We love Owlboy here at Nintendo Life - just check out Ryan's glowing 9/10 review for proof of that - and it turns out a lot of you do, too. So well, in fact, that the Nintendo Switch port turned a profit for developer D-Pad Studio within 24 hours of launch.
The news was revealed in a recent AMA on Reddit by programmer and CEO J-Remi Madsen, with Switch proving an ideal home for his colourful platforming love letter:
“We don’t have numbers from remaining platforms yet, but ‘Owlboy’ turned a profit within 24h of it’s launch on the Switch alone, taking us by complete surprise! @o@ It bodes really well for funding our future projects.”
Have you played Owlboy on Nintendo Switch? Do you think it made a good fit for Nintendo's hybrid console? Share your thoughts with us below...
[source reddit.com]
Comments 43
This game is one of the best games I played. I don't even really like its genres but it has that amazing flow that just keeps you engaged. I am glad that the game was profitable. I am also surprised that it was THAT profitable since I had the impression it did not get enough buzz being released rather close to Celeste and being less pushed by Nintendo than the latter.
Good to hear!
And it IS the kind of game I'd imagine Nintendo fans to fawn over.
I've had the game on Steam for a good while, but for some reason it falls neatly into the category of titles, I rarely end up playing on Steam (I dipped my toe for like the 1st 20 minutes or so), but I really look forward to playing on the small screen.
Having said that, it's not really my favourite genre and double-dipping is always a difficult proposition, hence I'll wait for a discount, but other than that, I'm definitely going to pick up for the Switch eventually, because it looks a true labour of love and seems endlessly charming
I haven't played it yet, I'm still waiting on the physical release I pre-ordered.
@RupeeClock Amazon.co.uk shows 29 May for physical, which has been pre-ordered for me about a month.
Is it any replay value in owlboy (beside mandatory fetch quests), some after game content ?
I rather get a physical (=resellable) version when there's is nothing or so to keep on playing ...
I saw the Steam version going for £2 on ebay so I'm trialling it on PC. If I love it I'll pick up the physical version.
I really enjoyed this!
I cant wait to play this game, but i’m waiting the physical release.
Hopefully a lot of people pick up the physical release as well
And that's why now we have a physical version and even a collector's one. Profit.
It's a lovely game. The developers deserve nothing less.
Yep, also waiting for the physical version, and hopefully we get one for Celeste too. Both games worth paying that little bit extra for.
Waiting to spot the retail version!
Profitable for the port to Switch I guess? ..because I think I remember having read somewhere that this game was in development for around 10 years.. isn't that so?
One of my favourite Switch games. It's wonderful. Glad to hear it's doing so well!
Well deserved. Hope it is still selling and make them set on a sequel. Maybe with a bit larger team they could have it done in 3-4 years! Owlboy is perfect to play in relatively short sessions in handheld mode and the pixel graphic looks very good on the big screen
I have to admit that I was disappointed by this. Just finished it 2 days ago. Its beautiful, but there's so many irritations in the gameplay I found myself often wondering how it was released without more refinement. Example - enemies you run straight into as the screen moves to the next area. Or that jump/fly/stop flying are on one button, but flying can also be initiated by pressing up while jumping just leads to endless accidental falls.
Still, good for them and I'm still glad I played it. But I wanted to LOVE it, and just couldn't
Good to hear, I was wondering since I didn't see in the top 15 but for a few days. I guess even if a game isn't in the top 15 games on the eshop it still can be very profitable and successful. I haven't picked it up yet though I will in time.
Been thinking about picking this up physically at BB. So many games to play though.....
Owlboy is a chill and beautiful game. This is a game that takes me away similar to Fez.
I haven't bought it yet but will, it looks beautiful. I have such a back log of games to play through yet & since its summer I'm outside more. Haven't played my Switch for a couple weeks. But good to hear, the developer deserves it.
In my opinion it is not that much a metroidvania than rather more of a shooter. You don't have to do any backtracking, which makes it not as tiresome. The gameplay changes up a lot, too, so it does not stick to much to any genre at all. You can explore if you like to, but you do not have to explore very hard to progress. There are obviously riddles to be solved, but none of them are really hard.
I found the game very refreshing and it had a great level of difficulty for me that never frustrated me (except for the literal jump'n'run parts of the final area, that thankfully didn't go on for too long), but kept my heart pounding a lot of the time.
I held off to buy a physical copy. It can't come soon enough, I've heard nothing but praise.
I've considered picking this up, but haven't decided.
As soon as this goes on sale I'll pick it up
Not surprised. Budget priced games and Nintendo games basically what sells on Switch these days.
Just hope Ys8, flipping death and Shinning make a profit in the next few months. Or this kind of stuff is all we will see.
I'm wondering: will the standard physical edition have the manual that comes with the limited edition?
Good coz I am not buying it.
@Agramonte I think it's a good thing. The Switch has its own market.
Thats awesome. Heia Norge😃.
With the troubled development this game had, I'm thrilled over the success they've got in return. Hope to get my hands on one of those limited edition.
I have the hard copy preordered. This is great to hear, congrats!!
Good to know, I heard they spent 10 years developing it.
Lmfao yea very profitable for them so now on physical launch day itll be profitable for us.. reselling for twice as much is the new wave. Big corps do it to us so we finally grew smarter and started to do it back. Same way people did with switches on release u seen them going for 600 dollars. Every game that is released as a indie without a physical copy gets extremely profitable once the physical copy drops because only a certain amount are made and once they are gone they are gone so resellers value skyrockets. Tha k you.
I need to pick this up. 10 hours game play is a perfect length. More profit to come.
Good to hear. Nintendo Switch brings hit after hit!
Not surprising to hear because the price was really high. $25 for it means they didn’t really need to sell many copies to get their money back. I want it, but I ended up buying someone’s code off of them when it was featured in Humble Bundle for $2. I’d double dip on Switch if it drops to about $10
Does anyone know if the physical version is coming to Japan too? I can't find any reference about it...
I wonder how much money Concerned Ape has made from Stardew Valley on Switch? Don’t think I’ve seen it outside of the top 5 on the UK chart since it launched!
Have my standard physical edition on preorder so looking forward to that.
Limited Edition looked nice but the price hike was a bit too much for what I can give now.
I beat this one very recently and fell in love with the world and its characters, especially Otus.
It's easily one of my favorite video games of all time and currently in my Top 3 Switch games. Check it out if you haven't already!
Looks good, but I'm still waiting for a sale. It's very promising that people are finding success on the Switch.
Probably because its overpriced?
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