John Carpenter's contribution to horror cinema simply cannot be understated; via titles like Halloween, The Thing and They Live, he has helped to shape the kind of fright-heavy flicks we know and love - and that's not to mention his many excellent films outside of the genre, such as Escape from New York, Big Trouble in Little China and Dark Star.
However, the original 1978 Halloween will always be the film he is most instantly associated with, and to celebrate the release of yet another entry in the franchise this year, IGN decided to pop Carpenter in front of a Nintendo Labo piano and ask him to play the famous theme tune of the series - which he also composed himself.

The result? Hilarity. Carpenter makes a good job of replicating the tune if we're honest, but his lovable grumbling ("I have no idea what I'm doing") is what seals the deal. He gets a bit potty-mouthed at the end, so be warned - IGN has at least been good enough to beep out his swears. Phew!
So there you have it; Carpenter's verdict of the Labo piano kit is perhaps as high as the reviews critics gave to In The Mouth of Madness, Vampires and Ghosts of Mars, the latter of which I'm still annoyed about paying good money to see at the cinema back in 2001.
Thanks to Lord Conrad's brewery for the tip!
Comments 137
Ghost of Mars was pretty bad, but I didnt pay to see it.
Anyways, I kinda agree with him.
An inquisitive mind.
Well, okay then.
Ghosts of Mars, the latter of which I'm still annoyed about paying good money to see at the cinema back in 2001.
I was annoyed wasting my time watching it for free. lol
He is right about that one.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
What a legend. Some of my favourite films of all time were made by him. The thing is an utter masterpiece
@Shiryu One of my all time fave films
@GrailUK not unless your tools are made of cardboard
God has just talk !
That thing's gonna cost 5 bucks soon, just need to wait for :

Suck ?!
Oh, well...
He should eat his shoes or whatever because i will keep making and playing my LABO Toy Con 01. Just one more to finish.
Oh, anyway...
His statement about LABO was Really DAMN Suck !!
People saying the Nintendo Labo sucks, but maybe this guy just doesn't know how to play the piano. I mean, what has this guy ever done?
Make sure Anti doesn't see this.
Oh no, too late.
I don't need Black Friday to buy LABO since i live in Indonesia and there is NO Black Friday in my country.
Upcoming next, i will buy LABO Toy Con 03 Vehicle Kit on January 2019.
@Anti-Matter you mad bro?
I don't like having to decide what to do about storage of the things, but Labo is so awesome I want them to keep coming out with more and ever more creative kits!
@patbacknitro18 you really dont know what he has done? What are you? A teenager?
Love the editing. Laurie Strode sobbing in the background as he was struggling to play the Halloween theme on this thing was pretty funny.
He's a massive video game player. And I agree, Labo sucks!
thanks for saying it
That's ok.
Haha, alright, well, David Lynch was pretty upset about the idea of watching films on iPhone as well.
The piano isn't all there is to LABO, and I'm not sure he's the target audience in the first place.
I agree with the good sir
Neither did most people 😏
Remember, i still have some critiques for Nintendo, especially Wii U games library (The biggest critiques) & Switch game box design from sideway + Switch Gaming history (Minor critiques).
Nintendo is NOT 100% Always Right in my eyes. They still have some flaws that i can give critiques about their flaws.
Haha, I love it. I haven't tried a Labo yet, but I can appreciate an honest reaction like this.
On a side note, in regards to the last sentence of the article - I actually rather like "In the Mouth of Madness." Some of the performances are... Not great, but it's one of the most successful attempts to make a Lovecraftian film that I've seen.
The other two are indeed terrible, tho.
Um, Labo was not designed for him, nor for me. It's geared to kids & as a creative thinking toy, it's great. He should just stick to horribly implausible (& now derivative) horror flicks.
Lol, I saw this yesterday, it was hilarious.
I’m here to play Labo piano and chew bubble gum, and I’m allllll out of bubble gum.
I'm sure it's not bad for some, but like VR, I just can't get into it.
Well if he cannot get it to sound how it should, it must suck.
But what does Francis Ford Coppola think of The Amazon Alexa?
Something tells me he's not the target audience so his opinion on the matter isn't really that important. I actually bought the variety kit recently because it was $40 off and I really want to try Deemo with the piano once it gets updated. Haven't opened it up yet.
I really hope people understand that this thing is a joke. Some of you, please don't take it so seriously, jeez.
@Eef - Hey, thanks! His best movie in my opinion. All hail Hot Rod (RIP fella). I’ve read Roddy improvised that line, but I’m not sure if it’s true. I’d believe it though, coming from a genius promo wizard like Piper.
I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Carpenter. Labo can take a long walk of a short pier.
Halloween, The Fog, Escape from New York and The Thing are my favorite movies by him. Assault on Precinct 13 (the original) was really good, too.
He's just giving an opinion, nothing more.
The Thing gave me nightmares as a teenager but I cannot deny it is 1 of the greatest films ever made.
@patbacknitro18 hahahahaha you’re joking right??? Please say youre joking. Massively uninformed if not
@onex - I will OBEY.
I'm confused....
I love Carpenter movies and I hate Labo (speaking from ACTUAL EXPERIENCE, not assumption), but what the hell was this ???
it was obviously professionally filmed and edited, but what the hell is this ???
was it meant to be a publicity ad FOR Labo gone bad and this is some type of outtake or did he get this for a grandchild and tried it to play with the grandchild and it sucked so bad he felt it necessary to gather his group and make a "Public Service Announcement" with IGN Trashing the Labo ??? what was IGN's original reason for this so late after Labo had been released and for not just anyone reviewing it, but JAMES CAMERON SPECIFICALLY ???
it's more like a skit on James Cordon ???
Awesome to see John Carpenter getting respect for being not only one of the great directors, but one of the best film composers.
IGN, on the other hand, should probably be investigated for torture making him play the Labo piano.
i dunno about sucks but it's definitely one of those 'Nintendo side projects' that will probably be abandoned at some point.
They Live is one of my favorite movies.
@Trajan Rowdy and Keith, perfect character opposites being a perfect match
@patbacknitro18 Wha? You're joking yeah? Imagine Miyamoto being featured on a site about movies and someone making that comment.
This man invented Michael Myers. He knows what he's talking about!! I think this is the absolute proof we need. But what does he think of Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey?
Your mustache also sucks 😂🤣🤣🤣
Now grab a tissue, wipe those tears and move on.
For any Halloween fans who also listen to podcasts, The Ringer podcast network is in the midst of an eight part narrative exploration into the franchise, which includes interviews with Carpenter and Jamie Lee Curtis. Can’t say I’m a fan of the host, she’s slightly unbearable, but I’ve enjoyed every other aspect of it.
Well I saw him play live in Newcastle last night.
Needless to say it was amazing and he is a god.
The also got Jamie Lee Curtis to play Dr Kawashima's Ben Tramaring.
I can't believe Anti said gasp the D-word!
The original Halloween and The Thing are excellent. Everything else is a bit overrated.
....but, I have no love for the Labo either.
Is he between 8 and 12 years old (the age range I think labor is for)? Than why bother?
Welp, the King has spoken, case closed.
@Sondheimist You and me both, bro/brosette, I love In the mouth of madness.
Even kids think Labo sucks
Labo was a strange idea from the start. The kind of thing that might be mentioned during a brainstorming session but nothing that would ultimately be brought to market.
Lmao awesome... I love john he's great
@jhewitt3476 the new Halloween movie is out so I’m sure it’s part of the publicity for that. Anything to make the monotinous interviews a bit more interesting I guess.
@FarkyValentine The "concept" was cool, you create these constructs and expand the Switch's capabilities for gameplay big time....
but it was implemented REALLY poorly, it's not so much the constructs themselves, it's what they had you doing with them, the games suck ass and for the crap games/apps combined with the over priced costs, yah, they end up as the next gen uber failure Virtual Boy
Favorite John Carpenter movie quote: "I Have Come Here To Chew Bubble Gum And Kick Ass...And I'm All Out Of Bubble Gum !!!"
@Mr_Pepperami - The new one looks so good, really excited to see it. I’m curious how they’ll handle the ending of H20 given that Michael has always been ambiguously “human” and that movie ended in such a way that it’s clearly impossible for a human to survive such a thing. I believe H20 was the last Halloween movie that Carpenter was involved in making, but all the previous Halloween movies ended in such a way that Michael was either still out there, or his injuries were possible to recover from with suspended disbelief.
I kind of agree with the guy, Labo pretty much is just that. Good cardboard for the right kids into building, and little else. The implementation sucks on the whole concept.
@bimmy-lee from what I understand this one is set after the original and retcons ALL the other sequels. So as far as I know according to this movie H2O never happened I think. So confusing these days😂
@bimmy-lee Halloween Resurrection already explained that ending. It doesn't matter though because this new one removes everything after the original, even part 2.
@bimmy-lee also quite randomly this one is written by Danny McBride that comedian from eastbound and down etc. So weird.
@RevengeFan @Mr_Pepperami - I didn’t realize. Weird. I guess it’s a reboot of sorts then, except not rebooting all the material. I thought Carpenter was not involved in Resurrection, so I didn’t consider it canon to the series.
Edit - Danny McBride?!? Wow. Also didn’t realize this. I’m out of touch with things I like because of young kids.
@bimmy-lee hahaha I feel you buddy mine is just turned 10 so I’m just coming out of the haze.
@Mr_Pepperami - Good for you! My friend’s three kids are all 10 and over and he claims he’s basically a “retired” dad at this point. He says the only one left that still wants to spend time with him is the 10 year old, and the teenagers only want money and occasional advice (that they don’t follow). Enjoy the Halloween reboot/retcon/reimagine when you get a chance to see it.
He may be right, but he's still a Ubisoft shill.
I got confused and thought this was an article about Richard Carpenter. I was kind of surprised at all the mentions of horror films.
@bimmy-lee yeah, they become a lot more independent around that age. I still have trouble letting go though. It’s all gone so fast. I’ll def get to cinema for this as the last horror I saw in the cinema was ‘the mist’ as I’m super picky with that genre as I was a manager for blockbuster many years ago(I can’t tell you how many films I’ve seen). I’m also a HUGE carpenter fan(the director not the group😂). Hope you can find the time to get to the movie. Good luck
@diwdiws Touché! That gets a pass from me, especially as the man wrote this gem;
Well no surprise there.
@Mr_Pepperami - We’ve only just begun, but I could go on forever. I could cry right now thinking about how fast fatherhood has already flown by. The Mist is fantastic, I’ve seen that one a couple times. I probably won’t see this one until this winter as The Force Awakens was the last movie I saw in theater. I should be more picky with horror movies, but I always get suckered into a bad one on Netflix. I was pleasantly surprised by As Above, So Below a few weekends ago. Getting stuck/lost underground is something that still terrifies me. The last supernatural theme that scared me was It Follows. To tie it back to Carpenter/Michael Meyers, a slow, unstoppable stalking thing is still really scary if done right. Take care!
Show me Michael meyers Rockin out and well have a comment section
Who tf cares what this guy thinks??? LMAO😂😂😂
@bimmy-lee really enjoyed ‘it follows’ caught that one on streaming. Thought Hereditary was ok but overrated. If you like horrors set underground I’d really recommend ‘the descent’ unless you’ve seen it. Well worth a look. Not the sequel though. That’s pants. The mist was straight up amazing. That ending 😂😂 couldn’t believe it.
As for fatherhood. It’s by far and away the best thing I’ve done with my life. Never really thought I’d have kids which considering how much it means to me now still shocks me. Enjoy it all. I still remember doing night feeds yet that’s so long ago now.
im still not sure if labo is worth with the $80 price tag.
oh well, looking forward to non-labo games in 2019.
Btw i have it all figured out. Doods just salty Nintendo used Friday the 13th mask for splatoween and not Michael Meyers' mask. He thinks he's too smart for me but i caught his salty rear..
@Mr_Pepperami - Still haven’t seen Hereditary, or Get Out. I enjoy Toni Collette though, and it’s one I mean to see. The Descent is probably when I realized I was scared of getting lost in a cave. That was scarier than the mutants/devolved. The sequel was crap. Andre Braugher’s character in The Mist was one of the most hatable characters in recent memory. Really pushed the movie along when they weren’t under siege by terrifying creatures of unusual size.
Edit - I was the night feeder too, sends shivers down my spine. Never been so sleep deprived. That could make a decent horror movie. A child with insatiable night hunger.
He prefers working with wood, natch.
Labo is very far away from sucking, in fact it's almost perfect. But of course you only can see this, if you understand what Labo is and for what (and who) it is.
I just want my truck back.
So no customary holiday tramplings?
The joy in Labo is building stuff and seeing how it works. It’s quite charming, but I wouldn’t expect an old guy like John Carpenter to get it. But given its price and it’s platinum sales, without Christmas even being here yet, it’s definitely a popular product. It’s just not for everybody.
@bimmy-lee get out is well worth seeing alright. Hereditary is good and the acting is first rate it’s just quite slow and gets a little silly at the end. Same with me with descent. Couldn’t believe how much it affected me. The thought of getting trapped in the Earth was horrible. Andre Braugher is always good he’s a fantastic actor. The most terrifying thing about the mist is how people react under extreme stress and how quickly people’s morals and ethics can fly out the window towards desperation. Marcia gay harden was also amazing as the religious lady.
@Mr_Pepperami - Oh man, forgot about her religious character! She was the scariest thing in that movie. Pure crazy eyes. The Mist handled that moral conundrum as well as any horror I’ve ever seen. It’s a theme I love in zombie/apocalypse movies, but usually the characters are such tropes, it’s hard to get into it. They’re either pure evil, or too white knight/Rick Grimes-ey making choices in the name of morality that none of us would make in that situation. I get so freaked out when people are stuck in caves and/or lost underground, that I find myself holding my breath, which tells me I’m watching something at least decent.
"Aren't you even going to kiss her goodbye?"
@Shiryu YES, Big Trouble in Little China reference ftw
@60frames-please Greatest screen name ever you have there lol
@bimmy-lee Rowdy Roddy Piper... so sad he's gone, RIP.
I feel like boring too awkward. But nothing special trying to scare me. When I play Jurassic World Evolution looks awesome. We love Dinosaurs.
@MeloMan - “Oooh ya, fella” one of many gone too soon. He and Orndorff are two of the first heels I remember hating. I was a little Hulkamaniac brother. Shame I didn’t realize his greatness until he was well past his prime. I still always had to stand up and mark out when the old drums and reels would hit for his yearly appearances on Raw. RIP to one of the greats.
This Halloween Event to play Diablo III, Luigi Mansion, Outlast 2, Resident Evil and more Horror Video Game. Try Luigi Mansion make a ghost Labo that's brilliant idea that ghost projector for Happy Halloween.
@Mr_Pepperami Your comments on fatherhood mirror my own. I have so many friends that don't have kids and I don't want to be "that" guy but I just know they are missing out (not in all cases, but in several cases with my friends).
I know where they are coming from as I didn't think I would have kids for a long time but my wife and I changed our minds and our life is 100% more busy but also 200% more meaningful.
Kids are great, just don't over spoil them .
@Nehalem so so true. I have a brother who has kids so I was an uncle before having my own and foolishly thought it would be a similar feeling but it’s so so different having your own. Life is so different once you have them but it absoluely has completed me as a person. Agree about the spoiling as well. Put the discipline work in early on or be in for a lifetime of pain😂😂
Person has a popular opinion of Nintendo's cardboard product.
Labo was kind of a cool little arts n crafts experiment but it has never been the type of thing to take seriously.
@Syrek24 Welcome to the internet, where everyone comes to discussion forums simply to be mean and nasty while trying to make themselves feel more important or intelligent than they are.
The man is 70 years old and the two things he love to do is watching basketball and gaming. He said he doesn't have time to direct cause he prefer playing games. He's a real legend. So many iconic movies.
@bimmy-lee Same here, I really hated him when I was ALL HULKAMANIA as a kid, but really grew to love how talented he was when I got older. I think he was one of the biggest, dissing mouthpieces before The Rock took that title, but I digress. I used to love it when Hogan would call out Piper's name, too: "PIPER!!"
@Shiryu Yes! I remember that scene! Egg Shen!
@GrailUK John Carpenter has no problem in the synth world, I can tell you that. His movie themes are legendary....he happens to be right. He sees it from a musician's point of view. I'm hope he'll be cranking out the good stuff on his Korg Kronos for years to come.
@Anti-Matter DAMN???? That's a naughty word! Watch your language there Anti-Matter! Those are the type of words that are in BAD games like Call of Duty, not in family friendly games like Dance Dance Revolution.
I agree
@FragRed and his remake of The Thing(awesome), Big Trouble In Little China, Halloween 1 2 and a part in three, The Fog, Prince Of Darkness, In The Mouth Of Madness, They Live and more. Carpenter is a legend and his music compositions are awesome! Love the analog stuff: A little obligatory Halloween music/Chariot Of Pumpkins from Mr. Carpenter for the season!
@MeloMan - Goosebumps thinking of Hogan calling out his name. So many great segments between those two on Piper’s Pit. He and Heenan carried the buildup to WMIII and the slam at the Silverdome. I kind of feel like his promos are more timeless than The Rock’s, taking nothing away from Rocky. He was nasty too. He wasn’t a great wrestler, but he was all headlocks, punches, snake eyes and chokes. He wasn’t the chicken ish heel of the time. He was psychotic and scary. Even if he was smaller than your favorite wrestler, it was not a given because every time they thought they had the answers, Hot Rod changed the questions. Yes sir.
@Agent721 He just sees it from the synth player's/keyboardist's point of view as he and Alan Howarth do the music for the Carpenter films. Carpenter's music is hugely influential on current genres. It's in the DNA of current synthwave and much more.
Wait do yo mean In the mouth ofd madness did not get positive reviews? I can't believe it, I like it so much (it is the only movie he made that I like to be honest but I like it a lot) and almost everybody who has seen it loves it!!!
I’m genuinely baffled as to how people are comparing the skills required to play Nintendo Labo vs playing the piano.
I should be a legit Nascar racer since my Mario Kart skills be so fine.
My, your level of humility is staggering, I bow to your piousness in the world of Mario Kart
Well you're asking opinion from an old guy playing a kid product, of course it's obvious he gonna suck playing it.
Why would this old-fart's opinion worth anything ?
I respect the opinions and I know that it is normal for someone to have something that they really do not like; however, these notes where "an eminence, a king, a star, or whatever" exposes something to give "bad reputation" sounds to me to really want to damage the reputation of something ..., especially when there is already so much negativity and worse, that the product is not bad, but they want to make it look bad.....
@retro_player_22 Gaming is for everyone.....even people who are flippant about ageism.
@Anti-Matter Honestly Labo was pretty mediocre, I agree with John Carpenter on this.
That and he is one of my favourite film directors, except Ghosts of Mars. We don't talk about that one.
John who ? Who is this? He is a composer? I'm not familiar with his music .
@Mr_Pepperami @bimmy-lee if either of you are looking for a good modern horror, I'd recommend A Quiet Place. Strictly speaking, more of a thriller but it blew me away. The new 'It' was fantastic as well, really captured that sense of childhood adventure, as opposed to a jump scare-fest.
I have to agree, It Follows was wonderful, Get Out was superb and Hereditary was sort of pretty good. I also recently stumbled across Mark Duplass' Creep series and enjoyed those a LOT, a great character study. For me, though, horror doesn't get much better than the original Blair Witch Project
Never heard of this guy or the films mentioned, but also not a fan of Labo so... neat?
Well frankly I haven't watched any of his movies except for Big Trouble in Little China, which was okay but really strange. And I don't really have any interest in them to begin with. But that's kind of besides the point. Obviously his views aren't mine nor are Barrack Obama's on Pokemon.
Frankly I don't really care what celebrities think about really anything in general as most of them are very out of touch with the rest of us.
He may have made The Thing and They Live, two of my all-time favourite movies, but that doesn't mean I care about his opinion on something entirely unrelated really For all I know I may even agree, haven't tried any of the labo kits.
Yeah...the Labo Piano should not be used to compose music for a movie. Much like how the Labo Steering Wheel shouldn't be used in an actual car, and how the Labo Joystick shouldn't be used in an actual airplane, and so on...
Strange he'd say that considering most of his 80s soundtracks are based on repetitive one-two note synth patterns, which could be easily replicated on Labo. I do like his old soundtracks but I suppose that's because I've always liked electronic music in some shape or form.
@westman98 or using an iphone on a photoshoot...
It does suck
Frankly, this John Carpenter sucks.
could give a rats butt about this guy, whoever he is.
He's right tho. Labo sucks.
Some people here need to stop taking life so seriously and watch more Carpenter films.
Oh come on. Ghost of Mars is one of those it's bad but it's enjoyable types of movies. Like Street Fighter The Movie. Love that movie. It's even better in Spanish believe it or not.
@GrailUK A professional stays clear of garbage tools.
@MajorasLapdog - I haven’t seen that one, I’ll keep an eye out for it, thanks. Really like the Creep movies. Duplass is so good in them that I have trouble, when I see him in other movies and shows, not thinking he’s a psychopath.
@Painkiller_Mike That's not even a saying
Look how bad the latency is from the time the key is pressed and the note plays. No kidding it must be frustrating to play.
Well, he is pretty much an authority on things that suck having made so much bleh material
@patbacknitro18 made some of the best movies ever and made the Halloween music lol that's what he has done
If I were to die, I would want Carpenter to play the Labo Piano at my funeral.
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