If you've been keeping up with the Pokémon movies, you'll know the next one is out this November in both the US and UK. After a name change from Pokémon: Everyone's Story to Pokémon The Movie: The Power of Us, the focus has been on the initial trailer and plot.
The Pokémon Company has now released the full theatrical trailer highlighting the importance of the legendary creature Lugia in this upcoming story. In case you missed the synopsis the first time around, this is a sequel to the reboot of Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! - where Ash and Pikachu visit the seaside location of Frau City (known for its annual wind festival). Chaos erupts when the wind dies down, sending the citizens into a state of panic and requiring Ash along with some familiar faces to fend off a procession of threating Pokémon.

As can be seen in the trailer above, there'll be plenty of Pokémon on display throughout including the electric-type mythical creature Zeraora, who not long ago arrived in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon as the final generation seven pocket monster. For more information about screenings in the US and UK take a look at the previous posts.
Do you like the look of Ash and Pikachu's latest adventure? Tell us below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 20
The animation looks great in this, I hope the next season uses this style.
Yeah, I'm for sure in on this.
Looks much better than Alola style.
Btw, could it be this Pokemon movie will lead to another hints of Pokemon Switch 2019 ?
@Anti-Matter Probably next years, as this one's event Pokemon can be obtained in USUM.
@Dalarrun I actually like Sun and Moon's style. I hated it at first but sun and moon is probably the most expressive Pokémon has been in years. It's a bit refreshing seeing Ash actually make facial expressions other than his typical 'intensely happy' default.
Oh I like Sun and Moon's animation too, I just think it would be interesting if each season had its own style from here on out like most of the Zelda games. xD
@Dalarrun That's fair. I also like how they focused on Ash looking young. For a while he's been looking like a teen, which would be fine if not for the fact that they still try to say he's 10.
Ash Ketchum was like 10-Forever until today.
@Kalmaro but I mean..... That's anime for you.
6 year olds look like teens, 12 year olds are adults and 30 year olds.... Can pass as either children, teens, or both.
It was refreshing cause I actually like to see shows with the ages actually reflect them, instead of leaving me confused on how they know they are X years old.
@Ttimer5 It was just odd because over the years, thanks to the artstyle, he's been looking older. Then suddenly sun/moon happened and I was like "oh right, he's only 10!"
@kalmaro well, in the case of this version of ash it makes more sense considering this is an alternate timeline that isn't as clogged up as the main anime. Honestly, it would have been so much better off if they hadn't mentioned Ash's age at the start of the black and white series and stuck to making him look a bit older in each series while replacing him with a different MC bringing him back on occasion like how its done with red in the adventures/special manga but alas I don't think their brave enough to do that given that they wanted to remove Jessie james and meowth at the end of the black and white series but backed off from doing so after they got hit with back lass from fans.
@Shadowmoon522 They tried to replace him once. They did a short arc with Gold... Or whatever they called him. It was just a few episodes I believe and it didn't do well. People REALLY enjoy Ash.
The cast looks a bit older than in most Pokemon media, and the animation is great.
Too bad Satoshi is STILL the main character. Can't we get a new one someday?
well there was an instance in black and white where he did appear to age. The same episode where charzard returns to his team. Ash says something "a year ago...." and explains how he meet charzard. But I guess the anime people just conveniently forgot that they put that. Haha
I remember Gold (I think it was Ethan?) I remember him being in trailers when I was younger and I was like "wow! A new person! I'm so excited!" but I guess they where shorts . He was my favorite because he had typhlosion and a cool backpack! Well shoulder bag, I love this bags
Well so far have... My cousin and his 2 kids, my nephew and my little 2nd cousin confirmed - Pokemon Family Movie Day. Makes it easy everyone in town for thanksgiving.
We Need to get the next generation loving Pokemon 🙂
@Ttimer5 I actually liked gold. Dude would ride around on a meganium too I think. He was cool but I guess he wasn't derpy enough.
Where do they come up with these stupid titles ???
my 9 year old daughter is an Uber Hardcore Pokemon fan and even she thinks the titles of the Pokemon movies are lame, she saw this one and sad (quote) "Geeeze dad (snicker), is this Pokemon or My Little Pony ???" (then makes the spitting motion.....she's Italian too, LOL)
besides, ANY movie or show without my buddy from the Bronx...Meowth (Team Rocket) ain't worth watchin anyway
@Kalmaro i don't think they where trying to replace him so much as that was more meant to promote the 2ed gen games
@Ttimer5 hardly the only time they've done that, hell the sound director Masafumi Mima said that sun & moon was not a continuation of the xyz seriers and that it was a new ash & pikachu(which made sense and cleared out the plot holes and aging issues) and was most likely meant to be a reboot only for it to be later subverted by Kunihiko Yuyama with his "ash is an eternal 10 year old" remark
@jhewitt3476 the title this time is actually a call back to the second movie, Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One. i kinda hope they use lugia's song in it tbh
Looks like I'm gonna get the sads for granny's story arc in this one.
But the trailer looks great. Looking forward to watching this.
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