One of the biggest surprises to come out of this year's E3 was the reveal Fox McCloud and his trusty Arwing would be appearing in Starlink: Battle for Atlas to help deal with Wolf O'Donnell and his villainous crew.
Ace pilot and leader of the Star Fox Team, Fox McCloud is the legendary defender of the Lylat star system. Fox came to Atlas in pursuit of Wolf O'Donnell and his crew, and he has teamed up with the Starlink initiative in their fight against Grax and the Forgotten Legion. Exclusively on Nintendo Switch.
It turns out Fox won't be alone, either. His entire team will be providing him back-up. Based on IGN footage from Gamescom earlier this week, which has now been removed, the original gang is back. Below is a screenshot from the video:

As can be seen, Falco Lombardi, Slippy Toad and Peppy Hare - who first appeared alongside Fox in the 1993 Super Nintendo game - will all be returning. There's no word about their part in Ubisoft's new game, so we'll just have to hold out until more information is revealed. Hopefully, there'll be plenty of intercom bickering between the iconic team of pilots just like old times.
Does the inclusion of the rest of the Star Fox crew have you excited about the release of Starlink this October? Will you be picking up this new game when it does finally arrive? Tell us below.
[source nintendoworldreport.com]
Comments 107
Already have it preordered. Can't wait to play it.
So one thing I'd like to know, with all this Nintendo content in this game, is it actually going to be a multiplatform game or is it a Nintendo exclusive?
If its Multiplatform then who will PS4 and Xbox get to replace Fox? Or will Fox feature in their version too.
So many questions are being unanswered.
I am excited for this game though. Its probably going to be the biggest 3rd party multiplatform game coming to the Switch this year.
First week purchase for me.
@Razer Its a multiplatform game and the other versions dont get anything extra.
@Razer it's multiplatform, Starfox and co are not in the other versions and is an exclusive bonus for the Switch version. If it is popular I suspect the over versions might get exclusive content too but so far it's just the switch.
@Knuckles-Fajita ahh nice so exclusive Nintendo content.
Yep defo a first week purchase for me. 😀
@Razer the star fox content is a special quest only available on switch, other platforms simply don't have it.
That 15GB install for the physical edition makes this game a pass for me. Shame, too, because it’s looking progressively more interesting.
@Pokefanmum82 ditto that
Awesome bonus!
at first i wasnt interested, but this is another story. I love crossovers.
@thesilverbrick do you have a pc, one that after a year needed a better graphics card? Bigger hard drive, more RAM? Well, my PS3 and PS4 both needed bigger hard drives then the one that came with them. My PCs has needed upgrades to stay relevant. My Wii U has a 1tb hd, I utilized the SD menu on my Wii, still do through my Wii U. My 3ds has a extra micro sd card. Well, day 2, I bought a 256gb micro sd card for my switch. Get over it and just play games. This is what gaming will always look like since consoles became watered down PCS. Its only going to get worse. Heck, I need to off load apps on my iPhone every time hearthstone has an update. Doesn’t stop me from playing what I want to play.
And I can’t wait for this game, and everspace too.
This will be a day one buy for me. Unless there will be some good titles going on sale which I have on my wishlist. Just too many great games coming out.
looked into it but bloody expensive set up
Although I have this pre-ordered, I'm still a little wary due to the toys-to-life/microtransaction mechanics.
I'd like to know how crucial it is to buy extra ships, characters and weapons in order to progress in the game. I'd rather have them digitally anyway, so the digital pricing would be good to know too.
Could have had Ratchet and Clank in the PS4 version.
@Donutman I mean it's their choice. If its gonna take a large chunk of memory and you would rather preserve that for games you really want then I think the game size is a valid reason.
Hands-on impressions of this have been really positive.
@Sakura they said everything can be unlocked through progression without the need to buy extra figures or ships. I'll wait for the reviews to confirm but it looks solid so far
This is shaping to be the Starfox game we’ve been waiting for...
I’m definitely extremely interested in this game, the only thing that really bothers me is that in Japan will be released at least six months later than the rest of the world. Just like with Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle.
I want to preorder this game, but we were really burned on toys-to-life.
Just get a 16 GB card just for Starlink. They’re cheap now. I originally thought the same thing as you. And even though I eventually want to upgrade my card, I don’t want or need to do it now. However I do still have an extra 16 GB card. I just keep it as an extra for my drone. The cost on them keeps going down. That’s why I want to wait to upgrade my main card. It will be a much cheaper by the time I need one. I may still keep Starlink on its own, though. 15 GB is huge for a Nintendo game, especially for a physical release.
@thesilverbrick If there's any Switch game where a game card is permissable it's this one. If you have to set up the spaceship in the controller each time you play (which restricts portability to an extent anyway) what's one more extra physical step?
Fox is the only reason I'm interested in this game.
Krystal, where are you my gurl ;~;
@gortsi Did they? I thought the only thing they'd announced on that front was that you could buy characters, vehicles, etc. digitally rather than having to purchase the NFC figures and scan them in every time. Do you have a source for content being unlocked through progression?
@Cinaclov I believe they said you only have to use the physical spaceship once, not every time.
@Donutman No need to get hostile. I already have a 128GB MicroSD card in my Switch, and it is already nearly full to capacity. I don’t want to use the precious little space I have left on a fairly massive install for a physical game that could easily have been put on a larger game card. The developer is taking a shortcut here and I’m not a fan. There’s zero need to be condescending. You’re as entitled to your opinion as I am to mine.
@Cinaclov There is a 15GB install with the physical edition. I don’t want to use so much space on a physical game.
@Flipbot I don’t want to fumble with a bunch of little MicroSD cards every time I want to play this game. They’re tiny, relatively fragile and very easy to lose. Why there is an install larger than the entirety of Breath of the Wild for a physical game is beyond me.
I wish they’d just sell the Starfox part of the game as a separate download. It’s all I’m interested in and there’s zero chance I’m getting the full game unless it bombs and goes on clearance.
It has been known other Star Fox characters would appear in Starlink. Go Nintendo even covered it.
My second most anticipated game behind Smash. This looks great.
@thesilverbrick so get another sd card. I have two sd cards. One for all digital and the other for the physical. Works pretty good for me.
@KryptoniteKrunch same here, I’m eagerly awaiting this. Everspace is shaping up to be a must grab too.
So many questions... I just have to wait for the review to put it ALL together.
@Markiemania95 Best advice I can give you, is to always go to the source, if you want to get answers about any questions you might have about any product.
In this case, if you go to Ubisoft's Starlink page, you'll find, that it is indeed true, what @gortsi said:
@justin233 The ‘Starfox’ part of the game.... is the ‘whole game’.. you can play the whole game as Fox.
In ‘Addition’ there are also Starfox only missions.
@FTL Well, this whole thing is confusing. I thought they were a separate part of the game.
@fortius54 @Cinaclov @Sakura I think comment #38 will come in handy for you guys too...
@justin233 What exactly is confusing about Fox McCloud being a selectable/unlockable character to play the entire game with, if you choose to do so? Seems pretty clear to me...
@ThanosReXXX I didn’t realize you could play the entire game as Fox. I thought they were a separate part of the game/extra missions... that’s what I just said. Sheesh.
(Hype intensifies)
-I swear I want to be mad at Ubi for taking the low hanging fruit, but they make such tasty parfaits with that fruit.
Although I would love for them to port the legacy AC games (I understand that the current ones would turn the switch into a paper weight but I bet it can run even syndicate with proper optimization.) or even just BG&EHD (since they ruined 2 for me, let me have something beautiful to remember the series by Ubi)
Look, a Star Fox game that will give the fans what they want.
@thesilverbrick I have to agree, 15 GB is a massive amount to have to download, that's bigger than most complete games. I'm not going to buy a physical game that I will have to spend three days downloading and buy a new memory card for.
The game looks okay, but it's starting to look like I'll be skipping it.
@thesilverbrick, i agree with what you say that the devlopper is taking a short cut and that makes it hard to swallow the 15gb extra download. Although i dont like it either i luckily have no storage issues as i have 2 456 gb sd cards from my work i can use freely now.
Does look fun, not a fan of the extra download requirement if thats true ., 15 gigs is quite a bit of extra needed space but I love Star Fox so I'm mostly sold on that alone.
Hmm...I'm still skeptical since it's an Ubisoft game and Fox seems to be the only thing drawing people in, which is nowhere near enough for me to drop cash on. I'll wait until after I see some reviews before purchasing.
@ThanosReXXX I wasn't doubting him, and I did specifically ask for the source in my comment. Either way, nowhere in the link you provided does it actually back up any of what he said about unlocking content through progression. It states that you can purchase digital versions of figures, which is exactly what I said in my comment.
Already have it pre-ordered for Switch but this begs the question to if the others on the Star Fox team will come with their own ships and figures? If so I am compelled to buy them as well.
I agree with you on all points. However, I probably will make an exception for this one, just because I really want to play it.
15GB is a lot of data on Switch (roughly half of the existing storage). But with PS4 and Xbox One game sizes on system even with physical media are still around 60GB required even when you are just playing from the disc. So while the game will play similar between all consoles as far as textures, effects, and scale, all things considered 15GB isn't bad. Really the big problem is that the Switch has so little memory from the start so investing in a 200GB card for between $35 (what I paid for mine on Black Friday) and $75 is a given if you are going to buy a good number of games on the console. Memory prices will come down and larger cards will become available. Just be glad Nintendo didn't take the PS Vita route and go with proprietary memory cards that have and will forever remain expensive (I mean come on, $75-$100 for 64GB?).
This isn't the evolution of Star Fox, which has been needed in the last decade.
Nintendo keeps rebooting the series, and now I'm expected to be satiated by this Ubisoft abomination?
As a Star Fox fan I will not buy this. It looks awful.
@justin233 No need to be offended, I didn't mean any harm, I was genuinely wondering about how someone could misunderstand it, so no offense intended.
@Markiemania95 I didn't mean to imply you were doubting what he said, the link I provided, was only to provide you with any answers you might seek.
And for those questions that aren't answered, there's always a contact option. And of course, getting answers from the source, is often times the best option.
But normally speaking, logic would dictate that if everything is playable without the need for the accompanying toy figures, that other content is also unlockable in that way. With standard play, you use the toys to unlock stuff, but seeing as they explicitly said in that FAQ, that the ENTIRE game is playable without having ever to buy a single toy, then it would stand to reason that the unlockable content tied to any of them is also available in the digital-only version.
@ThanosReXXX I think that there's possibly a bit of a misunderstanding here. Gortsi implied that you could unlock everything just by playing through the game, without having to purchase any additional content, either physical or digital. I'm already aware that there's no need to buy a single physical toy to play the game, and that you can purchase all the content digitally, but I'm stating that I don't believe that you can unlock these things just by simply playing through the story, without having to fork over any money for the additional content, which again, is what Gortsi had implied. It doesn't mention that in the FAQ, because I think given the nature of the game most would automatically assume that you won't be able to unlock things just by playing. If that was the case, very few people would be paying for any of its content, physical or digital.
The Star Fox game I've been waiting for...
So will wolf be in it too as an exclusive enemy? If so, that would be awesome and a for sure buy for my.
@ThanosReXXX No worries. I admit that I should have been more informed about the game before leaving that comment.
@Wanjia they had to remove the video for the game since it accidentally leaked and IGN used that material. So they had to take it down like others
@thesilverbrick not sure why that will be the big deterrent for you considering other consoles will have a significantly larger download size for the game. To each their own I suppose.
This has sold me on the game.
My only gripe is the forced 16gb install. I'm purchasing it either way, just have to decide between XBO, PS4, or Switch. They have their own pros and cons.
I'm tempted to get this, but there's no way I'll be able to devote enough time to it. Shame, because I've read it plays a lot like a Star Fox game and I love the Star Fox series.
@ThanosReXXX I actually already looked at that, but being able to play the game without the extra toys/digital counterparts doesn't give any indication of the quality of the experience without the toys or digital counterparts. The gameplay, which might have been an early build since it was at E3 or shortly after, looked like a real slog to get through. Having better or elemental weapons might make it less of a boring chore. I think I need a review really, so wondering about that pre-order.
@gortsi I'm hoping that's true, but still need confirmation that elemental weapons will be unlocked through play and not just by extra purchase. Not all elements are covered by the starter pack. It might be that only a couple of weapons are needed, but that's not the pattern of other toys-to-life, which need multiple purchases to 100% a game.
I've worked my way through Lego Dimensions by buying the sets second hand, playing, then selling them on. It's a hassle, especially considering some abilities are used very little. Not sure I'm up for doing so with Starlink, if that's what it takes. Depends on the digital deal.
Looks like Ubisoft can't sell a game on Nintendo system without it featuring a Nintendo franchise.
@Yorumi Except it';s not a Star Fox game. It's a game made by Ubisoft that has Star Fox in it, but it's not a real Star Fox game.
@Yorumi Except this game doesn't have the title Star Fox in it. It's called Starlink: Battle for Atlas. So bascially, it's not really a Star Fox game. It is a game that has Star Fox guest starring in. So it's not really a new Star Fox game.
You could always upgrade to a bigger card,I am planning to do so...you can get 200gb plus cards pretty cheap now.
@Alantor28 From my perspective, it seems blocking them may not have been necessarily the right thing to do. You were both making valid points in your arguments, however it seemed that their stubborn ideal created little space for counter-arguments. Personally, I think this, in a way, should count as a Star-Fox game, as it has all the elements of one, and seems to advance in that concept. It’s not like Link in Mario Kart where the gameplay is completely different. However, both sides are entirely fair and justified.
Not sure about this one, I mean Fox may be in the game but I'm hoping it will be decent, especially with the memory it's going to take up. For me taking up that amount of space is an additional cost so will have to consider that before buying.
@TheFanatic Well okay, but I'm still keeping him on my ignored list.
@justin233 Well, no harm done then, on either side. Decent reply, though. Much appreciated.
@Markiemania95 Yeah, I think you're right, and we were kinda talking past each other a bit, mostly my bad. In hindsight, I also think gortsi misunderstood you, and I think where we both might have gone wrong is in the distinction of whether or not everything can be played with the (digital) starter pack, whereas you were talking about extra content on top of that, which I overlooked, for whatever reason. My bad on that part...
Either way: that just sounds like DLC to me, and normally, or at least in most instances, that's paid and needs to be unlocked, but I still don't think you would need anything other than the game itself, and make progress in that, much like any other DLC, that gets unlocked by progress in the game.
So, in short, I do believe that, besides having to pay for extra content and/or vehicles, everything can indeed be unlocked by making progress in the game.
What comes to mind for me right now, is Forza Horizon 3, which I have been playing quite extensively a while ago, and I was kind of annoyed at the fact that the DLC that I had bought with it, had to be unlocked through gameplay, but I found that this is the case with quite a few games, that offer additional content.
I am a bit puzzled by the last bit of your comment, though:
"I think given the nature of the game most would automatically assume that you won't be able to unlock things just by playing. If that was the case, very few people would be paying for any of its content, physical or digital."
How does the nature (as in toys to life?) of the game dictate what you would be able to unlock or not? And that last sentence is almost a complete mystery to me, no offense.
@Sakura I don't think that the quality of the game itself is dependent on any extra elements, whether or not you buy these digitally or physically. If the core game is crap, then no additional content in whatever form, is going to save it from being bad.
Either that is a good response on my part, or I'm completely misunderstanding your point, which in all honesty could be the case, seeing as I appear to be having an off-day with more than just one person today...
Aside from the space taken up on storage, 15gb can be quite a significant chunk of your monthly download here in Australia. Especially if you are rural and only have access to limited GB satellite internet.
Sometimes an argument is multifaceted and not just somebody being too lazy to change SD cards.
@ThanosReXXX I had a look at all the sets available and there are elemental weapons that don't feature in the starter pack, plus crew members and other ships with different abilities. If you can still beat enemies by using other weapons etc, then that's okay, but if a battle takes a long time just because you're not using a specific weapon, person, ship, that would be a pain. Would depend on how often too.
The battle I saw was very repetitive and wasn't over i by the end of the 16 mins section shown so I don't know how long the fight would actually last or whether the effort seemed worth it in the end. I don't yet know whether it's the design of the game in general or if it's because certain weapons weren't available or even if the player just wasn't any good.
I think I have to wait for a review to be sure or just try it myself. I don't really want to buy into having to buy everything to play a decent version, but it's too early to tell yet. If it's good, then great, but I'm not ready to commit to that opinion yet. I really hope it's good, though.
@thesilverbrick I'm with you there. A 15GB install even when you already own the game physically is a big no no for me as well. The game should be on the cartridge in full and not require an extra download, what if someday you can't download that data anymore? Then your pretty cartridge is just a hunk of useless plastic taking space on your shelf, and you can't play that game anymore. The more people settle for that kind of thing and the more often we're going to see that happening. Ubisoft managed to keep Mario+Rabbidz super small, so there's really no excuse. Might as well not make a physical release at all if the whole game can't fit on a single cartridge, and make the game cheaper as a result, from the eShop, for those that do want to fill up a multitude of tiny, pricey SD cards.
Plenty of great games are coming to the Switch that do not pull off that kind of stunt, those are the games I want to support, which suits me since I can't afford ALL of the interesting ones, so devs pulling off that kind of stunt makes it easier for me to choose which games to support.
This is one of the few multiplatform games that I will be getting for my Switch instead of my PS4 or Xbox. Star Fox's inclusion sold me.
This already looks like a better Star Fox game than Zero... that's not exactly a very high bar but still.
@ThanosReXXX This is growing increasingly confusing lol. I'm not sure how it could seem as if Gortsi has misunderstood anything I said, because I was responding to his comment, not vice versa, and he hasn't responded since. As far as I'm aware his post was simply about the method of unlocking content within the game, and nothing to do with the distinction between physical and digital, as you said above.
I'm not sure how to better simplify it, but he implied that no physical figures or digital content, other than the game itself, would have to be bought to unlock everything. My post was stating that I don't think that this is the case. In regard to the last two sentences of my previous comment, neither Skylanders or Disney Infinity allowed you to unlock content without the purchase of the figures, so why would this? You can't unlock new characters or vehicles just by progressing in either game - they all need to be bought and scanned in. It seems to me that the way these Toys-to-Life developers intend to make so much money is through the sale of the figures themselves (even if they happen to be digital, in Starlink's case). Considering this, why would the majority of consumers in their right mind buy any of these figures, physically or digitally, if they are well aware that if they progress far enough through the story, they're just going to unlock the same content absolutely free of charge? As I was trying to say above, it goes without saying that you will need to buy the figures/content to unlock stuff, because otherwise it is entirely counter-productive - other than to possibly gain access to things a bit earlier than you would normally, buying the figures or digital equivalents would be a complete waste of money and make your purchase obsolete upon reaching the part of the game where you would otherwise unlock said content.
tl;dr, I think the part of your post that makes me think we're still not quite on the same wavelength is this:
"So, in short, I do believe that, besides having to pay for extra content and/or vehicles, everything can indeed be unlocked by making progress in the game."
You refer to the paid extra content as being the exception, but Gortsi's comment seems to me as if he believes that you are able to unlock that exact same paid content you're referring to without paying, as long as you get far enough into the game. I'm stating that I very much doubt that this is true, and that you will only be able to unlock all characters and ships by purchasing all of the figures, either physically or digitally.
I should also probably just clarify that I'm not attempting to argue with you, nor do I disagree with most of you've said; it just seems like much of our posts are accidentally talking about two entirely different aspects, and I'm just trying to more clearly convey to you what I was trying to get at in my first post that the FAQ you kindly sent didn't address.
@Yorumi Fingers crossed. I'll be really pleased if it turns out great.
@xavieruniverse It’s a deterrent to me because it is purely the result of the developer cheaping out by going with a smaller game card. They could have used a larger card and fit the entire game on it. I buy physical games to save memory on my console. Having to download a patch for a physical game that is larger in size than the entirety of Breath of the Wild is an absolute joke.
Got it preordered, but I would hope to see Krystal make a cameo appearance at the very least. She is every much a part of the Star Fox team as Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy.
@Sakura On that, we can agree. I think the game shows promise, and personally, I found it to look and feel better with each new trailer, but I can understand that people are cautious. Also agreed on the need of a good review. We'll need to wait a little while longer for that, though. No problem for me, seeing as I haven't even got a Switch yet, so I'm in no hurry whatsoever...
@Markiemania95 No worries, I'm not offended, not even slightly...
I probably should have listened to myself, since I really am having an off-day, and I've been more busy with clarifying myself to others, than actually making any useful posts, like I usually do. I probably should have left well enough alone today...
We do indeed agree, and instead of making another wall of text, I'll just say that I misinterpreted your initial comment, misread the reaction to gortsi, and fumbled my reply accordingly.
What I actually wanted to convey was that, 1. all of the game can be played without toys, 2. any additional content such as expansions or DLC will obviously be available for purchase, seeing as Ubisoft is not Nintendo, so they will just adhere to the normal way of handling/offering DLC, and 3. the DLC/expansions will be unlockable by normal gameplay, much like any other DLC, which is also why I named Forza Horizon 3 as an example: you can buy the DLC, but it probably won't be instantly playable.
Or maybe it will, but that remains to be seen, for now...
Since Fox is part of a first-party Nintendo franchise, it's reasonable to expect that they won't be showing up in the PS4 or Xbox One versions, nor the PC version.
As for who they will get to replace them, as far as I'm aware there are no plans for any replacement at all in the other versions, but since I'm not an inside man my word doesn't really mean much on that score.
I just can't think of anyone they could add to the other versions that would be as iconic as Fox is, so I don't think they would bother putting any extras into the other versions.
At this point, based on content, I'm thinking that most people will sway towards the switch version unless they just don't care about Fox or any of the extra missions and content that come along with him.
It really might as well be an exclusive to switch at this point, if sales go the way most people think they will.XD
To be fair , this looks really nice, and it's not like most of their past attempts at supporting Nintendo systems with games that would capture the audience's attention were actually that well-planned in the first place, compared to this.
@thesilverbrick agree with you, simply an example of the devs/publisher offloading cost to the gamer. Can’t stand a physical release that really isn’t. Can’t play the game without a large download.
@Sakura @Markiemania95 sorry for disappearing, had a busy day. I believe it was said during one of the E3 Treehouse sessions but it might have been what the FAQ that @ThanosReXXX posted, i.e. that the game can be beaten with just the starter pack, so don't take my word for it just yet, hahaha. I checked Amazon UK and it seems that besides the starter pack they're selling four extra starships, four pilots, and four weapon packs, which isn't too bad compared to other Toys to life series. It might also be that they're testing the waters and might sell more stuff later down the line if these prove successful.
@jFug And Master Chief with other Spartans in the Xbox One version.
@smashbrolink ahh i see, thanks for the long explanation 😂. See i think (off topic) if their giving us all this extra exclusive content, it seems sort of stupid not to make it an exclusive anyway, this won't exactly be a console seller now will it.
Its a new IP thats multiplatform, makes no sense to give Nintendo all this exclusive content if it isn't to drive more sales on the Switch and that really isn't going bto happen with an unproven multiplatform IP.
@smashbrolink yes I'll be buying it, I just them them to confirm I can buy it without all that plastic junk.
@gortsi I just want to buy it without all the plastic junk.
@Lord You can, since that has already been confirmed. It's mentioned on the game's FAQ page:
"Q. Can I play Starlink: Battle for Atlas without the modular toys (digital only)?
A. Yes. The modular toys are not required. Each starship, pilot, and weapon in Starlink: Battle for Atlas is available for purchase in physical and digital formats. All Starter Pack physical starships, weapons, and pilots are permanently unlocked digitally as well.
Additionally, all physical toys unlock their digital counterparts for a period of time when connected via the controller mount, letting you play how you want, when you want."
More info here:
@gortsi If it takes off, I can see the possibility of there being inclusion of the other Star Fox characters as purchasable physical and digital content, perhaps even DLC missions. They've already been seen in the game. They might need really good sales for that to happen, though.
The Wiki has a list of all known parts that might be useful. The ship packs also contain 2 weapons and a pilot.
The Startail pilot is available for pre-orders from GAME.
@gortsi I also have just seen that the starter packs include a poster of "wave 1" modular toys". So, pretty much confirmed to have more unless it bombs terribly.
@Razer while that's normally true, we also have to keep in mind that many thought something similar of Kingdom Battle at first.
This game actually looks better and better as they show more. I'm pretty curious about how the reviews will be, but it certainly looks like Ubisoft is doing it again. Nice.
@Sakura I could be wrong, but it seems like I read somewhere that you don't actually need the toys. You can unlock the ships in-game.
Wow, I hope we get to play as all of them!
@Sakura yeah this can happen too. I'm sure after they witnessed the demise of the other series, which even had globally recognizable characters to boot, they will be very careful to not overship figures or ships.
@Donutman No people who buy a physical Game shouldn't have to download a portion of the game they bought. Just because you have good internet doesn't mean everyone does. Your supporting a very bad practice here.
@Koudai1979 It's still a little unclear at the moment, but it's definitely true that you don't need the toys because everything is available digitally. That doesn't mean that you don't have to pay for the digital unlocks, though there is no pricing available. I think it's unlikely that unlocking happens without purchase, but that hasn't actually been confirmed as far as I'm aware.
You can probably beat the game without any extra purchase, but it will be easier or perhaps a better experience with the ships etc unlocked. The question at the moment, which probably won't be answered until after release, is how much not having the extra content impacts the game experience.
@gortsi This seems to be the first toy-to-life game where everything has a digital counterpart for purchase, so it will be interesting to see what happens, how that affects demand for physical items and the earning potential of the game as a whole to Ubisoft.
It's already difficult to pitch extra toy-to-life content at a price that makes it worth it without devaluing the base game. If the value of the extra content in game is too little (just cosmetic), people can do without it, but if the value is too great (unlocks extra missions etc), the game becomes very expensive and discourages part of the target demographic (or at least, their parents). The digital pricing could hit a sweet spot, but we don't yet know.
It might not be much of an issue as you can level up ships, pilots and weapons like in an RPG, so this could well be a fair toys-to-life game, fair to Ubisoft and fair to the consumer.
@Sakura I really hope you're right (in terms of your last paragraph). Too many people got bit by the craziness before-I did too but with Amiibo.
@waluigifan1 I am a 36 year old gamer and if I didn’t support change in gaming, I’d still be playing snes. N64 had an expansion pack. GameCube had memory cards. This argument is no different then the 1% of people keeping records alive. Like I said, in them 90s, my pc needed constant updates before consoles started doing same thing. Why get a ps4pro when you already have a PS4? The world is going away from physical games/cds/movies in exchange for digital. Right or wrong, you can pick your side. But I am going to continue to straddle the line. I canceled my psn+ the day rocket league cane to switch. It’s the only year or so I’ve ever supported the “paid online” that Xbox and ps gamers have. I am old school and still think that because I pay for internet, my pc doesn’t need special monthly fee, why should my console? I am going to sign up for the family Nintendo plan for the 4 gamers in the house, but my oldest will have to suffer since I won’t pay for psn anymore. I do not like that Nintendo is adopting paid online, and I will be forced into it since I want to play my switch online. If I was you or anyone else with comments like yours, then why do you support paid online services? I hope your answer if do you can get free games each month. Digital ones that need a bigger hard drive then what came with the system. my pc was and still does more then my PS4 ever could, and I don’t have to pay extra for it. An entire generation of gamers who played cod on their 360s changed gaming into what it is today. And I am going to support what I need to in order to play what I want.
@gortsi It would be surprising (and disappointing) if Ubisoft hasn't learned anything from the other toys-to-life games. For the moment, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait and see.
@Wanjia ...No
@Yorumi Preach it! Everyone that hated SF0 (I actually liked it....) should be looking at this game!
@Razer Yeah, it's basically "Starfox, but you can play it on other platforms with generic sci-fi stuff instead"
@Yorumi I have a feeling it was a game stuck in development heck (and may or may not have started as a WiiU exclusive that got shelved when WiiU bombed, which would explain the odd entrance into T2L years after it became a dead meme.) So it kind of came out of the gates out of its own time, but getting the green light for proper Starfox inclusion would have happened last E3, so they had a full year and a half to retool it to be legit Starfox with Nintendo's assistance.
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