After storming sales in Japan, Monster Hunter XX is finally coming to the west in the form of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
The sequel to the 3DS title Monster Hunter Generations, the game will launch as a Switch system exclusive in European and North America on August 28th. If you played the previous game on 3DS, you'll be able to transfer your save data to this new release.
Here's the PR:
The highly anticipated Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, the follow up to Monster Hunter Generations, marks the series debut on Nintendo Switch as an exclusive when it launches on August 28th, 2018 for digital and physical retail purchase across Europe and North America. For the first time, gamers have the flexibility to play both local wireless and online multiplayer with up to three other hunters whether playing at home on the big screen or on the go in handheld or table top mode. A brand new trailer for the title is available now from the press site here.
Hunters can face off against the series largest roster of unique monsters in this nostalgic look back at the series beginnings and evolutions. Take on the role of a brave hunter on an adrenaline fuelled adventure challenging larger than life beasts. Completing quests will yield valuable resources for crafting countless distinct weapons and equipment fashioned after players’ defeated foes. Along their journey, hunters must defend each of the game’s four villages from major threats known as the Fated Four, plus an even more dangerous new Elder Dragon.
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate features a blend of classic gameplay and unique new twists, brand new explorable areas and monsters, plus returning fan-favourites like the lightning fast Zinogre and the stealthy long-tailed Nargacuga. This release introduces a new quest level called “G” rank that features even more formidable versions of familiar foes, truly testing experienced hunters’ battle tactics now with different moves and abilities never before seen in the wild!
For newcomers to the series, the gameplay features ton of powerful super moves called Hunter Arts that can be executed with a quick tap on the touch screen. Players can experiment and choose from six different Hunting Styles including two new ones called Brave Style, which rewards players with new moves for landing successive attacks, and Alchemy Style, a support style that grants the ability to creating useful items on the fly during combat. Hunters are encouraged to explore and customize the experience between quests to find the most personalized playstyle.
Players of the original Monster Hunter Generations can transfer save data from the previous title to continue their journey in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
Will you be picking this one up?
Comments 220
Way to strike while the irons hot...
"A Switch system exclusive"? I bet that is going to hurt all the Monster Hunter World players.
HECK YA!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this significantly less honed than world? Genuine question.
FINALLY - good that it can transfer saves too - although I'm curious how
So what exactly was the point of making Nintendo Switch region-free if people weren't going to buy Japanese versions of games they wanted in the first place?
Calling it now - digital only in Europe XD
Good job Capcom, one year later after it originally released, when no one really cares anymore.
A year late but I'll take it!
@YummyHappyPills ...And now I am cautious about this release. Thanks for that
@TheOpponent from my perspective, I've bought a few Japanese games that could be played in English.
About time and glad I didn't bother picking up World for XB1.
Yes! Now I can finally stop teasing myself with the demo off the Japanese e-shop
The Switch seems to be a bit of an afterthought to Capcom.
Day 1 for me. Yes please Capcom.
Why bother? Capcom? That company is full of so much poo. The public is going to perceive this as a "lesser" version of Monster Hunter. Thus, Capcom is setting this game up to fail so they can ditch supporting Monster Hunter on Nintendo platforms.
@BensonUii For anyone motivated enough to import Japanese games, that wouldn't be an issue. The fact they can play it at all is the reason region freedom was such a big deal, and now they completely forget about it once they hit a game they can't read.
This is really cool, and I'm probably going to pick it up, but man it's going to be hard going back to old systems after playing MHW so much. There is so much they changed for the better.
@Joeynator3000 They are setting this game up to fail.
@riChchestM Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for 3DS and Wii U allowed cross-saves via an app that you downloaded for free.
Timing could be better, but at least we're getting it!
I never put too much time into Generations on 3DS, so I'm looking forward to playing this pretty thoroughly.
Played the majority of this game 2 years ago, and I'll be playing World the way it was meant to be experienced in August.
Ooooh, yesss! Finally!
I have MH on PS4 and now Switch. Perfect.
Ahh well, at least they were kind enough to release it a month before the subscription model takes place so you get a month of free online. lol.
@OmegaDestroyer U serious? :D:D:D
Nice!! Perfect for while we wait for MH World Ultimate! This is good, I didn't expect it anymore.
Isn't this game like 3 years old?...Good ol Capcom rereleasing old games on the switch. Nothing new from what I can tell. I might get this but supporting this release model sucks.
And it will come in both physical and digital forms. Ohhh nice!
I’ve never played Monster Hunter before aside from a brief demo on PSP. How high is the learning curve?
... and where’s the Disney Afternoon Collection? I want it on Switch. A sequel with GEN/SNES Disney games would also be great (Aladdin on SNES is SO good - seriously one of the best licensed games ever). The Mickey Mouse games are also surprisingly good. Also, Warner Bros. Afternoon Collection with games like SNES Bugs Bunny, Road Runner, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Animaniacs, etc.
I’d love to play these again in a legal way without buying an old SNES and carts... this is why I’ll miss VC (not that these would ever have been added anyway).
•looks up SNES games on eBay•
I'm sorry but, in my opinion, it's a bit too late. This should have been released BEFORE the MH World.
Capcom, once again, is trying to shove an old port on Nintendo Switch owners.
Plus, MH World was developed with the West gameplay in mind so even thought the franchise is popular, I don't see this one selling loads.
The sales will be cr@p and Capcom will blame the users and will not release a proper Monster Hunter game on the platform.
So far, Capcom, has not released on the Switch a single game that is completely new, everything is a port of something old, very old.
F U Capcom.
Holy crap... FINALLY!!! I have MHW on my PS4...but what I have REALLY wanted since the Switch released was a MH on the carry and hunt anywhere and everywhere! SWEET SWEET SWEET news to me!!!
Hmm...Generations is this actually the XX coming over with a slight name change...or is it Generations with added content? I'm a little confused on that point...but...who cares? Its MH on the go on the Switch! HUZZAH!
About what? Capcom's mediocre commitment to the Switch?
@Malakai I am pretty sure it will sell good enough since after all is a portable Monster Hunter. Likely not as well as MHW but I think it is still important to have the game on the system.
Capcom finally throwing a bone to Nintendo fans.
@Spectra How was World dire? Geniunely interested - I've not been playing MH games too long and really liked World.
(FWIW, I also play MH on iOS using a MFI and i imported XX from Japan, but even though the game is great I couldnt get past the language)
Was just a matter of time!!
I've never played a Monster Hunter title. Is this worth getting if single-player is the focus of the player? Or is it heavily biased towards multi-player?
Fabulous news, except that it's releasing pretty late
Well that came out of nowhere. Good to hear, I’ll 100% pick this up. First this in August then World on PC when that releases later!
@Ooyah The games are set up to play single or multiplayer. They usually make the game ramp up the difficulty automatically if you go to the multiplayer port, but all of the MH games are fully playable all the way through in single player, too. They can be a huge time sink...but that's part of the glorious monster hunting joy!!
@QwertyQwerty I think it's 9.8GB
@MsJubilee a low res one at that but a bone none the less.
Niiiice finally
Almost bought it from the japanese eshop. And thia game has G rank that's all I want not the casual mhw poo.
Says it can transfer saves from the 3DS to Switch, but can it transfer saves back to the 3DS as well?
Doesn't come out until the beginning of the next semester. RIP my next semester
So this is just XX that was released ages ago in Japan.
SOLD! (But by Odin's beard there better be a physical edition.)
Yes! World is fun but it's too easy.
Also, the final boss isn't a giant robot.
@OmegaDestroyer I’d rather it be an afterthought than a no thought at all like the Wii u was for most bigger third party publishers
tried the Japanese demo, never played a MH game so cant tell if its the game I wasn't into or the fact I didn't understand the language
hopeful the English version has a demo to try again
I played monster hunter 3 on Wii U and 3DS and I think it’s finally time I dove back in on Switch. I feel like many things have been refined, especially with controls, since then. Color me excited
A lot of you guys haven't seen how many people liked the NoA tweet I take it. Nobody cares that its late. They're just happy its finally coming, and not that far away either.
HELL YES! 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊 😊
Too little, too late?
Awesome, playing World at the moment on my XB1, about to play some Generations on my 3DS while on vacation. Now I'll be able to transfer that save across to the Switch (??). Sounds like a win for me!
@ghasfarost The game only moved a bit over 200,000 units on the Switch, in Japan. Granted, one, MH XX shouldn't have even existed, given Capcom had promised no ultimate version of Monster Hunter X, but Capcom backtracked on that promised.
I bet dollars to donuts that Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate isn't going even have 1/100ths of the marketing budget that Monster Hunter World received. Furthermore, if World is going to be the series template going forward, then why release Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate now? No marketing nor updated gameplay feedback loop, what are the reasons for releasing this game? It doesn't make any sense.
The only thing that works in Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate favor in the West is the utter lack of 3D action games on the Switch from third parties.
Fair enough but it is certainly hard not to be leery of Capcom with the nonsense they have pulled (tying future support to sales of a Street Fighter port and then saying that wasn't enough.).
I wonder if this will actually benefit from being released after World. Seems like World introduced a lot of new people to the series, so those people might have more of an interest in this game than they would if it had been released a year ago.
@Anti-Matter Hmm, let's see, MH Generation is a port of an old 3DS game that has been available in Japan for what? like a year already?
Then you have MH World which is a much better game available on other platforms already so, yeah, I believe the sales will not be great.
I reckon that those who will buy it are a) fans or b) people that think it's the same style of gameplay of MH World and will regret their buy.
And it's not a tantrum at Capcom, they are only bring ports to the Switch, this is a fact.
You can defend them as much as you want but it doesn't change the fact that they are not supporting the Switch as much as everybody else.
It's great to see that the true Monster Hunter is still alive and well.
A little late. This is at the back of my backlog. Maybe I'll get to it, but I'd like to see how it does first. Sound familiar, Capcom?
Oh god, yes!
@Malakai seems like you are not informed well. MHXX on Switch sold 350.000 in Japan and it is a port of the 3ds game which sold 1.6 mil in Japan. So of course a port won't sell much on a new console with the announcement of a new mh on ps4.
And just in time for the launch of the paid online, by happy "coincidence"
Dreams do come true <3
@OmegaDestroyer oh totally. I just don’t expect any kind of big third party exclusive to come onto the switch(as least not at this point). It’s hard to know what is reasonable to expect off them. The high end stuff like resident evil 7 or monster hunter world probably can’t run on the switch or can’t without seriously downgrading them. I honestly expect most of the stuff we will get will be last Gen titles and remasters of last gen as it’s easy for them and it’s cheap.
Wow! I didn't think this was going to happen. I'm glad I held out on importing the Japanese version and it's great that our save data will carry over. It's gonna be rough going back to this after MHW, but I'm ready for the challenge.
This is awkward...already imported a copy and got to G4 last night. Well crap.
Not gonna lie, I got a PS4 just for World. It wasn't even that good. I'd rather Generations. Gens isn't anywhere near as good as 4U. But I'll take it.
...Can I import my guy from XX?
@TMG44 Where are you getting that 350,000 figure from in Japan. AS of February, 2018 from Media Create charts:
Monster Hunter XX was at 211,111 units sold. So, are you telling me that Monster Hunter moved another 150,000 units? With in that time frame? Come on now. I didn't mention the 3DS version because that is literally a different case. But, I'm not well informed. Come at me again, bro.
In day 1. Love MHW but come on man. How can I turn down MH on the go. MH on the go is best for me.
@Tsurii That, as everything, is relative. You might like it but other people might not.
I, personally, prefer World than Generations. But I understand if you like the other one more.
@Moon Same here lol. I ended up playing other games... It would be funny if I ended up buying Gen and spend my time on that game instead. Haha.
It's about time, Monster Hunter World is starting to get boring now so good job Capcom. Now get right on to making Monster Hunter 5 for Switch please.
I'm in.
As a MH fan, It'll definitely be one the first titles i'll buy once i get a Switch.
So, that's a difficult question. MHW brought many improvements to the formula, but they are MOSTLY visual and quality-of-life. The actual gameplay that made Monster Hunter popular in the first place has pretty much been the same in every single game, including Generations and World.
I actually think that they should try to port over that monster hunter stories title off the 3ds. Think it would get a decent audience on the switch
So when is the Sailor Moon trailer happening?
Oh good, now people can stop whining like a bunch of hurt puppies because they didn't want to release two console Monster Hunter games in directly competing time periods. Now we'll have one on each platform, where both can get their due-
People are still complaining anyways, because they didn't do it sooner. Even though World was localized simultaneously with development, and GU wasn't, because GU was made first for the 3DS, as an upgrade to the 3DS version, and then later ported as a way to test the water- You know what? Just screw the haters. I don't care anymore.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't it have more sense to tell people to import MHXX or get it from the Japanese eshop then make various languages for it available to download? Skyrim has these options on the eshop,it would have been far simpler surely?
@Malakai the info comes from capcom. They said it at their report for the financial year ending 31.03.18.
Who would have thunk at this point. XD
Day 1 Baby
@QwertyQwerty 9.8 Gb (unless this has already been replied in the hundred comments above).
It's about time capcom!!! 😀
Thank you for this! For some reason, I thought that it was one of those games which was geared towards multi-player, and solo players would find it a struggle. I am interested in this, then.
@Joeynator3000 Are you being sarcastic?
Well there it is.
@Nintendoforlife ...About what?
@wiggleronacid You've got it backwards. First World then this. This releases right at the end of August, MHW on PC will be in August so it has a 27 in 31 chance of launching before this.
I don't care if it's a year late, as long as it's coming!
Switch owners: we want MH on Switch
Capcom: Here's an MH
Switch Owners: Not THAT one!
Capcom: ok we'll go back to consoles kthx
I think plenty of people would have bought this one but it didn't have any language options apart from Japanese. Other games like I am Setsuna will play in e.g. English from the Japanese version (even the retail release) but not this game.
Wet exiting news! Never played before, can someone certify it is fun? Looks like the type of AAA game we expect to see coming more often to the store!
Monster Hunter World PC is a holiday 2018 release.
If only Monster Hunter World had as many big monsters as this game. That would have been a true 10/10 Monster Hunter game.
Cool, I'm not the biggest MH fan around, but admittedly it is pretty neat battling monsters with friends.
@Joeynator3000 Lack of interest
@Nintendoforlife I already own the game, it's not bad, but it's not great, either. I just got it to see 4U content in HD, as well as the final boss.
@tourjeff Except that's not a fact because everybody else is supporting it with ports too. Capcom also has a new game coming later this year in Mega Man 11. You can bet that Ace Attorney 7 will be a Switch console exclusive as well
@PlayedNSlayed I would be so happy if they ended up patching the Japanese copy to support english T-T so pleased with my progress but you can't beat reading the game menus
@Dogorilla I've been playing MH since 3U on 3DS, so I'm finally buying a Switch because I love MH. But it will be interesting to see if new MH fans would be willing to get it, though it might not be a system seller to them as it is for me.
@kaffepapu Same lol
@IceClimbers Wrong, 2K brought two new games, Bathesda is bring Wolfenstein and brought Doom already, both games from this gen.
SquareE is developing Octopath Traveller, a new IP game exclusive on the Switch.
Sega brought the Sonic games from this gen to the Switch.
What Capcom did so far? Megaman 11 will be the first game released but that is about it.
Worst than Capcom is Konami but they are bad with everybody at the moment.
@Dogorilla That's an interesting theory. I thought it would have made more sense to release it last year, but maybe you're right.
Anyway, I'll definitely be picking this up since playing locally with friends is what MH is all about for me. I'm also glad I didn't get the Japanese version. I got a bit burned out on MH so the timing of this is ok for me.
@Joeynator3000 Ok so you're saying because it's an average game people no longer want it?
@TheOpponent It is called - and stay with me here- **Options!**
My brother was just asking me if he should import this.
I'm going to tell him to pick up the phone.
honestly did you think it would be different?
did the 3ds get full 'AAA' games? no? then why would the switch? it's a nice portable but it's not the triplet to the twins.
the only way N is getting stuff that sony/ms get is if they release a home console on the same architecture in the same power envelope with a regular controller and no gimmicky crap. and N has basically bailed on that market because the folks who buy N consoles either don't buy these 'AAA' games or N is extremely hostile to the publishers. either way don't expect parity if you buy an N product. it hasn't happened since the snes and I don't see it ever happening again.
@Moon I thought about getting a ps4 or xbox1 just for World, but I think I would have felt the same as you. Somehow it didn't seem that appealing to me, so I'm happy about this announcement. I needed a break from MH anyway. I played it way too much on the 3ds.
This is great! I mean i would have really prefered a new game over gen ultimate but I'll still buy it so eh.
@Menchi187 Wait it’s confirmed for August!?!? I haven’t been following the release timing for it recently, thought it was still just “fall”. Thanks for the update, that’s fantastic news! The earlier the better!
This will make a bunch of people happy. Now, Monster Hunter Stories 2!
About bloody time
@sword_9mm yeah I see what you mean. Think I had a slim hope that Nintendo would go hard for larger third party developers this time and to a certain extent they have some more than they usually do. I’d like to see an effort like Sony did for the original PlayStation of offering incentives etc to bring back a base. Yeah it cost Sony in the short term but look what it’s set them up for. They are very different companies though and I think Nintendo is happy as long as their stuff is selling.
Well as someone who has World and not a big fan of the direction it's taken, I'll be picking this up as I loved the 3DS version. This will probably be the last Monster Hunter game on Switch now that Capcom don't care about the Nintendo fan base
I guess this won't sell anywhere near what World has sold, but does that matter to Capcom? I'm sure their investment on this was almost nothing and they'll still make a lot of money off it.
I'm just glad it's finally coming.
FINALLY!! HAHA!! I only played a portion of the game on 3DS, I guess MHG just felt like it came out soon after MH4 (which I had absolutely played TO DEATH) and didnt seem like anything new really, maybe since its a rehash of older MH titles. Anyway, I just wasnt that into it at the time, but now Im stoked for some MH on Switch. Ohhhhhhh baby, this is gonna be fun! My brother had also played MH4 but still loved MHG so its gonna be great.
@Menchi187 World releases in august? Do you have a source for that?
The last thing I have heard is "targeting autumn".
@tourjeff "You can defend them as much as you want but it doesn't change the fact that they are not supporting the Switch as much as everybody else."
Actually, I'd argue that there's only a handful (if that) of 3rd parties actually supporting switch. I wouldn't go so far as to say "everybody else".
Meh... Too little too late, Capcom.
Can't believe how much people are female dogging all I hear is localize it and they have buy it or don't buy it just stop crying damn haters
"why aren't you localising MHXX Capcom!!!??!?!??!?!"
Capcom localises MHXX.
"Too late Capcom!!!!!"
Love this crowd.
@Highlar generations is x and generations ultimate is xx.
The game will be the same as the xx demo but with English text.
I stated several months ago that I did not expect this to happen. I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but, err... I was wrong.
Voice chat online app?
About time!
I already bought the Japanese version, but it's too much of a pain to play without knowing Japanese. I'll definitely be double dipping for the English version.
A little bit of a touch of genius if you think about it: MH has found a wider audience with Worlds. Capcom waiting for that to come out means bigger awareness. If they market it right, it’ll sell by the crap ton.
Bout time, Capcom
@Fist_of_Belial I didn’t say anything negative about the game. I was asking if this is a good entry point for me with the series as I’ve never really played them.
This is cool to hear. I don't really play Monster Hunter, but I really hate it when games are region-exclusive/region-locked.
@TMG44 That would be the number shipped to stores and not necessary the total number in customer hands. Also, I did forget about digital purchases as well, generally with Japan digital ratio isn't as high as it is in the West.
@TheOpponent Besides, region free is important for more languages than just Japanese. I have four games now from the UK that were not released in NA physically. Plus, I have I am Setsuna (has english), and I'm planning on importing Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate. That said, I held off on this particular release until it was localized because of the text heavy nature of the game. I wasn't about to manage to wing my way through this one with some basic japanese.
Yay? I'm happy for this but it's a year plus late. I wouldn't be surprised if it tanks
@TheOpponent Are you seriously trying to say that true fans would just go and learn Japanese in order to play this one game? Have you ever played Monster Hunter? It's not Space Invaders. There is a LOT of text in these games. I like Monster Hunter but crafting and customizing your gear is half the game. I don't like it enough to learn a new language for it.
Huh, might try it, though it's hard to play mh games after being spoiled by Freedom Wars.
Hahah, I love it when idiots throw around the terms true and real fans. As of they meant anything.
Will have to get this for my son. He loves the Monster Hunter games.
@Joeynator3000 think he meant sarcastic about no one caring anymore, when evidently they do
I personally was incredibly happy to see this having held off importing it. It'll be great to have a reason to turn on the Switch again.
I always said they would.
So people should Learn Japanese for the sale of one game?
Are you on a wind up?
I get the feeling that Nintendo realised they had an issue when MHW was released and ninty was left with no monster hunter on the new system! Lots of hate and negative feedback.....and bingo Nintendo America pay to localise MHXX
The big question will be will it have chat via the online app?
As MHXX doesn't!
Finally! Thank you Capcom, you rock!!!
@QwertyQwerty Cheers pal. I’m sorry the original question was so poorly worded and I appreciate your response. Sounds great I was worried it was somehow going to be inferior and not worth playing especially since a World purchase on PS4 is likely for me in the coming months.
@TeslaChippie thank you. I was worried my original question didn’t make sense but yours and @QwertyQwerty ‘s replies have been clear and helpful. Will definetely be picking this up. Thanks
MHXX shipped 350k in Japan and the surrounding Asian countries. Not counting digital. 500k total probably counting digital. That's really good for a game being sold for the third time to the same audience in 2 years, especially a far lower budget release.
And the west never got Ultimate, even on 3DS, so sales should be considerably stronger here.
As for why? I say why not? The game is already made, most of its already translated, people want an HD portable MH game... so what reason is there not to release this game? Alot of people want it.
It doesn't have to, or need to sell as well as World. It's 1/10 of the budget and an Ultimate version of a game already released. Of course it won't sell as well. But not every game has to sell that well to warrant a release.
MH Gen Ultimate fills a need in the market. People are excited for it, and it's all basically pure profit for Capcom. Sell a million copies in the west, give people what they want and hold them over until a new entry eventually releases.
Do you still play MH:W?
I know you love MH series and loved World when it came out but can you say it’s better then XX?
Why are people still complaining? Capcom finally brings mh to the west on the switch. What do people do? Some complain that it is to late. Some complain that it is not mhw. So what, you should be happy that it is coming on the switch right now in the west. You need to stop complaining and realize that you are getting one so far.
Ya, World is better. It's amazing. But it's also way shorter, way fewer monsters, way worse online lobby system and you can only play at home.
It's definitely the best MH to date though. But I'm SUPER stoked to finally have HD Monster Hunter on a portable system with local wireless and detachable controllers and full 1080p console... It's freaking awesome.
Definitely some quality of life additions I'll be missing, and the super smooth animations of World, but honestly I have no complaints. I'm so ecstatic right now it's surreal
I played 3U 4U, the XX switch demo and MHW. I can say that MHW is much easier to get into and overall a much prettier game. Maps are expansive and I love the lack of a loading screen per area. Makes everything feel seamless and connected. Overall the way your character and monsters move feel much less robotic in world. 4U was my favorite but MHW just doesn't require as much effort and I like that because I have 2 little boys eating up my time. I am a little irked I couldn't wait as I bought MHW and a ps4 a week ago 😒
Now I'm going to have to buy another Switch for my son--and two copies of the game when the time comes. We enjoyed playing Generations together on 3DS and the tradition must continue.
Despite the QoL improvements in World, I enjoyed Generations a lot more and I suspect GU is going to make me forget about World until a lot more content is added or some Ultimate version of that comes out.
@OmegaDestroyer It isn't. Honestly, I think Switch owners are going to be a little salty that they got this instead of the more recent MHW.
Awesome, definitely getting this. I tried World in January and just couldn't get into it, it didn't feel the same to me. Maybe it was the lack of portability, which I need for games that require grinding. I put over 100 hours into each of the 3DS MH games. World, on the other hand, I put maybe 5 or 10 hours into it, dropped it to focus on Celeste, and haven't been back since.
World is great, but I prefer traditional MH. Excited for this.
@WiltonRoots dude them people were never gonna buy the game in the first place. Just wanted to have a rant @ Capcom
Nice, next Disney Nintendo games for a Nintendo platform please.
I think sales will be good enough, because most fans didn't really like MH World.
I hope the Online works great as it did on MH3U on Wii U
@TheOpponent A lot of people don't read Japanese.
I think sales will be good enough because most fans didn't really like MH World.
I hope the Online works great as it did on MH3U on Wii U
Yes it's completely playable offline.
Not only that, but it has a very lengthy and thorough single player campaign, and a completely separate multiplayer campaign, which can also be played offline solo if one so desires.
@darlinfan, if you want me to be politically correct, then I will say it. There are some individuals that wanted monster hunter xx to come to the switch in the west so bad. There are other individuals that have a ps4 and xb1 that bought mhw. Now those individuals that have a switch and none of those systems have no access to a mh game unless they imported it region free, and there is no English subtitles on it. Now Capcom finally decided to bring it to the switch in the west. By reading comments on the site, I concluded some individuals are very happy with the announcement. Some individuals wanted the game to resemble mhw like on the other systems. Some individuals feel Capcom has sent it too late. I am trying to tell you that certain individuals will complain whether things are good or not. It is just annoying to me.
Finally announced! I knew a version of MH was coming.
Let us see if the MHW pussies can handle this one.
If you played World, MHGU will probably feel like a step down for sure, but it's mechanically different as well. The big gimmick in MHGU (and its predecessor, MHG), is the Hunter Arts, essentially "super attacks or skills" that require meter to activate, meter you build through attacking, as well as "Hunter Styles", which alter how each weapon plays a bit depending on which you equip. There are plenty of videos demonstrating them. Here's one for Dual Blades.
Note that MHG and MHGU doesn't feature a story in any sense, so make sure if you're buying it you're into the multiplayer. It really just drops you into the world and says "hunt monsters because it's your job".
This is exciting news indeed. Although there is much more content in MHGU, I will likely stick to MHW. The QOL improvements in World would be difficult to overlook going back. I wish World had a roster like Generations Ultimate. Capcom has plenty of fans of both games to please us all.
Agreed. Every time I play world I lament at how it would be much better and more played if it was portable. My lifestyle has me hardly at home to play as much as I want.
There's plenty of reason- every MH game in the past has taken one year to localize. Every single one of them. Only exception to that is World which was planned to release globally from the start.
And that's not what this is like. People can enjoy both games. There are plenty of people excited for this release (hence why so many people were asking for it, even despite World). Fans of MH are excited for this game. Maybe not people who just want something to tote around as a trophy piece to use in console wars, people who actually play the games and actually enjoy them... those people are excited because now they're getting TWO great MH games to play. One of them is the first ever HD portable version released. With the same local wireless multiplayer that MH fans all around the world love.
In fact, my brother got into the series because of World, and he loved the game so much he started playing MH4U on 3DS because he ran out of content so fast in World (which is a problem for a lot of people, most of whom are now looking for other entries to play). And he is absolutely ecstatic about this. A brand new MH game for him to play, and not on the 3DS, and the best of both worlds being full 1080p console and 720p portable at that.
True, the QOL improvements were great but ultimate does have the superior layered armor in transmog. There will be pluses and minuses with both.
Now Capcom, please give us DRAGON'S DOGMA, RE4, and Disney Afternoon and we can call it good.
Oh finally!!!! I was so salty yesterday but now that's going to be washed away by monster blood.
Took long enough, damn. Wasn't really too thrilled with World. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but just didn't scratch the Monster Hunter itch for me.
Crapcom is a little bit too slow to respond to demand for my taste.
Sweet. A year old port of an older game. $60, no doubt...
At first I was like, "Hooray, a Monster Hunter game on Switch! Time to buy a Switch!"
Then I was like, "Wait, it's essentially a port+ of a game I have on 3DS."
This increases my chances of getting a Switch this year, but being a port+ it's not a definite. Goes from 5% to like 30% I'd say.
Nice capcom. Only late for like a year. I dont think I can play this even its for free since I have spent hours into MHW. Which has lots of improvement in gameplay.
Now how bout the Disney afternoon Collection?? That will help plug the hole of Nes games NOT coming to the Switch!
Finally ! Goodness Capcom, get a clue !
Where are all the Sony fanboys saying MH was never coming back to Nintendo?
Also i like MHW but the old style with change up including the specials art was refreshing yet amazing. I put over 300 hours on the 3ds for both 4u and Gen. Im ready to go back in and if they can transfer all my armors etc to the new one i'm down. The monsters were definitely harder. If / when MHW gets G rank its on !
there goes my life. sank an unbelievable amoubt of time into monster hunter freedom unite. not sure whether i wanna get this, because it will eat up lots of my spare time. i will wait for reviews, no day one for me...
Happy to see MH on Switch finally! Although its a bit like being served a warm beer. Not the best, but its still beer! Will be great when I'm away from my PS4.
I will purchase this game. I am entirely new to the series and I do like some co-op work with other players. I'll clock in so many hours into this game I'll end up forgetting about the others.
Is the gameplay in portable Monster Hunters very different from World? I've not played any game in this series, but in general I'm more interested in Switch games than swelling my Steam backlog even more.
Looks great! Haven’t previously played a MH game, but will definitely be giving this a shot.
@tourjeff Umm... World isn't a better game. It's a different game. It's barely Monster Hunter though, with how much it has deviated from the formula.
What you're looking at is:
World - QoL changes, better graphics, bland enemies, almost no focus on gathering/crafting/weapon trees etc.
XX - much more weapon playstyle variety, decent graphics, amazing enemy variety, huge focus on the staples of MH aka crafting/weapon trees and gathering.
World is severely lacking in content, but it is excellent for the people who hated some of the things Monster Hunter has focused on (gathering/crafting/weapon tree variety). Sadly the lack of content also screwed over the enemy variety, which is sorely lacking.
It's a "jump right into the action" MH "spin-off" for people who (usually) purely enjoy the action aspects of the MH franchise. XX is basically the traditional MH that many people love with amazing enemy variety and playstyle variety added to the mix.
While this may seem to favor XX, I can assure you that while World is really flawed, adding a bit more enemy variety would go a LONG way for it and make it a super enjoyable experience. For now, it is getting a bit boring while MH4U and Generations are actually still keeping me busy until XX Switch comes to the West.
Gameplay is practically identical. Same weapons, 95% same movesets. Mounting isn't as dynamic but, eh. It's fine.
Oh my goodness. Please read this, and stop pretending like you know everything.
Why It Takes So Long To Localize A Game
That's just an example, and on top that there's considerations like market timing (aka not releasing exactly when World is releasing). Point being, there are reasons. You said there weren't.
@Heavyarms55 How is knowing more than one language giving you any authority over how a game is localized?
I used to work in a company that specialized in localizing games and let me tell you, there's a massive amount of work to be done. The simple fact that many languages are much less concise than English or Asian languages is a nightmare, as most UIs are not designed to be too flexible. And that's not touching stuff like mistranslations, odd idioms, puns, game-specific terminology (things like "Deathclaws" from Fallout series sounds awfully clunky when translated directly to Polish, and more like an equipment item than a creature), cultural references and just the amount of text. Add voice acting to the mix and you have more than double amount of work.
@QwertyQwerty over 1 gig but under 100 gigs🤔🤔🤔 Hope that helps😈
@Heavyarms55 @JaxonH Here you are:
The first site has the abridged version of the post on the Atlus forums:
Atlus, publisher of fine niche games, has laid out a concise explanation of localization, answering the question: "Why does it take so long?" Atlus Editor Nich Maragos covers all the major steps, with timetables and explanations of each stop in the process. Our refined version goes like this:
Step 1: Familiarization (1-3 weeks) — Play the game and understand context of written material.
Step 2: Localization (1-8 weeks) — Depends on amount of text and if voice acting is required.
Step 3: Programming (4-6 weeks) — All implemented by original developers.
Step 4: Quality Assurance (5-8 weeks) — Bugs are natural side effect of localization, along with "test issues."
Step 5: Manufacturer Approval (3-8 weeks) — "Internal testers go over the submitted master candidate."
Step 6: Manufacturing (3-5 weeks) — Print, box and ship.
Even taking the most optimistic approach, it appears that localization takes a minimum of four and a half months. Hopefully that'll clear up the process for those who think it's as simple as switching a Word document with translated text.
So according to Nich Maragos, the Editor for the Atlus Production Diaries at the time, it takes a minimum of about 17 weeks for a small job, up to potentially 38 weeks for a more significant project. I would suspect Monster Hunter XX would be somewhere in the middle range, since it's not nearly as text heavy as many RPG's are. Especially in this case, since XX/GU has no real story to speak of, it's mostly just menus, UI, and equipment/item lists to be worked on. To be generous, it would probably take in the ballpark of no more than about 6-7 months to complete the localization of XX from Japanese to English.
The Switch version of Monster Hunter XX released in Japan back on 8/25/17. If Capcom had been prioritizing localization of XX into GU since then (not even before then), that allows about 8 and a 1/2 months to date, which according to the scale used by Nich Maragos, is in the upper range of time typically required for localization. That should be more than enough time for the likes of MH XX. Thus, Capcom likely delayed production of MH GU for other reasons, and the localization timeframe was almost certainly not a priority.
If Capcom had desired it, they could have had MH GU ready for release much earlier than a full year after the Japanese release. They could have potentially released it by now, if they were actually prioritizing it. I think they were just putting their focus into World in the West... although that released back on January 26th, and Capcom could have potentially released GU in April or this month, about 3-4 months after World, to avoid any chance of cannibalization. The Switch market is different from the PS4/XB1 market, anyways. So yes, releasing GU in August is definitely very late.
@SmaggTheSmug Would you say the timeframe given by Atlus in the linked information JaxonH posted is fairly accurate? Or changed or different at this point, or at least from a Polish perspective?
Point being, there's reasons. He said theres no reason it should take this long. But there is.
Localization time is just one reason. Others include market timing, manufacturing physical carts (which companies like LRG have stated takes at least 2 months on Switch), etc.
And just for the record, MH has a crap load of text and dialog.
Even if they started early September, and took til May, then 2 months to make physical Switch copies, that puts it at July. And it's releasing August. So Idk what he's fussing about. Not to mention, just because he thinks it should be NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW doesn't mean that's what they should do. Companies plan releases all the time in the best window possible. So even if it were done a few months sooner, that doesn't mean releasing then is the best option. Timing is a HUGE factor in business. And all previous MH games took 1 year anyways so it's not out of the ordinary .
All this to say, wth is he on about. It takes how long it takes. Who the freak cares. 3 months sooner isn't gonna make the game any more or less run. His complaint is "they didn't give it priority?". So what if they didn't, what does that matter? It's coming, and it's coming in the exact same time frame every other MH game in the series took. Did he complain about MH4U? Or MH3U? Or MH Gen? No? Then shut up about Gen Ult already (sorry, that's how I feel though, tired of constant complaining about the stupidest crap). Just because it's physically possible to have released a bit sooner doesn't make that a valid criticism. There's absolutely no benefit to rushing the game out in record time. None. Why prioritize rushing? To what end? They gain nothing. Whether it releases in May or August makes no difference.
We just saw Dark Souls pushed back and Crash moved forward. Release dates matter. Wish people would stop pretending a game must necessarily be expidited through localization to shave off a few months, and if it's not it means "they don't care, it's low priority". It doesn't mean anything, it's just the standard time it takes. It makes no difference either way. It comes when it comes. And it would be very unorthodox to release it 4 months after World. Different platforms but a huge overlap in customers. August gives World time to breath, doesn't crowd games back to back where people are burnt out, and maximizes demand from the overlapping audience.
Why are we talking about a game taking a year to be localized anyways? Seriously who the heck cares
@JaxonH True, we can't know all of the reasons for the timing, only those involved directly with Capcom know. It's also not necessarily critical that Monster Hunter GU be released by now, at this date. I just chimed in myself, since according to the very info you linked, even with that up to +2 months from manufacturing, distributing, packaging, and transporting Switch game cards, adding up to about 9-10 months for the localization process tops, June should be the absolute final deadline month of release. This would be following the typical timing laid out by Nich Maragos at Atlus, that you linked as an example.
I think releasing alongside E3 hype would have been a smarter choice than holding off all the way to August. Digital releases and market conditions are different nowadays, but extra E3 hype would have only helped MH GU sales and visibility. Dedicated MH World players are already exhausting it's content and tiring of it, so between the end of May and mid June would have been a good time to strike with MH GU for the fanbase... August is certainly late. It remains to be seen how much/if this will have a negative impact otherwise, though, since the Switch and PS4/XB1 markets don't completely overlap. It should sell relatively well regardless, it's just that a release at the end of May - mid June would have only helped Capcom. But hey, it's their mistake to make, we'll see what happens...
I know, that's why I was careful to refer to his comment rather than yours.
It's just... the complaining and perpetual dissatisfaction is suffocating. We get good news, MH Generations Ultimate is coming to Switch, but instead of happiness and celebration you get people nitpicking any little trivial detail to complain about. Ugh, it's exhausting. Just want to be part of a community where people like games and are excited when a good game gets announced.
Btw I don't think August is late, I think it's prime time. August is a terrific month to sell games in. May and June is too early. Deviljho and big update just came late April. Some people are still playing that. And those that aren't need time in between. Starting another MH game 2 months after finishing the last is too soon.
And this game is already #1 selling video game in the Amazon charts, and has been within 60 minutes of its page going live. Crazy number of upvotes and likes on MH community on Reddit, Switch community on Reddit, twitter, etc.
This game is gonna ride the waves of World all the way into the Fort Knox vault.
@JaxonH Going a bit off-topic, but speaking of the Amazon charts, in which MH GU is currently at the #2 Best Seller spot for the all Video Games section, it really emphasizes how much Switch owners still value physical ownership, while PSN/XB Live users seem content to purchase games primarily digitally, with the #1 spot occupied by the $50 Playstation Store gift card, the #4 spot occupied by the $10 Xbox gift card, and almost all of the physical titles in the top spots being on the Switch... I can understand the reason why, but it's still kind of bittersweet to see only one platform putting an emphasis on physical ownership at this point. From my perspective, it's just one more reason to stick with Nintendo and continue ditching Sony/Microsoft for current consoles... Though I'm still waiting for the Switch library to fill out more. Probably next year or 2020 before jumping in, the total library should be even more irresistible by then. I'm still on 3DS.
Way I see it, is a simple cost benefit analysis. What is the benefit of waiting? Perhaps a $50 price drop. What is the cost? 2-3 years of missing out on excellent games, many of which even if you do eventually play, will be when everyone else has moved on. Not nearly as fun playing a game when no one is talking about it, or no one to play with, like MH Gen Ult. Then there's the cost benefit of buying asap- cost is $50 more. Benefit is 2-3 additional years of high quality enjoyment.
Is saving $50 worth more than 2-3 years of high quality enjoyment? Only you can answer that question for yourself, but to me, the answer is a resounding no. Even if a console has only 1 game I'm interested in (like when I bought PS4 at launch), the benefit of several extra years of enjoyment across the scores of games I'll get between launch and when a price drop occurs, is far more valuable than $50, or even $100.
Basically, if I bought a Switch at launch, waiting would be akin to pawning it for 3 years in exchange for a $50 bill. Hardly seems a fair trade off.
But that's my perspective on the matter. Hit up Splatoon 2, play Mario Kart 8 in the office, run through Xenoblade 2, dive into Mario Odyssey, lay it down with some Funky Kong time trials, go at it in some ARMS, lose yourself in Zelda for a month, break out the Mario Tennis for some crazy fun MP, jump into Octopath Traveller and MH Gen Ultimate and Smash Bros and Valkyria Chronicles... get that $50 worth in spades.
@PlywoodStick Is the hardcore PC gamer seriously complaining about digital purchases? It was the taint of PC that ruined the consoles to begin with!
That said part of it is, beyond storage and use case, and the general enjoyment factor of carts, partly because with PSXPC when you buy on disc you STILL end up downloading most of the game anyway in patches and playing with always connected schemes. Plus digital often is priced as low as or lower than physical with sales on those platforms, so it's a choice of CD key or ownership. You guys know my obsession with physical ownership yet even I'm turning largely digital on those two. Not because I don't want physical but because what they call physical really isn't anymore. And I left PC because it stopped being so a decade ago.
Plus, lets face it. Discs suck. Discs have always sucked. I hated PS1 after Nintendo/Sega with discs. I still hate discs today, and love my carts. Put PS5 games on a cartridge and I'm back to all physical.
@JaxonH I think the complaining is both because gamers as a group skew young and thus are childish. And because people have been trained as consumers to want a steady cycle of products, and that an old product (I.E. not brand new) is now old and therefore valueless. Race to the bottom pricing, though it benefits us and we like it, has also made the value of the product diminished. Horizon dropped half price within 3 months last year. What lesson do we learn? New games are worth money. After a month or two it's valueless. Those of use older and wiser understand the forces at work. The younger bunches generally don't. They know what theyv'e seen only, and what they've seen is this stuff has no value except with it's new. This game isn't new, and Worlds is new, therefore this should have been out last year for $3 is the prevailing mindset.
Though in truth, Capcom really did drag their feet absurdly, especially with how they kind of stuck their foot in their mouth up to their ankle with how they handled the world launch.
@SlimFreakinFast which ones?? im curious
Except, this is new. This has never released in the West before. All sorts of games release in Japan first, like Valkyria Chronicles 4, doesn't make it old when it releases this fall.
@JaxonH True, but in most cases a game releases in Japan, then releases in the West BEFORE the next version is out in the West. I.E. Yokai Watch 2 didn't release after Yokai Watch 1 in the west, despite YK3 being out in Japan already. In this case this is the HD port of the old 3DS game releasing in the west a long time after the super big new generation reboot was already hyped to death here. If it released WITH the super hyped World, people would have accepted it, but months afterward definitely takes the steam out of this one a bit, unless you're a huge fan.
I'm glad it's coming. I'd only ever play MH on a portable machine (I love the world demo, but won't be buying it on PSXBox) due to its grindiness, so it's still the "better" MH from my view....but I can understand why the majority may not feel that way.
@Metroidkiller64 I bought Disgaea 5 Complete from Japan back in April of last year, Fate/Extella, and Othello. Might have bought a few more, but I can't remember.
But... People are accepting it. By the drove. Take a look on Reddit or Twitter or the fact it's the #1 selling game on Amazon already.
In fact, people are accepting far more than had it released before World. Now all those new players are thirsty for more. We've never seen the older entries get this much attention and love in the West. Ever
@JaxonH accepting enough to buy, but not enough to not complain
@PlywoodStick I didn't look through the information posted. I was a tester, thus mostly involved in the "test" part. However I was assigned to games that were being localized during development, which of course has a load of other issues (like not being sure if all the localized strings will even be in the Gold build). I was never part of a project that was localized post release.
Generally implementing and testing is done at the same time, though the localized text often goes through several revisions before implementation. So a test build can be a choppy mess in which some strings are translated, some not and some are outright missing. VA is usually done late in the process. It's pretty back and forth between the translators, programmers and testers.
Lots of complaining from people who had no intention of ever buying the game in the first place once again. This is still an expanded re-release of a 2016 3DS game. If you were somehow excited about that back in 2017, why wouldn't you still be now?
Meanwhile World has already done far better than what many on this site predicted, so I guess the proof in the pudding.
I deleted my other comments. Stop tagging me. I don't want anything to do with this toxic thread anymore. This is vile and I don't want anything to do with it anymore.
Still looking forward to Monster Hunter 5 World X Generations Ultimate XX: The final Challengers Zero DX.
@Malakai What do you mean a lesser version? This game has waaayyyyy more content then monster Hunter world will ever have. I've put close to 200 hours on world and have almost collected all high tank armors...ultimate has too much to collect
I literally screamed "WHAT!!!!!" out loud when this was announced. I'm so thrilled they finally localized this! I put a couple hundred hours into XX and I can't wait to do it all again in a language I can actually understand.
Can anyone who has MHXX tell me if the touch screen allows you to tap on inventory and use during battles?
Does it have text chat or voice online?
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