We’ve already learned that Nintendo is planning to release a special Poke Ball-shaped controller for use with Pokémon GO and the upcoming Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu/Let’s Go Eevee and at the E3 2018 Nintendo Direct, Ninty unveiled a special gift waiting for you inside every new Poke Ball Plus. Your very own Mew!
Yes, the legendary gen one Pokémon will come pre-downloaded into the unique controller, so you can immediately take it into battle alongside your favourite Poke pals. You’ll be able to get your hands on your own Poke Ball on 16th November.

Your very own Mew! We want to hear your thoughts, and we bet you’re just as excited as we are…
Comments 21
It's kind of a silly gimmick, but I like the idea of playing with that little Poke ball.
Man, now I really have to get that controller
Great. Now these will be even harder to find in stores than Mew itself.
I love how serious Reggie looks while talking about this thing
What would E3 be without some scalper bait?
Not too interested in the con so wonder if Mew will be obtainable ingame? Or strictly locked to this (is Mew in Pokemon Go?).
Welp gotta get one now.
@XenoShaun yes. Mew is in Go.
@Sanicranfast That's good, I hope that means Mew is obtainable ingame too.
@XenoShaun As an event it is unlikely it will be obtainable in game through general means, but Deoxys and Celebi are no longer an event Pokemon so anything can happen.
Makes sense one pokemon be unlocked by the ball. Still should it not be in the master ball version
I hope Mew isn’t only available to get this way but it’s a nice surprise since I was already planning to get this.
Yay, a Free Pokemon from Poke Ball controller.
Does this mean that you would have to purchase two Pokéball Plus if you want to get a Mew in both games then?
I’m sure Target will have 4 in stock on release day...
I WANT! Already got my camping gear ready for that release.
I really wish I could find a pre-order for the Pokeball Plus!
Suddenly, Mew became a lot less rare....I thought it was a mythical Pokemon?
@XenoShaun @Sanicranfast Serebii has stated that Mew from GO are not transferable to the Switch games, apparently. So this looks to be the only way to obtain it thus far.
@Tyranexx I was going to comment that too, Mew is not legendary it is mythical, not that it really matters though.
Still not too excited about this game though. Think I'll hold off for the 2019 game.
No need to avoid Slowpoke kid and fly away from battle anymore? Aww.
Amiibo were one thing but witholding Mew to the controller seems pretty cheeky to me. Hoping he's still in the game. It'd suck for him to be locked behind a fifty dollar toy.
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