With E3 2018 set to kick off later this week, Nintendo has finally decided to unveil the name of its planned broadcast. And - drum roll, please - it's called Nintendo Direct: E3 2018. Okay, it's not the most creative of names considering it's a Nintendo Direct broadcasting during E3 2018, but hey, at least it's being consistent.
If you're in the UK, be sure to tune in on 5pm BST on 12th June, marking one of the few keynotes where we won't have to stay up half the night to see what new games are coming to destroy our collective bank balances.
Will you be tuning in for the Direct next week? Of course you will! Share your hopes and predictions for the broadcast in the comments below...
[source twitter.com]
Comments 55
Wow I wonder how they think of these outrageous names!
I hope they will show some stuff for next year, maybe not much info but something for us to be hyped for 2019.
E3, after all, is a show off event so they must keep people interested in the platform.
Showing stuff for 2018 will be cool but we know most of the things so they have to go beyond.
E3,the World Cup and no women to nip my head for watching all of them = Bliss!
Seeing how we went around the houses to get to this point, the name 'Direct' has a certain irony to it, doesn't it?
Smash Bros. footage, please! I also hope they'll show more of the Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story remake.
Noticed a little typo, you said that E3 starts later this week.
@OorWullie Next week should be a good week!
@tourjeff I'm hoping we actually don't know most of the things! Roll on a few surprises for this year... hopefully.
Getting excited for this! Really hope we see some more of FIRE EMBLEM, that STAR FOX GRAND PRIX, if true, is a spiritual successor to Rare's DIDDY KONG RACING and most important of all... loads of unknown suprise game announcements.
Oh and a complete overhaul of My Nintendo promised and much, much more 'Virtual Console' type game value added to the impending paid Online service. Yeah, those last two are really out there I know ☺️
Im really excited, i hope they bring lots of surprises!
If you had waited 3 hours to post this article it would have been exactly 7 days until the NDE32018 started.
Not that I'm counting.
I like the name, makes it easy to search for later on Youtube. And that's what it should be about, making it easy for people to find it later who don't get to see it live. Well as live as a pre-recorded message can get.
@frabbit Don't get me wrong, I love surprises too and if they can wow us again like they did last year with Metroid announcement, that will be great.
However, I'd love to see, for instance, some gameplay of Metroid fully aware that this is a title for next year (or beyond).
And I also don't expect them telling us everything for next year but only a few things would be good and keep the big surprises for the next E3.
I remain cautiously pessimistic.
Oh, I don't think anyone here will forget!
How very on brand.
After that Pokémon let down, I’m now putting all my eggs in the Fire Emblem basket. We’ve heard/seen literally nothing of it, so I’m pretty confident we’ll be positively surprised.
My ideal show:
-Starts with a big trailer for Smash Bros, releasing on september, then a bit talking of what will september bring (paying for online and so)
-After that some minor games like Yoshi will appear, and hopefully Mario Party of somehting of the kind, with a release date of "later this year". And yes, Pikmin 4 would be another pleasing surprise.
-Pokemon Let´s Go appears again to remember how fun we will have by Christmas.
-Then Fire Emblem comes with a big trailer and a 2019 release date, and Bayonetta 3 right after that appears doing exactly the same thing. Yes, next year looks pretty amazing.
-Now is the turn for some third party stuff. Geneal info about the upcoming titles like Octopath Traveler and so on, with some new announcements like Dragon Ball FighterZ and Fortnite (that will be already available in the eshop by the end of the show).
-Retro Studios guys come to scene. The trailer of their new game will be something to watch many times. Probably Star Fox? A new IP, maybe? Did anyone mention Eternal Darkness? We shall see. Coming out in September/October this year.
-The show is about to finish, but hey, there´s still someone who hasn´t taken their part in the show yet. Yesss, we´re talking about the mighty bounty hunter, Samus Aran! First impressive trailer of her new adventure. Something like Metroid Prime 1 but much bigger and more beatiful than ever. Releasing... in October! Boom! End of the show.
Any one of the following and I’ll be feeling like a little kid again.
Excitebike (a remaster of the N64 title will do it)
I love the build up to E3. Nothing like it.
Wait I forgot Eternal Darkness! How could I?!!!
I really only care about Smash Brothers so anything else is just icing on cake for me. Hoping for Animal Crossing Switch (at least confirming development) and I’m starting to itch for Mario Kart 9 (probably too soon still).
According to the schedule, it will be started at 23.00, 12 June 2018 on my place.
Man.... i will prepare some snacks.
amazon uk has just uploaded 25 Switch Title Placeholders!
@tourjeff I hope we don't know most of the things, because then it will be a pretty boring year
Failure to tune in will result in you becoming a social outcast,
so u better not forget.......
All I’d like to see is more is Luigi’s Mansion 3ds remake, more on Pokemon Let’s go, some more switch games (like dlc and maybe another 2d mario) and the online services
I'll be at work. Too bad...
3DS games won't be in the Direct.
i expect 2 new switch games and 2 ports, i feel like thats all nintendo needs to show
we know fire emblem, pokemon, smash and yoshi are coming in the second year of this year
i feel like 2 more new games and 2 wii u ports are the max we get, i am wondering how third party support will stack up
this e3 is going to be very telling going into the future
if we dont get massive 3rd party announcements this e3 or the next following direct, we can almost for certain say 3rd party will stay semi support rather than full support
My tradition of never being able to watch Nintendo’s E3 event live will continue! My internship starts on the 11th, and I have a meeting with my manager the exact time the Direct starts. Never lucky.
The only year I was free to watch it was 2016... the only year Nintendo didn’t have an event
Maybe I've become jaded after years of disappointment that was the Wii U (the echoes of "E3 wasn't great but wait til next year" are burned into my soul) I can't say I get hyped over Nintendo E3 anymore. I will say I found 2018 mostly disappointing for Switch thus far and frankly I feel they needed more non ports as I had a Wii U and wasn't interested in double dipping especially given they are charging more now then they did then.
My hopes are for a killer E3 with more information on Yoshi and Pokemon and of course next year's Pokemon as well. I'd like smash to have a single player again like in melee and I'd like at least one Mario tier surprise (Mario kart 9?) But I've learned over the years to set the bar super low and when Nintendo fails to meet even that just "wait til next year." It's hard to get excited anymore when the big stuff leaks and the surprises more often than not turn into bastardization of loved franchises (paper Mario, star fox).
Since I've been all pessimist lemme go one step beyond and hope Nintendo one day goes back to stage shows. The direct is ok but the treehouses are way too long for their own good.
Don't forget, you can watch videos anytime you want, it's called 'on-demand'.
This is the internet, not the 90's television.
Like we needed a reminder!!!
I'm excited every year for E3 in general but this year seems like it's setting up for Nintendo to WOW us. I'm really excited to see exactly what Smash "is".
I'm also very excited to see what kind of surprises Nintendo has up it's sleeves that we don't know about yet. The last 2-3 years they've had quite a bit of, "this game will be available following the presentation" and those games, even though they're usually small in scope, have my brain wondering what we'll be able to play next week.
I'm moderately excited. I don't expect to be super blown away, but I'm expecting to come away satisfied with what was shown. Fingers firmly crossed for Animal Crossing.
One more week and Nintendo will do their magic once again and I hope that will shut the whiners and complainers up.
My prediction:
Already took off for Tuesday. I'll be in the live chat losing my mind. As usual. Also bring back miniWheat!
what are the chances for an Animal crossing game? Im in denial, I know it wont happen, but god i want it to happen...
I'm all good I work Tues but I finish at 2pm so I can kill a few hours lol ... I'm hyped for smash, metroid, starfox and all just hope all the good game don't come out any later than Q2 2019 :/
@G-Boy the game will be playable on the showfloor right? So youtube will probably be loaded with footage
@boop22 I'd say it's maybe a 25-30% chance. Not super likely, but it's possible. If it doesn't come at E3 though, I'm sure it'll be revealed later this year.
I'm cautiously optimistic about E3. It'll swallow up a substantial amount of my free time next week for sure!
@Kimyonaakuma: They're probably thought of and approved by a committee, who was approved/built by a previous committee, with the input of yet more groups and committees at Nintendo HQ, etc.
@ekwcll Sadly no, they won't shut up, they'll either move the goalposts yet again, or gloat over what won't come to the Switch. The crybabies? I'm happy just to see their hopes get crushed over and over again.
Smash Bros, yoshi, and all of those leaked games to highlight their online experience. Hoping for something with Metroid Prime 4, but if they are trying to show only things that come out this year, then probably not that one.
come on reggie upset some people.

im counting on you man.
My only hopes for me is to reveal some more info about Fire Emblem (working title/16) for Nintendo Switch. It's own Fire Emblem Direct just only a tease and still never mentioned additional info anywhere in past 2018 Nintendo Direct (including mini). They supposed to be released around 2018 according to the teaser itself (or delaying it) and not cancelling it. Hope this thing comes to reality in E3.
I can't help it. Every. Single. Year. About this time I resume listening to Metroid Prime's soundtrack - specially Tallon Overworld 2.
That game is magical.
And I put my hopes on it. And nothing. But last year they told us: Metroid Prime 4 is coming. And the cycle starts again.
Argh! Why is this game so flipping brilliant?
With the amount of games confirmed and potentially going to be shown off like Super Smash Bros. , Fire Emblem, Yoshi, Metroid Prime 4, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Star Fox: Grand Prix, this has the potential to be an even better E3 briefing than E3 2013, or even E3 2004!
@NintyNate Nintendo said that the majority of games being shown during the Direct are 2018 releases, like Smash Bros. , but there is a strong possibility that a megaton like Metroid Prime 4 could be given a teaser for 2019!
@rjejr Well, the Treehouse segments will be live anyway. I guess the Direct counts as live because we'll all be watching it together? Not sure.
@BlueBlur101 yay... I hope the is next to no stuff for the 3ds lol just switch
@TheLobster "as live"
I was more musing, not being a jerk.
And "live" is probably the recognized term for it, as it's the starting time, as opposed to watching it whenever. Not as live as the Sony or other live presentations, but it's more like "we're going live in 5, 4, 3...".
On a related note "Hair" is the next live TV show. I watched about 3 minutes of "Jesus Christ Superstar", thought, "why aren't they doing Hair?", then turned JCS off. I'm always had a soft spot for Hair, having been a long haired hippie freak myself in various points in my life.
My 2 sons and I will be watching live next Tuesday. Nice that they are both off from school.
@rjejr I didn't think you were being a jerk! Sorry if I came across that way! I enjoy your posts.
I know, I live in Musical Theatre World most of the time and everyone is very excited. We almost put on Hair this summer at our theatre but Little Shop of Horrors won the slate instead. It opens next Friday! Feeeeeeed me, Seymour!
Our kids I think may still be in school due to the ten day teacher strike we had a few months back. Doesn't affect me as I don't have kids except that I know who NOT to vote for in the fall! #55strong
@TheLobster "I live in Musical Theatre World"
Sounds like the title of a Tom Hanks & Sally Field film.
My niece, she of the home-schooled in Michigan, just did a play they spent about 6 months preparing for, all of the parents chipped in building the stages and making the costumes, it was "Community theater" in it's truest sense. I'm still waiting for someone to post it to FB. My parents drove 12 hours to see it and told me it was really good. I forget what they performed, something in the vein of Disney's' "Newsies".
And I just remembered it's her birthday Saturday, time to get that Amazon Prime gift in the mail.
My favorite part of Hair, the lyrics every 6 months or so my whole life just pop into my head. Probably something in how it ties into the ending. I'll be balling my eyes out watching the ending live if they stick to the film. I've never seen a stage production so I'm not sure how much the material varies.
@NintyNate The Direct is focusing exclusively on Nintendo Switch games. 3DS stuff will probably be revealed during Nintendo Treehouse after the Direct.
As far as I know this is the first time they call it Nintendo Direct E3...wich gives me the feeling they handle it like any other Direct. They won't go the extra mile. Wich doesn't matter to them since they (potentially) only will show a souped up Smash bros anyway.
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