Update: It's official; Paladins has its very own page on the eShop. It will be bringing 60fps action along with cross-platform multiplayer when it hits Switch on June 12th - that's the same day as Nintendo's E3 show.
Original Story: The pre-E3 leaks just keep on coming. It's now a given that Fortnite is coming to Nintendo's console, but fellow free-to-play title Paladins has just been "confirmed" in the same way. Data relating to the title has been discovered on Nintendo's servers, which hints that it could drop sometime during E3.

Seen by many as a clone of the popular 'hero shooter' Overwatch, Paladins hit 17 million downloads on Steam late last year. Already available on PS4 and Xbox One, it should make a pretty interesting addition to the Switch library.

This isn't the first indication we've had that Paladins is headed to Switch; in May references to Joy-Con controls were discovered within the latest version of the game.
[source nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 73
Paladins has elf girls, which automatically makes it vastly superior to Overwatch.
Meh, Paladins. Don't like it, just as I don't like Hi-Rez. I wonder if the Switch version will have Battlegrounds (Battle Royal).
Edit: So apparently it will be 60 FPS and crossplay, with a file size of only 5.8 GB, which is fairly small. I understand HiRez is trying to make a good port, since it's the only platform where they don't have any competition (except for the Battle Royal mode). I don't see Overwatch releasing any time soon/ at all, which is good for HiRez.
Well this basically confirms Dragon Ball Fighter Z and Killer Queen Black are real. This Direct is going to be really lacking in surprises. Expect to see plenty of "We already know about this ,can we move on" type comments in the Direct live chat.
@NewAdvent E3's luster has been fading for a few years regardless... Especially with PAX and Gamescom capitalizing on their bad decisions about closing it to the public a few years ago as well as many publishers just hosting their own events, like Nintendo itself.
This looks interesting, though I'm hoping for an Overwatch port. I want to commit the eternal sin by joining the fandom.
Why are Nintnedo's servers so easily hacked?
Why are games listed on their servers that haven't been announced yet?
Why are companies having Nintnedo list their games on their servers before announcing them to the public?
All of these "leaks" could be easily avoided if people just used some common sense. Once the people behind Paladins found out about he Fortnite "hack leak" didn't they stop to think - "Oh, we could be next, better get out ahead of it and make a big announcement on Twitter and put a trailer on Youtube before we're next and the cat is out of the bag."
I swear nobody thinks anymore.
I’m soooo tired of these hackers looking into Nintendo’s servers. What’s wrong with you people, just let it be! The whole point of an event like E3 is for the surprise and leaking stuff just so you can feel all high and mighty just sucks.
I know Paladins isn't a clone of Overwatch. But I do still like Overwatch more. At least from a character design standpoint. Overwatch's characters are just so likeable, colorful and creative. I still dream of an Overwatch anime or and Overwatch Netflix series in the same CGish style of the game.
@rjejr Because the interwebs, and people don't like fun surprises any more.
I mean, I was just browsing eshop and I literally found the founder's pack purchase option in "coming soon".
Playable 12/6/18 as well.
@ThomasBW84 Thomas! What about ye? Hope you're doing well!
@gloom because these people just don’t care about playing games anymore. If they did, they wouldn’t have all the free time to hack instead. It’s like snooping in your parent closet looking for xmas presents. Xmas day, where is the surprise?
I also think Nintendo will have a few tricks up its sleeve...
@MartyFlanMJFan All good! Was testing my login so I can join in a bit with the chat for the E3 Direct, should be fun
@Damo It's available for preorder on the UK eshop right now.
@ThomasBW84 "people don't like fun surprises any more.
Looks like their hand was forced. They could have just announced it 24 hours earlier when Fornite was hacked and got out ahead of it. But noooo...
See ya in the chat you quite popular fella, enjoy the admiration.
It may be a clone of overwatch but...
Don't mind me. I'm just here for Tom.
Don't know anything about the game but I found it funny that the eShop page says it's a free-to-play game and yet it's 30€.
@rjejr Apparently, eShop data is managed by the individual companies. If they don't bother to do anything, you get leaks like this.
A lot of studios don't bother to remove access to certain data which is why you get leaks like Mewtwo in Smash (but they learned afterwards which is why he was pretty much the only leak). It's a combination of being lazy and being careless.
So nintendo gets a cheap overwatch clone? am I missing something?
Im loving the fact that were gonna get fortnite, paladins, crazy justice, eventually morphies law, theres been a serious lack of multiplayer shooters so far (although i love splatoon and doom) so adding this variety will be great.
Hello Thomas! Nice to see you again, hope everything is going well at your new job.
@Late f2p version is coming later. Founders pack first release
Paladoes what Blizzardoesn't.
Or rather, good job on the Paladins developer/publisher to get a hero shooter on the Switch before the competitors.
Going to be honest, I have no idea what this game is. I'll certainly check it out.
Well, ball's in your court, Actiblizzard.
@Ernest_The_Crab "It's a combination of being lazy and being careless."
I don't know how anybody keeps their job. It's not like leaks are a new thing. Or hacking. Security should be job one. Well maybe job 2 or 3, but it should be a job.
Is it solo player or just team based ?
Truth is, companies like the leaks... Gives them lots of free marketing...
@SmaggTheSmug wow
glad i can take overwatch i mean paladins on the go!
@getyourak Wouldn't say it's a cheap version. It's just different, in all ways.
Sweet, can't wait to give it a shot!
good for people who like this type of game. Not for me.
Since I don't know what this game is I hope it will surprise me with stuff.
Been holding out playing Paladins until I knew for sure it was coming on the Switch. I hope (better) they have motion control for aiming, it's the only way I can play FPS now (plays Overwatch with Steam Controller)
Seems like I have to cut myself off from social media until Tuesday night. At this point the only game(s) that could come as a surprise is directly from Nintendo.
well to be fair; 'fun surprises' were just bull shots and pre-rendered videos from the likes of sony et al.
with the advent of the internet nothing is secret anymore. it's not good or bad; it just is.
SOLD! I have a horrible feeling I'm going to get really into this game...
Switch is shaping up to be a console for everyone! That is great!
Not quite my genre, but an FTP? Don't mind if I do. Trying this stuff out has given me some positive impressions like Warframe and Skyforge in the past, but I had decided against spending mobile traffic on it by the time this game was out on PS4. Now that I don't have to stream the entire thing, it might overrule the point.
60 fps shouldnt be a selling point.
I should point out that it's the $25 Founders Pack that's launching on Tuesday. The F2P version will launch later this year.
Anyways, crossplay is between Switch/Xbox.
@Rockmirth For a competitive FPS. It damn well should be.
@Ernest_The_Crab Errr, did you forget about Roy and Ryu leaking right before the Smash Direct that revealed them?
@rjejr I get the feeling that a lot of companies don't really care until they are actually forced into it through things like new regulations or they get sued.
@IceClimbers I may have. I don't remember all of the DLC characters being leaked so they must have taken some kind of action afterwards.
@MsJubilee No. it should be obvious.
So like, this is online only team based? I'm very predictable lol. Looks REALLY nice and I could probably get the other half involved/excited if splitscreen but a possible forever shutdown puts me off
Fortnite! That's all I needs.........Ohhhh and Metriod Prime 4,Bayonetta 3 and Super Smash Bros and my Video Gaming life is Complete Lol.
@BensonUii It's a kind suggestion but no, I don't think that's the way to go. Looking forward to following what @Damo, Dom and the team do though, it should be an awesome E3
@Latinomex01 my gaming life was completed the day I got my switch. It’s by far the best console I’ve played in the 30+ years I’ve been gaming, and just look at the games. They just keep coming. This is truly the 1st gen that portable gaming is pretty much on par with console. Great time to be a gamer.
it is good to hear more popular games coming for the switch. if everybody keep supporting the system and the games. there will be more coming.
@ThomasBW84 I miss your presence on the website (both as an employee and commenter), hope you're doing well!
Ya I think you are. Paladins is an extremely popular, high quality game.
Writing off anything and everything that isn't Overwatch or Fortnite as a "cheap clone" is reactionary and unfounded.
Like saying Fortnite is "Just a cheap PUB-G clone". No, it may be in the same genre, but that doesn't make it cheap and doesn't make it a clone. But even if it was a clone, if doesn't make it cheap.
I'm not a fan of online competitive multiplayer. Games like Paladins and Fortnite do nothing for me. But I know the fanbase for both games is pretty strong. It's huge for Switch (as a platform) to have both of these games.
I like it, love online multiplayer and with cross platform, this could be a winner for me.
@JaxonH That's a lot of words for no explanation as to why
@JaxonH Also Paladins was in development before overwatch and they released concept art before over watch was even released.
Paladins is a great game and it's his level play is very competitive. It doesn't really need chat, but I wish it would have it. If you know your roles in the game it smooths out. On Xbox I was unlocking all characters without spending a dime, but a lot of new characters now.
Either way I'm excited, I almost bought battle chasers last night now I'm just going get paladins!
@Late $25 is for the Founder's Pack, the free to play version won't be available on launch.
I played this a lot on the PS4. It....has gone through a lot of rocky times. It's better now than it was before, and I think they picked a good time to put it up there. Not a whole lot of competition yet, and it's free, so I'd recommend at least giving it a try. It works well as a colorful shooter, can be really fun (though my personal favorite mode isn't in there anymore, and I'm not sure if they ever really improved the Conquest maps that were just plain garbage when I last played it). Plus, they've gotten a lot better about their monetization. Here's just hoping it runs as well as they're promising.
Nice! Though not a surprise.
@OorWullie lol yeah.
I’ve been curious about this style of game for a while. I’ll be watching it with interest.
Never even heard of this game should I be excited?
As a hero shooter fan who loves and has played them all, I always found Paladins and Battleborn to have more substance than Overwatch. But Blizzard fans can be toxic and will discredit any game with a similar aesthetic calling everything else clones which in that case would make Overwatch itself a Team Fortress clone. Instead of clone I prefer the term "genre". Would be the same as saying any side scroller that ever came out is a Super Mario Bros clone. I'd rather say they are in the side scroller genre, like we should. If you haven't played Paladins it's a fantasy based hero shooter (mages, knights, goblins, etc) with a card system that buffs your character based on the cards you equipped. It feels very custom due to this and more personal. Paladins was my 2nd choice to come to switch but since Blizzard fans killed Battleborn, I'll take it!
I'm shocked! Shocked!
Well, not that shocked.
Are all these “leaks” accidental? Hmmm..
This is a good move on the part of Paladins. This is definitely a niche that wasn't filled on the Switch yet.
@Late ign’s NVC Podcast talked about this- the game is normally free to play and will be free at a later date on the switch. For now, those who purchase the founder’s pack will be able to play the game earlier (starting June 12th as opposed to a later summer date for the completely free-to-play version), and those who pay will unlock all the characters from the beginning instead of needing to earn in-game currency to purchase characters.
Great news. Looks really good and I have heard great things. It will be nice to have a multiplayer shooter like this on the Switch.
How dumb, paladins was created BEFORE fortnite even, its assinine people think its a clone. If anything, FORTNITE is the clone..
The art and character design are the only things I like about Overwatch. I was disappointed when it turned out the game was a competitive PVP shooter only. As with most of Blizzard‘s material, I wish they made an animated series or movies based on their Overwatch and WoW art style.
At least I have Diablo, and hopefully they announce both a Diablo 3 Switch port as well as Diablo 4.
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