A few days ago, Zen Studios put out a massive new patch for Pinball FX3 on Nintendo Switch that boosted handheld performance to a whopping 60fps, bumped docked resolution up to 1080p and made a slew of other additions and enhancements to make the game that much more enjoyable to play. In light of this patch, and just for a spot of competitive weekend gaming, we’ve opened up a tournament on Pinball FX3 that you can participate in right now.
The details for the event are as follows:
Tournament Name: NL
Table: Sorcerer’s Lair
Length: Three days
Rules: Classic
Password: Reggie
We picked Sorcerer’s Lair for the inaugural debut because that table comes free with the game, meaning that you have no good reason not to compete. The rules of the tournament are the same you’d find in a standard arcade: three balls, unlimited plays, no power-ups. And, of course, we had to appoint Reggie as the gatekeeper of our competition.
The tournament will be running through Sunday, and we’ll post a breakdown on Monday with the results of our top players. Though no prizes are being offered for this tournament, you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing that you are objectively better than everyone else on this site at playing pinball. If you think you’re good enough, we dare you to come give it a go. If you don’t think you’re good enough, we double dog dare you to jump in.
Will you be joining us for a little pinball action this weekend? Let us know in the comments below...
Comments 88
Nice. I haven't played Pinball FX3 for a while but I guess I could try to get a decent score. And by decent score I mean a score that won't put me in the last place.
Nice, and on the only free table available, might give it a go
Just got the Bethesda pack and been enjoying it since the patch went live. Might as well compete with you guys!
Ok, so just to recap:
Game is free
There will be some good competition
I've played pinball not more than 3/4 times in my arcade days
Will probably compete not to finish last
Ok, let's do it
Competition!!! 😬😀
My body is ready.
Sounds like a grand ol' time. Would've preferred Son of Zeus, but maybe with the graphical enhancements I'll do better at this one. "Maybe."
Nice. I am in now it's playable @ 60fps undocked
Headline should be 'FREE TOURNAMENT!!!'. I had no idea this game had a free table.
They used to call me...
I played a little bit of it last night and the new patch is phenomenal and I am considering purchasing the Bethesda pack. Well done Zen Studios and I am looking forward to setting a score in this tournament.
@Shiryu I knew someone would post this one. Classic!
The patch is great and it's good to see a tournament on NL, but every time I fire up Pinball FX3 I am still sad that my collection does not include Plants vs Zombies : (
Hope pausing it after two balls to come back to at home (as playing at work during lunch but time ran out) doesn't screw up my score.
How was that patch release not reported? It has been an ongoing saga since December...
Glad to hear it finally came out... I will check it out later.
Now bring Star Wars Pinball to Switch!!! Perfect day for it...
Mmmmh... may enter this. My name on the game is the same as here.
Welp, time to re download Pinball FX 3
I was hoping for a specific article highlighting the update is live, as a lot of people were holding off taking the plunge until they could play in 60fps.
I’m awful at this table, but it will be fun to join in regardless.
Holy crap! Didnt know the patch happened finally. Yay!
Massive kudos to Zen for making such an effort to please the fans, the patch is marvellous. Count me in, been a while since playing so nice to have two reasons to come back to it.
I'm first ATM with 274M!
Name: Charlie
Free you say?! OK then let’s give it a go!! Somehow I don’t think I’ve got a chance.
Nice I'll be participating
Checked out the post-patch game before work... Handheld mode now seems to run like it SHOULD. I will check out the TV mode tonight.
Too bad it took so long... and it's too bad it took an internet mob to get Zen to listen... but at least they did.
Now start working on those Nintendo tables, Zen!
I am so in for this! I tried out the patch last night and it was so much better I bought 7 new tables!
One thing I did notice... my battery was draining in handheld mode much faster it seems since the patch was added while playing. It is 100% worth it of course, but thought it was worth mentioning.
See you all on the leaderboards!
@holygeez03 Wow, I did not realize that we hadn't posted that! Might be a little late to do a post on it now, but I can put the link to the patch notes.
@SwitchVogel Definitely not too late...
A full announcement article would be great... I checked the internet and there is not a ton of news about it... It would be really cool if you had comparison video of pre-patch and post-patch, that would be really interesting.
Well the game now is a blast.
the frame rate upgrade in portable mode makes it almost an entirely new game, that is.
Now this bad boy is without a doubt the best pinball game of all time with its overwhelming amount of options and modes.
I've already downloaded the Portal table, seems nice.
Then I'll pick the pack with Epic Quest and Excalibur, which is my favourite.
You should definitely write an article about it.
Truth is, this game was incomplete until yesterday, they clearly wanted to be on Switch in time for the Holiday season, but it was a disappointing step back.
...Eh, @Spoony_Tech will end up winning regardless anyways. lol
@Joeynator3000 There's always second place! 😛
Count me in. The patch is a good incentive to try more tables, maybe Bethesda Pack or Portal Table.
Something I can participate in!
@Spoony_Tech blowing everyone away though!
@chardir During the launch week there were 3 free tables.
@Spoony_Tech you are a pinball WIZARD!
The lights brighter, the game faster and crisper, and a pinball tournament beacons for me. Count me in.
Good luck guys
checks tournament out, sees that Tech is already first
...Yeah I'm not doing this.
Sounds lovely guys..
I'ma check it out for sure!
(and thanks for all the content by the way) !!!
Great idea I'm totally in!!!!!
...... and after looking at those high scores if I get in top 50 I'll be stoked 👍
On a Side note the recent patch is awesome. I had a lot of fun before it but the game flows and plays so smooth now compared to before.
Great idea!
I'll join in. Sounds fun!
Hurray for the update! I noticed everything on screen looks clearly sharper on my 4K tv. 60fps and 1080p resolution is good and gameplay is better with this update.
I am now going to buy all the tables.
I would DEFINITELY say go for the Bethesda tables. There are no other pinball games like them anywhere else, as far as I know. Simply great tables with fascinating mechanics (especially in the Skyrim table, my personal favorite).
On another note...I never had a problem with how the game played before the update...but after it...oh my...the tables all flow SO well and smooth and fast now. It all looks better too, from what I can tell. As someone else said earlier, it DOES feel like a whole new game in some ways. A better game, too. Going to have to pick up some other tables now, I think, beyond what I already have!
Damn! Love FX Pinball on my Wii U. Now you finally made me wish I had a Switch today! (Waiting to play through a chunk of my backlog before buying one).
Great idea. Definitely competing in this! Been playing the FX series since it released on 3DS six years ago.
Was curious if the leader board combined if you played the tournament on Steam. Looks like if you search for this one there you get a whole separate tournament/leader board with the same rules.
@Riderkicker You should be able to join that way. Give me your user name if you want and I could check to see if your score shows up.
@Spoony_Tech Riderkicker
Just gave it a test run. I can see my Steam score on the Switch but on Steam I can only see users that played on Steam it seems. It shows no one listed yet when you actually play the table you see the player's names when you pass their score.
3.400 millions is above insane
Second place is out of reach, too.
Gonna fight for the bronce, maybe
Nice ! Fancy giving this a go, ny first ever tournament. Last place FTW!
I was already impressed by how Pinball FX3 is the first and only Switch game that supports TATE mode in handheld mode with only one Joy Con attached.
Someone really needs to tell Zerodiv (Dragon Blaze, Strikers 1945, Gunbird, Samurai Aces), Sunny Tam (Danmaku Unlimited 3) and Treasure (Ikaruga is coming soon!) about this possibility.
@Riderkicker Thanks for the info. Zen had said a while back the Switch and Steam users were suppose to see all scores from all systems but clearly that's not the case. Switch sees everyone but PS4. Xbox only sees Steam and Steam probably only sees Xbox and maybe PS4. That fact that you could enter the tournament though is more then Xbox users can. They cant even see it.
@SuperCharlie78 You obviously know what you're doing but if you need any further advice I'm more then willing to offer it.
Won't do the tournament, but I LOVE Zen Pinball. Besides Mk8, this is my most played game.
Oh my, I might have to actually partake in this.
Been playing off and on throughout the day, I'm Marty Flan. Really enjoying, genuinely noticeably better after the update. I had no problem enjoying before but I'm absolutely amazed how much better it is since, great stuff!
As soon as I read this announcement I knew Tech had this easily lol.
@EmirParkreiner You can sorta do it with all the arcade archive classics, as well as the namco arcade collection
@Klimbatize Dude where have you been?? I haven't seen you here in I don't even know how long.
Well I kept trying this evening and got to number 9 (Matt on the board with just over 350mil) on the leaderboard.... the game took almost 35 minutes. When it was finished I thought there was no way I was outside of the top 5. I am floored with some of these scores at the top. Well done everyone, I hope we can continue this week by week!
Here's to hoping my score keeps me in the top 10 by the time it ends!!
Good lord, the top scores are (expectedly) insane! Nice job, everyone. Name is Kilroy and my meager 25 million was obtained on the first attempt and haven't been able to surpass 15 mil since, ha ha. Doesn't help that I've barely played Sorcerer's Lair in the past six years because the tables I've actually purchased have always garnered more interest, probably because of the investment (as small as it is per table).
Hope the tourneys continue, NL! Once again, great idea.
Thank you very much. Yeah I'm good at this table and now I'm third with 1.377 millions, this will be my final score because today I can't play.
Do you know an easy way to get two extra balls in little time?
There's the 6 combo which is tricky sometimes, then the 10x bonus but this is lengthy. And then Whisper who I think gives it randomly, am I correct?
Is there another way?
@holygeez03 @Syntaxkita
Huh. I guess GN isn't relevant anymore...
@SuperCharlie78 Those are correct and the last is a 10 combo shot for elusion mastery but I'm not even sure what that is but I must have got it on my score because I got the max on extra balls.
Elusion mastery is when you throw the ball through the bumpers on the left and then immediately throw it on the ghost ramp using the upper right flipper. But doing it 10 times on purpose is just too risky.
@SuperCharlie78 Good to know. I must have done it at least once to get that extra ball. My game went on for so long I got tired by the end and lost 3 balls in about 100 million. Was shooting for 4 billion but was happy with the results. It's higher then my normal score with boosts anyways.
Crap, you've been bumped to 4th and the person I feared entered the tournament lol. His regular score is like 24 billion but not sure what his classic score is. He's Australian so hopefully hes sleeping now lol.
One last thing, I'm trying to send you a friend request but I keep getting error. Could you see if you could send me one?
Nice to see so many NLers playing the tournament, would be nice to add a few more on my friends list:
Add moi : 8258 7374 5699 😛
@Daftbomb The easiest way is to go to the tournament and click on the users profile. Then you can send a request to them
Such an amazing update that got me back to playing this! Even bought the portal table and the medieval pack today, which are awesome.
And I made it to (at that moment) place 86 in the tournament with a score of around 33m. Not nearly enough to beat the talents at the top. Congrats to the winner(s)! Hope to see more of these tournaments in the future
@Spoony_Tech if only, i keep getting errors when i try
@Daftbomb Not sure why but same here.
I made some points. Not bad for my first try.
Keep with the Tornaments.
I tried my best but had an epic fail right at the end....It was fun regardless! Good job Gaz!
Much respect to Spoony and Gaz, how long does it even take to ramp up those kind of points!? And how do you stay focused that long!!?? My score is mostly based on luck. The update really made this game playable again for me, with only 30fps at full speed the ball disappeared half of the playfield sometimes. In docked mode though, it seems to me, it doesn’t quite reach the 60fps.
I‘d love a stern pinball tournament but Farside although implementing smooth gameplay from the start and now also tate-mode is far behind in that matter
Thanks pAq, I'm not sure but I'd guess my 5.8 billion took about 4-5 hours of playtime. I always take breaks every 30-60 minutes. I played a lot of Sorcerer's Lair on FX2 (Wii U) so I'm very familiar with the table.
Thanks Tech - that's how all pinball matches end! Haha. Well done on your monster score as well, virtually a tie for 1st place. Like you said, it's a shame those scores don't count for the leaderboards or that would be another 1-2 for us.
I'll try to send you the friend request later today
Give me your friend code anyway, if the game keeps with errors we'll be friends via the Switch OS.
My next table will be Excalibur, which is 5€ along with Epic Quest
@SuperCharlie78 Nice. Excalibur was my introduction to Pinball FX way back on 3DS and I was hooked on the table from ball one. Classic, real life (mostly) design with a great aesthetic. Still one of my favorite tables. Epic Quest is another good one since it paved the way for tables like Skyrim.
Crap I just saw this now, when’s the next tournament?
@Kilroy The 3ds version is what got me addicted to pinball. While I could never go back to it now (frame rate and visuals) I sunk over 500 hours on that and Marvel
@Spoony_Tech I hibernate these days, only to wake up for articles about Zen Pinball tournaments...
Thanks gaz, i actually didn‘t think of taking a break every now and then.. then again it never takes that long for me to loose‘m all;)
@Spoony_Tech I honestly abandoned the 3DS games once I started playing on Android and realized that Zen Studios weren't going to support the system anymore. It's a shame because I appreciated the 3D.
@Syntaxkita Really? It's been around for well over a decade and is easily my main source of Nintendo news alongside NL. Between the two sites, no news go unposted.
@Syntaxkita Well, I did say it's where I get news, not where I go for entertainment and discussion (albeit, there is a message board), so I don't know what you were expecting. It's also one guy posting everything, not a group like NL or most other sites (who still fails to post news from time to time, despite having multiple people on staff).
Nice to see you again and hope you are well. My wife and I recently got into Pinball FX3 on Switch. Looks like we missed this tournament though. I've been competing against your scores on Star Wars Pinball on 3ds lately too.
BARRY! One of my all-time favorites.
lol I think my scores on Star Wars are meh, except I remember doing well on Boba Fett's table. I'm proud of my Captain America score on 3DS Marvel pinball though. Maybe I'll have to pick it back up...
I don't have the attention span that these robots do. I usually have like one good ball, and then 2 or more trash ones...
Don't have a Switch yet. No interest yet because of time.
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