We're getting a Monster Hunter live-action movie soon - and if you have any experience of movies based on popular video games, that sentence should fill you with a sense of trepidation.
The process of transforming games into films hasn't been a smooth one for many projects - Street Fighter, Super Mario and Alone in the Dark being three examples from a long list of cinematic duds - but that hasn't stopped British director Paul W. S. Anderson from practically making a career out of taking game IPs and turning them into movies.
Anderson - whose credits include Event Horizon (good), Alien vs. Predator (not so good) and Death Race (truly awful) - was behind 1995's Mortal Kombat film, which, despite being a bit naff, did reasonable business at the box office. He's since helmed the Resident Evil movie series, which has reviewed terribly but put plenty of bums on seats (it's the highest-grossing film series based on a video game by miles, having taken in over $1.235 billion worldwide).
Despite the rather questionable nature of his work, Anderson - who also wanted to do a Castlevania flick not so long ago - is arguably the perfect choice when you're a publisher looking for a director to bring your video game to the big screen. And that's presumably why Capcom has signed off on the Brit heading up a movie based on Monster Hunter, which has become the company's premier series in recent years.
The upcoming movie started shooting recently, and we've now been gifted our first look at one of the central characters, the burly Sergeant Marshall, played by the hunky Mexican-American singer and actor Diego Boneta. Milla Jovovich - Anderson's real-life wife and the star of the aforementioned Resident Evil films - also has a major role, as does all-round Hollywood legend Ron Perlman.
As you can see from the image, Boneta is sporting a modern-day military uniform and automatic weapon, but before you go reaching for the pitchforks, it's worth noting that the storyline involves a United Nations military team falling into a portal which takes them to an alternate dimension (those pesky portals!) which sounds an awful lot like the world in which the Monster Hunter games take place. The team joins forces with a group of hunters and together they attempt to fight off the beasts and prevent them from entering the portal and attacking our world.
Demo reel footage from CGI studio Mr. X surfaced last year, and it has since been confirmed that the company is working on the film. It gives you a good idea of what the monsters in the flick will look like, although it's not known if the sequence will end up in the final movie:
We're willing to reserve judgement until we see the trailer, at which point we imagine we'll shrug our shoulders and forget the film even exists. Still, why was there the need to shoehorn in 'earth' characters when the world of Monster Hunter is already so vibrant and interesting?
Sigh. Don't go changing, Hollywood.
[source instagram.com]
Comments 89
It's so sad!
Oh god, no..
I don't even play MH and I know this is bull crap.
Doesn’t sound good...
Kind of reminds me of Kong: Skull Island. I can live with that. The CGI in the linked clip looked pretty good.
Alexa, please play Decpacito.
"before you go reaching for the pitchforks, it's worth noting that the storyline involves a United Nations military team falling into a portal which takes them to an alternate dimension"
Goodness gracious, that's even worse.
@NewAdvent It's always either normal people moving to magical land or magical creatures moving to New York (see: Smurfs).
Reminds me of how Duel Masters was originally a Magic: the Gathering manga, but Wizards disliked that the creator made it about a kid playing Magic when they wanted something set in the world(s) of Magic.
God the premise is horrible, the CGI is the horrible, the hero looks painfully generic and dull.
For the love of God just make it based on the actual MH world without this real world crap or just make a anime movie so we don’t haven’t to suffer through obvious green screen and obvious CGI.
It's honestly impressive. It's really impressive how consistently Hollywood manages to screw up great IPs. If Lord of the Rings had been a game first, Hollywood would have found a way to butcher it.
It makes me wonder if it's deliberate. Like some crazy smoke filled back room conspiracy. Hollywood directors, angry about the rise in competition from gaming as an alternative form of media, decide to make one bad game movie after another in an attempt to slander games. I mean, I know that idea is total nonsense, and it's much more likely incompetent directors and studios keep getting the rights... but still.
Might as well just call this "DOOM 2" and be done with it.
I like the idea of video games to movies, even if most of them are horrible, b/c what people seem to forget is most Hollywood movies are horrible regardless of the source material, but MH never made any sense to me.
Here's how I see a MH movie playing out.
Guy arrives at camp, picks some mushrooms and gather's some honey for 10 minutes, then kills 20 small animals over the next 20 minutes to build a big weapon, then spends the final hour of the movie trying to take out one big dinosaur, then the screen says "Time's up", the dino walks away, the guy looks down shaking his head disgusted, then the credits roll.
Welp, that's gonna suck the big one.
This is starting to feel like all those crappy fantasy movies like Dungeon Siege sequels, Beastmaster 2, etc.
... Anderson being the best choice for anything, was the article author on drugs?
That can't be the main character, we all know it'll be Mila Johowich or however you spell that.
I don't play MH but why does it have to be real world generi-soldier-men falling into a lazy-plot-mechanic portal? Why can it not just be set in MH entirely? People can still relate, understand and enjoy.
I don't get it, you wouldn't adapt LotR to screen but have it start off with a sniper squad fall into a magical portal to join Frodo on his quest. Why do that here?
If people hate this so much then why no one forming an angry mob to protest against this?
As someone who's only played a little of Monster Hunter, this stills sounds terrible. I can only assume they shoehorned this portal plot nonsense so they could cut down production costs by just giving the characters boring military outfits they bought from a discount army shop.
An instant classic in the making. Move over Super Mario Bros: The Movie, there's a new nominee for Best Picture!
I have an idea for them. Stop production. Stop the bleeding. Go buy a nice dinner. Then make some new van Damme movie or something.
This just sounds worse than bad. A remake of Stargate except instead of ending up in Egypt they end up in MH, except the space marines are the stars and the MH hunters are sidekicks.
Can we make a Call of Duty movie where evil dragon wizards from another planet try to take over the army?
@rjejr See, you lack the vision of a competent screen writer. You forgot the squad of cats "helping" and carrying the star on a stretcher.
@Ogbert "I don't get it, you wouldn't adapt LotR to screen but have it start off with a sniper squad fall into a magical portal to join Frodo on his quest. Why do that here?"
You're new to this Hollywood thing, aren't you?
The ol' "let's rope in the uninitiated audience with real world people /gimmicks/etc. falling into a fantasy world for an inexplicable reason". So sick of that Hollywood plot line, ugh. Thank for keeping this guy employed, Capcom.
On a side note, didn't even know Milla was married to this guy. He just gets more interesting and interesting with all he's had a hand in gaming movies and more...
Kill it with Rathalos Fire.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Well Uncharted was already a movie, so it's just kind of a director's cut. Props if they just hire Nolan for the live action. He already did most of the mocap anyway.
I think most of the problem of game movies is just that game companies don't want to spend too much money on it, and studios and high profile directors don't want to risk the budget on what could be niche so it ends up a lowest-bid-contract type affair, and this is what you get. Plus it's always designed around specific time tables so they can't just spend 3 years shooting on location until they get the right scene like a major picture. It doesn't really help the IP owner since the real IP is nothing like the film. I'm not sure why anyone spends money making these. Tomb Raider was a blockbuster. Tomb Raider had an A-list cast and director and budget. Most other game movies are doomed to endless repeats on cable at 3:00AM.
@rjejr, I love it, I would only feel as mad and disappointed as I do when I play a MH game although the plot in the description from the article also sounds like the plot from the third Predator movie.
@jswhitfield8, You are so right in your description of the Resident Evil film franchise., LoL
Entrusting Hollywood with a beloved overseas property is like entrusting a hungry vulture with a baby.
I can't wait for the Mario and Detective Pikachu movies to blow over so that they can fade into obscurity.
I find death race was one of Anderson's more enjoyable movies, but sadly he peaked at Event Horizon. He has a few guilty pleasures but resident evil 2-x were all rubbish.
Say what!!! Or should I say why!!!
I'm all in, bay-beeeeeeeeeeeee
@rjejr That would actually sum up the game pretty well to the casual gamer lol. Doesn't take me an hour to beat most big enemies maybe 10 to 25 minutes but I get your point. Your comment made me laugh!!
Plot idea sounds awful
Are they going to put humans next to hunters, which aren't exactly human, but a humanoid physically tougher and resistant race? I wonder if any human will ever take a Rathian tail sweep in the face and make it alive, or if it will all be machine guns vs fire balls for 2 hours.
@rjejr Or just do something similar to what the games already do...Though many (myself included) don't really care and just spam 'A' through all the dialogue:
random place is experiencing some sort of 'natural crisis' (tremors, storms, whatever)
A group of hunters are sent to investigate
Hunt down a couple large monsters, the last of which gives exposition on the 'main' monster that is really causing the natural crisis
They turn the previously hunted monsters into new gear in preparation to hunt this 'big bad mo'fo', maybe hunt one more cool monster to make a special weapon of some sorts (never a requirement in the games, but sounds like a 'movie thing').
Hunt the 'main monster'. One from a game or an original for the movie, whatever, they just hunt it. Maybe after they think they've "killed it", the monster transforms into a second form.
Everybody drinks with cats in celebration.
No after credits teaser because it's the first movie. No first movie should have the cheek to have an after credits teaser.
By no means is that a script for the greatest movie (n)ever to be made, but it's a lot better and more faithful to the source material than the steaming pile of tripe they're ACTUALLY making.
Paul WS Anderson is all you needed to know. Folks should have seen this coming the second he was announced as the director. Calling him a hack would be a compliment relative to his skill.
The plot sounds exactly like a Paul W. S. Anderson movie tbh.
I really enjoy the "Resident Evil" movies, brilliant pure b-movie stuff with stupid fun monster but not really "Resident Evil" as the games I've played.
I expect the MH movie to be the same. It'll have monsters from the game and lots of nods to the fans of the game series, but won't be the game made into a movie. So the plot... is as I expect.
It's really incredible how Hollywood just continually misunderstands gaming. It's so bizarre and disheartening, but also cartoonish at this point. A lot of games have great worlds and aesthetics to explore, but they seem to think those things won't work and instead of focusing on writing a good story in an established world, they change things for so-called "mass appeal." Because making yet another stubbly, brown haired white guy with a gun the hero is really the only way audiences will accept this, APPARENTLY
@jswhitfield8 Death Race wasn’t too bad as far as Statham films go.
Two points:
1) like @sauce said, Hollywood continues to misunderstand gaming, and just can't make a good video game to film adaptation.
2) Paul WS Anderson sucks as a director. He can do flashy special effects with varying results, but even then they often just look overly slick and very fake. His mangling of the Resident Evil franchise in those god-awful films that even made fans of his wife (Mila Jovovitch) stop caring about her career.
Could be worse... Could be Uwe Boll!
They lost me at United Nations Military.
Meh. This is unfolding as everyone presumed it would. This has zero effect on my growing enjoyment of Monster Hunter, no one is going to force me to watch it and a crew of film makers get to pay their bills for another year or so. Everything's good.
This should be a no-brainer.
Some video games are very difficult to adapt, Super Mario Bros...is very abstract and whimsical for example. Elder Scrolls are big, slow, and sprawling without a singular focus or notable villains.
But...something like Monster Hunter should be easy. Why create a link to our world? Do they really think in 2018 that people can't relate or view the cinematic world from the point of view of a native to that world?
They do understand the audience for these films will be mostly millenials and gen X who grew up on video games and get this stuff?
Why continue to make these adjustments and compromises to appeal to an older, less video game sophisticated audience who aren't going to see something called "Monster Hunter" anyway?
I don't understand why Capcom would allow this. Video game movies should get the same treatment and respect that superhero movies are currently getting. This is so disappointing. Resident Evil was a HORRIBLE movie series.
Have you seen the absolute garbage that is the Resident Evil film series?
They are all terrible, make no sense, and completely contradict their own canon and continuity.
Just edit the cgi clips from MH World together and pretend that's the movie and ignore this crap.
You'll be better for it.
I swear, whenever they try to make a game into a movie, they hire a director that has no idea and especially no interest in the actual games universe, other important staff similar.
Then one of the following happens:
A: "So what is the game about? Hunting monsters? OK, that is all I need to know."...
B: " So what is the game about? That sounds stupid, we will just do our own thing"
Finally we get movies where basically the only thing that reminds us of what game it is supposed to be based on, is the name on a poster.
Was really hoping for a movie simply based on MH4/4U....instead we get....this.
Who exactly is going to want to watch this? Why bother if you're going to alienate the fan base by pissing all over the MH universe? I don't understand the motivation behind this at all. This modern day take on MH looks absolutely terrible.
But.........why does this have to involve the military at all? If it's going to be set in the monster hunter world, and involve it's hunters.......THEN WHY DO WE NEED THE MODERN DAY MILI MILITARY!?!?!?!?
Yep, that story sounds like crap... The image is just mud on the cake.
Cancel the entire thing and use the cash on an Anime or Story DLC For MH:World.
Damn, those dragons didn't even look CGI, they looked like the plastic figures we use in table top RPG games, hell, anyone remember "Dragonslayer" (1981), that damn thing looked like a real life dragon, and it was a puppet, this is 37 years later and they are trying to put THAT on the screen ???
Sheeeeeeeeeeeit, he gonna lose his cred and never make another movie again
"Event Horizon (good)"
What the F*** did I just read
This sounds awful.
Pesky portals indeed. I’m gonna go see it, train wreck or not. That Rathalos and Gore Magala look pretty cool I admit.
it doesn't sound as bad as the hybrid live action/animated Sonic the Hedgehog movie being made, with Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnick/Eggman
Yikes !!!
as much as I didn't like the Resident Evil movies, they seem to have enough of a fanbase it can't be too bad, DOOM was terrible and I've seen several others, but there will be no videogame to live action movie conversion than "Super Mario Bros.", it was SOOOOOOO horrible, you can't even get a laugh from trashing or trolling it, it wasn't bad, it was embarrassing on a quantum level !!!
if aliens came to Earth to say high and watched "The Thing", "War of The Worlds" & "The Day The Earth Stood Still", they would laugh and raise a glass of beer with us, but if they Saw SMB........well, it's been nice knowing you all !!!
Already lost me with that first image.
I have not faith in Paul WS Anderson at all.
I'm cringing... and I barely even played Monster Hunter!
@DaruniaJones88 But Paul W.S. Anderson is directing it...
They add military characters to things like this for funding. The US military pays millions to Hollywood for positive presentation of US military forces. They believe it helps with recruitment.
So... the reason they're shoe-horned in there is they're getting paid to make propaganda.
Is it so hard to show a group of hunters take down a medium to large monster before arriving at a random village being attacked by a gigantic monster (like the Jhen Mohran)?
Bad idea
"..military team falling into a portal which takes them to an alternate dimension... They attempt to fight off the beasts and prevent them from entering the portal and attacking our world."
Sounds a lot like Pacific Rim
Well, I'm the "older" audience you're talking about (50), but I play video games almost every day... Skyrim, Diablo, Fortnite, Arena of Valour, Splatoon etc. and I also think Hollywood sucks donkey balls when it comes to video game inspired movies. The only 2 movies i think were really great were Silent Hill 1 and 2... and then as a "I don't know what to watch right now" - movie would be the RE-series with good ol' Milla... B-movies definitely, but enjoyable on a lazy Sunday afternoon buried in the living room sofa.
This is gonna suck harder than a vacuumcleaner from the 70's
Yeah... one of those industrial ones, right?!
Why again is „Death Race“ mentioned? It is a movie by this director, but it is not a movie to a game!? It‘s the remake to a movie of 1975 (Death Race 2000).
Maybe because Carmaggedon was inspired by the original movie?
“but before you go reaching for the pitchforks, it's worth noting that the storyline involves a United Nations military team falling into a portal which takes them to an alternate dimension”
No. It’s not worth noting. That literally makes it worse. If the setting was entirely the real world, it would basically feel like a generic movie with some MH cameos. I know most players don’t read the lore of the games (which is fair, it’s not the type of game most players would play for the story), the game world is pretty deep and has a lot to work with for a movie. Heck, if they were feeling lazy, MHW’s story would translate decently into a film, make it all about the New World and Elder Dragon’s Crossing, with Zorah Magdoras the big baddie (playing that fight is no more exciting than watching it, just shorten it down) and when defeated they realize Xenojiiva is the real danger. As long as you don’t draw out the fights, you could realistically turn that into a 2 hour action flick and it’d at least be decent.
@ricklongo super mario bros the movie also started with them going thru a portal, sounds similar?
I'm not sure this will help monster hunter as a brand to be honest.
Hey, don't trash talk, those old Kirby vacuums were usually better than most of the vacs of todays !!!
I think it's look good! Hope news will come soon about it.
Speak for yourself, Damien. This plot alone sounds like total f-ing sh*t.
The "perfect choice"? Yet by your own admission, his films review terribly? That's precisely the reason game-based movies aren't taken seriously, and generally are absolute garbage. Tomb Raider 2018 was a rare, recent exception.
can't wait for Everything Wrong With taking a wack at this film.
@Spoony_Tech "to the casual gamer"
I'm all about the common denominator and low hanging fruit.
@NEStalgia "squad of cats"
They're saving the cats for their own CG spin-off tv series on the Disney channel called "Monster Hunters: Cat Crusaders".
@NewAdvent "far more compelling"
Well I don't know about that, but it would certainly be truer to the source material than this.
@Romeo-75 "the third Predator movie"
I had to stop watching after the 2nd with Danny Glover. I think I'm also about 3 or 4 or 5 Alien movies behind as well. Think I'll skip MH and watch Rampage instead, that seems more realistic.
@Tao "Tremors"
The first Tremors movie was really good, 2nd was ok, haven't seen the following dozen or so, but I'm guessing they all look a lot like all the others. Also saw 'The Meg" which sounds a bit like what you described. So yes, it's doable, but why bother calling it Monster Hunter, why not call it "Final Fantasy 12", that was pretty much that whole game as the main story was so forgettable.
Oh, and I know you didn't mean the movie Tremors, but I always liked that film, bring it up every chance I get.
They could have used the "story" from 4U and had something decent but noooo.
@Arcamenel Or Monster Hunter Tri, showing my age and a touch of nostalgia here but it would be really easy to translate that game into a movie.
Open with hunter arriving at the village under threat from earthquakes from the sea, hunters find Lagi, kill Lagi, think problem is solved, Ceadeus shows up, final battle to drive giant elder dragon off, credits roll as big guy swims out to the ocean.
Add some half decent actors with chemistry as the hunters, race and nationality don't matter, and you have an easy movie.
Same with MH4, MH World... just pick 2 or 3 escalating threats, hunters coming and dealing with said threats, add some drama and chemistry between the group of hunters, and you have a movie that would be easy money.
But that would require Hollywood to actually work some...
OH MY ARCEUS why? I'm about 70% sure this movie will fail.
@Aozz101x Me two it's going to turn out like the Super Mario Bros. with easily 300sins
@rjejr How i imagined the doom movie.
Guy get dumped on a planet full of monsters but then bumps into a door which requires a red key finally finds red key after 45 mins and than finds a door with a blue key finally finds blue key after 45 mins and it opens to a massive monster he kill it credits roll. Also none of his weapons have any effect on the doors not even the rocket launcher lol.
this is going to be so garbage literally who ever green lite this should be slapped.
Should have just made an animation...
Will this turn out to be the sequel D-War, D-War 2: Electric Boogaloo?
I actually first saw this in Forbes. Even they were stunned at how terrible the plot sounds.
I dont think it's a problem with Hollywood "misunderstanding" games, it's just blatant Hollywood arrogance:
"X is popular so we will leverage that popularity with a live action film. But let's disregard the tone and content that made X popular in the first place, and stick to good old fashioned movie tropes (Guns, soldiers, portal mcguffin). It's cool; I'm a Hollywood film director, so I definately know better than creators and fans who have been invested in this franchise for over a decade."
The Avatar film (Last Airbender) was a perfect example of this. And before anyone says "hey I thought that film was pretty good", the problem was that it had none of the animated series humour or heart, and the characters were changed beyond recognition by a director who thought he knew better.
This is the equivalent of a modern Tom Clancy game; attach a familiar, established name to a generic product = Profit.
Take a franchise build on the "Man Vs Wild" trope, where the appeal lies in the fact that it#s set in an underdeveloped civilization dependent on the hunter/gatherer dichotomy, creating an almost balanced codependence between predator and pray
...then ditch all that because cool monsters and guns and nfjfjfjdkdjd...
God i hate hollywood...
Meh. I'll probably watch it when it comes to Netflix after a few weeks of being in the theater.
The question is why is there ANY need to bring modern day soldiers into the world. Why not just go with that world in the first place it's interesting enough on it's own. I liked several of the Resident Evil movies and Mortal Kombat so I will reserve judgement for now, but this already fills you with questions of why.
If the moviegoers make this movie succeed in the box office I would scream "You doomed the Monster Hunter series." I hope there be angry protesters that will block the movie theaters to keep people from support bad movies like this one. Why is Monster Hunter fans not going after this psychopath Paul W. S. Anderson?
@bones I haven't seen DOOM yet, it's in my queue somewhere, but your version may be better from what I've heard. Maybe I'll watch it on Halloween, it can distract me form the trick-or-treaters and vice-versa.
Already bored.
... oh great, yet another uninspired garbage movie from Paul W. S. Anderson 😑
This will be trash!
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