Shovel Knight fans, today is your lucky day! Well, actually, the 9th April 2019 is your lucky day, as that date sees the release of almost too many Shovel Knight goodies all at the same time. Buckle your seatbelts.
Shovel Knight Showdown, a Super Smash Bros. style brawler which we actually reported on yesterday, is doubling up with the previously announced Shovel Knight: King of Cards (the third story expansion) to release on that date. Releasing two sets of DLC on the same day might seem like a strange decision, but that all makes sense when you see the next item on Yacht Club Games' list.
Yes, Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove - the complete Shovel Knight experience which features the base game and all available DLC - is receiving a physical edition on 9th April. This physical edition will be available in both North America and Europe, and will also remain available as a digital download on the Nintendo eShop. The physical copy will cost $39.99.

Also on that very same day, the previously revealed three-pack of amiibo figures, featuring Plague Knight, Specter Knight, and King Knight will be released.

Do you love Shovel Knight? Is this slightly too much to take in? Feel free to gather your thoughts and share them with the community in the comments below.
[source uk.ign.com]
Comments 87
Darn, I thought King of Cards was supposed to be out this fall.
So 9th April will be the last Wii U support then, Wii U getting stuff in 2019 seems as crazy as Just Dance 2019 being released for Wii.
9 April?! That is a long way away. Glad to finally get a date, but wow.
9th of April?! Why did they announce these amiibo so far in advance then? Yeesh. At least they're finally dated, but yeah...
So much stuff, all in one day! I’m still shocked by how much content Shovel Knight Showdown includes.
Treasure Trove is the absolute best deal I’ve ever seen. So much bang for your buck.
The wait is already killing me
Seriously, such a great series.
i thought King of Cards was gonna be out this year, but at least we know when it'll be out.
That is a longer wait than I was expecting. Plenty to play until then I suppose.
@sketchturner It is because of the Amiibo, and it is exclusive to the Switch first, other consoles won't get the expansions the same day just like they did with the last campaign.
I am sad that King of Cards has been delayed so late, though...
That's surprisingly far out and unexpected. Good to finally have a release date. They're saying King of Cards is the biggest campaign of the bunch, so it will be interesting to see what they've come up with. I've loved all the campaigns so far and look forward to the next one. Since it will be a while, I'll be able to catch up on a number of other games.
Awesome. The physical release and amiibo are all going to be a day one buy for me. I already have them preordered.
I bought the original Shovel Knight for Wii U a few years ago, when it was on sale for less than ten bucks. It is one of my favorite games, and I've sunk many hours into it.
The fact that they've added so much free DLC for early adopters like me makes me feel like I practically owe it to them to double dip, plus I like collecting physical editions of my favorite games.
Yacht Club Games has earned my loyalty for years to come. I wish them nothing but success.
That is some pretty box art. Ok ok I'll buy it again.
Love Plague Knight - my favourite character and design in the entire series. Might even be tempted to buy an Amiibo for the first time ever...
Fantastic news! Plan to buy the amiibo and maybe even double-dip with the full physical version.
Well...it's a long way from now, but at least now I know.
Triple dipping, to get the physical on Switch (have it physical on 3DS and digital on Wii U) and the amiibo!
Wow, that is a long ways away. I was expecting to play before smash bros.....
Doesn't seem like this was the original plan, but I wonder if some delay or other factor made the simultaneous release of all this too hard to pass up. Maybe the physical release or the amiibo were the issue, don't know, but if this is the best way to concentrate all the value at once and get more people to pay up and support the game and company, then good for them. One last solid push for Shovel Knight and then Yacht Club can move on to something truly new.
...and all of this will be available on WiiU too!! I can't believe these guys kept all the crazy promises they made. Shovel Knight is seriously one of the most pleasant surprises of this generation!
@NintendoFan4Lyf for you.
It's time to move on for you.
People just love to speak for everyone else these days, and that's plain obnoxious.
SK deserves every bit of attention it gets. Every new iteration has been stellar. I can't wait for the amiibo 3 pack.
So I already have this, Hollow Knight and Bowser's Inside Story DX on the docket for next year. Hoping for DQ 11 for Switch, too.
Day one.
Yes! Glad I waited for physical- great package and superb price
Just asked my son about this, he bought the game and the DLC on 3DS way back when and he said he's been getting everything and is looking forward to King of Cards. I don't know what he paid exactly for either but since I have to ok everything I'm sure it wasn't much, pretty sur eit was before the words "Treasure Trove" were ever spoken. certainly the gift that keeps on giving.
So are they going to re-release the Shovel Knight amiibo?
It doesn't say whether or not King of Cards will be on the cartridge though. If not, then I don't think I'll pick it up, cause if it's not on there, you can bet they'll screw early adopters over by releasing later another physical edition that really does pack EVERYTHING on it.
And since they're labelling the physical edition Treasure Trove, that seems to indicate to me that King of Cards won't be on it since the similarly named "Treasure Trove" currently available on the eShop is only the first three campaigns.
I was really expecting the rest of the DLC this year. This last set of DLC will be a nice small break from Smash Ultimate in next April.
That's amazing that you enjoy him so much. I can't get into his gameplay. I did New Game + for Shovel and Specter but this one I'm reluctant to go back for more. I always felt this campaign was weaker, but reading this makes me realize it's just a matter of taste.
At last! Can’t wait to pick this up! (I already own the treasure trove on the Switch but to have a physical set would be glorious as welll.)
Day One!
The only thing "strange" is how KoC was supposed to originally be out in January of this year lol. 9th April 2019?
Fine. I'm guessing the physical copy wasn't a "thing" at first, but since it is now, then everything has be included before it releases. I give Yacht Club credit-- Regardless of the popularity or success of Shovel Knight, they've managed to push this same game for almost 5 years by the time this DLC and physical game drop. Impressive. Oh and that Specter Knight Amiibo... yep lol.
Other than all this, I would probably die on the spot if I hear of Shovel Knight 2 by 2020 lol.
@NintendoFan4Lyf we all know you’re gonna get the expansion and amiibo set.
Don’t deny it.
I will get this on switch. I own the original physical Shovel Knight for Wii U. Where do I stand with DLC for a physical game I own. Can I get it on there as well? Confused older gamer here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-cbOl96RFM this song played in my head once I read the article.
Hoping the physical copy comes with reversible cover art, a manual and/or art book, and a download code for ALL complete soundtracks associated with the game through Bandcamp.
Remember when they said things like "The wait for King of Cards won't be as long as it was for Specter of Torment," and "Early 2018?" I'm glad it has a date now, and I know the wait will be worth it, since the battle mode is gonna be more fleshed out than I could've hoped for, but the wait has been painful enough already...
@90sRetroGaming you could just download the said soundtracks for free on Bandcamp. The composer made them available for everyone.
@RudyC3 if you actually looked at the cover, King Knight is on the far right.
Oh man, so far away.
@Orwellianson Oh I know, I just want to have the soundtracks registered to my Bandcamp account, which in order to achieve, would require payment. Adding all the digital soundtracks to physical copy would add more value, due to the $39.99 price tag.
@NintendoFan4Lyf Agreed. Loved the original release on 3DS but that was enough for me I think.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I made you a meme but I don’t know how to post it here. It was the distracted boyfriend one. One girl in the foreground with the text “New Games on Switch e-Shop” guy in the middle has text that says “You” girl in the back with a shocked look on her face says “Current backlog of games yet to be completed.”
@90sRetroGaming OH. Righto.
@rjejr Well in the case of Shovel Knight, if you own the base game (which has since been upgraded to 'Treasure Trove') you get everything for free as it releases.
I think when the game first came out on 3DS it was around $15 USD.
I have SK on my 3DS, so it looks like I won’t get that awesome brawler dlc, but maybe I’ll consider buying that version or something. I rarely play my 3DS as it is.
I am so glad I waited to buy Shovel Knight for the Switch. Now I can buy the physical adition with all the content.
Remember when King of Cards was supposed to come out at the "beginning of 2018"?
Anyway, if the delay makes the mode better, go for it.
@Orwellianson Just because he's on the cover doesn't mean he's not DLC. Cause if he was in there, why not simply be upfront about it, or better yet why not call it something OTHER than what is currently the name of the full game BAR King of Cards? Why not use a different name?
I'll believe it when it's confirmed by word
Damn I wanted the physical edition to get King of Cards as well. I have only watched Shovel Knight and I want to play it personally.
Just to be clear The physical collection will have ALL expansions? Including King of Cards?
It is little misleading.
Anyone know more about it?
@RudyC3 Treasure Trove is the name they came up with to refer to the full game with all DLC as it becomes available. When King of Cards is released, it will be added to Treasure Trove. So the naming doesn't really indicate anything right now. I'm not saying that you're wrong about the possibility of it being on the cart or a download, though I'm leaning the other way. It's a valid question and I suspect they'll clarify it fairly quickly and there's plenty of time until release that I'm sure you'll get your answer.
Why is King of Cards taking so long?
@Zuljaras @RudyC3 Here is your answer:
"All of these wonderful games are all on the card/disc! No additional download or waiting required. However, we’ll be sure to to continue support updates if anyone happens runs into a small problem or two post release."
That is directly from Yacht Club's site.
@sdelfin Damn … this is unfortunate Now I MUST buy it
Sounds great!
@sketchturner it was originally supposed to come out early 2018 then was pushed to summer 2018. It appears this is their way of announcing another delay but at least this time we have a date.
@RudyC3 Treasure Trove is the name of the edition that includes all DLC, past and future. King of Cards was promised for free to those who purchased the Treasure Trove. This physical release is the same edition but in a physical format, meaning it includes ALL campaigns. There’s no reason to wait until King of Cards to release the physical edition if that expansion isn’t on the card.
I am so excited for king knight campaign and more shovel knight swag with amiibo!
@Grumblevolcano Assuming Just Dance 2020, more Minecraft DLC and an indie developer trying to earn a quick buck don't all happen.
I remember playing this game the first time through, launch day, and thinking that as awesome as it was, how short and little content there was. But after this last pack of dlc, I feel like I am stealing from yacht club games. One of the best indie games/devs around.
Shovel Knight has been the gift that keeps on giving.
@sdelfin That's all the confirmation I needed, a word from them. Nice! Thanks!
@ShadJV There have been other late physical edition releases on Switch for no valid reason and which didn't bring anything more on the cart than what was already available on the eShop. See Wonderboy for example. So that wasn't a very good indication. But since now they've reassured fans on their website that the cart packs everything, all is well anyway.
Finally those amiibos got the release date, I thought they're cancelled after all. As for the game itself I'm glad that my Wii U copy will get both updates. That's how games should be supported, shame on you greedy Nintendo for ditching a MK8 battle mode on Wii U.
Probably still comes out before Terraria
@Zeraki Thanks, that sounds about right, and my kid didn't recall buying a season pass either. Sucks about no Showdown on the 3DS but at least he'll get King of Cards the same day to keep him busy. And the game costs about $30 or $40 now, so he's gotten his moneys worth.
Really?! April 2019?!? That stinks I was really looking forward to king of cards this year.. I guess I'll just finish the plague of shadows campaign which I'm not too crazy about in the meantime. It's a good thing I have so much to play over the next few months though so it won't affect me that bad. Here's to April of 2019!! Cheers!
Definitely grabbing this. Loved playing it on my Wii U.
I'm quite excited for this! I bought Shovel Knight on the Wii U and really enjoyed it. I didn't get the Treasure Trove on Switch because I was holding out hope for a physical edition. That's an easy day one purchase for me as I have only played the original storyline.
I've had the amiibo 3-pack pre-ordered for ages.
I actually feel a bit disappointed about the date. Don't get me wrong, they already have given us more than what we paid for, but I really wanted to play it this year.
I don't think I'll be buying the physical version since I already own Treasure Trove digitally... but it's great news anyway.
The 9th April release date though... that's disappointing. I was expecting a 2018 release.
@Moroboshi876 It’s taking awhile because it’s huge. So is Showdown. Yacht Club are spoiling us.
Seems like I am in the minority of people who played and loved this but have moved on to arguably better things.
Good on Yacht Club for the support, but I feel they have milked it a bit much for me.
I am ready to be flamed over this.
April 9 is insane. Tha's like back to the Future stuff. Very strange. I thought we're talking days or weeks not years.
@dumedum What year are you living in lol? The release date is a little over 8 months away not years. xD
Glad i didn’t buy it digitally yet!! I will wait! But wow April’s a ways off!!
Trolololol: Its years ago that they announced King of cards, and it definitely would release this year. So why the huuuuuggggeee delay?! This is totally insane!!
@imgrowinglegs I know, but the way they were talking about King of Cards it seemed like it was due even before this summer.
Yey! Physical! But as a lot of people are saying, shame it's not until 9 April, I will probably would have forgotten about it by then
@Moroboshi876 They're a small team, stuff like this takes time and from what they're saying these final two expansions are massive.
I'm bummed by the delay, but I know Yacht Club will deliver like they always do so I'm fine with it.
Serious question. If I buy the digital treasure trove now at $25, do I get the brawler and King Knight's campaign for free on April 9th? Or would I need to buy those separate for another $15 (at least)
@coolaggro Treasure Trove is the full game, including the remaining add ons when they are available at no extra cost. If you have an interest in the game, it is probably wiser to buy it at its current price as it will likely see a price increase after the last add ons.
@ReanSchwarzer7 8 months is practically a year.
It's next spring ffs. And it's possibly be delayed again . That amiibo pack has been in my preorder since time immemorial it seems
@sdelfin great! I’ll get it soon then. Already had it on 3DS And played both additional campaigns and beat it even on new game +. Love the game so much and am excited to have it again on switch.
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