If you've been missing Castlevania recently, then you'll no doubt have jumped up and down with excitement at the news that Inti Creates is bringing Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon to Switch and 3DS on May 24th.
The news was announced at this year's BitSummit in Japan, and during the event some gameplay was streamed over the net - 15 minutes of gameplay, to be precise.
The game serves as an 8-bit companion piece to the full-fat Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which is coming to Switch in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

Comments 37
This game. I need it. It looks like Classicvania back in action! Also so can't wait for Ritual of the Night.
Hopefully it's not too easy like Blaster Master Zero was.
Can’t wait!
i wouldn't be surprised if this game ends up being better than the main game..just like with mighty no. 9 lol
Throwback style and Japanese-developed, nice!
No thanks, I've got a feeling this isn't a long game like less then 3 hours and I don't want to see a good percentage of it now. 1 to 2 minute trailer was all I needed to see to know I wanted it.
What a wonderful night to have a curse! I can't wait!
Yes, This is going gooooood one. This is looking like Castlevania 3 and less like SotN. I'm am so alright with that. I just hope the big game is more like SotN though.
Yes please. I'm totally amped for this and the main Bloodstained game. Cannot wait...just send me the codes now Inti!
I’m actually feeling this more than the main game
Yep, I'm in for this 8-bit one, but still not "buying" Bloodstained No.9
Unfortunately I missed the support option before it closed so hopefully they give buyers a Physical option not just a Digital download. Otherwise I will pass on this game because of that.
I’m more a 16 bit guy than an 8 bit guy. Thus I dont like these modern 8bit style games (unless they really be good games and not just a nostalgia cash grab).
Choose your difficulty:
Both sound kinda extreme in opposite ways...
Yuck, there's a time limit to each stage (bottom of the screen)?
People sure had it rough back in the day - playing this is like romanticizing the "nostalgia" of going to work on a horse.
With a name like that I was kind of expecting something more like the GBA game Circle of the Moon. Oh well it's free anyways so I guess I'll give it a try.
@Morgan19 What time limit? I don't see anything like that at the bottom of the screen.
I need this.
My excitement level rose from "interested" to "need this now". This game and The Messenger got to be my most anticipated 8/16 bits-inspired games of the year.
@Damo counting down the hours until release, perchance?
@Morgan19 Castlevania 1, 3 and Super all had time limits - it really adds a lot to the "I gotta 'man' up and power thru these enemies - gotta keep moving, gotta keep moving!"
x100 more excited for this than the main Bloodstained game...IGA take all the time ya need to polish the main game, this will hold me off for another year. Castlevania 3 might be my favorite video game - is easily my favorite 8 bit one.
Awesome. Nine days...
it looked better when the game was announced...it feels kinda empty and slow
I'm very excited! I backed this game on Kickstarter. I'm glad they are taking their time and delivering on their promises.
can't wait for this!
But does the 3DS version have 3-D visuals?
@SwitchForce Embrace the glory of an all-digital Switch collection!
Almost makes up for the original not coming to the 3DS!
Inti Creates revived my favorite series with Mega Man 9 and 10, and now are reviving my 2nd favorite with this ClassicVania and helping out with Iga's MetroidVania. Die Konami! You don't belong in this world! I also noticed in the video that they nerfed the hardest boss in every CastleVania: stairs. Looks like you can jump on and off of them. Thank you Inti Creates!
if you dont like this game
you have some serious issues that need to be rapidly dealt with.
.. Count me in!..looks like a bloody good time!...
I must’ve seen a different trailer to everyone else - it looked terrible; and I’m a retro gamer. What fun am I missing?
Guess there are those that have no clue.
@Dang69 Excellent choice. Castlevania 3 is amazing. It's definitely my favorite of the first 4.
This looks just as good as Ritual of the Night!
Inti-Creates GETS the classics of yesteryear. Proceed from left to right forever!
Much prettier than Ritual of the Night if you ask me.
I'm much more excited about this than that OTHER one
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