone in between. With fans already discussing every second of the trailer, even finding a hilariously disturbing difference in the German version, it's clear to see that the final product is shaping up to be something pretty special. But how were the super-realistic looking Pokémon brought to life?
Well, we already know that concept artist RJ Palmer landed a job on the movie after its production designer discovered his work on Google, but the designs he contributed worked in tandem with equally realistic character models. Filmmaking often uses to-scale models, either as direction for CGI wizards or as a guide for the actors themselves, and Pokémon Detective Pikachu was no different. The images below come from IGN, who recently went on a visit to the Legendary Entertainment headquarters.
Also spotted was this amazing chess set, complete with figures of different Pokémon replacing the traditional pieces.
Are you excited for the movie? Would you want these models menacingly sitting somewhere inside your house? Share your thoughts with us down below.
Comments 42
I want them! They look soo cool!
My son and (strangely enough since he doesn't play Pokémon) my husband are psyched for this movie. I've been a Pokémon fan since red version came out, and my son is a huge Pikachu fan. We are planning on seeing it in theaters. Admittedly, I'm mostly interested in hearing Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu.
That Greninja looks creepy, but like an awesome kind of creepy.
There's something sinister about the live-action Pokemon, it kinda reminds me of Garbage Pail Kids (if anyone remembers that from the 1980s).
That Greninja looks angry, but I can't hate on it. This is also an example of how different things look in motion.
Still frame pikachu is weird. Pikachu in motion looks perfectly fine.
That Pikachu looks horrific in the image but fantastic in the movie. Can’t wait to see which others appear.
Hmm.... I am surprised Anti-Matter hasn't arrived yet in the comment section to start another tirade.
I really want to find these cool/cute or in some way awesome but I just don't like them 😅 I guess I'm just too used to the anime. But I can appreciate that a lot of people think they're cool. It's nice to see.
@Kalmaro That Chess Set looks pretty good in Still Motion too me!!
@Reigestugatensho The white queen audino looks a little off.
Hideous. I am so sick of this ugly, nasty, never once appealing to me, trend of "take everything beautifully animated, and butcher it by turning into a live action pile of trash".
I don't know why Hollywood and many people seem not only to be okay with it, but to actually LIKE the idea of taking things that were great animated works, and RUINING them like this.
To each their own, I don't have to understand it, nor do I have to watch it. They wont get one cent from me for this vomit. Just like Ghost in the Shell, Avatar, Dragon Ball, and others before.
I'll be the last one standing in the camp of liking genuine 2D animation if it comes to that.
Yeah I'll stick with the movie over irl
I hope that the new Pokemon 2019 game uses graphics similar to this. Folks wanted an HD, realistic Pokemon game, this is what they should get
Greninja’s so creepy! I love it so much! And that chess set is fantastic!
@Heavyarms55 I assume you mostly mean Disney's latest trend in remaking everything... Or making pointless sequels (Toy Story 4, really?). They're out of ideas and they're not ones to experiment. We may be in another Disney dark age that needs to be reinvigorated by something new and amazing.
That Snubbul looks adorable!
looks at the Pikachu Welp, hello my wake up screaming nightmares for the next month or two.
That Pikachu reminds me of those mildly creepy cat figurines some people collect.
I hope Snubbull isn't as fuzzy in CG. Bulldogs are a very short haired breed. This prop looks almost like a Yorkshire terrier.
Charizard looks like a trophy Geralt of Rivia would put on Roach. Awesome!
Something to remember is that Nintendo and subsequently The Pokemon Company have such a stranglehold on their IP that nothing goes to print unless they have given their approval.
I can guarantee you that a Nintendo and TPC representatives have been involved at every step. They aren't risking another Super Mario Bros Movie issue.
@Heavyarms55 This is just a fun side project. The anime Pokemon films won't disappear; I believe there's even a new one coming up soon. Besides, it's not like the upcoming games will look like this. I don't see the harm! And they're definitely not ''ruining'' Pokemon.
I was expecting links to buy these on Amazon.
NL, I am disappoint.
I guess we forget they are actually pocket 'monsters'
The trailer turned out to be a lot better than I expected, so I’m cautiously looking forward to seeing this.
@SmaggTheSmug This. It's like they're applying the same "THISISFUR.TEXTURE" to everything with reckless abandon.
That said, the Greninjas in motion are fantastic, the Bulbasaurs seemed accurate enough, and it's nice to see actual scales on Charizard even if I'm still on the fence about it.
It all looks awful ...
I need that chess set in my life.
And I want to snuggle that pikachu.
I ordinarily haven't a problem with hunting but whoever is responsible for brutally murdering pikachu and having him stuffed must be brought to justice immediately .
I REALLY want that chess set now.
Would I give to have that Pokemon Chess set or any Pokemon Chess set.
It's weird I never seen the cuteness appeal of Snubbull until that model. Now I want to hug one.
that chess set tho
@Jeronan I am patiently waiting, it always livens up my day.
Oh come on the chess set is such a wasted opportunity! Everyone knows it should be:
King: Nidoking
Queen: Nidoqueen
Bishop: Bisharp
Rook: Stakataka
Knight: Escavalier
Pawn: Pawniard
@Kit nonsense. Pokéballs are a thing and they got the monster part right.
I'm totally gonna watch Detective Pikachu but if it were up to me these Pokemon would have a lot less fur.
@Heavyarms55 lol sure I call b.s. on you since you took the time to make a pointless post. For someone who don't care lol
It looks like Pokemon taxidermy...
@Kalmaro If by a little off you mean DEAD INSIDE.
@NintonicGamer Right? They all look so furry to me! I was hoping someone else noticed it too.
@Reigestugatensho You said it better than I could.
@Slim1999 I do care, I don't like it. It's no more pointless to say how you dislike something then it is to say how you like something. I was expressing my opinion.
@Octane I know they aren't stopping the Pokemon anime. But this is still ugly and completely unappealing to me. As have been every single live action adaptation made to date. The only live action films that began as something else that have been good are some of the comic book films. But western comics lend themselves to live action much better. Largely because they are predominately human characters. There is a reason Hulk isn't on screen all the time. Because that CG is really hard to make look good.
....At least Snubull looks normal. lol (however you spell his name, lol)
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