Choice Provisions was responsible for BIT.TRIP, one of the standout game franchises to arise from Nintendo’s original Wii Shop Channel. Favoring musically driven, arcade-like gameplay, the series jumped from genre to genre, but one of its most popular entries was BIT.TRIP RUNNER, which eventually went on to get its own direct sequel on the Wii U. Now, Runner3 is due to launch on the Switch on 22nd May, and it looks to be worthy of the high bar set by its predecessors.
Ahead of the impending release, Choice Provisions has put out the above trailer, showcasing the crazy antics that are in store for fans. Indeed, it seems that the studio has pulled out all the stops for this release, there’s quite a diverse array of things showcased from both a visual and a gameplay perspective. We’ll be sure to give this one a review when it launches later this month.
What do you think? Will you be picking this up? What was your favorite BIT.TRIP game? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 38
Looks Great!
looks like alot of content and i never played a runner game before.
Given that Runner2 was one of my absolute favorite games on Wii U, getting this game is a clear no-brainer.
I like the perspective shifts.
Eddie Riggs!!!!!
My daughter is going to flip for this. Looks great, but I must say we've never completed Runner 2... or Bit.trip runner even though we love them and bit.trip beat.
Runner2 was one of the highlights of the Wii U for me. Absolutely can't wait for this. I especially like the hand-drawn looking footage shown in the trailer.
I went to preorder it on Amazon and it isn't giving me the Prime discount. Anyone else having this issue? I clicked on several other games and it is applying the discount to those...
Already pre ordered physical! Im also getting it digital, just like i bought runner 2 on several devices, PC, iPhone, Wii U and PS3, i love supporting Choice Provisions, been doing since the wii days, the BIT.TRIP series is amazing.
First time I've seen a Runner game and it looks like a lot of fun!Will be making room for this one on my Switch
Wow, it looks stunning! It seems a bit like the Tropical Freeze of the Runner saga lol.
Oh man, Runner 3 and Mega Man on the same day!
Looks like a mobile endless runner.
Finally, a game where you can play as Charles Martinet!
Looks fantastic. Reminds me of Rayman Legends, but in Bit Trip style. Great.
I am so stoked for this <3
Looks absolutely bonkers and wonderful!
And to think this series harks back to before "runners" were even a thing. Before Subway Surfers. Before Temple Run.
I will be spending money on Runner 3 for my Switch and me!
Wasn't Runner 3 initially revealed as a Switch exclusive?
Preordering went up in the US eshop tonight, I’ve already paid and downloaded... now, to wait.
Splendid, splendid! I’m on board! I particularly like the visuals.
I was really excited when the game was announced. It has been a long wait so my hype has gone down quite a bit but I'm happy it's almost here. Runner 2 was one of my favorite games on Wii U. It seems they've expanded the mechanics a lot in Runner 3.
O.o I am surprised that you all like the visual style - I think it looks atrocious. Looks more like a tablet game than anything else and even then it looks really bad to me.
Gameplay reminds me of Rayman Legends on Wii U.
I am very much looking forward to this. I loved runner 2 on Wii U so this has to be day 1 purchase for me
digital and boxed copy for me.
would love an Artstyle Collection HD too
Ikaruga and Runner 3 this month? Hot damn!
Looks fantastic!
Game is looking hot.
Runner has been around for a while. But Runner 3 is the first one I'm convinced I need to play... right now
Damn, this game is looking unbelievably good.
It was initially revealed for Switch and PC, with it being console exclusive to Switch. Now there's confirmation of a PS4 and Xbox One version coming.
Please let there be a Commander Video Amiibo for this!
I loved all the Bit. Trip. titles from the Wiiware series it would be epic if they would release all the titles on Switch, Fate and Core were my favorites with Beat and Runner next, Runner 2 was amazing on Wii U and Flux and Void great as well . I cant wait to play Runner 3, such a great great series I would love to see some sequels to the other entries. I noticed at the end of video in the barbeque scene that Shovel Knight is there hopefully he is a playable character that will be awesome.
I got chills from this trailer. Easily my most anticipated game for Switch.
@Deadstanley Haha, thanks for pointing that out! I hope to God he’s playable!
can't wait!
I thought Bit Trip was pretty interesting back in the day, but I am not too sure about I feel about this endless runner concept now a days. While it was kinda fresh and interesting back when the game showed up on the original Wii, it has been done so much on mobile devices that it now feels really tired and monotonous.
Looks good, but would really like the original on Switch.
I felt compelled to download this game. Doubt I will end up regretting it since I love the runner games.
I can't wait any longer! I've loved every BIT.TRIP game so far, and this just looks fantastic. The 1.5 year wait will be so worth it.
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